
Strawhat pirates vs Arlong pirates

A few days later, we finally arrived near Conomi island. We then prepare our self to fight againts Arlong pirates.

These past few days we all trained like crazy, so we have high confidence to beat these fishmen and freeing Nami's village from their tyrany.

I also edit the setting of the recording so that the phone can records all of Straw Hats crews from their own pov or 3rd pov. I just this found setting a few days ago, apparently the administrators want to see some actions from a different angles.

Eventhough I admit that I am a very very bad teacher but at least I already put some basic knowledge about haki and rokushiki's tehniques to all of my crewmates.

I keep teaching them the skills with my poor teaching ability everyday since our journey began.

Their progress in learning the skills are a bit slow, but at least they knew how to fight properly.

Luffy got the most success in haki training since he now can use the very basic of armament haki and a little bit of observation haki at the very basic level. While the rest of the crews still got zero progress in haki training.

Each of the crews has different prioritize in learning rokushiki's tehniques.

Sanji prioritize to learn geppo the most, Zoro choose soru and combined it with his swordmanship skills, Luffy choose shigan he even create his own version of shigan combine with his devil fruit, while Ussop and Nami can utilize kami-e well enough to defend them self.

As for me, I am now grinding my rokougan skill. Since the skill got unlocked the moment I max out all of my rokushiki's tehniques thanks to my under water training.


When we almost reach the shore of Conomi island our ship got attacked from underwater. Apparently our ship already got spotted and Arlong send three of his crews to sink our ship.

Luffy then jump in to the sea (since his weakness is now gone) and use his new skill "gomu gomu no shigan" to defeat all of them under water.

We then land our ship at the shore and start running towards Arlong's Park. Luffy already told us he will deal with Arlong alone so our job is to deal with the rest of their crews.

The fights or should I say the massacre last under half an hour. With our increase fighting abilites the Arlong pirates are no match to us at all. Zoro's swordsmanship skills combined with soru is very deadly to these fishmen, Sanji is kicking these fishmen while running on the ground (he still can't run in the air since he just join the crew and learned geppo for only a few days), mean while I just use fishman karate to punch these fishmen to knock them down. Ussop and Nami also defeat some of the fishmen with their own fighting skills.

As for Arlong he got many holes on his body thanks to the new skill of Luffy "gomu gomu no gattling shigan".

Nami then walk towards Arlong and kick his balls so freaking hard that makes all of us wince in pain. I heard some crack sound when Nami kicked Arlong and saw some blood coming out from Arlong's crotch.


"Thank you so much for helping me freeing my village" Nami said to all of us while crying

"You are welcome" we all said together

"You are our friend and also our family so of course we will help" I said to her

"Namichuaaannn don't cryyyyy" Sanji said while spinning like a madman

"Nami from now on you are officially become the navigator of strawhat pirates" Luffy said

"Yes captain!" Nami said while smiling


After the fight we tied up Arlong and his crews together. We plan to give them to the villagers so they can take the money from Arlong's bounty and use it to rebuild the village.

I never saw Hatchan and Momoo the cow sea, apparently they were sent by Arlong to do some tasks outside the island.

We then go to Cocoyashi village and met Nojiko and Genzo.

Nami then told them that the village is now free from Arlong pirates.

We also told Genzo to cash in the bounty of Arlong by giving the tied up Arlong and crews to the nearest marine base and used the money to rebuild the village.

So Zoro, me and Genzo then start sailing towards the nearest marine base using different ship found in Arlong park to cash in the bounty.

Since I never saw Nezumi since we land on this island so the marine still didn't know that Zoro had already become a pirate. So he can still cash in the bounty of Arlong as a bounty hunter.

Genzo decided to give us 5 million bellies and take the remaining 15 million to rebuild the village.

When we were back at Cocoyashi village a few days later with the money from Arlong's bounty. We saw some marines including Nezumi at Nami's house trying to take the money that was hidden by Nami to buy the village back from Arlong.

Nezumi got confused since he didn't see Arlong anywhere (he didn't know Arlong already got defeated and his ship also didn't cross path with our ship when we were going to cash in Arlong's bounty at marine base)

Clueless about all this, Nezumi still trying to follow his original plans to take the money, claiming it as stolen money and were government properties.

Nami then tried to defend her money (she will give all the money to the villagers later on) but when Nezumi tried to shoot Nami, Luffy then appears right in front of him and took his gun while slapping his face and told him that he already kick Arlong's ass out from this island and will beat anyone that is trying to hurt his friends.

