
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · アクション
76 Chs

Chapter 49: Black demon vs Vishwa Nayak

Abhimanyu then resumed his gaming and started streaming, cracking jokes and creating funny moments in the game. However, in one game, the team of Delhi Liberals also joined, and upon seeing their ID and name on the screen, excitement surged. The comments on both team channels started flooding: "Delhi Liberals vs Black Demon."

Abhimanyu remarked, "The audience knows that I alone am enough for their entire team."

Samarth chimed in, "Bro, I am also enough alone."

Ammy added, "I can handle them alone too."

Abhimanyu chuckled at this, and the audience joined in with spamming laughing emojis.

Ammy exclaimed, "I can defeat them alone too. Now, I'm going to confront them alone."

After a while, Ammy got knocked down and started shouting for help. Abhimanyu chuckled again and said, "Don't worry, baby, we're here to save you."

Abhimanyu then attacked the Delhi Liberals and threw a grenade, causing them to retreat. He threw two more grenades, forcing them to move backward, and then Vayu and Samarth also threw grenades, trying to save time. Meanwhile, Ammy was revived. Abhimanyu threw more smokes and took cover. Suddenly, he heard footsteps, so he fired in that direction, knocking down one enemy. Abhimanyu then faced gunfire himself, so he took cover behind a wall. He cooked a grenade and threw it, knocking down another enemy and finishing them off. He threw another grenade, but this time, nothing happened. The smokes began to clear, and Abhimanyu saw an enemy reviving someone. He sniped and knocked them down. Only one enemy was left, whom Samarth spotted in the water below and finished off with a sniper shot. They then continued the match and eventually won.

Even after the game, they continued streaming until it was time to log off. They met several fans who recognized them from the game and came to say hi. Abhimanyu's interest in computer games seemed to be growing, and he was interacting well with the fans. He didn't seem demonic anymore; instead, he appeared to be enjoying himself. However, his eyes would turn black, and he would try to reduce his aura, but his pupils would turn black nonetheless.

The audience noticed this, but they probably thought that Abhimanyu's real eyes looked like this, or maybe they assumed he was wearing colored contact lenses.

After the game, Abhimanyu's eyes returned to normal.

After the break, Abhimanyu returned to his villa with Tina, Karishma, and Ammy, and they began to get ready. After a while, everyone gathered in the living room. Abhimanyu was still wearing his signature style, and Karishma seemed to be dressed similarly. In fact, Karishma often tried on boys' clothes.

Tina teased them, saying, "You two look like a couple."

Ammy added, "Karishma, you look very attractive and charming."

Karishma retorted, "So, I'm not charming in other clothes?"

Ammy stammered, "No, that's not what I meant."

Karishma smiled, "I was just kidding."

Riya was also wearing a fashionable dark green top and black pants, which were skin-tight and stylish. She wore black sandals that added to her charm.

Tina asked, "Are you going somewhere?"

Abhimanyu replied, "There's a competition coming up, and I'm going to participate. I want to see Black Demon in action too."

Abhimanyu added, "Alright, let's go."

Dhruv wanted to join, but Tina insisted he continue his practice and take care of the house.

Abhimanyu had kept all his weapons, gear, and his suit hidden inside the map, tucked into his clothes.

Jasmine had already gotten ready and was wearing the black uniform Abhimanyu had given her. She looked extremely sexy in that dress.

Tina teased, "Looks like someone failed in the beauty department."

Abhimanyu replied, "To attract, I need to be beautiful from within; clothes don't matter."

Jasmine responded, "Should I take off my clothes then?"

Abhimanyu was surprised, "You've learned my language so quickly?"

Jasmine replied, "Just a little. So, should I take off my clothes?"

Abhimanyu was taken aback and said, "Wait, you don't need to do all this."

Jasmine joked, "I was just kidding."

Sabhi pahunch gaye Bharat Nagar mein, jahan competition hone wala tha. Abhimanyu arrived at the location, registered under the name Black Demon, and wore his Black Demon costume. He instructed Ammy, Tina, Jasmine, and Karishma to sit in the audience and watch the competition closely.

