
sure a beautiful mansion

    (Tiya came out of their compound,she walked to the junction,she stood and was waiting for a taxi)stop,stop(Tiya said waving her hand to stop the taxi,the taxi stopped) where are you heading to?(the taxi driver asked).

       I am heading to morning bloom(Tiya replied)okay,come in(the taxi driver said then Tiya opened the taxi door and entered) where in morning bloom are you heading to?(the taxi driver asked after he has drove for some minutes).

    Well sir,I don't really know the particular house am heading to(Tiya answered)are you serious?(the taxi driver asked feeling surprised)yes sir,am serious(Tiya said)I only know the address of the house(Tiya told the man,after some second).

     What's the address?(the taxi driver asked) number 114,morning bloom(Tiya replied)114 (the taxi man repeated)1... 1... 4... (the taxi driver stressed)what!!(the taxi driver screamed all of a sudden)what are you going to do there?(the taxi driver asked).

     Well,am going for an interview(Tiya answered)an interview?(the driver asked) yes,something like that(I answered)is anything the problem?(I asked feeling scared) not at all(the driver answered)good luck with that(the taxi driver added then snigger)thank sir (Tiya said in a weird tune).

       (The taxi driver nodded then focus on the road,in not less than a hour and 30 minutes, the driver stopped at a very tall and beautiful gate)here we are(the taxi driver said)thank you sir(Tiya said as she opened the door then she got down from the taxi).

    (She made her payment,then the drove away,Tiya checked the time,it was just half past nine(9:15am))impressive(Tiya said then smiled,she press the white bottom on the side of the gate(which was the gate bell)there was no respond so she rang it again).

         (Suddenly she heard someone's foot steps then the gate opened)good morning sir(Tiya greeted as she saw a man standing In front of her,after the gate opened(the man was not too old nor too young)good morning dear(the man answered).

      How can I be of help?(the man asked) sir,I came for the job(Tiya replied politely) job.. job..(the man thought as he put his hand on his jaw)oh that,come in(the man quickly said after remembering about the job)thanks(Tiya said then bow her head).

(After rising her head she entered into the compound,she was shocked to see the gate closing by itself) wow!! amazing(Tiya said with her hands on her mouth)follow me(the man said to Tiya,Tiya turned and was really flirted by what she saw).

    Hilarious!!!(Tiya screamed(she saw a gigantic mansion,decorated with lots of flowers and waterfalls,she was lost in everything)dear,this way(the man said to her but she didn't hear)this way miss(the man said again but this time he touched her on her shoulder).

      Sir(Tiya quickly responded)lost in thought I presume(the man said then smiled)kind of, am sorry sir(Tiya apology) it's okay(the man said then tiya smiled, meanwhile a woman who was not too old (about sixty years of age was just staring at Tiya from the window upstairs,the woman smiled at Tiya's reaction).

        INSIDE THE HOUSE(Guest living room)

    Have your seat,I will inform madam that you are here(the man said but has he was about to leave the living room,he stopped on seeing another man,who was kind of his age,then he smiled).

       Is she the one?(the man who came in asked)the man was putting on white long sleeve and a black suit with a black trouser and a black shoe)yes(the man who brought me in answered).

     Alright,thanks Mr Gray(the man on black suit said then turned to me)i am Mr Scott (the man on black suit introduce himself) and this is our security (gateman) Mr Gray (Mr Scott added).

    Nice to meet you Mr Scott and Mr Gray  (Tiya replied as she stood up from the couch, Mr Scott and Mr Gray nodded)come with me (Mr Scott said to Tiya) madam is waiting for you(Mr Scott added,then Tiya followed him, they passed through some places in the house).

     Tiya was dumbfounded at the beauty of the house, she didn't even notice that her mouth was opened)miss,it would be more beautiful to admire the beauty with your mouth close (Mr Scott said after noticing that Tiya's mouth was opened)oh,sorry sir(Tiya apology).

     It's just that it is my first time of entering or even seeing such a magnificent house (Tiya said then Mr Scott chuckled)i bet there is a lot of securities and guards here too(Tiya added excitedly as they continue to walk).