
Young soldier

Abhimanyu is a 16-year-old skilled martial arts expert, who commands respect and fear in his hometown of Bihar. Despite his reputation, Abhimanyu finds himself at odds with his grandfather, who unexpectedly orders him to leave Bihar for a year to complete his 12th-grade studies in Delhi. Confused and frustrated by his grandfather's decision, Abhimanyu questions the need to leave Bihar when he could easily study there. He struggles to understand the reason behind such a harsh punishment, especially considering his prowess and influence in Bihar. As Abhimanyu prepares to embark on this unexpected journey to Delhi, he grapples with conflicting emotions and seeks answers to his grandfather's decision. The story delves into Abhimanyu's internal conflict as he navigates the challenges of leaving behind his familiar surroundings and embarking on a new chapter in his life.

aswathama · アクション
77 Chs

Chapter 3: Dadaji ka gift

"On the other hand, almost all the guests had arrived at the mansion, and the cake was ready too, just waiting for Abhimanyu's..."

"Commissioner Vijay Khanna took a sip of wine and said, 'Your son is very talented. If he joins our police department, no criminal will be able to escape.'"

"Lalita said, 'What are you saying, sir? He's just a kid and about to enter 12th grade. How can you see his talent already? He doesn't even step out of school, let alone catch criminals.'"

"Only a few people knew about Abhimanyu's exploits, mostly some special police personnel and gangsters, why the gangsters know, to avoid Abhimanyu."

"Commissioner Vijay Khanna and Lalit are good friends, so their children are also friends with each other. However, Lalit couldn't easily accept his son's actions openly. Even though Vijay is his friend, he is also in the police, and Vijay knew well that Lalit prioritizes his duty and responsibilities first, and everything else later. So, he didn't feel bad about it and said, 'Yes, oh, I've seen his martial arts movies, and he also excels in studies. His talent cannot be hidden.'"

"Vijay then said, 'Hey Lalit, we are good friends, so I was thinking, why not turn our friendship into a relationship, what do you say?'"

"Lalit said, 'Right now, they are just kids. If everything goes well, we'll see later. But also consider that Abhimanyu wants to join the military, where there's a constant threat to life, and a person spends more time away from his family, and the danger to life always looms over him. Would you want the same future for your daughter?'"

"Vijay said, 'Look, we can't change what's written in destiny, but after that, if my daughter wishes, Abhimanyu will be my son-in-law.'"

Karishma was sitting with Prachi and Vishakha on one chair and chatting away.

"Prachi said, 'And you know, even after checking, the guards couldn't find the gun. My brother brought it in so easily and said, then Prachi imitated her brother's voice and said, 'What's the use of so much security if they couldn't even catch this gun.'"

"Karishma and Vishakha started laughing out loud after seeing Prachi's acting."

"Karishma secretly liked Abhimanyu, and she realized it when she went to Delhi. Memories of Abhimanyu troubled her, but she had to undergo training during the holidays. So, she couldn't come for a year. Even this time, she came only for two days for Abhimanyu's special birthday, and tomorrow she was returning to Delhi by flight."

"Karishma asked, 'Does Abhimanyu have a girlfriend in school or outside?'"

"Praachi said, 'Oh, where does he even know how to talk to girls? He doesn't know how to do that, so how will he get a girlfriend?'"

"Vishakha said, 'But all the girls in my class go crazy over him, and to the extent that many girls even keep his photos, and if he throws something away or if his handkerchief falls somewhere, the girls pick it up and keep it with them.' Then she chuckled and said, 'And taking advantage of this, Lalita once auctioned off Abhimanyu's old stuff and made a lot of money, and Abhimanyu doesn't even know about these things.'"

"Praachi said, 'Abhimanyu bhai doesn't pay attention to all that, that's why he always gets full marks.'"

"Vishakha said, 'I don't know, I haven't seen any girl close to my brother yet. Even if he had a girlfriend, she must definitely have come to the party.' There were many boys and girls of his age at the party who were children of military officers and VIP guests, and many of them were from military schools or his own class."

"Prachi said, 'Any of them could be.'"

"At that moment, Abhimanyu began descending the stairs with Lalita, drawing everyone's attention due to their fitness. Abhimanyu looked quite handsome, and Lalita appeared quite beautiful as well."

"Abhimanyu descended the stairs and went straight to Prachi, Vishakha, and Karishma, and tightly hugged Karishma. He said, 'Hey, I missed you a lot this past year. You disappeared without telling anyone. Do you even consider me a friend anymore?'"

Prachi silently thought to herself, "Brother, she's a girl, be a little gentle with her."

Karishma lowered her head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't have the courage to tell you before. And now, I'm only here for today. I'm going back to Delhi tomorrow afternoon."

Abhimanyu kept his plan to return to Delhi a secret for now because there was still a month left for that.

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Oh, there's nothing to fear about that. I won't be an obstacle to your career. If you had told me earlier, at least I would have thrown you a great farewell party. But no worries, let's celebrate today, an after-party after the birthday bash. What do you say?"

Prachi said, "Bro, Grandpa will be furious if he finds out."

