

Somewhere in space, a ball of light could be seen travelling at a speed that could rival that of light.

It kept on moving with it's speed increasing each passing beat, it then took a turn and started coursed towards a big planet.

The ball of light started slowing down little by little as it approached the huge planet and the light surrounding it started to dim.


The ball hit the ground, and a huge explosion occurred forming a huge crater on the earth. Dust covered the entire area.

*Cough* *Cough*

Two beings walked out of dust coughing hard. One was a beautiful woman about 5ft with long silver hair reaching her waist. Her eyes were also of the same color, a nice figure and was surrounded with an aura of kindness and purity. She was wearing green robes from top to bottom

Although she was beautiful, the other one who had a baby in her arms was on a whole other level. She was tall about 6ft, long pink hair reaching the ground, her eyes were also pink. She had perfect snow white skin and a figure that could invoke desire from anyone whether men or women, it was irresistible. On her body, shewas wearing pink robes.

The two women walked a little bit further away from the dust and stopped at a small hill.

The pink haired woman was the first to open her mouth and spoke, "Thank you for saving my baby Asi"Her eyes turned moist as she spoke, one could tell that she felt grateful to the woman with the silver hair.

The silver haired woman smiled, "Siyi, we have always been friends, and it's a friend's duty to help friends when they need it"

"Ohh, Asi"Siyionme couldn't hold back her tears anymore as she looked at her friend. Although Asnemiola was the embodiment of all mercy and love, betraying the heavens was too much even for her. The punishment for such an act were too severe.

"Siyi, our friendship means so much to me that when I saw you in that state, I felt angry and not only that, I also felt hate and anger for the first time in all my existence. I...."Asnemiola stopped talking when Siyionme suddenly hugged her, she smiled and hugged her back but made sure not to squash the little baby in Siyionme's hands with their bodies.

"Siyi, has your friend will never abandon you, I shall live by your side and help you take care of the mini Gelbius forever"

Siyionme felt blessed to have a friend like Asnemiola who would even break the rules for her sake.

The two ladies then broke the hug and smiled at each other, if someone were to see them right now, he my might mistake them for lovers.

Asnemiola then opened her mouth and asked, "So, what's the name of this little guy?" She was caressing, the little baby's face with her finger.

A gentle smile appeared on Siyionme's face when she heard Asnemiola's question, "His name will be Twilight"

"Twilight",Asnemiola repeated the name with the same lovely smile on her face, "What a perfect name, are you the one who thought of it or was it the father?"

Asnemiola saw Siyionme's mouth twitch for a second when she mentioned Gelbius's name.

"No, if that guy doesn't even know how to think, the next time I meet cross paths with him, I'll make sure to cut off his 'you know what' and feed it to my dogs"


Asnemiola gulped when she heard Siyionme's words, she could see that the woman was serious. 'Something must have happened between the two"She thought but did not ask what it was. Other friend wanted her to know, then she would tell her and if she doesn't, it was alright too.

The atmosphere turned awkward for a few seconds before Asnmeiola opened her mouth and said, "Let's go find shelter"

"Ohh, Gelbius gave me a house"Siyionme spoke as she handed the baby to Asnemiola.

After that, she started rapping on a ring that was on her finger, Gelbius had given to her.


A huge villa popped into existence out of nowhere. It even had its own ground and was floating few feet above the ground.

"Wow",Asnemiola couldn't help but be awed by it's magnificence. Despite being a Goddess who has seen a lot of the mortals and their creations, she has never seen any house/villa/mansion like the one in front of her.

"Let's go in, I can hear footsteps approaching",Siyionme suddenly said breaking Asnemiola out of her daze.

"Right! "

The two women then entered the house which then flew higher and higher finally stopping above the clouds.


True to Siyionme's words, 30+ men arrived on horse backs at the huge crater soon after their house disappeared into the clouds. The men were all decked in silver armour with swords hanging on their waists. On their chest areas, there was an Insignia of a roaring lion.

The man who was on front was the first to alight off his horse followed by the others behind him.

They then approached the crater and their eyes opened wide when they saw how huge it was.

"Just what the heck happened here?"


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