Sharmili had provided them with VIP passes to watch the competition. Abhimanyu then headed backstage, where many players were gathered. He saw Vishwa Nayak there but didn't approach him as he wasn't recognized. Abhimanyu was in his robe and mask, with a demon face painted on his back, which was made of blood. This was the same symbol Abhimanyu left at his crime scenes, leading people to call him the Black Demon. In reality, it was the logo of his entire team. Just a year ago, they were unofficially part of the Night Demon, but now they were back under his control. Abhimanyu was now the captain, meaning he would have a team under him like Riya did. Riya also had a personal team that she led, but for now, everyone was busy with their respective training. Riya was tasked with training Aakash and Bhawna, providing them with rigorous training in intelligence, observation, and improving their spiritual energy. If any soldier couldn't awaken their spiritual energy even after a year of training, they were sent to the raw or other secret departments where there was less need for combat, as the Night Demon always posed a risk to life during missions.

Abhimanyu is thinking about all these things right now when the announcement starts on the stage. There are two commentators doing the announcements, one of them is Sharmili, and the other is a man named Manoj Sharu.

Then the backstage starts appearing on the screen, and there is also a screen backstage showing what's happening there. Then Manoj Sharu says, "Who will fight whom will be decided by a lottery. There are some papers in a box, and the numbers on those papers will determine everyone's fight number." Abhimanyu chooses a number, which is number 10, and his fight is going to be the 9th one. After a while, the matchups are decided, and now it's Abhimanyu's turn for his fight.

When the Black Demon is called for the fifth round, the whole stage goes silent. Even though the Black Demon is very famous in Bihar, his fame is not limited to there, and everyone has heard about him.

Ammy, seeing everyone quiet, said, "The Black Demon is very famous. I didn't think everyone would know him."

Kashmira said, "His name alone is enough to scare someone in Bihar, but I didn't think everyone here would respect him so much. Abhimanyu didn't have a sword this time because it was a martial arts fight."

Abhimanyu then walked onto the stage calmly, and then the announcement was made. On the opposite side was Crusher, and then another guy came on stage, and everyone started cheering. Then Manoj Sharu said, "And here come the members of the Gara family!"

Then the match started. Abhimanyu didn't want to waste too much time, so he used the demon technique. This time, Abhimanyu controlled it because he had become quite good at controlling his spiritual energy.

Abhimanyu landed a demon palm attack on Crusher's chest, causing him to fall off the stage and be eliminated from the game. Manoj announced, "And the winner is the Black Demon!"

The Black Demon went back behind the stage and waited for the next round. The next round was a bit longer, but it was Abhimanyu's turn on the third number. He defeated his opponent using the same technique and then went backstage.

As the rounds continued, it eventually came down to Abhimanyu versus Vishwa Nayak. Vishwa Nayak said, "Although you are a good martial artist, I am no less. Come on, let's do this."

Abhimanyu launched a palm attack at him, and their palms clashed, creating an energy clash between them. Abhimanyu then stepped back. Vishwa struck a pose and said, "It's not as easy as you think."

Abhimanyu also struck a pose and began using Ammy's scorpion technique.

Ammy, observing the technique, remarked, "This is my technique, and it seems like he has mastered it. He's performing it ten times better than I am, even though he learned it from me." At that moment, energy began to gather around Abhimanyu, and he transformed into the shape of a scorpion. Despite this transformation, Abhimanyu continued to fight Vishwa, who was still on his feet. Then, seizing an opportunity, Abhimanyu launched an attack, causing Vishwa to stagger and fall backward.

Vishwa reached the edge of the stage and, regaining his balance with a smile, remarked, "This technique is indeed inspired by the scorpion, but it lacks the necessary killing intent crucial for this technique." Meanwhile, Abhimanyu assumed a snake pose, prompting Tina to recognize it as a technique from the Sheng family, indicating Abhimanyu's adeptness in mastering various techniques.

Gathering his spiritual energy, Vishwa launched an attack towards Abhimanyu, who swiftly dodged to the left and then to the right, evading Vishwa's movements with the agility of a serpent. Closing in behind the man, Abhimanyu began to chokehold him, employing a technique known as the cobra's grip.

The man, using his spiritual energy, maneuvered himself with the air, evading Abhimanyu's grasp and suspending himself mid-air. Taking advantage of the situation, he grabbed Abhimanyu's arm. Seeing this, Arjun exclaimed, "Let me fight; you'll win immediately."

However, Abhimanyu asserted, "I can defeat him myself."

