
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · アクション
77 Chs

Chapter 35: Party

Samual replied, "You've set me free, so I'm leaving."

Abhimanyu said, "But who will atone for your sins?"

Samual questioned, "What sins have I committed? I've only protected him and managed his white-collar business."

Abhimanyu replied, "Your protection of his sins has ruined many lives. Your actions have caused people to suffer. You may have saved lives, but you've also destroyed them. I don't think your clan will accept you back now."

Samual remembered Andrews' past deeds, but by saving him, he became complicit in those sins.

When Pathan had told Abhimanyu how Samual had become a slave to Andrews because he had saved his life, Abhimanyu realized that Samual was from the White Dragon tribe. This tribe was a staunch follower of rules and walked the path of righteousness. They were a well-established martial arts tribe located somewhere in Bhutan. They also worked on contracts, but only against evil people. Additionally, they provided significant aid to their country and strictly adhered to their principles.

Therefore, Abhimanyu had to play this move carefully to extricate Samual from this quagmire. As long as your master doesn't want to kill or get rid of you, you can't leave him.

Abhimanyu said, "Do you think you're worthy of becoming a member of the White Dragon tribe now?"

Samual asked in surprise, "How do you know about my tribe?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I have a special connection to your tribe."

Suddenly, Samual attacked him.

Abhimanyu dodged the attack, but Andrews took the opportunity to flee. Abhimanyu chased after him and hit him with a vase, causing Andrews to fall.

Samual attacked again, but Abhimanyu grabbed Andrews' head, causing him to fall backward.

Abhimanyu then used a judo move to knock Samual to the ground.

Samual said, "You're stronger than I thought. Who are you?"

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "I am the King of Shadows." He then went to sit on the sofa next to Andrews, smiling. "I am the Black Demon."

Samual was surprised. "The Black Demon is just a child."

Andrews also said, "The Black Demon is a famous demon from Bihar."

Abhimanyu said, "Have you heard of me? I didn't know I was that famous."

Samual said, "I've been hearing about you for a year now. You're like a legend in the martial realm."

Abhimanyu said, "I don't use martial arts sites much; I just keep some knowledge."

Abhimanyu asked Andrews, "Did you arrange the kidnapping of Nitya Kapoor?"

Andrews immediately replied nervously, "No, brother, that was done by Justin, with the help of one of my men."

Abhimanyu further asked, "And who assaulted him?"

Andrews responded, "It must have been Justin himself because I took over Hussain's entire business."

Samual asked, "What do you want from me?"

Abhimanyu said, "Get all the information out of him, take over his business, rescue all the girls, bring the Mexican Mafia to its knees, and then get rid of all his illegal activities."

Samual asked, "But how will I face the Mexican Mafia? They have powerful fighters."

Abhimanyu said, "When you need me, just call. I'll take care of the rest."

Samual said, "I can't believe I'm hearing this from a child."

Abhimanyu said, "The Black Demon."

Samual nodded. "Yes, I remember. But will you tell me which group or clan you belong to?"

Abhimanyu said, "I have my own team, but very few people know about it. For now, I'll leave it at that. Take care of yourself, and let me know if you need help. Don't let anyone else know about me."

Samual said, "Alright, understood."

After Abhimanyu left, Samual punished him severely and then took over his entire business. He first stopped all the supplies going to Mexico and ordered all drugs to be kept in one cave on a single island. He also ordered a ban on all drugs from clubs and other places. The thugs and businessmen couldn't understand why Andrews had stopped everything.

Abhimanyu reported everything to his grandfather and adviced him the mission to cooperate with Samual to rescue all the girls from Mexico. This mission was going to be big because it was related to the Mafia of another country. So, they were going to work together on a combined mission, which required a lot of coordination and permissions from the Mexican government. Initially, they would have been able to rescue the girls, but then they would have started dealing with someone else. Therefore, it was necessary to end this once and for all.

Abhimanyu reached home around 10 o'clock. As soon as he arrived, he went straight to Nitya's room. Nitya asked, "Where were you? You weren't even answering my calls."

Abhimanyu replied, "Wasn't the party canceled?"

Nitya questioned, "Why would the party be canceled?"

Abhimanyu explained, "There were no police raids in the clubs."

Nitya responded, "The raids happened in all the clubs, and now they've been cleared to reopen."

Abhimanyu insisted, "Even after that, they're still going to have the party."

Nitya asked, "Are you going or not?"

Abhimanyu replied, "Alright, let's start the drama."

Nitya added, "Dad is also out."

Abhimanyu raised his voice and said, "I told you that you're not going to that party!"

