
III: The deceit.

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A curse seemed to have fallen on Alatus, and he couldn't understand it no matter how much he thought about it.

He spent almost a week with the prince but felt that in those few days he had spoken more than in his entire life. Maybe it was because the topic was always about his lord, Rex Lapis, or maybe it was because of how easy Aether was to talk to, how warmly he let him know his thoughts mattered, and how intently he looked at him when he spoke, all this managed to soften his heart.

Suddenly they found themselves talking about other things, something unimaginable for Alatus who kept his only thought to keep his lord safe at all costs.

That day the two of them were sitting on a bench next to one of the many gardens in the palace. The prince did not order him to sit next to him but Alatus took the simple suggestion he made as a discreet command. The sunlight made the flowers and grass around them shine, the water of the small pond with fish and lotuses, and even the golden hair of the prince who stood with his eyes closed.

"And? What do you feel?"

He asked after a long silence, Alatus sometimes didn't understand what that young man was thinking, really he couldn't even imagine what answer he was looking for.

"I-I don't know... Your Majesty, if you allow me to question it... Why are you asking me such strange questions?"

A soft laugh came from the prince's mouth, Alatus had heard it a couple of times before and he could tell for sure that he wouldn't get tired of hearing it.

"Do you think it's weird? Alatus... I know how diligent you are, I'm sure you've never stopped for more than a minute to rest."

He wasn't sure how to respond to that, he couldn't deny it but saying it out loud would sound as if his lord had never allowed him to rest.

"You don't need to think too much, look." -The prince took his hand and turned his palm up to feel the warmth of the sunlight on his.- "It's warm and pleasant, it feels like it fills you with energy... Well, at least that's what I think."

"Maybe... I hadn't thought of it that way but... Yes, it feels good."

Alatus whispered as if he was afraid of being heard, his hand was warm, it seemed that the sun completely embraced him although part of the sensation was due to the touch of the prince's hand under his.

"I told you, you must learn to enjoy the little things in life… After all, there will be no conflicts in this nation for a long time."

Aether is a free spirit, Alatus noticed immediately, seeing the way he relates to the environment, to people, hearing the kind of thoughts that come out of him is fascinating to him, like a sparrow in a cage being they tell him how wide and beautiful the outside world is. They really couldn't be more contrary.

"I wonder if that's so..."

Aether smiled listening to him, he easily noticed that Alatus was a person of simple interests, perhaps it was due to his hasty inclusion in the army, in his younger days the only thing he had to worry about was his own survival being involved in the war.

"You only say that because deep down you want to get back on the battlefield.

"There has been nothing else for me since I was young, it is normal that I want to return."

He answered honestly, the previous days he had told him about his exploits, Alatus knew well that the prince knew about most of them but he couldn't deny when he told him "it's more interesting to hear the story if it comes from someone who lived it".

"Maybe you feel like you're rusting." -The prince stood up as he spoke, for a few seconds he made Alatus feel uneasy about sitting.- "Would you like to join me in a practice?"

"A-are you serious?"

Stuttering as he got up, the jet was aware that Aether did not care about protocols but if his lord saw him sitting when someone superior was standing the least he would receive would be a punishment.

"Why not? Do you think I can't defend myself?"

Said the prince with a mocking tone, his index finger gently touching the nose of the guard who was perplexed by the proposition.

"I would never doubt your abilities."

"Well then..."

The blond fell silent as his gaze was drawn to the man crossing the corner and passing through the corridors, Rex Lapis immediately noticed them so the prince hurried closer. From the outside, he looked like a puppy running to where his master was.

"In the garden again?"

The emperor asked as soon as the young man was at his side and bowed to him, he gave Alatus a contemptuous look that left him cold.

"It's a nice day, it wouldn't hurt you to sunbathe from time to time."

The prince answered with total confidence, Alatus for his part wanted to hide, Rex Lapis was beginning to be irritated by how close they both had become but so far he had not said anything about it.

