
Young Justice: UnReal

[Dave, A young 25 year old man who works hard everyday to realize his dreams, is currently dead. He's been given another chance in a new world due to his unexpected death. Having been Given wishes and sent to a new world, watch as he rocks his new world and quite possibly…the universe. Oh! Along with ladies who can't help but find him irresistible.] ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ||Harem||Eventually Overpowered||Non-Beta Mc||Alpha Mc||Smart Mc||Irresistible Mc||Handsome Mc||KryptonianMc||Cold Mc||Slow-Fast Pace Story||Action ||Romance||R-18||DC||Possible Slice Of Slife||Reincarnated Mcl|System||Yandere|| ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ That's it folks! If there's more, I'll add it. If you like Mc's wishes or the story in general, pls tell me. It could really motivate me to continue the story if I ever feel down or just not in the mood to continue. i know it sounds like I could possibly drop this story and im not gonna say I won't but your motivation would really stop me if I ever planned on dropping. Thanks a lot for giving this story a chance and not just ignoring it, it really means a lot. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ *Note: if you see any of my stories on Wattpad, then know they belong to me as long as the username is under Mystic_Lord.* [•Chapter 1 ——> Chapter 11 are nothing more than his time on Krypton while Canon officially starts at Chapter 12. It’s highly recommended to read them as if you don’t then you’ll be highly confused by a lot of things such as his powers, his relationship, his technology, his mindset, his skills and his system. It’s okay if you don’t read it but don’t put comments That show you haven’t read them despite me telling you to. I’ll ignore your comment if you do. That’s it, thank you.•] [Disclaimer: I own nothing but my Character. I also don’t own the cover.] [Also, this is my first time writing so pls take it easy on me and offer constructive criticism. Thanks.]

Grand_White10 · アニメ·コミックス
18 Chs

Chapter 12 [Special Chapter]

||Time skip - Two Years Later||

||Krypton, Argo City|| ||1977||

||House of Zod Mansion|| ||Training Center||

||Countdown till Planet Destruction...||

||24hrs. 20m. 15s.|| ||3rd POV||

"It's almost time."

Lor said after glancing at the holographic timer floating in the corner of the training room.

"Only one day left till Krypton is destroyed. Time sure flies fast huh."

He said with a cold expression, His eyes holding no emotion what so ever.


A large robotic fist suddenly appeared from the side of Lor, heading straight for his head at a fast speed.

Lor didn't turn to it and simply stretched his palm out, effortlessly blocking the large fist.


A large shockwave appeared from the collision of Lor's palm and the robotic fist.

"I would love to watch as this God forsaken planet crumbles to dust but it seems like I gotta deal with you guys first."

Lor said with an emotionless voice as he turned his face towards the large 6 meter tall sentinel robot next to him.

He clutched the fist tightly, his fingers penetrating and embedding themselves deeply in the robot's fists.

"And I don't mind doing just that."

Lor said as he suddenly turned to the other side and threw the robot towards another large robot that was approaching him from the side.


The robot landed on the approaching robot and the two robots tumbled back at an extremely fast pace until they finally hit the wall of the room, denting it slightly.

"That should keep you down for a bit, until then, I'll go after the others."

Lor said as he turned his sights to the three other robots in the room that were already done charging enough energy to blast Lor.

Lor was currently facing against Five fully powered sentinel's. Not the ones that were weakened so much that teenagers could beat them Like in the tournament.

No, these ones were at full power and were capable of turning a non-Solar powered adult Kryptonian into a bloody pulp.

Their strength was capable of causing a large amount of damage to their surroundings and their defense was so strong that most energy weapons on Krypton were incapable of causing even a scratch on it.

The weapons installed in them were nothing to scoff at too and yet...

Lor was currently going against Five of them at the same time.

And he didn't seem to be struggling at all.

In fact, he was treating the glowing energy weapon that was currently aimed at him like it was a toy.

If any of the scientists on Krypton were to see this inconceivable scene that was happening right now then they would be absolutely shocked.

"You done preparing? I've been giving you guys time to amass enough energy and I'm hoping it was worth my time."

Lor said as he stared silently at the robots in front of him, his eyes glowing red with energy, showing how serious he was.


As if on cue, the robot's released the accumulated energy through their weapons towards Lor who just stood there, watching the blasts with a not amused smile on his face.


The attack's landed straight on Lor, causing a loud and deafening noise to appear from the training center.

The maid's in the mansion heard the sound but didn't give much thought to it and went back to their work, treating it like a normal occurrence.

Which at this point in time, was.

A cloud of smoke appeared around Lor's area as it prevented the sentinel's from seeing the condition of their enemy.

"I see. That's all you can do despite me giving you time huh."

A voice suddenly came from inside the smoke before a black blur suddenly busted out from it and struck one of the sentinel's, sending it flying and crashing to the wall.


The other sentinel's immediately responded as they fired at the blur that suddenly appeared next to them.

The blur, obviously Lor, flew up to the air, dodging the bombardment from the two sentinels.


Lor didn't stop and immediately flew towards one of the sentinel's, striking it down and causing a loud bang to spread all over the room.

Lor looked down at the robot and saw it was destroyed, it's parts laying all over the floor and electricity sparking in some of them.

Lor turned around and was met with a large fist coming for his face.


Lor's hand blurred as he caught the fist with one hand, causing a shockwave to appear.

He watched as the sentinel tried to draw back it's arm but couldn't even move a muscle away from Lor's hand.




The sentinel, seeing it couldn't move its arm away, decided to use its other arm and repeatedly struck at Lor's body, trying to get him to let go or even better, crush him to death.

Unfortunately, it's attack did nothing and it couldn't even make Lor move back an inch.


Lor muttered as he drew back his fist before launching it at the sentinel's torso, destroying it and sending it flying towards a wall.


It crashed on the wall and stayed there for a few seconds before sliding down, leaving a dented wall as a sign of just how strong that punch was.

Lor looked at it for a few seconds before turning to the other three sentinel's that had surrounded him with weapons, fully loaded with energy and ready to fire.

The sentinel's didn't waste any time and immediately fired at Lor with every energy they had saved up when Lor was facing the other two sentinel's and watched as their attack's hit his body.


They were calculating if this amount of power was enough to destroy Lor but right when they were about to come to a conclusion, the cloud of smoke that appeared when Lor was hit was immediately dispersed by a sudden gust of wind, revealing the uninjured Lor.

Lor looked at the sentinel's and raised one of his hands up before snapping his fingers.

"[Ring of Black Fire]"


A small sound of fire suddenly being lit was heard across the room before a wave of black fire appeared from Lor's body and immediately spread to his surrounding's, incinerating the robot's and turning them to ashes.

Lor dropped his hand down and looked at his work.

He couldn't help but nod his head at the usefulness of magic.

Yep, Magic.

These past two years Lor remembered about the Kryptonians being able to use magic. Although not all Kryptonians were capable of using magic, there were some who were capable of using it.

What makes Kryptonian's able to use magic is due to them having a mysterious property or more commonly known as 'magic gene'.

Lor, knowing he was the perfect version of a Kryptonian with no weaknesses and all benefits, knew he had to have the so called 'magic gene'.

And so, he sought out to learn magic from Krypton before it exploded due to it being useful Knowledge and would make for a great addition to his abilities.

From what he remembered, Kryptonian Magi were found and born in an unexplored region of Krypton called 'Valley of Juru'.

Lor got permission from his parents to explore the areas on Krypton due to him giving logical and acceptable reasons to them.

He said that he was exploring regions on Krypton that had yet to be explored by the Kryptonian's so that he could learn more about them and possibly add them to Krypton's might.

If Lor uncovered the secrets of these unexplored regions and managed to bring them under Krypton or the Military Guild then that would make Krypton stronger over all.

They would also have more soldiers or resources to aid the planet.

And although Zod and Faora were skeptical on if Lor was capable of entering and figuring out the secrets of those unexplored regions, something that even the advanced Kryptonian civilization couldn't do, they still gave him the go ahead due to the fact that Lor was unique and always brought them surprises.

What if this time it could also be a surprise?

And so they let him go.

They weren't worried about his safety due to the fact that Lor was extremely skilled himself and he had sentinel's that were fully powered to protect him.

The sentinel's are extremely powerful and are more than enough to kill any creature that they may encounter on their way so they weren't worried at all.

Lor, along with the sentinel's he had reprogrammed himself so that they wouldn't give out any information on his journey, flew towards the Valley of Juru.

Lor knew the direction of the Valley after asking Sophia to hack the science guild computers for the location.

It was extremely easy for her since she had Technology Manipulation.

Getting something as easy as information was as easy as pie for her even if it's a civilization as advanced as the Kryptonian's.

Lor got there and was eventually met with mists everywhere. He could enter due to him having the 'magic gene' just like he suspected and was immediately met with people in robe's who were pointing their hands at him.

Lor didn't want to get in an unnecessary fight with them and immediately explained why he was here.

They were still useful to him and if he hurt anyone of them badly then the chances of them teaching him their magic would significantly drop.

They listened and immediately accepted Lor the moment they heard he had the 'magic gene'.

The reason they were hostile to him despite knowing only those with the gene could bypass the mist was because usually only those who were born within the Valley of Juru had the 'magic gene'.

Very rarely are there any who had the gene from the outside world and seeing someone bypass the mist made them think the people on the outside had managed to come up with a technology capable of bypassing their obstacle(mist).

Hence, why they were suddenly hostile.