Nitya retorted, "I've also said that I'll stay at the party."

Abhimanyu was taken aback by her response.

Abhimanyu said, "So, you want to go to the club dressed like a spoiled rich girl, shaking your hips?"

Nitya shouted back, "How dare you judge me like that? Get out of my room now, I'm leaving."

When Abhimanyu came out, Anita Raj and the servants were standing there. Anita asked, "What's all the noise about?"

Abhimanyu explained, "Look, mother-in-law, this girl wants to go to the club dressed in skimpy clothes. If father-in-law finds out, he'll kick me out along with her."

Anita muttered to herself, "It would be better if he does. How dare you try to stop my daughter from going wherever she wants? If she wants to go somewhere, she'll go. You're just a servant, so act like one."

Abhimanyu retorted, "Then you handle father-in-law," and with that, he turned and stormed off to his room, slamming the door angrily.

Anita yelled after him, "You have no status in this house anyway," before retreating to her own room.

Abhimanyu then changed into casual party clothes, wearing a checked hoodie shirt with a T-shirt and jeans, along with shoes and a watch Karishma had gifted him, a Rolex worth 20,000 rupees.

With a scowl on his face, Abhimanyu left his room and knocked on Nitya's door.

When Nitya emerged, she looked nothing short of a fairy in her blue dress that reached her knees, her hair cascading beautifully.

Nitya asked, "How do I look?"

Abhimanyu remarked, "Like a blueberry ice cream. Now, let's go."

Nitya questioned, "Was that a compliment or an insult?"

Abhimanyu replied, "It was my kind of compliment. Now, let's go."

They then headed out for the party with some guards.

Priya's house was their first stop before heading to the club. Priya handed Nitya a small box, saying, "Here, I got you a gift," and then handed one to Abhimanyu, saying, "I got one for you too."

"Thank you," Abhimanyu replied.

After some small talk, they soon arrived at the Youngsters Club.

Once inside, they climbed the stairs to a section they had booked for the entire floor.

Bollywood's old songs were playing in the club.

In Neha's group, there were six girls and five boys, including her boyfriend Sahil. Abhimanyu seemed like an odd one out among them.

Neha said, "Hello, guys. You all must know Sahil; we've been in a relationship for a week now, and he planned this party."

Sahil, though rich, appeared more spoiled than handsome.

Everyone looked surprised when Nitya introduced Abhimanyu as her boyfriend.

Sahil was taken aback too, having previously proposed to Nitya twice and been rejected both times. He couldn't believe she was now dating someone who appeared middle-class and nerdy.

But the most surprised was Sunder, as Abhimanyu seemed like Nitya's stepbrother to him.

Abhimanyu greeted everyone, which was met with disbelief.

Sahil commented, "He's just a street guy."

Another boy, Mukesh, added, "How disgusting. I had my doubts, but his language confirms he's from the streets."

Rihana, Mukesh's girlfriend, chimed in, "Nitya, how could you choose someone so low?"

Ritesh, a handsome boy, remarked, "We thought your choice would be better after rejecting all of us, but you chose this middle-class guy?"

Abhimanyu sarcastically thanked them for their compliments.

Sahil clarified, "We weren't complimenting you, duffer."

Abhimanyu retorted, "Well, if Nitya chose me after rejecting all of you, then I must be better than you."

Abhimanyu shut them all up.

Rihana said, "You sure know how to talk, that's why Nitya fell for your words, but we won't let that happen, mister."

Abhimanyu warned, "Be careful with your words; don't mess with me, or you might fall for my love too."

Rihana chuckled, "I'd never fall for you; I've seen your face."

Abhimanyu confidently removed his glasses, saying, "Take a good look. Am I not handsome?"

When Rihana saw Abhimanyu's face without glasses, he looked like a Hollywood hero. His sapphire blue eyes and well-built physique made him irresistible.

Abhimanyu jokingly waved his hand in front of her face, saying, "Looks like you're in love."

Rihana suddenly regained her senses and blushed, but quickly said, "Being handsome isn't enough; you need money to take your girlfriend out."

Abhimanyu replied, "When a girl is wealthy, she can handle expenses too."

Rihana retorted, "How can you, as a man, enjoy spending a girl's money?"

Abhimanyu said, "If girls can enjoy their boyfriends' money, why can't boys? Besides, I prioritize women over men."

Rihana was speechless, but Neha got angry and said, "You're only with my friend for her money, aren't you?"

Abhimanyu joked, "Love is always compared to money; what's my fault in that? Nitya is wealthy, and I'm her admirer."

Neha said, "Don't lie. I know guys like you very well."