"Abhimanyu said, 'Oh, we'll ask Dadaji for permission.' Prachi asked, 'But where do you want to go?'"

"Abhimanyu replied, 'Oh, there's a concert by Kishori Band at Banjara Palace.' Karishma said, 'Oh, the Kishori girls were on the same flight with me, and they invited me here. But I couldn't miss your birthday party, so I had to decline their invitation.'"

"Abhimanyu said, 'Alright, let's go there then. After all, what's there to stop me? Cutting the cake, meeting everyone, it will only take an hour. Then we'll leave.'"

"After a while, Abhimanyu cut the cake with everyone, and first fed a piece to his mother, then to his grandfather, followed by his father, then to his remaining three sisters, and then to Karishma. After that, he offered a slice to his uncle and aunt."

"This also shows the importance of various people in his life."

"After cutting the cake, Abhimanyu's uncle gave him a gift and said, 'May God always fulfill your wishes.' Abhimanyu thanked him, and then his uncle said, 'Hey son, open the gift and see.'"

"When Abhimanyu opened the gift, there was a high-tech drone inside. Abhimanyu was very happy, so his uncle said, 'Look, I gave you this, but remember to handle it carefully and yes, it's banned to fly in public, so follow the rules.' 

Then Abhimanyu's grandfather said, 'Hey Vinay, you're practically giving a thief the keys to the safe and telling him not to steal.'"

"Abhimanyu said, 'Thank you uncle, I've been wanting this for quite some time.'

Vinay said, 'Father, when you gave him a sword on his last birthday, what were you thinking?'"

"Grandfather said, 'Oh, I gave it to him to learn sword fighting and to practice anywhere. I had no idea this rascal would take it anywhere.'

Vijay Khanna chuckled and said, 'And now people fear your family more than ever because of that sword.'

Grandfather said, 'Oh, even before, enemies were afraid of this sword. I have separated so many enemies and terrorists from their heads with this sword, don't even ask.'"

"Dadaji's friend, Ramakant Pathak said, 'Oh yes, even back then, people were more afraid of your sword.'

After that, Abhimanyu's parents gave him a new phone which wasn't too expensive but had a fantastic processor, RAM, and storage capacity. Abhimanyu hadn't received a phone yet due to the strict rules of the family, but he had access to a laptop and the internet. That's why he gave smartwatches to all three of his sisters, which looked like fitness watches, so until you properly checked, you wouldn't even realize they were smartwatches."

"After that, Abhimanyu's three sisters gave him a gift, which was a beautiful silver 'Om' locket, which the sisters bought by saving their pocket money.

Abhimanyu was very happy. Holding the locket, he hugged all three of them and thanked them. Then, the other people also gave him various expensive gifts, which were quite expensive, but he didn't open them. Deep down, Karishma gave him a watch which looked quite good. Abhimanyu first looked at Vishakha, but Vishakha didn't say anything because she didn't understand anything. So, Abhimanyu, without taking off his watch, wore the other watch in his other hand.

Prachi asked, 'Why did you wear a watch in both hands?' Abhimanyu said, 'One watch was given by my sister and one by a friend, so I got confused, that's why I wore both.'"

"Prachi said, 'Brother, you should take off Karishma's watch because you will surely break it within two days.'

Everyone laughed hearing Prachi's words, then Vishakha said, 'You can take off my watch, I don't want any more harm to be done to my watch.' Everyone laughed again.

Abhimanyu immediately took off Vishakha's watch and gave it to Prachi, and he wore Karishma's watch in his left hand. Now, after everyone had given gifts, it was time for their grandfather's gift. Everyone's gifts were splendid, but when grandfather gave gifts, all the gifts always seemed pale in comparison, like his dangerous sword."

Everyone was looking at grandfather, eager to know what he was going to give as a gift.

Calming everyone's curiosity, grandfather clapped his hands, and a man brought a box. When Abhimanyu opened the box, there was a pair of glasses inside that looked quite new and sturdy.

Abhimanyu smiled and said, "Thank you, grandfather." Many people were surprised why grandfather gave such a gift, wondering if the glasses were antique. But many noticed that the glasses looked brand new. Grandfather said, "Try wearing them, see how they look?"

The glasses had rectangular lenses of medium size, which fit well on Abhimanyu's face. Grandfather said, "Check it out, Saily." Abhimanyu asked, "Saily?" Then, a soft voice came from the glasses, audible only to Abhimanyu. Dialog boxes started appearing in Abhimanyu's glasses, visible only to him, giving the impression that a computer was operating in the air. In reality, the glasses were like a small computer with an advanced AI assistant. It could connect to your private server via the internet and be controlled by your voice. It acted like a phone and could connect to many smart devices via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

Abhimanyu asked, "Wow, what is this? Did you order it online? I haven't heard about this." Grandfather said, "Not online, but one of my close friends has made it, and only a few people have it."

Abhimanyu happily said, "Grandfather, no one can match your gifts."

Grandfather said, "Yes, but remember to use it responsibly."

Abhimanyu understood that Grandfather could access the glasses anytime, but he also knew they would only do so in emergencies or during school hours.