Hearing Lor say that he came in here with no obstruction instantly made them come to the conclusion that he had the gene and as a result, they accepted him with smile's and hugs.

The 'Kryptonian Magi's' as they like to call themselves are very familiar and friendly to any one from their race.

They're also arrogant and dismissive of anyone not from their race as they see themselves as the mightiest race on Krypton.

Lor learnt a lot from them like their mystic arts and Juru magic, he also gave them a few surprises like being a magi of all four elements.

Meaning he was a Fire magi, Water magi, Air magi and Earth magi.

The Kryptonian Magi's had never seen someone who had the power of all four elements but they brushed it aside since the person who had the power was one of them.

Lor, being a magi of all four elements meant that he had various new abilities from the elements and things he could do with them.

With the Fire element, he could heal others, restore a Kryptonian's powers or abilities and possibly break a magic spell. It also came with the addition of fire manipulation.

Kryptonian's like Lor who could use the fire element were called Fire Magi's. They too could heal and do what was mentioned above.

With the Water element, he was given the ability of possession, mind control, place others in a form of temporal statis and the ability to transfer the essence of someone.

They also had the potential to be able to heal others and they were given the ability of Water manipulation.

Kryptonian's like Lor who could use the water element were called Water Magi's. They were also capable of doing all that was mentioned above.

With the Air element, he was given the ability to purify people who were possessed, heal others and...

The ability of creation. Yes, the literal ability to create anything out of nothing. Air Magi's are pretty Powerful.

Lor was also given the ability of Air manipulation.

Kryptonian's like Lor who could use the air element were called Air Magi's. They were capable of doing all that was mentioned.

With the Earth Element, Lor could produce sunstones from his body or turn into sunstones. He was immune to possession, was resistant to Magic attacks and also highly resistant to Kryptonite.

Although, the last two were unnecessary due to him already having an immunity to Kryptonite and magic.

He can heal himself, make basic weapons like shields, swords and blades. He could also see through lead but that too was unnecessary.

He was also given the ability of crystal generation.

Kryptonian's like Lor who could use the earth element were called Earth Magi's. They were capable of doing all that was mentioned.

Although there were Kryptonian's who were capable of using the same element as Lor, there were things Lor had as an advantage over them.

For one, his spells were stronger. Although, initially not as strong as others who had been practicing the magic their whole lives, Lor's magic was way stronger for someone who just started learning magic.

And Lor already theorized that when he reached the level of those who had been training their whole lives, which won't be long, he'll also have magic stronger than them even if they were on the same level.

Another advantage Lor had over them was his imagination.

Lor has watched several anime's and read different comics so he's seen what magic is capable of and the different ways it can be applied.

Especially the anime's, those gave him a lot of inspiration and source he could take from.

Third and probably the last, was that he had all the elements. All Kryptonian Magi only had one element they were born with and that was what all of them spent their time training on.

Lor was more versatile and powerful since he had more cards and options available to him than the average Magi.

All these gave him an edge over the magi's, not to mention, the fact that he grows faster than others due to his [Extreme Talent] ability.

It won't be long till he's mastered all the arts and developed new arts that even the Kryptonian Magi's could never imagine.

After learning all the Kryptonian Magi's had to offer which took 2 months, he and the sentinel's finally left for Argo city.

It didn't take long to reach it at all due to his flight and he landed a bit far from the city so that he doesn't get caught flying.

He got inside the City and was surprised to see people from the military guild waiting for him inside.

They greeted him respectfully and led him to the High Council.

On the way to the High Council, They explained to Lor that his presence was demanded by the Council and he was required to be there.

Apparently, they had something to say to Lor.

Lor immediately realized that something was up.

Why would the Council call for him? And what do they want from him?

Lor may be the son of General Zod but he had no relationship with the High Council. Zod made sure of that.

Zod always made sure Lor had no contact with the High Council and constantly told Lor to stay away from them.

No matter what benefit they provided him, Lor was told to always stay away from them.

Zod never made out his reasons for saying such things but the look in his eyes when he talked about them, showed his dissatisfaction and disgust for the Council.

Did they figure out something about him? When Lor came to that conclusion, his eyes turned cold but he immediately dismissed that thought from his mind.

He had been careful in making sure he didn't leave any tracks or clues about his powers and he even ordered Sophia to destroy any image about him using his powers that may have popped up on any computer or technology.

He was sure he was careful enough but just to be on the safe side, he ordered her to destroy any evidence of him using his powers just incase he missed something.

So if it's not about his powers then why is his presence being demanded?

Maybe to congratulate him on his success in the tournament and his future promotion to the general position?

No, if that was it then they would have congratulated him sooner and wouldn't have to wait this long.


A sudden thought crossed Lor's mind.

Zod was planning a coup and although it wasn't known to the people or even to the council, that was the only major thing that was gonna happen before the planet's destruction.

Had Zod commenced the coup on the council?

The moment Lor thought about that, he realized that could possibly be the reason he was currently being called.

Not to mention that if Zod was here and hadn't commenced the coup yet then he would have been the one to take Lor to the council, not subordinates.

He would make sure he was the one to go with Lor to prevent any brainwashing the council might try to implement on Lor.

The more Lor thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion this could possibly be the reason.

The sad expression on the subordinates that were currently escorting him only added more to it.

Lor thought it was a shame that despite his efforts in stopping Zod from going against the Council, he still failed in changing his mind.

Lor knew that Zod's change in personality would start from his coup against the council. He would become arrogant and greedy from that moment on.

Lor didn't want that and even if Lor didn't want to admit it, he had come to respect and love the current Zod.

The man was truly someone who was devoted to his planet and the well being of his people.

He was also trying his best to be a good father for Lor and a Loving husband to Faora but his devotion to Krypton just kept intruding.

Zod was a man who deserved respect. He was truly a general through and through.

Unfortunately, he was a man who couldn't balance and decide between the two things he loved most.

If he changed to the greedy and power hungry individual he became like in the comics then Lor wouldn't come to see him as his father anymore.

The father he respected would have been long gone by then.

That's why he was trying to prevent Zod from going ahead with this coup. He wouldn't be the same after it.

Hopefully, he was wrong about the coup being the reason as to why he was called and he was just thinking too much.

But deep down...Lor had a feeling he was right.

Lor eventually reached the headquarters of the high council Via Teleportation pad and stood in front of them.

They all had emotionless expressions on their face as they stared at him.

Lor could also see Zor-El and Jor-El standing by the side. They were staring at Lor with different expressions on their face.

Zor-El was staring at Lor with an expressionless face while Jor-El looked at him with sadness and guilt.

Seeing those look's on their faces immediately set off alarms in Lor's head. The feeling of him being right all along, resurfacing.

The council told him exactly what Lor had suspected and was hoping didn't happen.

Zod and his followers had rebelled and were currently sentenced to serve ten years in the Phantom Zone.

They've already been imprisoned in the Phantom Zone as we speak.

Lor wasn't really surprised but he still had to act shocked and surprised like he didn't know about it.

Although he didn't want to accept this fact, he already had a terrible feeling he was right all along.

He knew it but he just didn't want to accept it.

He had tried his best to subtly change Zod's thoughts on rebelling but he still failed despite spending Years to convince him.

Now, the father who had raised him, taught him everything he needed to survive and made him into the man he currently is...

Was gone.

Lor had an extremely sad expression on his face that day. He guessed that he just didn't put enough effort in convincing Zod.

Maybe instead of subtly convincing him, he could have directly come out and convinced him.

Lor didn't feel much anger towards Zor-El and Jor-El despite being told that it was them who figured out Zod's coup and exposed him.

He was mad at them but not too much. He already warned his father not to rebel but if he still did then nothing can be done.

But if that wasn't enough for Lor to consider killing them for sending Zod to the Phantom Zone then what he was told next, was.

Lor's mother, Faora, didn't go along with Zod's Coup. That made Lor extremely happy that Faora listened to his words but things didn't end there.

Apparently, Zor-El wasn't convinced with just Zod and his followers being sent to the Phantom Zone. He suspected that Faora too had to be a part of the coup and didn't join the coup due to Zod telling her not to and leaving her as a back up should he fail.

He gave his thoughts to the council and due to the fact that the Council never liked the House of Zod and were worried that Faora would come up with something else to overthrow them, they imprisoned her in the Phantom Zone along with Zod.

Lor, hearing this, instantly bursted out in rage. He might love his father but it's not much. He still knows how much of a douchebag his father can be to his mother sometimes, hence why he can put up with Zod being locked up.

But his mother is someone who he loves unconditionally. She's been there for him every time and there was not a single day she didn't show her love as a mother for Lor.

She took care of him and tried her best to make sure he had someone to depend on despite him not needing anyone.

She was the perfect epitome of a mother and someone Lor couldn't bear to lose.

That's why Lor told her not to join the coup and just stay with him. He was planning on taking her with him to Earth and he would take care of her there and make sure she lives a peaceful life.

But Zor-El sending her to the Phantom Zone due to being paranoid just ruined everything for Lor.

He remembers shouting at Zor-El for why he did that. His mother was innocent and had nothing to do with the coup so why was she imprisoned?! Like a criminal?!



Lor stomped down on the ground in anger, causing it to cave in deeply and the entire Training Center to shake.


He released a sigh and calmed himself down. There was no point raging over something that has happened.

What's done is done. He would just have to improvise and change his plans, make sure something like this never happens again.

He rubbed his long golden hair that had now reached his waist and sat down on a seat that just materialized, no doubt Sophia was watching him from the control's room.

He intertwined his fingers and placed them under his chin, once again thinking back to what happened during the past two years.