Nezumi got angry and told the rest of the marines to capture and shoot them all, but some swift beatings from Nami and the rest of the Strawhat pirates convince him otherwise. Nezumi retreats, swearing revenge against Luffy.

He will later reports Luffy's victory to his Marine base. As a result, the Marines will place a 30,000,000 bellies bounty on Luffy's head later on.


While we were on Conomi island, I decided to make a gamble on the location of devil fruits using the phone app. When I buy the first location, the phone suddenly showing me a map and coordinate somewhere in an island at the new world. It doesn't even showing what type of devil fruit I will find in that location.

Not satisfy with the result I choose to gamble more until at least I can find a fruit near my location. Each gamble cost me 20 million points. Each map that I got I put it in a folder inside my phone so I can find it later when our ship is near with that devil fruit location.

At my 51st tries, I finally got a location in East Blue. I look at the map and the location shown was at the middle of the ocean less than 50 km from my current location. So I just run through the air using geppo since the location is not too far from here.

When I reach at the right spot using gps on my phone, I found nothing at all but sea water all around me. So I dive deep in to the ocean since if my guess is correct the fruit is located under water.

Soon I saw a huge sunken marine ship at the bottom of the sea. To save time I just put the sunken ship in to my inventory using my phone and start swimming to the surface to head back at Conomi island.

When I finally back at Conomi island I went to the remains of Arlong's park and take out the sunken ship from the inventory. I start to salvage the ship to search for the devil fruit.

I found some rusty weapons, treasures, seastones and jewelries inside the ship. The devil fruit is no where in sight, but suddenly I saw a waterproof box in the corner.

I used karate fishman punch to destroy the box since I can't opened it using the normal way.

When the box is destroyed I finally saw the unknown devil fruit right in front of me.

I then open the phone app to check the encyclopedia of devil fruit that I purchased back then.

When I finally saw the description of the devil fruit that I got from the encyclopedia in my phone, I almost got a heart attack.

I immediately purchase the pill to remove the weakness of devil fruits from the store. I only took a bite from the devil fruit in my hand and throws the remaining fruit to sea. The taste is so freaking disgusting but I managed to swallow it and immediately start swallowing the pill that I purchased earlier.

From the encyclopedia, I knew that we only need to take one bite from any devil fruit to get the power inside that fruit. I feel sorry for those people who ate the whole fruit.

The devil fruit that I ate was never mention in any story of onepiece that I know. Apparently no one managed to found this devil fruit since it's on a sunken marine ship at the bottom of the ocean for a very long time.


After a few days resting, partying and training in Conomi island we decided to leave and start our journey again towards the grand line.

We asked Nojiko to come with us but she rejected it, since she just want to live in peace in Cocoyashi village.

So just like the plot we depart after saying goodbye to Cocoyashi villagers while Nami doing her iconic goodbye stealing all of their wallets and jumping to the ship in style.

So right now we are on Going Merry continuing our journey towards the grand line.


The next day

We are lounging around on the Going Merry's deck when a flyer slips out of the newspaper that Nami just bought, showing the 30,000,000 bellies bounty on Monkey D. Luffy's head.

Luffy is more than overjoyed with it, I just smiled seing Luffy's reaction, though Nami tells him it will mean more stress for the crew now that people will be after him.

Zoro then spots an island, which Nami points out to be Loguetown, the last stop in the East Blue before the Grand Line, as well as the birth and deathplace of the famous pirate, Gold Roger. I really want to go there and records the legendary town myself.

We decides to stop off there to grab supplies. Meanwhile, the bounty poster reaches Luffy's hometown. The villagers are more than happy that Luffy is fulfilling his dream, though the mayor, Woop Slap, who has always been against Luffy becoming a pirate, thinks it is more like destiny than a dream, he also wondering about Dan's destiny since that young man choose to follow Luffy.

While Dan is planning and day dreaming so that he can meet those Admirals faster than the plot. "I just need to escape immediatelly from those Admirals after the task is done" he said to himself

Meanwhile in new world, Dracule Mihawk also delivers the poster to Shanks, who celebrates Luffy's coming with a party. Mihawk also wondering why that young man with black sunglasses who he spotted with Luffy back then didn't have a bounty yet.

Can any one guess what devil fruit the mc ate?

Harem_Squadcreators' thoughts