
009 Forced Kiss

Annie stayed in the restroom for about ten minutes, fearing that Alexander might come looking for her. Feeling she couldn't stay any longer, she emerged from the women's restroom. It had been more than ten minutes, so that guy, Jack, should have left by now, right?

Guessing, she headed towards the golf course.

Unexpectedly, before she turned the corner, someone intercepted her.


Andrew's smile at this moment seemed somewhat different, causing Annie to feel her scalp tightening.


Annie lightly smiled and nodded at him.

Suddenly, Andrew grabbed her arm, swiftly wrapping his hand around her waist. As her complexion changed drastically, he exerted force, pulling her towards the white wall. He pressed Annie against the wall, trapping her between it and himself.

"What are you doing?" Annie defensively placed her hands on her chest.

Andrew smirked, murmuring provocatively, "Annie... Annie... such a beautiful name..."

He leaned closer to her hair, arrogantly and maliciously taking in the scent of her hair, teasingly saying, "Really fragrant!"

Annie's face immediately flushed red, feeling both embarrassed and angry. She sensed something was wrong. She angrily murmured, "Let me go!"

Seemingly oblivious, Andrew grabbed her chin, bringing her lips closer to his, and asked, "How much?!"

Annie furrowed her brows.

Andrew asked again, "How much? A hundred thousand?! Two hundred thousand?!"

Annie had no idea what he was talking about, her brows furrowing even more tightly. He applied more force to her chin, causing her pain. "Let me go!"

Andrew leisurely admired the exquisitely crafted face before his eyes, initially finding it elegant and unattainable. But upon closer inspection, her smoky, alluring eyes were even more captivating. Such a pure face, yet with enchanting narrow eyes and slightly raised brows, charming and seductive, as if she were born to entice men. Now, with her furious expression, her face seemed to be adorned with premium rouge, alluring yet pure. Especially those eyes of hers, with redness in the corners, as if about to shed crystal-clear tears any moment!

As if possessed, he lowered his head and greedily licked her lips, more delicate than flowers!

She was shocked, her eyes wide, her long eyelashes trembling. She panicked and tried to push him away. But he was addicted, unable to forget that moment when he kissed her, as if his entire body had been electrified!

Women naturally have weaker physical strength than men. He needed just a bit of strength to easily suppress her struggles. He licked her lips relentlessly, not letting up. Wherever Annie moved her head, he managed to follow, then indulged himself in tasting the sweet fragrance her lips carried.


Annie hit him, pounded him, kicked him, using both hands and feet, yet she couldn't budge him at all! He began to attempt forcibly prying open her lips with his tongue. The unfamiliar male breath invaded her nose, making her feel nauseous. His close face and the invading tongue on her lips made her feel disgusted! She was anxious and scared, tears welled up in her eyes, feeling as helpless as a rabbit caught by a hunter!

She clenched her teeth, keeping her lips shut, subconsciously calling for help, Alexander's figure flashing through her mind!

Andrew, completely absorbed, aggressively attempted to breach Annie's lips. Suddenly, someone pulled him away with great force. Andrew didn't have time to react before a fierce punch landed on his mouth, instantly knocking out a tooth!

"Who the hell?!"

Andrew cursed in anger, spitting out blood and a tooth on the ground. Enraged, he raised his head, intending to see who had dared to do this. But when he saw the person who hit him was Alexander, he was instantly stunned!

At this moment, Alexander wore no smile on his face. His expression appeared calm, but his eyes were intimidating. They resembled the eyes of a beast, warning that anyone who dared to provoke might not leave unharmed! Andrew had power and influence, considering himself a tough guy, but facing Alexander, he couldn't muster the courage to fight back. He was intimidated by Alexander's presence. This man, whom he had thought to be somewhat outstanding before, now made Andrew feel he had made a serious mistake, and a gross one at that. This tall man was nothing short of a dark king; his warm appearance and faint smile were just a disguise!

Andrew squinted slightly, tensing up his body, neglecting to wipe away the bleeding from his mouth.

Meanwhile, Annie, seeing Alexander, both cried and smiled. She quickly dove into Alexander's arms, grabbing onto his clothes and curling up.

Alexander reached out, half-embracing her. His gaze remained sharp, focused on Andrew, emanating a hidden but evident intent to kill.

As the two men faced off, Mr. Henkes hurriedly arrived upon hearing the news. Seeing his son's bruised and bleeding mouth, he was too worried to care about his pain, immediately nodding and bowing apologetically to Alexander.

"Mr. Gwilliam, this... ah, ashamed! I haven't taught my son properly, allowing him to make such foolish mistakes. Mr. Gwilliam, please, don't take it to heart. I'll apologize to you on behalf of my son!"

Alexander sneered. His sharply defined face seemed like a sharp sword.

"Mr. Henkes, indeed, you haven't raised your son well. Your son's behavior makes me lack confidence in you and your company. It seems we don't need to continue the discussion we were going to have today!"

"Ah, Mr. Gwilliam..." Peter was anxious to say something, but Alexander didn't give him any face, half-embracing Annie and turning away. His resolute and imposing back exuded an incomparable dominance!

Peter was so distressed he was almost jumping! Looking at his son, he exploded in anger, "What nonsense have you done today?! Can you touch Alexander's woman? You've really made a mess today, stirred up trouble! You've ruined my good business!"

Andrew felt ashamed, but young people always had some rebelliousness and hot blood. He awkwardly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, muttering unwillingly, "It's just a business deal! If it doesn't work with Alexander, I'll find someone else!"

"What do you know!" Peter shouted angrily. "If I can't seal the deal with Alexander, the Henkes's family will have no say in New London in the future! You... you... you, you're really infuriating me!"

Andrew was shocked; now, he somewhat understood the seriousness of the situation.

"Dad, what should we do now?!"

"What can we do?!" Peter snorted, his eyes suddenly gleaming. "Wherever you fall, you must rise there!"

Having been in business for most of his life, Peter had weathered many storms and wouldn't fall just like this!"