After being explained to and knowing about the reason he was called, Lor was appointed head of the House of Zod and tasked to lead it in place of his father.

He was also appointed General early to replace Zod who was in the Phantom Zone. Lor had the necessary skills, prestige, training, experience and charisma necessary to be a general.

And so, Lor at the tender age of 12, about to be 13, became the General of Krypton.

The people were obviously happy that Lor was appointed General even if it was a little early but they didn't say anything about it due to the council appointing him as General and Lor being worthy of it.

The council didn't say anything about why there's a new general or what happened to the previous one so the people went on like that.

If the council doesn't want to tell them why then there's nothing they can do. The council is the leader and ultimate form of power in Krypton, not to mention, the people were used to taking orders from their superiors without needing a reason or explanation.

Something like this was not a new thing to them.

Lor left the headquarters that day in rage, his mind constantly going back to Zor-El's words.

Zor-El did not only want to put Faora in the phantom Zone, he also wanted Lor in it. His paranoia also made him feel like Lor could also be a back up like Faora.

Fortunately, Zor-El's thoughts about this weren't supported by the council.

They had already imprisoned Zod and Faora.

On Krypton, there was no one as skilled as Zod. The only person who came close to his level of skill was Faora but she had been imprisoned in the Zone along with Zod.

They could only look to the person who had the closest level of skill to them.


As absurd and ridiculous it was, the council could only appoint Lor as the General due to him being the most skilled after Zod and Faora.

An almost thirteen year old was far more skilled than adults who had been training their whole lives...

Such a concept was impossible for them to accept but the truth was laid out in front of them when they saw the images and clips of Lor's training.

The boy was capable of fighting against Zod for several minutes before losing.

His record didn't help either. He had taken a large amount of missions and completed every single one of them perfectly.

His prestige and reputation among the people are spotless too and it's been shown he has the necessary experience and knowledge to manage and take control of the people.

It's hard to accept but there's no doubt he's the perfect person for the position.

Any other person either didn't have the necessary qualifications or just weren't on the same level as Lor.

Zod had truly created a capable heir.

Hence, why they can't imprison Lor. If they did, then Krypton's military power would take a big hit.

Ever since that day, Lor had been going to the military guild and handling the affairs of Krypton's military. He would handle various issues and meetings that would pop up every now and then.

He also went on missions more with the army and destroyed every enemy that tried to invade Krypton.

Thankfully, Lor was well known and no one doubted his skills hence he wasn't looked down on by the veteran soldiers or new recruits who joined.

He was accepted wholeheartedly and respected by them.

Lor, normally would have felt satisfied and accomplished to finally achieve this position but he didn't feel any of that when he was out there fighting aliens and talking with various family heads about what they could do to benefit Krypton.

He felt sadness, anger, emptiness, and loneliness whenever he sat on the magnificent seat reserved for the general and stared at the glorious city filled with odd but beautiful buildings and the beautiful sight of the sun setting.

He felt that this position wasn't worth it with his mother gone. He felt like he lost too much just to sit on that chair.

Whenever he goes home, the usual warmth and hug he was met with, was no longer there. The same woman who would stay and wait for him to come home was no longer there to greet him with a beautiful smile.

The usual mansion that was filled love and activity was no longer like that. It felt dull and lifeless like it was trying hard to remind him that his parents weren't here anymore.

The mansion was starting to feel like his time on earth.

Lonely and painful.

Whenever he's met with these feelings, his mind can't help but wander to the person who caused this.


There were several times when Lor thought if he should just kill him. Rip him apart for making him feel like his time on earth and taking away his mother.

Zor-El wasn't the only one he felt like ripping apart, he wanted to do the same thing to the council.

It was them who came to the conclusion of imprisoning his mother after all.

But whenever he had thoughts about that, he instantly crushed them.

Killing Zor-El would deprive Kara of her father all because he wanted to satisfy his anger.

He can't do that to her especially since his mother wasn't dead but just imprisoned somewhere else.

She was just gone temporarily. He could always get her back after the planet explodes.

But if he killed Kara's father then he would be taking her father away from her permanently.

He would make her drown in sadness and despair all because he wanted to satisfy the anger that would eventually go away.

He can't do that to her. That would be too cruel and selfish of him.

He also can't destroy the council since they still have their uses. If Lor destroyed the governing power of Krypton then who's gonna take control of the people?

Who's gonna make sure the people who have lived their entire lives, not for themselves but for the well being of the planet, are taken care of?

Certainly not him. He's not ready for that yet.

Right now, if Lor were to destroy the council...

Then he would be destroying the lives of various innocent people.

He wasn't ready to be the cause of countless innocent deaths.

The Kryptonian's are like puppets. They don't live for themselves but for their planet.

If Lor were to destroy the council right now then he would have to take these people away and place them somewhere under a person who would lead them and give them a purpose in life to strive for.

The person would be the leader of the Kryptonian's. Right now, Lor has no drive or purpose to lead the people, If he changes his mind in the future then he'll just come for the Kryptonian's. The person who was appointed as the leader would be dismissed.

Lor, to make sure he doesn't rip apart Zor-El, stayed away from the El's. Their symbol and faces constantly reminding him of the person who took his mother away.

He even stayed farther away from Kara. Her face was just too similar to Zor-El and although it hurt him to be like this to Kara, he had to stay away from her.

Lest, he does something he'll regret.

It was on that day when Lor saw just how much of an impact his mother disappearance had on his life, that he finally knew just how much she meant to him.

He had grown far too attached to a person he originally didn't see in a favorable light.

'I guess when Sophia added the [Mama's boy] title to my status, it wasn't just showing Mother's Love and opinion of me....

It was also showing the Love and subconscious thoughts I had for her too.'

Lor thought as his eyes almost turned moist at the thought of his mother.

He really missed her.

He wasn't sure how Kara was taking his current behavior towards her.

Maybe she was upset and sad that he was acting like this.

Maybe heartbroken that he was staying far away from her.

And maybe...Just maybe she was angry at him. He had never seen Kara get mad at him but if she was then he would understand.

The last time he talked to her was a year ago after all.

Hopefully, her father or Jor-El explained why he was acting like this to her.

Maybe then she'll understand why he can't just see her face.

"Hello darling."

Lor was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a beautiful but seductive voice calling out to him.

He turned towards the voice and saw a very beautiful girl heading towards him. She had a teasing smile on her face and her hips were swaying left and right, trying to entice him.

The girl had a rather large bust and a perky ass. Her skin was fair and smooth, her silky blonde hair had been done into a similar hairstyle like Bob cut and her glowing blue eyes were staring right at him with intense Love.

This girl was Ariella and she had grown into a very beautiful but alluring Fifteen Year Old.


[A/N: She doesn't look Exactly like this but she looks really similar. Just imagine she looks like this but younger.]

"Hey beautiful."

Lor said as his previous cold and emotionless gaze instantly turned into one full of warmth and emotions.

Ariella walked up to him and sat on his laps, wrapping her hands around his muscular yet lean body and instantly placed her head on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart.

"What's wrong, you seemed quite sad." She asked as her eyes closed, taking comfort in his slow but strong heart beats.

"What do you mean Ariella?" Lor replied as he stroked her blonde hair softly.

"You know what I mean so don't pretend, what's the matter? Are you thinking about your mother?" Ariella asked, she knew Lor was having a hard time moving on from his parents imprisonment.

Atleast now, his emotions were far calmer and less chaotic compared to when she first saw him. She still remembers how sad his eyes were when she came to visit him.

" *Sigh* Yeah, I was just thinking about her. It's...hard trying to keep her in the back of my head, you know? I'm constantly trying to move past her imprisonment but she always seems to come to my mind every few minutes. It's like I'm slo-" Lor rambled.

"Hey, hey...it's okay. I understand, trust me, I really do."

Ariella said as she cut Lor off and brought down his head, placing his forehead on her's.

"It's okay if you haven't moved on from your mother's imprisonment, I'm sure your mother wouldn't want you to forget about her but at the same time, she wouldn't want you drowning in sorrow and pain."

Ariella said to him, moving her forehead side to side slowly while having a gentle smile on her face.

"So for your mother...for me, please move on Lor." Ariella said with a loving smile.

Lor's eyes were instantly filled with tears, he's a prideful person and he didn't want to show this side of him in front of Ariella but her words...

Really hit deep in his heart.

Tears dropped from his eyes as Ariella hugged him tightly, doing her best to show her support for him.

Lor didn't make a sound and simply hugged her back, his tears constantly falling from his eyes and down to the floor.

They stayed like that for a few minutes and didn't separate until Lor tapped her back gently, indicating that he was fine now.

"Thanks Ariella, I really needed that."

"No problem Mama boy, I'm always here when you need me."

Ariella said as she gave a teasing smile, using the embarrassing words his mother always called him against him.

Lor didn't say anything and simply smiled, not even bothering to care about the embarrassing word's she just said.

Ariella smiled too when she saw his smile and laid her head back on his chest.

"Now that you're okay, is that all you were thinking about? I really wanna know what's always going on inside that head of yours."

Ariella said as she snuggled even deeper into his embrace, she always did love the warmth and aura radiating from Lor's body.

"I was also thinking about Kara. It's been a long time since i last talked to her so I'm worried if she's doing okay."

Lor said with a sad smile on his face, he regrets distancing himself from Kara but he simply couldn't stand the House of El emblem on her chest and the fact that she was from the House of El, the family he now hated.