Then, another girl named Drishti added, "Guys like you just want to trap rich girls for money and fun."

Abhimanyu replied to Drishti, "You seem experienced, madam."

This shut Drishti up as well.

To avoid further arguments, Nitya pulled him back and defended him, saying, "Why are you all ganging up on him? I like him, so he's my boyfriend. End of discussion. Don't lecture me on who I should like because this is my life."

Sunder said, "But Nitya, he's deceiving you. He's not a good guy."

Nitya replied, "I'm not a naive girl who can't differentiate between right and wrong."

Just then, Abhimanyu received a phone call.

Abhimanyu said, "I'll be there in a moment," and headed towards the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He whispered, "Yes, Karishma?"

Karishma, lying on her bed in Delhi wearing a nightgown, asked in a dreamy voice, "What are you doing?"

Abhimanyu replied, "I'm at a party."

Karishma said, "I'm getting bored here, and you're partying there?"

Abhimanyu explained, "Even though I'm at a party, I still picked up your call. So, think about it; I'm giving you priority over the party. Anyway, what are you doing?"

Karishma said, "I miss you."

Abhimanyu replied, "It's only been a week since I left."

Karishma insisted, "I miss you; just come back soon."

Abhimanyu assured her, "I'll finish my work and come back soon."

Karishma asked, "How many more days will you stay?"

Abhimanyu replied, "If you want me to come back now, I can, but I need to stay here for a while. Okay, I have to go now. Bye, goodnight."

Karishma bid him goodbye and wished him goodnight.

Abhimanyu returned and found everyone staring at him. He asked, "What's wrong now? What did I do?"

Sahil questioned, "Who were you talking to?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "Why? Do I need to report to you now?"

Neha intervened, "But we need to know; you were talking to a girl."

Abhimanyu replied casually, "So what?"

Sahil played the recording, but Karishma's voice was not audible.

Abhimanyu shrugged, "What's the big deal?"

Sahil asked, "What are you doing here, and why is your tone normal?"

Abhimanyu quipped, "Do I need to explain every little thing to you guys?"

Neha insisted, "We're Nitya's friends, so we have the right to inquire about you."

Abhimanyu explained, "I was talking about finishing a video editing task."

Neha questioned, "Video editing and you?"

Abhimanyu clarified, "I may not look like it, but I'm a gamer and a streamer."

Once again, everyone was surprised to learn that the guy who spoke like a street thug was also a streamer.

Abhimanyu sarcastically remarked, "Did you think I was really a street thug? I'm from Delhi; that kind of language doesn't fly there."

Sunder remarked, "Yesterday, people were taking selfies with you."

Abhimanyu teased, "Well, at least someone's brain is working."

Sunder continued, "But I searched for you everywhere on the internet."

Abhimanyu replied casually, "It would have been better if you watched Priya's stream instead of searching so much."

Neha asked, "And what does your family do?"

Abhimanyu jokingly responded, "Why do you want to know about my family? Are you falling in love too?"

Sahil retorted, "He might be a streamer, but if he tries to flirt with my girlfriend, he'll be in big trouble."

Abhimanyu calmly replied, "You know, besides girls, there's something else I like too—threats. When someone threatens me, they usually end up regretting it pretty soon."

Priya intervened, "Don't even try to fight with him. He once took down Nitya's uncle at the energy pills event, and Nitya's dad ended up apologizing to him on his knees."

Sahil teased, "Seems like you can bring me down to my knees too."

Abhimanyu shrugged, "So far, no one has managed to stand their ground in front of me."

Nitya calmed everyone down, saying, "Everyone calm down, and Sahil, can you please control yourself? Abhi, you calm down too. Sahil, do you want to ruin Neha's party?"

Neha added, "Yes, Sahil, control yourself. Abhimanyu, we just wanted to know about you."

Abhimanyu explained, "My grandfather is a retired soldier from the army, and my father is also in the army."

Sahil chuckled, "So, a regular soldier's son turned out to be a streamer."

Abhimanyu countered, "Are you trying to belittle a soldier?"

Nitya intervened, putting her hand over Abhimanyu's mouth, and said to Sahil, "If you argue with Abhimanyu, I'll leave right now."

Neha stopped Sahil, saying, "You need to calm down now."

Sahil couldn't believe it, saying, "How can a regular soldier's son claim he can bring me down to my knees?"

Nitya gently guided Abhimanyu to sit down, pleading, "Please calm down for my sake."

Abhimanyu smiled and replied, "I'm calm."

Sahil muttered, "Just a poor guy putting on a rich show."

Neha intervened, "Forget it, Sahil, you're ruining my birthday party."