"Hmm... maybe some other time." -He said calmly, his hand gently cupping the blonde's cheek in a gesture that seemed tender, even romantic, if it weren't for the fact that his eyes betrayed the lack of love in his actions.- "I know you have a lot of free time but don't spoil my servant, he will become useless if you let him rest so much."

The prince laughed at the comment, Alatus didn't know if he really understood the subtle threat.

"Of course not, your escort is most competent."

"I see you know each other well... Anyway, I'll take a nap, don't bother me for a while."

The prince nodded and Rex Lapis continued on his way, for some reason the man seemed more relaxed than the previous days.

"I wish you were my escort..."

The prince murmured when the emperor was no longer in sight, the young man felt that as soon as things returned to normal Alatus would once again be treated as little less than a tool, that he played the fool did not mean that he did not notice the way in which the emperor treated all his servants.

"The person I chose should be here in a couple of days, I can assure you that he is someone trustworthy."

Alatus responded by believing that the problem was leaving the prince's safety in the hands of someone he doesn't know.

"Yes, I know but… Just, it won't be the same without you."

Aether turned around to meet the jet's eyes, speaking to him from behind seemed disrespectful to him.

"I'm flattered, Your Majesty, but you should know by now that I don't have anything interesting to offer you."

"There you go again... Haven't we had fun these days?"

"That's how it went?"

Alatus asks, certainly disoriented, he could not say if he "had fun", although he could say that he enjoyed the time he was with the prince despite his first impression.

"At least... I thought so..." - The blonde's smile slowly unravels as he whispers, his eyes drifting to see the beautiful garden next to him.- "It doesn't matter, then, will you accompany me to train?"

Alatus feels bitterness in his mouth, perhaps because his words clearly displeased the prince but he didn't dare to say anything more since he seemed to be trying to ignore it.

"Of course."

. . .

The training ground of the palace is a large space, and curiously, also luxurious in appearance like the rest of the place, it is an area where the guards usually only come to a couple of days a week to prevent their movements and abilities from being lost rust from not using them.

Certainly, the guards who were in the place did not expect the presence of the prince in such a place so they quickly approached to pay their respects, after a couple of minutes Alatus began to get impatient for not being able to continue with what they came to do in the first place. Aether noticed this so he politely excused himself to get away from the group of armed men that he had gathered around him, he took a good look at the available weapons, mostly spears, and sighed upon finding a sword that pleased him.

Alatus watched from behind as the prince seriously inspected the sword, he held it firmly by the handle and made a couple of movements, a grimace forming on his face.

"This is so awkward..."

"Excuse me?"

"The clothes, don't allow me to move properly."

The prince replied, after leaving the sword in place, he stretched out his arms showing how the long fabric of his sleeves fell delicately, it was certainly not an appropriate outfit for what he wanted to do.

"Oh, then..."

Alatus looked away thinking about what to do, offering him some of the attire used by the guards felt like an offense on his part.

"Already! I'll go get some of mine."

"But, my lord-"

"He must be asleep, I assure you I won't wake him up, wait for me here."

The prince turned to walk away with hurried steps leaving the guard surprised by his words, his companions quickly approached him to ask him questions since it was really strange to see someone of his status walking around that place, and in fact, it was the first time many of them saw their lord's mate. Alatus was silent for a moment, disoriented by the number of people speaking to him at the same time, until after a minute without seeing the blond's silhouette he reacted.

. . .

The golden-haired prince walked with long steps as if holding back from skipping, the thought of being able to use his abilities after a long time cheered him up.

As soon as he was close to the place something caught his attention, a strange sound that he could not identify, he began to take soft steps avoiding making noise as he approached the bedroom, the first thing he thought was that an intruder entered the palace but little by little noticed that it was not.

"Archons, are you so desperate?"

That was Rex Lapis's voice, was strange, it sounded like he was having fun.

"It's been over a week, of course I am."

An unknown voice next to him. The prince looked through the small space left by the half-open door finding a man with orange hair too close to the emperor's body who did not look upset at all, the chestnut's hands holding him firmly by the waist while the other surrounded his arms around his neck and kissed every bare spot he could.