"Kara? What brought her to your mind?" Ariella asked with a frown on her face, she raised her head to get a look on his face as he responded to her.

"I stayed away from her back when I was clouded by my anger. I regret doing that to her and I just hope she doesn't hate me for that."

Lor said as he shared his thoughts with her.

"Hmph, who cares what she thinks. Just ignore her and focus on me right now."

Ariella said with intense jealousy and proceeded to kiss Lor with intense passion.

It wasn't only bad news and strength improvement that Lor went through these past two years.

He also formed a relationship with Ariella. A loving relationship.

Ariella had been there with him when he was going through the time of losing his mother. He didn't really need her presence or care but any help was appreciated even if it wasn't needed.

She was there for him and always came to check up on him every day.

She also provided emotional support for him and did her best to cheer him up.

It took time and a lot of effort from her but she eventually managed to win Lor's heart.

Her confession to him also played a huge role in that.

Ariella, finally managing to win Lor's Love and heart, felt extremely happy and joyful. She couldn't help but want to go rub it in Kara's face.

She always never liked Kara and did her best to win Lor's attention no matter where she was.

The past two years, Kara and Ariella's relationship never improved and they constantly fought against each other for Lor.

The first time they fought, Kara had won and she beat Ariella to the ground.

Ariella couldn't believe there was another person aside from Lor who was more skilled than her. She thought she had no equal among the younger generation and the only person who was better than her was Lor.

But here she was, beaten and wounded to the ground by none other than someone younger than her.

Two years younger than her even.

She later figured out that Lor was the one who trained Kara till she was that strong and she didn't like that one bit.

She asked that Lor teach her too and due to Lor being her friend and seeing no issue with that, taught her a little.

She may be his friend but that doesn't mean she couldn't turn against him so he only taught her a little and not as much as he taught Kara.

As a result, she still lost against Kara despite

improving at an extremely fast pace and was far more stronger than she previously was.

It wasn't until Lor was hit with the news of his mother imprisonment and him staying away from the El's, Kara included, that she finally managed to keep her fast improvement while Kara lost her only means of improving at a fast rate, leading her to improve at a regular pace while Ariella kept her fast improvement.

Ariella guessed that if they were to fight once again then the person who would win this time would be her.

Ariella giggled in her mind and felt like going to Kara to mock her and show who won in their little game but she decided against that.

The girl had already suffered enough by Lor distancing himself away from her and doing such a thing to her would be nothing more than cruel and immature.

She might not like Kara but she can't help but feel bad for her now.

The girl must be going through a tough time.

The least she can do is not make it worse for her.

"You little." Lor looked at her in fake anger and decided to go along with her.


They made out for a long time with Ariella teasing him by rubbing her ass on his member.

Unfortunately for her, Lor didn't get hard like she wanted and simply poked her forehead with two fingers whenever she did that.

He would always say "Not today, maybe some other time." to her and that always made her pout and frustrated.

Originally, the thought of doing the deed with Lor never even crossed her mind.

She was satisfied with marrying Lor and having a child with him along with showing all her love and care for him.

But as time went on and she spent more and more time with Lor, she couldn't help but find Lor more and more attractive.

She felt extremely tempted to do the deed with him, something that was frowned upon on Krypton and considered a crime.

She didn't know why she was suddenly feeling like this with Lor and even thinking about committing such a crime.

It was like something about Lor had awakened something within her.

She was really torn between going along with her instincts or stopping herself and just put herself through this torture.

She eventually didn't care anymore and decided to go along with her instincts.

Fortunately, Lor wasn't against it but he kept saying that they should put it off until they were older.

Maybe when she was Sixteen and he was Fifteen.

Lor was already taking it far by dating a girl so much younger than him mentally. The least he could do was to wait till she was older for all that.

This always made her angry but she decided to respect his decision but that doesn't mean she won't make it hard for him as well.

She'll be sure to rile him up until he can't hold back anymore.

After a hot make out session between them and Ariella leaving the training center to go home, Lor walked to the control room where Sophia was.

When Ariella was in the training room with Lor, she saw all the destroyed sentinel's but she didn't say anything due to already knowing Lor's monstrous strength.

Lor had decided to take Ariella with him when Krypton is destroyed the moment he realized how much she loved him and how he felt about her.

Seeing that he already decided to take her with him, he decided to reveal a bit more about himself.

Such as his absurd strength and speed. She was already going to know about it when they got to earth and if he didn't tell her despite being together for so long then it'll look like he doesn't trust her at all despite them being together.

Lor decided that he'll show her his magic and his absurd physical attributes but that's just it.

Nothing more.

He's already decided not to tell her about the system, his reincarnation, or his other abilities no matter what.

Lor eventually reached the control room of the training center and was currently walking in.

He was met with the sight of Sophia standing in

front of a large screen. She didn't look a day older compared to when she first got her body.

She still had the same beautiful face and voluptuous body.

She was currently facing Lor's direction with a smile on her face, already knowing he was on his way here.

On the screen, there was a collection of data's, numbers and information regarding the planet's and the sun's condition.

Lor, in order to make sure he wasn't blown up along with the planet or caught off guard with the planet suddenly shaking, monitored the planet and the sun's general condition.

He wasn't exactly sure what caused the planet's destruction but he knew it had to be one of the two things he had in his mind.

The planet was either destroyed due to internal pressures on the planets core or the sun suddenly exploding, taking the planet along with it.

It had to be one of these two options and Lor wasn't willing to risk his or Ariella's death due to him over relying on his knowledge.

It's better to monitor both options so that he doesn't prepare for the wrong thing and as a result, cause the death of Ariella or his.

He can come back to life but the same can't be said for Ariella.

If she dies then that's it for her. Game over.

And he's not ready to appear in front of God due to his mistake.

It would be too shameless and rude of him.

[Hello host. How are you doing now? I hope you're not too sad over your mother's imprisonment.]

Sophia said with a worried look on her face, she was already capable of showing emotions and exhibiting them.

"Yes, Sophia. I'm doing fine and no worries, I'm over it for now." Lor said as he walked towards the large screen, his eyes narrowing more and more as he read the various information on it.

Sophia didn't say anything and simply nodded her head. She turned towards the screen and went back to analyzing the information on the screen.

"I see. So in the Young Justice universe, it's not the planet suddenly exploding that caused the Kryptonian's to be almost wiped out, its the sun that almost destroyed them."

Lor said as he stood beside Sophia, already coming to the conclusion of what caused the planet to be destroyed.

Krypton's home star, which is the sun, suddenly exploded, taking the planet Krypton along with it.

'With this knowledge, I won't have to be constantly watching for Superman's birth and can now initiate my plans without worrying about things going wrong.'

Lor thought as he raised one of his hands towards the screen and swiped towards the right, causing the information and data on the screen to change into various images and information.

The screen now contained all the technology, Knowledge, research and information Lor was gonna take from Krypton.

The AI's, Bio Remediation suit's, robot's, Regeneration Matrix, a fortress of solitude, the war ship, Kryptium, sunstones and the likes.

Every single one of them were on the screen along with their information. The various researches that Krypton had conducted, their knowledge on several different fields and the information they had stored and gathered for thousands of year's.

Everything was all on the screen with a lot of them being stored in folders due to their sheer magnitude.

"Have they all been stored in the war ship Sophia?"

Lor asked, his eyes going over every single thing in his mind to make sure there was no mistake.

[Yes, host. They've all been stored in the war ship, including the Regeneration Matrix, just like you asked.] Sophia responded.

"Good, the Regeneration Matrix is something that I must take with me. It's top priority even if I have to abandon everything else. I can't lose this one no matter what." Lor said.

The Regeneration matrix is a very important Kryptonian technology capable of resurrecting Kryptonian's who have experienced discorporation or death.

It was the same technology that was used to revive Superman after he was killed by Doomsday so its very useful.

Lor isn't worried about himself at all. He knows even if he comes across someone that was capable of killing him then he'll just come back to life no matter what caused his death.

But the same can't be said for his mother, Ariella or Kara. If they die then unless they're brought back to life by some other means then they'll stay dead.

Lor doesn't want to have to go through some suspicious means or evil means to resurrect them so he made sure to bring the matrix along with him should Ariella or Kara die by some means.

But this is just a backup plan if Lor was incapable of saving them for some reason.

He'll do his best to make sure he won't ever have to come to it.

"What about the creation of my sword? I've added new things to it and improved it to a higher level, all that's left now is to see if it's ready to come out from the container." Lor asked.

What Lor was talking about was the sword he got from the tournament. It had several defects and very small features installed in it so Lor remodeled the sword from scratch and added new features to it.

He did this during his time in the Valley of Juru and was hoping it was ready now.

[Yes, host. It's currently done and ready to be used. Here it is.] Sophia said as she typed some words on the holographic keyboard that suddenly appeared in front of her.

The moment she typed the last word, the wall by the side suddenly opened and out came a container.

The container had a white fog inside it, blocking anyone from seeing what's inside.

It eventually opened, releasing all the fog and letting Sophia and Lor to get a proper look at it.

It was a glowing blue sword with various diagrams and symbols on the blade. The hilt wasn't glowing like the blade was and it's cross guard was curved, pointing down towards the blade.

The hilt also had symbols and glowing golden words on it, giving it a cool but fantasy vibe to it.

The blade was shining blue with mighty power and there was a black scabbard next to it with golden words also written on it.


"Beautiful, isn't it?"

[It is amazing host.]

Lor smiled at her words as he walked towards the sword and picked it up, his fingers tracing the words and symbols on it softly.

