
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · アクション
75 Chs

Chapter 41: Mexico

Abhimanyu kept in touch with his friends through internet video calls, making sure they didn't suspect he was not in the country. He talked to Karishma regularly, giving her updates about his life but refraining from revealing too much, mostly discussing general topics and occasionally sharing about himself. He also continued training Ammy, who often tried to entice Abhimanyu by wearing revealing clothes.

Once a week, he would call Kashmira, who had taken a three-week break and still needed three more weeks off for her midterm exams next month.

"I'm studying online, but I actually have work here," Abhimanyu explained.

Kashmira, sensing his excitement, asked, "You're in Brazil, aren't you?"

Surprised, Abhimanyu looked around and noticed the famous Rio statue outside the window.

"What are you doing in Rio? You're supposed to be on a scholarship," Kashmira questioned.

"I told you, I'm here for work. My boss had some business here, so he brought me along. Now, we have to go to Mexico, so I have to go too. But I'll be back a week before the exams. Can you manage until then, please?" Abhimanyu requested.

"Okay, just for you. But in return, you have to host a dinner party for me, and you have to bring me some souvenirs from your world tour," Kashmira demanded.

"Deal," Abhimanyu agreed before ending the call.

Abhimanyu established his headquarters in Rio to manage Brazil effectively. Now, he had control over the entire city, much to the satisfaction of both the common citizens and the underworld. Although he still had to pay his dues every month, the amount had decreased significantly compared to before. Additionally, Abhimanyu was contributing a portion to the government's accounts and donating to NGOs, ensuring that his empire didn't face any trouble from the government or the locals. He had even placed members from both the opposition and ruling parties under his control.

Abhimanyu, Riya, Samual, Bhawna, Aakash, and Ritesh were scheduled to depart for Mexico on the evening flight.

Jasmine entered Abhimanyu's room, bowed, and said, "Boss, we also need to accompany you to Mexico. We'll be of help to you."

Abhimanyu replied, "For now, I'm not going for a fight, so manage everything here and wait for my next order."

At that moment, Jasmine took out a card and said, "This card will be useful for your expenses in Mexico."

Abhimanyu showed her an international card, saying, "I have an international card that allows me to make payments anywhere."

Jasmine said, "This is a personal gift from me to you. Please keep it."

Abhimanyu accepted the card from her.

Jasmine had developed an attachment to Abhimanyu and didn't want to leave him. She looked into his eyes and began to undress.

Abhimanyu stepped back and asked, "What are you doing?"

Jasmine had already removed her jeans, top, and all her weapons.

Abhimanyu stepped back and accidentally fell onto the bed.

Jasmine was now only in her undergarments, looking extremely sexy that anyone, even a saint, would be captivated by her youthfulness. Indeed, she was exceptionally beautiful.

Moving closer, Jasmine climbed onto the bed and sat over Abhimanyu.

Sensing that Abhimanyu also felt something, Jasmine kissed him and began to advance further. However, Abhimanyu stopped her, saying, "Stopped right there we shouldn't do this."

Jasmine replied, "I belong only to you. I don't want any other life. I just want you."

Abhimanyu's eyes began to darken, a feeling he himself couldn't comprehend. Suddenly, he felt lust, and then he pulled Jasmine closer, He wanted to kiss her dominantly.

Due to the devil inside Abhimanyu, he succumbed to lust, Abhimanyu quickly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom.

Jasmine sensed something amiss and got up to knock on the bathroom door, calling out, "Boss, hello boss!"

Abhimanyu replied from inside, "Go and check if Larry is doing his job properly."

Concerned, Jasmine asked, "But boss, are you alright?"

Abhimanyu reassured her, "I'm fine, just leave from here, otherwise you might be in danger too."

Upon hearing this, Jasmine immediately left because if Abhimanyu was saying so, it could be true.

Meanwhile, Abhimanyu was in the bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror. His eyes had turned black, and he was feeling intense heat from within. He slapped himself multiple times, breaking nearby objects, and then began meditating to regain control over the energy. After nearly two hours of meditation, Abhimanyu returned to normal.

As there was still plenty of time before going to Mexico, Abhimanyu continued his military lessons. He also inquired about his business from Tripathi and learned that there were three powers in Delhi at the moment: himself, a certain Chobe, and Kapil Mehta, who had risen again, albeit without the scorpion tattoo on his head this time. However, he still needed to stay there.

Abhimanyu provided Tripathi with some tips and suggestions before ending the call, as he was the only one who could manage everyone else.

Abhimanyu then considered checking on Mumbai, where everything was now under Pathan's control. However, there were still many gangs in Maharashtra trying to seize control of Goa, putting Mumbai and Goa's empires at risk. He also learned that Raj Kashyap had died in a car accident, and his funeral had been grand.

He called Samuel and instructed him to return to Mumbai.

Samuel hesitated, saying, "But our work isn't finished yet."

Abhimanyu replied, "Just do me a favor and take care of Mumbai for now. I'll handle Mexico, and then you can return to the White Dragon."

Samuel asked, "Can't I stay with you?"