"Of all the places..."

He said already panting, his amber eyes clouded with intense arousal, his hips moving slightly to continue rubbing against the other man's.

"Let's do it in the same bed where your wife sleeps." - He whispered lewdly close to the taller's ear.- "Surely you have imagined it, you are as dirty as me."

"Are you going to start yet?"

The emperor claimed although the smile on his face gave him away, he was enjoying it.

" Xiangsheng~ " -He said almost moaning.- "I know how disgusting you can be... I bet thinking of me on your wedding night, you couldn't get hard if you didn't~."

The redhead in foreign clothing dared to lick the emperor's neck all the way to his cheek, his lips spreading in a shameless smile as he elicited a hoarse groan from the taller man.

"Ngh... Shut up for once and kiss me."

He demanded as he brought his face closer to the redhead's, he smiled and did not hesitate to respond, rushing to unite his lips with those of the emperor. The redhead grabbed the other man's hair to keep his face from turning away, their lips twitching as if desperate to melt into one another, saliva spilling from the edges of their mouths, and an intense sound that only increased his lust of both.

Almost tripping, they backed up until they fell onto the bed, their limbs tangling with each other's as they slowly pulled away, a thin thread of saliva binding them until the last moment. Both men, gasping for air, looked at each other intently, as if they hadn't seen each other in a long time.

"Ajax... I love you."

Rex Lapis said in an affectionate tone as he admired the redhead below him, he smiled, his deep blue eyes moving just a few moments to meet the prince's, from the way he saw him it seemed that it was not a surprise to find him there, spying on them.

That simple gesture was enough to make the prince who felt motionless watching that scene run.

With a blank head, he moved as far away as possible from the place, he continued to advance even when he crossed paths with Alatus who came to pick him up.

He stopped when he reached the intersection in one of the corridors, he let his body fall and remained in a crouch while hiding his embarrassed face, the voice of the raven being heard in the background.

"Majesty! Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?"

The man asked with great concern, his hand rested on the prince's back and timidly caressed him in an attempt to calm him down.

"He was cheating on me..."

The blonde then muttered, Alatus swallowed hard not knowing what to say.

"Now it makes more sense..."

He murmured again without removing his hands from his face. Alatus was stunned, he immediately believed in the words of the prince but it was still strange to him, he felt as if he did not know his lord whom he had as someone rational, with complete devotion to comply with established contracts, would he not be breaching his wedding vows? Alatus was aware that this would not be one of the worst things his lord had ever done.

Since Aether did not move from the spot, Alatus felt restless, not knowing where the idea came from and taking advantage of the fact that there was no one nearby, he approached even closer, his arms surrounding the blonde to hug him, his body trembling from the nervousness caused by that hasty action.

" I-I'm sorry..."

It was a shy whisper barely audible to both of them.

"Why are you hugging me?"

Asked the prince curiously, he moved his hands away from his face to be able to see the young man who was hugging him, and, unconsciously, he returned the hug, hoping that the tremor of the other young man would calm down.

"I-I just... I thought you... Well..."

The sudden shyness with which the guard speaks leaves Aether with an unexpected warmth in his chest, he can't help but think he's adorable.

"I'm not worried, I just..." -A soft laugh escapes his lips at the strange situation they are in, he decides to leave the subject of his husband aside.- "Alatus, I did not expect you to be so tender."

The strange compliment makes Alatus's face burn with embarrassment, it's a new feeling for him but he can't say he hates it. The guard realizes the situation they are in when the silence settles, the fear of being found doing something so improper makes him try to walk away quickly but the prince stops him and slowly hides his face in his shoulder letting go a sigh.

"Let me stay like this for a minute."

He told him and even though it didn't sound like an order Alatus couldn't seem to refuse. Alatus stares at the ceiling for a moment as he feels there is too much to process, so many strange emotions that he tries to ignore, he closes his eyes hoping the prince doesn't notice how fast his heart is beating so he won't be embarrassed anymore.

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