"You know, I made this sword in the Valley of Juru along with the magi's. They helped me in getting the materials and forging it. They inscribed it with their magical energy, also called Juri magic, hence, why you can see it's blade glowing and the glowing words on it are also inscribed with magical energy."

"The sword was made from the hardest and most durable element in Krypton, Kryptium. It was also made with sunstones, making it even stronger and unbreakable."

Lor said as he stroke the blade, sensing the absurd amount of energy inside of it.

"It's one of the best weapons out there in Krypton, No doubt about it."

[I see. I can't wait to see just what's it's capable of.]

"Oh, you will. You will soon enough." Lor said with a smirk as he grabbed the scabbard and sheathed the blade, the words on it glowing even more.

He positioned it on his back diagonally and turned towards Sophia.

"How much time is left till the sun explodes?"

[Approximately 23 hours left.]

"That's a lot of time. I'll go destroy the council right now and then gather the people we're saving, it won't take long." Lor said before he turned around and walked towards the door.

Lor had a lot of time to think during these past two years and he's decided to save the Kryptonian's.

Not everyone but some of them.

Just a thousand of them along with some Kryptonian Magi's.

Just enough to where he doesn't feel guilty about their deaths.

He'll send them to the phantom zone where his parents were. He's sure Zod wouldn't mind taking care of the Kryptonian's he's gonna send.

[Be careful host.] Sophia said with worry from behind him.

Lor simply nodded and walked out of the room. He eventually reached the exit of the training center and walked out of it too.

He stared at the red sky for a few seconds before slowly levitating off the ground.

He already checked his surroundings for anybody and since no one was nearby, he could confidently show his powers outside.

Any means of spying on him through technology was also cut off by Sophia. It was all to reduce the chances of him being caught using his powers.

Any evidence left behind from using any of his powers were also covered up by Sophia so he wasn't worried about being found out.

Besides, Krypton has less than a day before it's destroyed. Even if someone catches him using his powers so what?

It's the last day, he might as well not even bother keeping a low profile anymore and just go out with a bang since what he's about to do can't be considered low key anymore.

"Oh, I'm so gonna enjoy ripping those bastards apart when I find them." He said with a smirk on his face.

He stayed in the air for a few more seconds before shooting off into the sky, a small crater being left behind as a result of the blast off.


A sonic boom was heard across the sky, signifying the sound barrier being breached.

Lor kept speeding up towards the sun, his speed steadily increasing every second.

He eventually passed the atmosphere of the planet and still kept heading closer and closer to the sun.

Eventually, he stopped and watched the sun from a safe distance.

He could feel the sun strengthening him and his power growing at a fast rate.

His cells bathed in the light of the red sun, causing him to feel relaxed and at peace.

He stayed like that for a few minutes before suddenly blasting off towards a direction, his destination being the high council headquarters.

His goal?

Their destruction.


It didn't take long at all before Lor bursted in to the headquarters through the ceiling, his body slamming down to the ground, causing the entire building to shake and almost collapse.


"What's going on?!"

"The building's shaking, that's what's happening!"

Eventually, the building stopped shaking and the guards breathed a sigh of relief.

"Something breached the force field surrounding the headquarters...it's currently in the council room."

A guard, who had immediately turned towards the holographic screen next to him the moment the shaking stopped, said.

His face turned expressionless the moment he finished his words. The other guards who were next to him, also turned expressionless.

"I see. Gear up and head towards the council room. Be careful not to aim for the council members and strike anyone else there on sight. The council shouldn't be having anyone at this time so anyone else there with them is the intruder."

A guard with a huge body and scars on his face, who is assumed to be the leader, said.

His face was expressionless and lacking any emotion but the words coming out of his mouth were nothing short of brutal and filled with hostility.

"Kill the intruder on sight, no questions asked. Do I make myself clear?" The leader asked.

"Yes!" The guards around him said. They immediately rushed towards where their weapon's were and grabbed it. They then rushed out of the room, heading towards the council room at full speed.

An armored figure currently stood in the middle of the council room, staring at the council member's who also stared right back at it.

"Who are you and how dare you break into the highest form of power on this planet with no regard for it? Do you not know the consequence's of such foolish actions?"

One of the council members said, his face expressionless and showing no signs of panic despite the power just shown in front of him.

Whether he's pretending to be calm or truly not worried for himself remains to be seen.

"It's none of your business as to who I am." A cold voice came from the armored figure.

It's face was completely covered with a dark silver metal and three orange holes on its chest. There were lines of orange on its arm and head with its body almost looking robotic.


"Just know your deaths are only mere seconds away." The armored figure said, it's tone only getting colder and its hands clenched into a fist.

"Hm? Foolishness, Do you really think you can kill us all and still escape from here? You're nothing short of a fool if you actually think so." Another member said, his face was also expressionless with no trace of panic or fear on it.

He seemed confident in himself despite the situation.

"Oh really? Why don't we test that?" The armored figure said before suddenly turning into a blur that headed straight for them.


It's figure abruptly appeared in front of one of the members before slamming it's fist towards his head, not hesitating and instantly going for the kill.

The member didn't even realize what hit him and was instantly sent flying towards the wall behind him at a fast speed.


He crashed towards the wall, denting it heavily and leaving him stuck there, trapped and capable of doing nothing but wait for his doom.

"Hmm, a force field huh. No wonder you guys were so confident. You had something to protect yourselves should your lives be in danger."

The figure said as it stared at the blue force field surrounding the member it just attacked.

It was cracked all over and seemed like it would crumble at any time.

It obviously wouldn't be able to take another blow like that again.

The member's eyes were currently wide open in fear, he obviously hadn't expected something like this.

The same could be said for the other members who finally turned towards where the sound of an impact came from.

They too couldn't react at all to the figure's speed and only knew that one of them had been attacked when they saw him stuck in the wall, unable to do anything with cracks all over his force field.

They shakily turned towards the armored figure who also turned towards them, a seemingly condescending gaze seemed to be looking at them from inside that armor.

"Now, that's the look I want to see on your faces." The figure said, seemingly taking pleasure in their fear.

"W-Wait! What do you want from us?! We haven't done anything to you!" One of them suddenly screamed in fear, his voice stuttering in trepidation and his face completely unlike the previous expressionless and calm exterior he once gave off.

He was too frightened.

"Really? That's it? That's all it took for you guys to break down? Pathetic." The figure said in disappointment, it obviously couldn't believe that it had been living under the rule of such spineless cowards.

The council member's didn't even care about the insult that was just thrown their way. They were currently too afraid to even care about that, all that mattered was that they could keep their lives.

"H-Hold! Let us converse in civilized manners and not like animals! There's no need to resort to violence! Please! Just have mercy!!" Another member screamed in fear, his face just like every single person here except the figure.

[A/N: Brutal scene coming up. If you can't handle such things then feel free to skip it. For those who do stay then be my guest. It's my first time doing a brutal scene but if you still wanna read on then I hope you enjoy.]

"Unfortunately for you all, I'm all out of mercy but no worries, I'm full with brutality instead." The figure said before instantly rushing towards one of the member's.


It's figure instantly turning into a blur that appeared in front of one of them. It grabbed their head and brutally smashed it down to the ground, instantly causing the once balanced building to shake again and the head, to a bloody mess.

The force field couldn't hold up this time and it shattered the moment it landed on the ground.

The other member's that were close to the member that just got killed, were blown away by the shockwave from the blow, causing them to get sent away in different directions.


They landed harshly on the ground but didn't sustain any injury due to the force field around their body protecting them.

They instantly stood up and ran towards different directions, trying to escape and force the figure to pick one of them to go for, leaving the others a chance to escape and the one to be chased after...


The figure didn't do anything and simply picked up the dead body on the ground by the leg, it's blood and parts of it's brain spilling out from the now bursted head.

The figure threw the body towards one of the escaping member's, its body approaching the running member extremely fast.


In just one collision, the body hit the back of the member, destroying the force field and cracking his spine, sending him and the body flying towards the wall.



They eventually collided with the wall, turning their bodies into nothing but mush and splattering their blood all over the floor and wall.

The member didn't even have time to register the pain before dying a brutal death.

His blood and organs all over the wall as signs of his bloody death.

The figure didn't even turn to look at its work as if it already knew the outcome and instantly bolted straight for another member.

The member was already quite far away from the figure but it didn't even take a second for the figure to catch up to him and grab his leg, lifting the member up and changing his field of vision.

"Wait!! Please! Don't do th-"

The member couldn't even finish his words before he was brutally slammed down to ground head first.


The ground caved in instantly, causing a crater to be formed. It was obvious this attack was much stronger than the previous one.

The member's head had brutally slammed down to the ground, causing his blood to splatter everywhere and his arms to twist and turn to weird angles.

The figure lifted him up to check if he was still breathing and lo and behold, he was still alive! Albeit barely.


The member tried to say something but all that came out were nonsensical words that nobody could understand.

He kept trying to speak but the figure had enough of him.

It brutally slammed him down to the ground again, this time even harder and the member's head bursted like a ballon.

Brain matter and blood splattered to the floor and sky like it was nobody's business.

By now, the last member of the council had already reached the exit and immediately ran out, only to be met with a large number of people who were armed to the bone.

The member instantly turned happy and he immediately screamed and pointed at the armored figure.

"What took you so long?!! I almost died all because you fools decided to take your time getting here and were scratching your backs like animals! There he is! There's the intruder, now attack and protect me you buffoons!!"

The member screamed at the top of his lungs as he ran towards the back of the crowd, doing his best to get out of the sight of the figure.