Sahil apologized, saying, "Sorry, I lost my mind seeing you flirt."

Rihana then approached Abhimanyu and asked, "What do you think of yourself?"

Abhimanyu retorted, "What do you mean?"

Rihana replied, "A good-looking guy with an empty wallet."

Abhimanyu joked, "Do you know my account balance too?"

Rihana quipped, "Your clothes give it away."

Abhimanyu teased back, "If I'm broke, why bother talking to me?"

Rihana warned, "I just came to advise you not to mess with these guys. They're from wealthy families and can do anything to settle scores."

Abhimanyu removed his glasses and said, "Are you worried about me? Could this be love?"

Rihana clarified, "I have a boyfriend."

Abhimanyu joked, "I have a girlfriend too."

Rihana tried not to laugh, but the joke got to her.

Nitya nudged Abhimanyu, causing him to react, "Ouch, what happened?"

Rihana chuckled, "If you flirt with someone else in front of your girlfriend, she'll get mad."

Abhimanyu assured, "I'll keep that in mind."

Priya asked, "So, you won't flirt anymore?"

Abhimanyu assured, "Not in front of Nitya."

They both laughed again.

Nitya sat quietly, her mood dampened.

Abhimanyu reassured Rihana that no one would be upset with her for talking to him.

Rihana asserted, "I am the mistress of my own choices."

Rihana asked, "Didn't you mention that you're a celebrity?"

Abhimanyu clarified, "I said I'm a gamer, not a celebrity."

Rihana countered, "Well, gamers are also celebrities."

Abhimanyu humbly replied, "I'm not that famous yet."

Rihana expressed interest, "Can you tell me your channel? I'll subscribe."

Abhimanyu shared, "Agrasen Lions."

Rihana checked the channel, which had 5 million subscribers. Initially, there were only 10k, but after winning competitions, the numbers soared. Vayu had started streaming from home, and occasionally, Sanjay, Manoj, and Samarth joined in. Ammy and Abhimanyu hadn't streamed yet.

Rihana marveled, "Wow, this channel is live!"

Abhimanyu explained, "It's my team's channel."

Rihana was impressed, "But 5 million subscribers is a big deal!"

Both Priya and Abhimanyu were astonished. They had last checked when they had 10k and 1 million subscribers, respectively. They both checked the screen again in disbelief.

Abhimanyu realized, "It must be due to the competitions."

Rihana inquired about the competition.

Abhimanyu explained about the eSports tournament they won, where their names were shouted out, except for Ammy's due to its length.

Rihana asked for his nickname.

Abhimanyu redirected, "You want to know why I let her keep the name 'Abhimanyu's girlfriend.'"

Rihana pressed, "Does that mean she's not your girlfriend?"

Abhimanyu reiterated, "I'm just saying."

Rihana queried, "Then why did you give her that name?"

Nitya read the name on the screen, "Abhimanyu's Girlfriend," and asked, "Are you telling the truth?"

Abhimanyu affirmed, "Yes, she's just a good friend."

Rihana sensed suspicion.

Priya confirmed, "It's true, she's not his girlfriend. They both admitted it on my stream. Ammy said she likes Abhimanyu, so he named her that. You can check my stream."

Just then, Sahil called out, "What are you guys doing there? Come quickly, the cake's here!"

Neha cut the cake and served everyone except Abhimanyu. Everyone laughed when Sahil joked about what a poor guy might have gifted.

Mukesh joked, "Maybe it's just a pen."

Sahil retorted, "Don't assume. Maybe it's something else. Open it up."

When Neha opened Abhimanyu's gift, it indeed contained a pen, but it was a calligraphy pen.

Everyone burst into laughter at the sight, but Neha asked how he knew she liked calligraphy.

Abhimanyu signaled to Priya, Nitya, and Rihana, who were aware of Neha's hobby.

Rihana asked him to open her gift, which turned out to be a complete calligraphy set.

Neha exclaimed, "Wow, you chose the same!"

Then, Neha opened other gifts, which were expensive, like phones and watches. Finally, she opened Priya's gift, which contained 20 tickets to the Kishori Girls concert happening in Mumbai the next night.

Neha was ecstatic about the tickets, as the Kishori Girls were famous all over India, and this was their first concert in Mumbai.

Neha asked, "Have you been to their concert before?"

Before Abhimanyu could answer, Sahil teased, "How will this poor guy afford their concerts?"

Everyone laughed at Sahil's joke.

Neha asked again, "Have you been to their concert?"

Abhimanyu was about to respond when everyone got busy with dancing and music, leaving him sitting on the side.