Abhimanyu explained, "You have a house to return to, and staying with me won't benefit you. It's better for you to go back."

Samuel agreed, "Alright, I'll manage Mumbai until you return."

Suddenly, Abhimanyu remembered another fighter and called Tina.

Tina answered, "Now you remember me?"

Abhimanyu apologized, "Sorry. What were you saying about reviving your clan?"

Tina replied, "I've already formed my team and started training them. They are all orphans aged 5 to 6 with no one to look after them, but they show talent in martial arts. Dhruv is training them, and I've bought a big villa for them to train in. I go to school, and speaking of which, you've taken a lot of leave. Come back soon; your exams are coming up."

Abhimanyu said, "Alright, I'll try to come back as soon as possible." But just then, a sniper shot was fired at him, which Abhimanyu sensed from a distance and managed to evade. He noticed the hole in the window and the angle from which the shot came, indicating it was from a building's rooftop.

Abhimanyu instructed Saily, "Show me all the cameras in that area."

Several screens appeared in front of Abhimanyu, displaying different footage. Near the rooftop stairs, there was a camera showing the assailant fleeing downstairs. Abhimanyu went to the elevator and descended. In a short while, he reached the ground floor and headed in the direction the man had gone. The man was swiftly descending and then jumped from the first floor through a backdoor, holding a large guitar case-like suitcase. Abhimanyu confronted him without wearing a mask.

The sniper didn't think much and tried to escape, but Abhimanyu slapped him, causing blood to trickle from his jaw. Abhimanyu then ruthlessly kicked and thrashed him until it was a torrential downpour of blows.

Abhimanyu asked, "Why did you shoot me?"

The sniper replied, "I was here to kill The Dominator, but mistakenly thought you were him. Please forgive me."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Who gave you this contract?"

The sniper answered, "It was the Mexican mafias."

Abhimanyu pressed further, "Who supported them in Brazil?"

The sniper hesitated but Abhimanyu struck him on the nose, causing it to bleed.

The sniper confessed, "The gang who were handling ports in north."

Abhimanyu acknowledged, "That's correct. First, we need to crush the snakes in our own den." With determination, he swiftly dealt with all the thugs in the area within an hour. The leader, now kneeling, faced Jasmin, who held her katana. She separated his head from his body, stating, "Betrayal equals death." A new leader was appointed, and new rules were explained. A stern warning was given that failure to adhere to the rules would result in severe consequences, even decapitation.

The man nodded in agreement, spitting in submission.

Abhimanyu asked, "Now, tell me everything about your Mexican Mafia connections."

The sniper replied, "I don't know anything; I'm just a contract killer. I only know the person who gives me the contract."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Who is he?"

The sniper answered, "His name is Robert, and he runs a small restaurant in Mexico City. I usually contact him through slips."

Abhimanyu made him wear a slave collar and said, "You know what this is, so you'll have to obey every command."

The man asked, "Who are you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "The same person you came to kill."

The man said, "But he's Brazilian."

Abhimanyu responded, "Looks can be deceiving."

Abhimanyu then left for Mexico on the evening flight, leaving the sniper in Brazil. He and his companions landed in Mexico City at night, dressed in normal outfits.

Abhimanyu had brought another RAW agent named Vishal with him. Vishal took them to his house where he had opened a garage. He modified cars illegally for surrounding gangs and major mafias, fitting them with turbo engines, thrusters, and other enhancements.

This time, Riya was in charge, but controlling Abhimanyu was difficult as he tended to take matters into his own hands, as witnessed in Brazil.

Riya explained the plan: in Mexico, a man named Alexander the Great ruled, known as Alex. Abhimanyu speculated that he aimed to conquer the world, but Riya signaled him to be quiet.

Abhimanyu apologized softly, and Riya continued, stating that Alex had five trusted lieutenants who managed his empire, including one from Brazil and one from India. However, the Indian's business had recently collapsed, leaving Alex furious and attempting to re-establish connections in India's chaotic underworld.

Their target was Nicolas, who managed the Indian cartel. They needed to capture him for information about the girls. Apart from the five lieutenants, Alex had many martial artists in his group, whom they needed to avoid.

Abhimanyu suggested meeting Alex directly, but Riya cautioned against it, suggesting they use Eddie to establish contact, as they needed to steer clear of the Mexican Mafia.

Abhimanyu agreed and decided to find a man named Robert first, as he could provide valuable information. Riya reminded him not to create chaos and focus on discovering information about Nicolas.

Abhimanyu left for Robert's location. Vishal expressed surprise, asking if he was also an agent. Riya clarified that he was not an agent, just a boy, and they should focus on their mission.

Abhimanyu arrived at Robert's restaurant within a short time. As he entered, he noticed that he had never been there before. Abhimanyu went straight to the bar counter and sat down. Everyone present there was surprised to see such a young guy in the bar. The bartender, an old man of 60, asked Abhimanyu what he would like to have.

Abhimanyu replied, "Do you have juice or milkshake?"

Upon hearing his order, everyone burst into laughter. One person joked, "Hey, I want a juice too!" Another said, "I'll have a milkshake!"