He didn't stop for a second even if he reached the back and simply kept running, no longer wanting to be in the same building as that monster.

The guards didn't say anything about the members words like it was a natural occurrence and simply opened fire at the figure.




Dozens of energy weapons instantly blasted towards the figure, hitting him and kicking up a cloud of dust.

The guards stopped firing and simply watched the dust, trying to see the condition of their enemy.

"Not bad for a mere energy weapon. The fire power from all your attacks just now wasn't too bad for an energy weapon. I suppose that's the result of a dozen blasters aiming at you."

A voice suddenly came from the cloud of smoke before a large blue curved energy suddenly came out from the dust, dispersing the dust and heading straight for the guards at high speed.

It didn't take long before the energy attack struck the dozens of guards, cutting them in half and spilling their blood and organs everywhere.

"Ahh!!" The guards all screamed in pain, their cries of pain making their way to the fleeing member, sending chills down his spine and urging him to run faster.

Never in his life had he ever felt so scared.

The dozen of guards in front of the figure had all died except for a huge figure behind the guards.

He was only still alive because he was the farthest behind and the energy attack didn't make it to him before dispersing.

The huge figure, now revealed to be the leader of the guards, had a look of shock on his face. What he had just seen had never happened before him except during wars where the planet pulled out the big guns against their enemies.

Even then that was only done through technology and war ships.

Not through a single person!

"Oh? One person is still alive Huh." A voice suddenly sounded from the now dispersed cloud of dust.

The leader saw an armored figure staring at him with a blue glowing sword. It radiated an energy never before felt by the leader.

The figure stood in front of dozens of dead bodies with nothing but a sword in its hand. There wasn't a speck of blood or damage on its armor and it still looked as good as new.

The leader knew it had to be the intruder and the perpetrator for the cause of his subordinates deaths.

"Well, not like it matters anyway." A voice suddenly said from behind the leader.

The voice instantly made the leader stiff and the instinct he had developed from countless battles told him not to move no matter what.

He could feel sweat starting to form on his head and his hands starting to shake. He really wanted to turn around and strike the figure but he knew he would die that very moment.

"I'll just let you live. I have no reason to kill you after all and you'll soon be destroyed along with this planet so there's no reason to get unnecessary blood on my hands."


The figure behind the leader said as it turned around and bolted straight for the fleeing member, it's speed causing a shockwave to suddenly appear, sending the leader flying due to his close proximity.

He crashed towards a nearby wall and slide down from it. His eyes fluttered as he tried to stay awake but his crash against the wall severally wounded him, causing him to almost get knocked out.

But just before he was finally knocked out, he couldn't help but come to a thought.

'Just who is this person?'

The figure bolted across the hall, it's speed instantly crossing the large distance between it and the member at a fast rate.

The member felt a chill creep up his body at the sight of this, he knew his death was near if he didn't do something.

The member gritted his teeth and immediately yelled, "activate protocol destroyer!!"

At his words, the walls in the halls the member was running on immediately changed and revealed a large amount of weapons that instantly aimed at the fast approaching figure.

A stronger force field also appeared around the fleeing member, it was bigger and looked sturdier than the one he previously had on his body.

"Fire!!" At the members command, the weapons immediately fired at the figure, the amount of attacks heading for him were far more than what the guards threw at it before.

Obviously, the power behind those attacks also had to be higher too.

"Oh? Not bad, I guess that's to be expected from a council member, no way would you guys die so easily." The figure said, apparently not concerned about the attacks heading for him at a fast speed.

"Well, I originally planned to test this weapon's power so why don't we do just that?" The figure said as it increased its speed even more, the distance between the member and figure lowering even more at a drastic rate.

A black hexagonal barrier also appeared around the figure, shielding it from the bombardment of attacks.

"[Shield of Condemning light]"




Countless beams landed on the hexagonal barrier, causing vibrations to appear all over it but that was it.

No damage was done at all.

The figure ran head first into the beams with no fear at all, not even bothering to check the condition of the barrier surrounding it's body.

'Hmm, it seems the barrier is stronger than it once was. It seems like the sword is not only capable of projecting my magical energy outwards in the form of attacks but also capable of enhancing my magic spells, nice but more research will have to be done to determine how much it can increase the power of my spells.'

The figure noted as it appeared behind the member who never stopped running for a second and slammed its foot down on his back.




The attack pushed the member down to the ground, causing the ground to cave in heavily and the building to shake one more time.

The attack also broke the two force fields surrounding the member and the man's spine.

Due to the force of the attack, the man's head also landed on the ground harshly, causing his blood and parts of his brain to splash everywhere.

The member died immediately.

"You put up some acceptable fight, unfortunately, your resistance was for naught and your destiny was to die today."

The figure looked at the bloody mess that was once a council member and said, disappointment and hate clear in it's voice.

"By my hands, of course." It finished as it turned around and walked back to the council room to finish off the last member.

It left him there due to the fact that he couldn't escape even if he wanted and anybody that could possibly help him were all dead.


The figure suddenly turned into a blur, blasting straight for the room, the weapons that were still blasting at him all turned to scraps by the shockwave.

Eventually, the figure appeared back in the council room and looked towards the council member that was still stuck there, doing all he could to escape.

The person inside the armor smirked as the figure walked towards the member slowly, intimidating and causing the member to struggle even harder to escape.

The figure's steps seemed to ring loud in the members ears as he tried harder and harder to escape.

The steps seemed to be the very embodiment of his death as every time he heard a step, it was always closer and closer, giving him a huge amount of fear and chill.

As if death was inching closer and closer to him.

The member kept struggling and struggling, doing his best to escape. Unfortunately, he was embedded too deep in the wall and he didn't have the physical strength necessary to escape.

The figure eventually stopped in front of the member, staring as it watched him struggle and struggle, his expression of fear and pain bringing delight to the figure.

"Well, what do we have here? A creature struggling to escape it's inevitable demise? Now, isn't that sad." The figure smirked, watching as the member tried harder and harder upon hearing it's voice.

"P-Please! Violence isn't always the answer to everything! Let's just talk this out!!" The member screamed out loud, the expression of fear on his face reaching an all time high.

"Unfortunately, I'm not in the mood to talk things out with pathetic creatures like yourself. I'm more in the mood of torturing you to death though." The figure said as it raised it's right arm up and aimed it at the member.


"Goodbye." The figure said as a large amount of black energy came from it's body and gathered in front of the palm aimed at the member, eventually forming into a medium sized black flame that radiated a large amount of heat, already destroying the force field surrounding the member without even touching it.

"D-Damn it! Activate protocol pro-" The member gritted his teeth and yelled, saying the same word's as the previous member before he was abruptly cut off.

The armored figure thrust it's left arm into the throat of the member who had opened his mouth wide open to say his words.

The figure grabbed the tongue of the member and abruptly pulled back its arm, tearing off the tongue and causing a huge amount of pain to the member.

"Mmm!!!!" The member screamed in pain, his echoes of pain echoing across the entire building.

"I don't have the patience to play with your puny toy's. I'd much rather burn you to death than to waste my time fighting pieces of scraps."

The figure said with a cold voice before releasing the stored up black fire at the member, incinerating him and causing him to scream out even more.

"Mmm!!!!" The member screamed in pain, the fire burning his skin, blood, muscles, and organs. His body rapidly turning into ashes at a fast rate.

Never in his life had he gone through such pain, just what had he done to deserve this?

Unfortunately, he would never know the answer to this even in the after life.

And just like that, another council member was killed. Nothing but ashes remaining of him.

The figure stared at the ashes for a few seconds before turning around and walked towards the middle of the room, standing under the destroyed ceiling that it came in through.


The figure jumped up high to the sky through the opened ceiling before suddenly blasting off towards a direction, it's figure soon disappearing into the horizon.

It's mission had been accomplished. The council members were finally destroyed.


On a cliff, a figure came flying down. It's dark silver metal shining under the sun's light, giving it a magnificent look.

This figure was none other than the one who laid waste to the council's headquarters.

The figure landed on the cliff, staring off into the distance, no one knew what it was thinking.

The red ocean under the cliff raged everywhere, constantly clashing against the foot of the cliff.

To a regular Kryptonian, this would have been a beautiful sight.

The water raging everywhere, the wind blowing calmly, giving a warm feeling to everyone and the sound of the ocean rising to the sky before falling down, creating a large splash sound in the process.

This would have been very calming for any of them.

For a human on earth, this would have been a wondrous view. A blood red ocean that has never been seen before on any of their lands would definitely be fascinating for them.

For some though, this would have been a scary experience. An ocean resembling a large amount of blood would have definitely traumatized some of them.

The figure kept staring into the distance before the armor covering its head gradually came off, revealing an extremely handsome male face underneath.

His youthful face would have been enough to captivate any girl on earth and no doubt if he were to smile, that would be dealing extra damage to them.

Unfortunately, what was supposed to be a happy face on someone so young was replaced with a devastated one.

This person was obviously Lor.

He had finally destroyed the people who imprisoned his parents and repaid them for the pain he suffered all these two years.

So why wasn't he happy?

Why wasn't he smiling brightly despite having fulfilled his goal?

Simple, he didn't feel victorious. He didn't feel like someone who had finally gotten their revenge after years of planning and strategizing.

He felt nothing. He felt like he didn't achieve anything.

His parents weren't dead and were just imprisoned and even though he had destroyed the perpetrators, they were still imprisoned.

Nothing had changed except for the death of a few pathetic creatures.

Nothing at all.