Vishwa landed a spiritual punch, sending Abhimanyu almost to the edge of the stage. As Vishwa attempted another kick, Abhimanyu swiftly dodged, causing Vishwa to return to the center of the stage.

Abhimanyu then allowed the energy of his demon technique to flow through his body, surrounding him with dark smoke. His eyes turned black as his body threatened to lose control. When Abhimanyu invokes this technique, no one can restrain him; he becomes consumed by a thirst for blood. Only Arjun has the ability to control and halt him, but for now, Abhimanyu maintained control.

Suddenly, Abhimanyu's aura became electrifying, and using the demon palm technique, he struck Vishwa's chest, propelling him off the stage and eliminating him from the match. As Vishwa fell, Abhimanyu returned to his normal state, proving that Black Demon was indeed the competition's winner.

Abhimanyu was then escorted to a warehouse where the eagle's body was stored in a large freezer. A man offered assistance in moving it, but Abhimanyu declined, insisting he could handle it himself.

After the man left, Abhimanyu carefully noted the location of the eagle's body on his map. He then changed his clothes in the bathroom, returned, and rejoined his companions.

Abhimanyu and his friends arrived at Sharmili's auction house after the competition. Upon reaching there, Sharmili and Yuvraj had returned. Sharmili informed Abhimanyu that his items, the herbs he had bid for, had arrived.

With a smile, Abhimanyu inquired about the cost and then paid for his belongings.

Expressing gratitude, Abhimanyu thanked Sharmili, who assured him that she would inform him if any rare items came in.

Yuvraj asked Abhimanyu if he had watched the Black Demon's match. Abhimanyu nodded, impressed.

Yuvraj remarked on Abhimanyu's changed appearance, speculating whether he was using a skincare product. Abhimanyu cryptically replied, leaving it at that.

Sharmili then invited them to stay for a party, stating it was an excellent opportunity for business networking. Abhimanyu expressed concern about their attire, but Sharmili arranged for them to change.

When Karishma requested a men's suit, one was quickly provided. After Karishma returned from changing, she looked stunning.

Abhimanyu and his friends, along with Yuvraj and Sharmili, headed to the party venue, where they encountered many faces from martial artist families, although Abhimanyu didn't know them personally.

Vishwa Nayak approached Abhimanyu, expressing surprise at seeing him at the party. Abhimanyu acknowledged Vishwa's strength, and they briefly discussed the disappearance of the eagle.

Vishwa revealed he only needed the eagle's eyes for medicine. Abhimanyu informed him about the upcoming auction of eagle parts, creating a buzz in the party.

As the news spread, everyone began heading to the auction house, including Abhimanyu and his friends. Sharmili questioned the validity of the news, but Abhimanyu confirmed its authenticity through the official website.

Together, they made their way to the auction house, ready to participate in the bidding frenzy.

When everyone reached the auction house, Abhimanyu excused himself, pretending to go meet someone. He then disguised himself as the Black Demon and went to the area where the auction items were displayed. He deposited all the eagle parts, except for its eyes, wings, and blood, for auction, using his secret bank details. Afterward, he changed back into his normal attire and rejoined his friends. Though it took him some time to change clothes, to the world, he seemed to disappear for just a few milliseconds, appearing immediately afterward as if he hadn't gone anywhere.

The auction commenced shortly, with all the items fetching high prices. The eagle's eyes alone sold for 20 crores, and with the other parts combined, Abhimanyu earned 50 crores, which he transferred to a personal and secured account.

After purchasing some herbs with Karishma, Tina, Ammy, and Jasmine, Abhimanyu started heading back. Along the way, Ammy asked what he had done with the eagle's wings and heart. Abhimanyu replied that he kept them for himself.

Karishma remarked on Abhimanyu's newfound strength, suggesting it exceeded even Ramakant sir's. Tina wondered how he could accomplish everything without revealing his identity. Abhimanyu simply stated that it was a secret.

Jasmine commented that perhaps Ammy had secretly helped Abhimanyu, noting that they both tended to work in secrecy. Ammy joked about Jasmine's swift language improvement.

Once back at the villa, Abhimanyu went to his room and then entered the map. He selected a suitable location, lit a fire under a large pot, and began mixing the herbs he had bought. After half an hour, he added frozen and fiery flowers to the concoction and then poured the melted wood into it. He then chanted a mantra for an hour until a seed sprouted from the pot, appearing small and golden.

