
Your Wish Granting Werewolf

What happens when you have no other choice but to bet everything on a stranger? She found herself in that position. She lost everything. Stranded on the side of the road, left to die. But that is not her destiny. She won’t just let the people who wronged her live peacefully! Even after death, she would haunt them. However, she didn’t have to die because a mysterious man saved her and gave her a second chance. And nothing will stop her from taking her revenge.

Sugar_God · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Spare me Mr Werewolf

"Can this day get any worse?" Maria asked herself. She had just been evicted from her apartment, leaving her homeless.

"Aggh," she screamed in frustration while sitting at a bus stop.

Now she was going to her parents' house. It had been four months since she lost her job, so she couldn't pay her rent, and the owner lost his patience.

"Being a landlord isn't even a real job," Maria pondered.

"I wish I could kill that fat ass," she thought out loud. She was really angry, not at the landlord, but at her luck. She wished to vent her anger somewhere.

"I wish that fat ass died."

"Is that your wish?" She heard someone ask.

"Yes," she subconsciously answered. "That would be great."

She was happy seeing that fat tenant die in her daydream.


The next second, she was in midair.

"Hey, that's the bus stop. And my luggage? Why are they down there? And…" She looked around. "I'm flying? Who are you?" She asked in fear as a guy held her. She saw he was the most masculine guy ever.

"I am your werewolf," the guy answered. His voice was deeper than the ocean.

Soon they landed on a nearby roof. She was astonished. Someone just jumped so high. She looked at the guy.

His eyes were dark. His brown hair and small, unkempt beard gave him a dangerous look. He was at least 6 foot 5.

Maria would blush seeing someone like this guy, but the situation was too weird. She was scared out of her mind.

"Let me go," she said.

"No. We will kill the landlord and fulfill your wish."

"No, I was just joking. I don't wanna kill anyone. Put me down."

"No, a wish is already registered. It can't change."

"Stop. My wish is for you to let me go."

The guy didn't respond. He jumped to another roof with Maria in his embrace.

Maria kept struggling but to no avail. Soon they reached the landlord's house. Maria's former house.

"You will witness how I fulfill your wish."

"Stop," Maria grabbed the guy.

But he didn't stop. He broke down the landlord's door.

The landlord was sleeping, but the sound woke him up.

"Huh? What's this?"

Someone broke in. He started to find his phone, but the handsome guy grabbed his hand.

Maria was surprised by how fast the guy was. In a flash, he moved from one place to another.

He grabbed him so hard that his bone broke. Maria could hear the sound.

"Please don't hurt me," the landlord was scared out of his mind when he saw the supernatural guy. Then he saw Maria.

"Help me, please."

But Maria's head was blank.

"What is happening?"

The landlord was going to ask for help again, but then the guy punched him straight in his face, and his head exploded.

Maria screamed seeing this. Her scream woke up the son of the landlord.

The boy came and saw the girl who used to live there. He liked the big sister; she was always sweet. She had this ability to make everyone relax around her. Then he saw his dead father and a handsome man with bloody hands.

He screamed and ran to his dad.

He started crying.

"Should I kill him?" The man asked.

"No!! What have you done, you monster?" Maria lost it now.

"Okay, our job is done. Let's go."

He grabbed her and jumped to another rooftop.

Maria started struggling, but to no avail.

"Unhand me, you monster, or I will bite my tongue." This had an effect as the handsome man jumped down to a rooftop and left her.

She looked at the handsome guy questioningly. God, he was so good-looking.

"Why did you do that? Why are you doing this?"

"Because I'm obsessed with you."

Maria stopped. She was just an average girl. Below average by appearance, to be honest. She couldn't even dream to compete with the reader in terms of beauty.

But to think this handsome, supernatural guy is obsessed with her, this made her blush. She finally blushed. This was a monster, but he was her monster.

Maria embraced the guy and then told him to run away with her. Because this was so romantic.

At the previous house of the landlord, there was a team of police. The boy was traumatized, but he was even more angry.

Two police officers were discussing, then one went to the boy.

"Is she the one who was here?" Showing a picture of Maria, the officer asked.

"Yes. She brought a goon because Dad threw her out yesterday."

The police signaled his colleagues, and they started the investigation. Maria was a wanted woman.

Barry was in the investigation, and to the surprise of his colleagues, he was smelling the crime scene.

"What's wrong with him?" Officer 1 asked.

"Don't question; he is the eccentric son of a billionaire. Only a detective as his hobby."

Barry's canine teeth started growing, and his eyes glowed red. And he could smell the scent of a werewolf. His arch-nemesis.

tnx for reading

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