Tears streamed down his eyes as he looked at the blood red ocean and reminisced about the time he had with his parents especially with his mother.

The times they would come here and watch the sky under the red sky and on top the blood red ocean.

The times they would play games here like hide and seek when he was little.

The times when his mother would do her best to make him smile and keep him company.

The little talks and conversations they had.

He missed it all.

How he wishes he could just go into the phantom zone and drag them out of that god forsaken zone.

But he can't do that. Not yet.

He would have to wait for the right moment, when he had gotten more powerful and was capable of ending worlds.

That's when he'll get them. Maybe even earlier when he feels like he would be capable of protecting from any threat.

'Until then, I'll have to be patient.' Lor thought as he brought out a red cape and rubbed it softly, a small smile adorning his face.

This was the cape he had won during the tournament two years ago and was something his mother always had in her room, hanged and illustrated in a way that she would see upon entering her room.

It was a source of her pride. This cape was something her baby had won the day he was officially made the future general.

It was also the day when a million people bowed before him.

She would never forget that day.

Lor still remembers how happy and proud she would become whenever she saw the cape.

She was always so happy and bubbly.

He brought the cape to his face as his tears ran down on it.

'God, I miss you mother.'


After clearing his mind, Lor donned on his general armor and red cape and immediately went to gather the people he was gonna save.

A few messages and a few hours later, they had all shown up.

They were placed together in a large field with a strange device in front of them.

It was floating in mid air with its body being circular in shape and two handles on its side for people to have a firm hold on it.

It was mainly silver in color with some blue colors around it. It had a glowing white light in the middle of it that also had some diagrams in it.


This was the phantom zone projector and it was the key to opening a portal to the phantom zone.

Before the people and beside the phantom zone projector was their general.

The person who had fought for them and protected them.

He had destroyed countless creatures, contributed to the people's well being and done his best to make sure their peaceful lives weren't disrupted.

This was Lor.

Standing in front of them, he had an emotionless face, an upright posture and a muscular build that could clearly be seen even though he was wearing armor.

His black armor that had bits of red in it along with the red cape and gold lines on it, was currently being lifted in the air by the wind, giving him a commanding and magnificent presence.

"I'm sure you all know why I'm here right now. I'm here to get you all to safety since this planet is about to be destroyed. I hope you all can work with me to get you there."

Lor said, his eyes scanning the people for their reactions to his words.

Jor-El had already announced that the planet would be destroyed if they don't do anything but nobody believed him, just like in the comics.

He wanted to see if the people he had picked, the people who were most loyal and respected him the most out of the entire population of Krypton would react to his words.

Would they treat him as a mad person like Jor-El was treated? Or would they take his words as nothing more than nonsense and then leave.

If they did then Lor wouldn't hesitate to abandon these people.

These people didn't trust him or weren't as loyal as he thought if they were to do that. He has no need for people who aren't loyal at all to him, they were better off dead than of use to him.

Hence, why he isn't saving the rest of the Kryptonian population. They aren't loyal to him.

They're loyal to the planet and council. Not him.

They respect and adore him, sure but they're not ready to give their lives for him.

Since they haven't reached such level of loyalty to him despite his deeds and service to the people then they weren't worth anything to Lor anymore.

They might as well die with the planet they're so loyal to.


The people didn't say anything, their eyes being more than capable of showing their thoughts.

The people never once doubted Lor. They saw him as their protector, someone who would never harm them.

Someone who's sole priority was their well being.

Hence why they didn't doubt him at all despite his outrageous words.

If he really thinks this planet is about to be destroyed and the only way to save them is to move to another place then they're all for it.

They don't mind abandoning this planet at all.

Their loyalty towards Lor is far more than their loyalty to the planet after all.

Lor scanned every single one of their faces, looking for traces of deceit or people who had second thoughts.

If he saw even a single trace of doubt on their face then he'll immediately send that person away.

He honestly expected them to doubt his words, after all, his words had a lot of flaws and missing information.

For example, how does he know this? How is he so sure that the planet is about to be destroyed?

Is the place where he's gonna take them really safe?

If he turned out wrong and they followed him, they would be considered traitors to the planet. At that point, their lives would turn miserable, would he be able to have their backs at that time?

Questions like these should pop up in their heads. It's just the logical thought that anyone would have, thus creating doubts and uncertainty in their faces.

But color Lor surprised when these people showed none of that.

Not a single one of them had even the slightest amount of doubt on their faces.

Did they not think at all before coming to their conclusions?

No, they're Kryptonian's. Not children who can't think all the way.

For Kryptonian's, Logical thinking is a must in any of their actions.

They must have had thoughts like that.

They must have come up with countless questions that need answers.

So why is it that they still decided to go with him despite such thoughts?

'It's their loyalty towards me. After all, For Kryptonian's who were known for their logical thinking and mind, they ignored someone as reputable as Jor-El all because of their confidence and blind trust in their planet and council.'

'If any of them simply used their brains and thought for a second, 'would someone as smart and bright as Jor-El possibly speak nonsense?''

'Highly unlikely but their blind loyalty towards their planet and council overcame their thinking, making them ignore the most basic thing in their lives. Something that made them prosper and advance this far.'

As a result, it spelled their destruction. If someone with more loyalty towards their planet were to have that kind of loyalty towards Lor then it's only logical that they would also ignore questions like that even if it popped up in their heads.

Why? Simply because of their blind trust and Loyalty.

Which, unlike the others who chose to ignore their basic instincts and follow their trust and loyalty thereby resulting in their deaths, ultimately saved them.

Lor smiled at this and nodded his head.

If even after all his hard work, they still didn't have this kind of loyalty towards him then he might as well have wasted all his time on these people.

All he did for two years would have amounted to nothing.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case.

"Alright, since you all trust me so much then I can only live up to your expectations and meet them head on."

As Lor said that, he grabbed the phantom zone projector and activated it, causing a purple portal to appear in front of him.

He moved to the side of the portal to get a look on the people and to direct them inside.

"Here. Your salvation and road to safety lies inside. Thank you everyone for your trust, it really means a lot."

Lor said as he released a smile towards the people, causing several of the girls and women among the crowd to blush heavily.

"Come on, go in." Lor said as he urged the first person up.

However, none of them moved.

Lor, noticing this peculiarity, expressed his confusion.

"What's wrong, why aren't you guys going in?" Lor said, his eyes peering at the people and his mind going towards something dark.

'Are they doubting me?' Lor thought, his hands clenching at the possibility that he was wrong all along.

Fortunately, he was thinking too much.

"General, what about you? Aren't you coming with us?" One of the soldiers among the crowd, stepped out and expressed his concerns.

Lor immediately breathed a sigh of relief, thanking God that he wasn't wrong and was just overthinking things.

"I'll be fine, I won't go down with the planet. I just have things to do so I can't come with you guys yet. I'll come after I'm done so don't worry." Lor replied, settling the worry and concern that was already building up among the people.

They released a sigh of relief and started walking towards the portal.

Like that, the people entered the portal one by one. It took some time but eventually, all the people managed to get in without any problem.

"My parents are in there. They'll take care of you until I come to the phantom zone. Also, Colonel? Do please pass this message to them."

Lor said as he called out to the colonel who was now in the zone, passing a crystal containing his message in it to the colonel.

The colonel nodded his head and took it, promising to pass it on.

"I'll see you all soon. Remember, the first thing to do is to find my parents, they're the only ones who can help you in there until I arrive." Lor said as he waved at the people.

The people also nodded their heads, promising to find his parents first.

Eventually, the portal closed after Lor deactivated the projector.

He stared at the place the portal appeared for a few seconds before he placed the projector in his inventory, turned around and walked away.

'Sophia, how much time is left till the sun explodes?' Lor said inwardly.

[15 hours left host.] Sophia replied from his head.

'Still a lot of time, I can go sun bath for some time and then go meet Ariella to check up on her, hopefully, she's almost done by now.' Lor thought as he shot up to the sky, leaving a crater.

Lor told Ariella about the planet's destruction. She was heartbroken as any other Kryptonian but eventually moved past it.

She asked why and how the planet was gonna be destroyed. Was it through some enemy attack? An alien invasion?

Or something entirely different?

She was right about it being something different but unfortunately, Lor wasn't sure about the cause of the planet's destruction at that time so Lor could only tell her he wasn't sure yet.

She was pretty bummed out but decided to ignore it and just get some love from Lor.

It's something she does all the time. Whenever she was upset or sad, she always sought comfort and love from Lor.

It was pretty sweet and served as a way to bring Lor and Ariella even closer despite their already close relationship.

Lor also revealed his red hair to her. He thought she at least deserved to know this much from him.

They've been dating for a long time now and if Lor kept this information from her then it'll be seen as him not trusting her enough and could possibly cause a dent in their relationship.

Lor didn't want that so he decided to show her at least this much.

What Lor didn't know was that even if he didn't tell her and she found out on her own, she wouldn't be mad at him and neither would it create a dent in their relationship.

She loved him too much to let such a small thing get in between them. She'll be upset with him, sure but she'll get over it eventually.

She was pretty surprised to see his red hair, it was extremely beautiful and complimented his red eyes perfectly.

His hair also seemed to be shining when it was under the red light from the sun, giving him a very ethereal feeling.

It was also very soft, it had already become a hobby of her's to be playing with it.

She couldn't help it, She just loved the feeling of it in her fingers. It was just amazing.

She thought he was more handsome with it compared to his previous blonde hair.

And That's speaking a lot since he was already extremely handsome with his blonde hair.