Maya explained that it would take at least a thousand years for the seed to grow into a tree, with the first fruit appearing after ten years. The fruits would be edible, but the tree was rare, only growing in one place in the world, and it would take another thousand years for another to grow.

Abhimanyu asked if they could plant another tree, but Maya said it was impossible, as there could only be one such tree in the world, and it would be counted as one of the Earth's elements.

Abhimanyu's hair was still white, and his eyes golden.

Maya instructed him to bathe in the potion. Abhimanyu agreed, and Maya mentioned that his body was not yet strong enough; it would require time and effort to strengthen it further.

Abhimanyu then undressed, revealing his inner conflict, as two women resided within him. He mentioned that they were all bathing together practically, but Maya declined to comment.

Saily didn't mind, suggesting she could bathe with him if he wear glasses.

Abhimanyu then immersed himself in the potion and fell asleep, and about 24 hours later, he regained consciousness. When he woke up, once again, some black residue expelled from his body, but this time, it was slightly less.

Maya explained that this was his body expelling impurities and gradually becoming stronger, hence the lesser amount of residue this time. She reassured him that it wouldn't last long, and advised him to take a bath first. Abhimanyu then left the room, took a bath, changed clothes, and returned.

Even though only an hour had passed since then, Abhimanyu went back to the potion and resumed his meditation and training.

Maya taught him some techniques that he could currently use. Abhimanyu practiced these techniques for about a week, during which he learned a lot about them. Using these techniques, one could feel their inner strength increase threefold, as well as gain insights into their muscle flow and remaining energy.

Abhimanyu asked if he could do something with the wings, to which Maya replied that they needed the fruit of the tree, which would take a long time to grow.

Abhimanyu continued practicing Maya's techniques for another week.

He then headed out, it was almost 7 o'clock. Abhimanyu quickly bathed, got ready, and left with everyone for school.

Abhimanyu continued like this for a few days, and then his exams began. Over the two weeks of exams, Abhimanyu's martial arts practice of over three years, mastering both the Demon and Angel techniques, had made him considerably stronger. By now, he had gained significant control over his Demon technique, able to restrain his bloodlust for at least an hour. However, if he were to lose control after that hour, there might be no one on Earth who could stop him except Arjun, who would need to control his brain to restrain him.

Anyway, Abhimanyu's exam results were released on Monday, where he scored full marks in every subject. Karishma came second, Aliya third, and unexpectedly, Rohit Mehta came fourth. Following them were Samarth, Gopal, and then the rest, with only a difference of one or two marks between their numbers. Samarth and Rohit had the same score, so their ranks were determined based on attendance.

After checking the results, Kashmira ma'am announced, "Now that the school results are out, you all must know what time it is."

Gopal raised his hand and asked about the next part of the syllabus.

Kashmira replied, "No."

Rohit raised his hand and suggested a school trip, just for fun.

Kashmira agreed, saying, "Exactly right. As usual, on Saturday evening, we'll take the bus from here, and this time it'll be a week-long trip."

Aliya asked, "Where are we going?"

Before answering, Kashmira said, "Before I tell you that, I want to know how you managed to find time to study after all your concerts."

Aliya replied, "I always keep up with my studies. Besides, Abhimanyu bhai used to explain topics to me very easily, so understanding them became very easy."

Kashmira advised, "Well, like Aliya, no matter how busy you are, you should focus on your studies."

Then, Kashmira continued, "So, moving on to the trip topic, we are going to Uttarakhand this time, where we'll visit Mussoorie, Haridwar, Rishikesh, and finally Kedarnath. And this trip is sponsored by an international trip company, Just Book. So, it means you all will be enjoying this trip, and this time, even the 11th-grade students are going because Just Book wants to take everyone. In Mussoorie, all of you will have to participate in a quiz show, which will last for just one hour. After that, we can enjoy the trip."

Abhimanyu raised his hand and asked if everyone had to participate in the quiz event.

Kashmira confirmed, "Yes, absolutely, everyone must participate. There will also be students from other elite schools who top the lists in India. And it's not just a quiz event; there will also be a talent show. This trip will be like a big event, and the top five elite schools in India will be participating. So, don't forget to showcase your talent."