Abhimanyu said, "Yes, Grandfather." Then, the party was about to proceed, so Abhimanyu made a request to Grandfather in advance, "Grandfather, Karishma wants to go to a concert. Can I go with her as her bodyguard?"

Grandfather chuckled, "Alright, but take your sisters along and also bring some bodyguards."

Abhimanyu replied, "Okay, but please tell them to keep their guns concealed and dress casually."

"Alright," said Grandfather.

Just then, Sagar arrived at the party and said, "Happy Birthday, little brother!" Abhimanyu hugged him and replied, "Oh, thank you, Sagar brother!"

Grandfather teased, "You met him in the morning, didn't you, Sagar? You didn't wish him then."

Sagar replied, "Oh, I didn't meet him, Grandfather. Abhimanyu was at school."

Grandfather said, "Yes, and you were busy saving your life from the goons of Delhi."

Sagar responded, "Grandfather, I was looking for something illegal that might be useful for the military, how would I know I'd get into trouble?"

Grandfather said, "Yes, we know everything. Why did you go there?"

Abhimanyu intervened, "Oh, Grandfather, leave it now. Sagar Brother has indeed found a treasure."

Grandfather said, "That's why I'm not kicking him out. Now, give him the pen drive."

Sagar handed a pen drive to Grandfather. Abhimanyu noticed that it was the second pen drive, meaning it was a duplicate copy.

Grandfather said, "I know you're giving me a copied drive, but it doesn't matter to me as long as we have the information."

Sagar replied, "Oh Grandfather, this is the original copy. I didn't get bitten by a crazy dog that I would keep original pen drive."

Grandfather said, "A crazy dog bit you, that's why you got into trouble."

Abhimanyu asked, "Hey Sagar brother, will you come with us to the Kishori Girls' concert?"

Sagar said, "Come on, let's go, Nike, Nike."

Grandfather sighed as Abhimanyu and everyone else left for the concert. 

Ramakant said,"Do you really think he'll be able to handle this? We didn't even tell him what to do once he gets to Delhi."

Grandfather replied, "Don't worry, as much as I know Abhimanyu, things will fall into place on their own once he reaches there."

Ramakant asked, "But is he capable? He's just a kid, and it's quite dangerous. They can't touch him legally, but his life is at risk."

Grandfather said, "He's my grandson, nothing will happen to him."

The Banjara Palace, an exquisite hotel in Patna, always hosts concerts and events. Today, there's a concert by the Kishori Girls, attracting people from far and wide. These girls create and sing music, and their songs are also available on YouTube. Recently, one of their songs went viral, leading to today's live concert. Everyone is aware of the beauty and talent of these girls, especially Alia, who is beloved across the country.

While they usually perform concerts in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Haryana, it was their first concert in Bihar. Although Bihar hosts many concerts, often featuring dancers performing on Bhojpuri songs, this concert is unique because it's a singing band. The people of Bihar have warmly welcomed this event.

Outside Banjara Hills, a car stopped, followed by two more cars. Abhimanyu, Prachi, Karishma, Lalita, Vishakha, and Sagar stepped out, accompanied by four bodyguards, who were relatively young and stayed close to them due to their age difference.

Inside, they were getting tickets, and Abhimanyu had already arranged VIP line booking by talking to the owner earlier, but they didn't have any physical tickets. Abhimanyu tried calling the owner, but no one answered.

Abhimanyu said, "We might have to wait for a while; I've booked the VIP line tickets, but we don't have physical tickets."

Sagar asked, "What should I do about the tickets?" Abhimanyu replied, "It might cause trouble here, let it be, let's wait for a while." Just then, a guard approached them and said, "Hey Abhimanyu, you're here."

Abhimanyu asked, "You?" The guard replied, "Come on, brother, would not anyone recognize you? What are you doing outside?"

Abhimanyu said, "We don't have tickets, and Deeljeet Brother isn't answering the phone."

The guard replied, "Oh, the owner is busy dealing with some thugs."

Abhimanyu asked, "Thugs?"

The guard explained, "Oh brother, they are just ordinary troublemakers, making comments about the girls coming in here. When one of our guards tried to stop them, one of the troublemakers smashed a liquor bottle on his head. We took him to the nearby clinic, and then some guards beat up those troublemakers. But then they brought about a hundred people here, so the owner took some guards to the field nearby. However, there are only 50 guards, and since they also want to watch the concert, I don't think they can handle it."

Abhimanyu inquired, "Who are these people?"

The guard replied, "Oh, they're just ordinary thugs from the neighborhood, wanting to spread terror and rule here."

Abhimanyu said, "Then it's going to be quite difficult; Deeljeet might handle them."

Deeljeet is a 22-year-old boy who manages the Banjara Palace and is a close friend of Abhimanyu.

The guard said, "I don't know."

Abhimanyu told the girls, "You all stay here along with the two bodyguards. Me, Sagar bhai, and both of you are coming with us. We'll check and then come back for them."

Prachi said, "Brother, we have also learned martial arts. Don't underestimate us; we are also coming."

Abhimanyu said, "I said, stay here."

Prachi said, "Fine, but only after breaking their bones."

Abhimanyu, Sagar, and the two bodyguards walked towards the field.