A millennium had passed, and everything had lost its meaning in his eyes. Many heroes emerged from generation to generation, but he stood the test of time. That was his life, waiting for someone to come along and defeat him, but no one did. Nobody dared. Nobody tried. How can he allow this to happen? With the aid of his magic, he rose from his throne and set out into another world in search of excitement and, perhaps, a worthwhile adventure. What would happen if this last boss decided to venture into the human world for fun? PS: This novel has joined Fantasy Carnival
A crack appeared below him and he could taste blood on his mouth. His vision was a bit hazy and he was having a difficult time breathing because of the impact. Minutes passed by before he was able to get his breathing back to normal.
He pushed himself up and sat down on the ground. He groaned when felt pain on his chest and back. Luckily, he managed to survive from the eminence's anger. He looked around but the mysterious person was no longer there.
The only sign that he was there were the traces of mud on the ground andnon the chair. Enrick slowly stood up and took his time to leave the room. He clenched his fists because he knew that he couldn't fail again.