The bartender went to the kitchen to prepare a milkshake, as they rarely received such orders, and they kept milkshake mainly for themselves.

Meanwhile, a man approached Abhimanyu and said, "Hey bro, make my usual cocktail, Robert."

Abhimanyu looked at the old man beside him and thought to himself, "So, this must be Robert."

He then glanced at the man who seemed like a gangster, even having a scar on his face.

The man noticed Abhimanyu staring and asked aggressively, "What are you staring at, huh?"

Abhimanyu was disguised as a Mexican student, wearing a sombrero, and he also wore his glasses, making him look like a high school student.

The bartender intervened, saying, "Don't bother him."

Another person at a nearby table chuckled and remarked, "This kid should know which places are off-limits."

The man beside Abhimanyu retorted, "This place isn't for kids. What are you

Abhimanyu chuckled and said, "Are you calling yourself a gangster?"

The man retorted, "What do you think I am?"

Abhimanyu replied, "You seem more like a laborer who occasionally gets involved in small gangs' skirmishes to earn some extra cash."

A man sitting at another table chuckled and said, "Well recognized, kid. He really does that."

The man seated beside Abhimanyu spoke up, "So what if I'm a laborer? But sometimes I am a gangster too."

Abhimanyu remarked, "Becoming a gangster is a matter of honor?"

The man countered, "Isn't it? The whole city respects and follows you, and honest people fear us."

Abhimanyu retorted, "I haven't seen anyone here respecting you."

The man was getting angry now, and the people in the bar were laughing at him. He grabbed Abhimanyu's collar and said, "Let's get out of here!"

Abhimanyu gestured towards the bartender and said, "This guy wants to throw your customer out. Aren't you going to say anything?"

The bartender replied, "Who wants to come in here, and who doesn't, I don't decide that, but now that you've ordered here, you can't leave without paying the bill."

Abhimanyu asked, "So, you're not going to do anything about it?"

The bartender replied, "You can fight outside, but no fights here. This is my bar, and no one fights here."

The man let go of Abhimanyu and said, "Let's talk outside, kid."

Abhimanyu said, "I'll finish my shake and pay the bill first, then I'll leave."

As the man was about to grab Abhimanyu's collar again, the bartender intervened and held his hand, saying, "Haven't you heard what he said?"

The man replied, "You're just protecting this kid for a mere five Mexican pesos."

The bartender said, "It's not about the money; it's about the rules."

Robert chuckled and said, "You have a devilish grin."

The man replied, "Meet me outside, and I'll show you."

Abhimanyu retorted, "I've dealt with tougher guys in school."

The man, now in anger, returned to his seat.

The bartender advised, "You shouldn't mess with these guys."

Abhimanyu replied, "They're the ones picking fights; I'm just talking. But these simpletons can't win a battle of wits."

The bartender asked, "What brings you here?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I need some information."

The bartender inquired, "About what?"

Abhimanyu said, "Why did you send a mediocre sniper to kill me?"

Surprised, the bartender asked, "Who are you?"

Abhimanyu replied, "The Dominator. Their voices were too low for anyone to hear."

The bartender gestured him to follow.

In a backroom, the bartender motioned Abhimanyu to sit on the sofa and sat down himself. Abhimanyu's milkshake arrived.

The bartender introduced himself as Robert and explained that he had assumed Abhimanyu was different because of his actions in Brazil. He used the sniper as a subtle invitation.

Robert continued, "I actually have a job for you."

Abhimanyu responded, "I won't leave the Mexicans, and now that you've seen me, you're not safe either, because you also work for the Mexican Mafia."

Robert explained, "I work for a secret agency in the USA. The Mexican Mafia has kidnapped a prominent businessman's daughter. If you rescue her safely, you'll earn a billion dollars. She's held in a secret warehouse, heavily guarded. A direct assault risks her life, so I have another plan."

He outlined a diversionary attack on an illegal drug factory nearby, which would draw most of the guards away from the warehouse.

Abhimanyu expressed concern about retaliation from the Mafia.

Robert assured him, "I thought you wanted to uproot them entirely."

Abhimanyu replied, "I do, but..."

Robert reassured, "I know you want to take on the Mafia directly, but don't worry, we'll support you and eliminate the Mexican Mafia for good."

Abhimanyu retorted, "Do you think I'm a fool?" He emitted a killing intent with his demon vibe, causing Robert to shudder.

Abhimanyu calmed his killing intent and continued, "If you had approached me directly to rescue the girl, I might have considered it. But I don't like being made a scapegoat."

Robert, flustered, apologized, "I'm sorry if I angered you. But I must rescue the girl and take her back to our country."

Abhimanyu inquired, "If I rescue her and hand her over to you, how much will I get?"

Robert replied, "Close to 10 billion US dollars."

Abhimanyu was surprised, "Is she that important?"

Robert affirmed, "Yes, she's very important."

Abhimanyu agreed, "Alright, send me the address of that warehouse. I'll look into it."

After Abhimanyu left, Robert made a phone call, "That boy is very dangerous. I need more powerful martial artists to defeat him."