But that's just her opinion, she doesn't care if nobody else shares the same thought as her.


It didn't take long before Lor reached the sun and started absorbing its radiation.

He crossed his legs and stayed there in space, just meditating and enjoying the rush of power the sun was providing him.

It didn't even feel like hours had passed before he was interrupted by Sophia calling out to him.

[Host, five hours have passed. We only have Ten hours left before the sun explodes.]

Sophia said, her soft voice ringing out in his ears.

"Hmm, five hours have passed already huh. Time sure does go fast when you least expect it." Lor said as he got out of his meditative position and stretched his limbs.

He looked towards the direction of the house of Zod before blasting off to it, his speed having considerably improved under the nourishment of the red sun.


His speed instantly broke the sound barrier, his figure becoming nothing but a blur that blasted straight for the House of Zod mansion.

He didn't take long before finally landing outside the training center softly.

He walked towards the mansion and entered. He was met with complete silence, not a single person in the mansion at all.

It's only natural that it would be like this, after all, Lor had sent the maids to the zone.

The maids were also extremely loyal to him and were one of the closest people to Lor after his parents, Sophia, Ariella and Kara.

They were people who had taken care of him since birth.

Using his super speed, he checked the entire mansion in less than Ten seconds before appearing back at the door of the mansion.

He just checked to see if anything important were left behind and seeing nothing important, he turned around and walked out of the mansion.

This was gonna be goodbye to the mansion that was filled with so many memories and Lor was feeling extremely sad but he had to let go.

It was time to move on.

He kept walking without turning to look back at the mansion, it would only make him more sad and reluctant.

He walked to a large space behind the mansion, just next to where the training center was.

He saw a large war ship stationed there, awaiting his command.

It was large and shaped in a unique way, seemingly created for speed and fast flight.

Although, it seems to be built for speed, it also has its own share of attack methods.

This was a Kryptonian warship.


Lor stood in front of the ship, marveling at the gigantic black warship that was capable of laying waste to countless cities.

He smiled at it before turning around and blasting straight for Ariella's house.

"She should be done with killing her family by now." Lor said, the thought of what he just said being absurd not even crossing his mind.

Ariella was born and raised in a family that was heavily strict. The family was strict, cold and emotionless even to the closest of family and was only interested in things that would benefit their family and Krypton.

The exact type of family a Kryptonian family would be in the comics.

The families here in Krypton, especially his, are in no way similar to what was shown in the comics, animations or records.

The usual families are more attached to each other with some still being cold to their members but nonetheless close.

But Ariella's family wasn't like that. They were the exact embodiment of how a Kryptonian family should be.

They were cold, calculating, emotionless and logical.

Never had they shown any emotion to anybody, talk less of Ariella, their own daughter and family.

But even for a cold, typical Kryptonian family, Ariella's family was exceptionally cold and ruthless.

They would train her harshly, instill in her the family values, and completely punish her should she fail to meet their expectations.

She was also punished heavily for not coming out first in the tournament.

That's why she was trying so hard to come out first in the tournament, she would be dealt with brutally by her family if she were to fail.

She failed and was dealt accordingly.

Unfortunately for them, that was Ariella's last straw.

She had suffered years of beating and harsh treatment only to be rewarded with even more harsh punishments.

The punishment given to her this time was exceptionally harsh and she couldn't handle it anymore.

As a result, she killed all her family.

[A/N: Itachi style.]

The training from Lor had improved her immensely and with some careful plans here and there, she was able to finish them all.

She gave them an extra dose of torture as payment for what they made her go through.


Lor landed outside the family mansion, causing a large commotion along with it and walked towards the door calmly.

He was just about to reach it when the door suddenly swung open, giving him a clear view of the carnage inside it.

Blood splattered everywhere. Limbs like hands, legs and fingers mixed with it, giving it a more dreadful look.

There were some servants who were also among the dead people.

They were also people who participated in the torture and punishments of Ariella.

The expressions of fear and pain were etched deeply on their faces even in death.

It can be assumed that they were dealt with dearly by Ariella.

A person walked out of the now open door, drenched in blood.

The person walked towards Lor slowly and in a calm manner.

The person was assumed to be female due to the prominent curves on her body, giving one a feeling that this person was definitely a sexy person.

She walked towards Lor in a scary manner, her blonde hair covered in blood and shielding her face from being seen.

Blood dripped from her every steps, creating a trail and giving anyone a chilling feeling.

The person eventually stopped in front of Lor and stayed there for a few seconds before abruptly raising her head up towards Lor's face, her hair flinging towards the sky and uncovering her face.

The abrupt movement would have been enough to cause anyone to jump but would then make them sigh in relief and upset at the smiling and cheeky look on the revealed face.

"Hey Lor! You miss me?" The girl, revealed to be Ariella, said, a cheeky and teasing smile on her face.

"*Sigh* Ariella, how many times have I told you to stop trying to scare me? It's not gonna work." Lor said with a tired look on his face, showing he already knew it was her from the beginning.

Ariella pouted and turned her face to the side, "Hmph, how do you know it's never gonna work? I will scare you one of these days, Lor. Mark my words!"

Ariella declared to the sky, her right hand pointed at him in a dramatic manner.

Lor smiled at her behavior, she always was the energetic person between them.

"Sure, I'll wait for that day." Lor said with a smile as he bent down a little and gave a peck to her cheek's, instantly bringing a loving smile to her face.

"Hehe, oh you silly Lor. If you really missed me, all you had to do was say that, you don't have to be so aggressive about it." She said with her hands on both sides of her cheeks, holding them and moving her face side to side while fantasizing, a seductive smile on her face.

Lor simply smiled at her word's before turning around and walking away from the door, prompting Ariella to snap out of her fantasies and follow him.

"So, did you kill them all?" Lor asked, the once happy and fun atmosphere turning into a serious and silent one.

"Yes, I did. It was really refreshing and satisfying." Ariella replied, the once happy smile on her face, gone and replaced with a serious one.

"I see...do you wanna talk about it?" Lor asked, a supportive look adorning his face.

Ariella waved her head side to side with a smile on her face, indicating she didn't want to.

"There's nothing to talk about Lor, they were people who never saw me as a person, their daughter. They only saw a machine, a weapon that was made to serve their purpose. Never once did they see me as their daughter."

Ariella said with a sad smile that quickly disappeared, a calm smile replacing it.

Lor looked at her face from the side of his eye, already knowing she was faking her emotions.

He sighed before turning to her and pulling her into his embrace, his left hand wrapped around her waist and his right hand on her head, stroking her soft hair.

"It's okay to let it all out. Don't keep it in, it'll only hurt more." Lor said, his voice soft and tugging at her heart, seemingly telling her to let go.

"W-What do you mean? I don't know wh-"

"Shush, it's okay....Just let it all out." He cut her off, not wanting to hear her lame excuses.

She stayed silent for a few seconds before diving her head deeper into Lor's chest, not wanting him to hear her cries.


And not before long, she yelled out in frustration and sadness. Her cries still making its way to Lor's ears despite her efforts in stopping it.

"Why?!" She yelled out.

"Why?! Why?!! Why?!!! Why did it have to be like this?! Why did you have to force me to kill you?! Why did you have to be such poor excuses of a parent?! Why did you have to be so cruel to your daughter?! Your own blood!"

"Why?!!" She yelled out all her frustrations and sadness.

Ariella might have acted like she was okay and there was nothing to worry about concerning her but only she and her beloved knew she wasn't okay inside...

She had asked herself countless times what she did to deserve her parent's current attitude.

Their hate, their disgust, their contempt, their loathe.

Why did she have to be the embodiment of their shame, their fear, their despise, their disgust.

The very embodiment of their negative emotions.




Eye sore.



Countless times she's been called that and every time for no reason.

She would be treated as the very shame of her family yet when she actually does something good...

No one mentions it.

They only talk about her mistakes, her failures, her errors and blunders, causing her to feel bad and insecure about herself yet when she actually needs it...

No one is there to actually congratulate her on her success. Her good and contribution to the family.

No one but Lor.

He was the first to congratulate her in the tournament even though she didn't come out first.

He appreciated her efforts in trying to come out on top and admired her resilience and hard work.

His word's sparked a feeling she never thought she would have.

A feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. It was honestly pleasing for her, someone who had never gotten the chance to taste that.

His word's didn't only spark such feelings in her, it also sparked an amazing feeling that she just can't get enough of.

Her love for Lor.

It was truly amazing. It gave birth to something that grew and grew till it blossomed and became what it was today.

An insatiable desire for Lor's love.

Truly amazing.


*Breathes in*

*Breathes out*

I REALLY have a lot to say to you guys regarding why I didn't post for so long AND the problem I got with web novel…

But I can't say everything due to me reaching the limit a chapter can take.

I'll explain EVERYTHING next chapter.

Pathetic. Watt pad could take so more and yet, a single chapter Can't even take half of it.

Call me disappointed web novel.

The next chapter isn't chapter 13 but a continuation of this chapter. I had to cut it because weak sauce webnovel couldn't handle such a long chapter.

17,212 words.

It was originally more but I had to cut it.

The remaining part of this chapter is in the next one and I'll explain everything there so please forgive me for not explaining to you guys right now.

I'm so sorry guys, because of web novels stupid restriction, you guys can't enjoy this chapter to its best while my readers on watt pad get to enjoy it.

I'm so sorry.

Next chapter comes the day after tomorrow so please hold on.

Thank you and once again…

I'm sorry.

I'll see y'all next chapter.

Peace 😞😞