
Chapter 61

Saturday morning, and Harry had a busy schedule. He would be walking up to Natalie Rushman's house, and talking to his teacher about the project she did. Harry walked to the doorway with confidence and also curiosity as well. He thought about a scenario like this, being in the presence of his smoking hot teacher alone. Truly, the fantasy of anyone who had a hot teacher.

And yet, Harry also wondered about this secret project and why she thought he could help. Harry knocked on the door to find out.

Seconds later, the door opened up and Natalie answered the door. She dressed up in a buttoned up white shirt, a modest length black skirt which still fit over her ass and showed off her legs, which had been covered in sheer black stockings. She smiled when gazing at Harry on the other side of the door.

"Harry, why don't you come inside and make yourself at home?" Natalie asked. "And I can tell you why I invited you here."

Harry could tell Natalie had the utmost confidence in the world. She lead him inside, hips swaying along the way. Harry found it hard to tell whether or not she did this on purpose, or whether this was the way Natalie walked naturally. Regardless, it most certainly caught Harry's interest.

"So, what's this about, Ms. Rushman?" Harry asked.

She turned around towards Harry with a smile, something which had been so rare in house.

"Please, when we're working together as equals, it's Natalie," she said. "There's a couple of colleagues that I want you to meet."

Inside of the room, Harry noticed two women. One was a very athletically built blonde woman, who dressed in a black shirt and jeans. The other one was an attractive brunette woman dressed in a black button up shirt and a pair of nice dressy pants as well. Both of them were gorgeous, even in the room next to Natalie which had been a feat to say the least.

"This is Jemma Simmons," Natalie said.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Kent," Jemma said with a smile.

From Harry's guess, Jemma was not much older than he was. He reached out to kiss Jemma on the hand.

"The pleasure is all mine, and it's Harry," Harry replied.

"And this is Bobbi Morse."

Bobbi smiled at Harry and looked to be eating in the eye candy, although being a lot more subtle about it then Jemma was at this moment in time.

"Nice to meet you as well," Bobbi said. "I have to say, Nat underplayed you, but then again, she's the master of underplaying things like that."

They greeted each other. Natalie cleared her throat and Jemma moved over to the bag to pull out something. Harry had been curious about what this was about and Jemma was only too happy to clue him in.

"Right,' Jemma said. "We uncovered this journal about six months ago with mysterious markings. We haven't quite seen anything like this...and Natalie thinks that you might be able to determine exactly what it is, and what the purpose is."

"If you would let me have a look at it," Harry told Jemma.

"Oh, yes, of course," Jemma said.

Harry took a look at the journal. Needless to say, it raised some more questions, more than it did any answers anyway. From the looks of things, it looked to be alien in origin.

"Someone left it on Earth around the same time as World War II," Harry remarked.

It predated the first official alien contact on Earth at Roswell by at least a few years.

"So what do you make of it?" Bobbi asked.

"Well, it's one piece of the puzzle," Harry said.

Natalie just smiled at him. She knew Harry's interest would be grabbed by such an item. Now that she had him, she would pull him in.

"Well then I would hope that you would help us find the other pieces," Natalie said. "Most importantly the owner or owners of the journal."

"Just think," Jemma said. "If we uncover their secrets, we can uncover a part of our history which had been buried."

Harry decided to look at the journal for a minute. While he could make a rough translation, it would be unwise to tip his hand of his knowledge. Especially considering the fact Harry only would be making assumptions.

"Do you mind if I hold onto this?"

"We already have a copy of it," Bobbi said.

"I was hoping that you would take it and study it more closely,' Natalie added. "This is the original….I figured you would be able to make something of it."

"You have a lot of faith in me," Harry said.

"Given your ability to pick out things that many would overlook, I don't think that faith is unwarranted," Natalie said.

Harry just smiled at her. One of the things Harry was curious is what was her purpose. She came to him with this journal. He always thought there was more to Natalie Rushman than met the eye and there were times where she tested him more than the other students. Harry gave some idle thoughts about prying into his teacher's personal life and stopped just short of pulling the trigger.

Now, he wondered what Natalie's, if that was her real name, what her game was. He was beginning to piece together something interesting.

Harry's extremely busy Sunday continued as he met Claire for lunch. The two of them settled down in the corner of a secluded cafe with each other.

"So, Constantine thinks that she has a lead on someone worthy to wield the helmet," Claire said. "Just...be careful around him...her….she'll be the first to tell you she's the type of person who leads to nothing but trouble. And she's been to hell and back."

"Why do I have a feeling that's literal?" Harry asked.

Claire just gave her son a half smile.

"Maybe because it is," Claire said. "I don't know what it is about her, but she gives me the creeps. But, I think that it's a good thing if there's someone worthy to take the mantle. I just don't feel comfortable with what it's going to take to get to that point."

"I know what I'm doing," Harry told her.

"Yes, I know," Claire said. "Oh, and this is the time of year where the League's thinking about new recruits. And your name has come up on the shortlist of potential new members."

"Mmm, interesting," Harry said. "Especially considering that I'm only been at this for a few months. And Helena and Whitney have been at it for even longer, but I'm sure they're being considered."

"I….I don't know," Claire said.

Claire picked up on the fact that Harry had been pretty cold regarding the League as of late, at least as a unit. He got along with individual members, well most of them anyway. But, after the entire botched simulation thing, there had been a wall put up. Which Claire could not blame her.

"I've been working on a side project with Ms. Rushman," Harry said.

"She's your teacher," Claire replied calmly.

"No, nothing like that," Harry said.

At least not yet, but who knew what the future could hold. Harry reached into his bag and picked out the leather bound book that Natalie gave him. Claire's eyebrows rose and she could hardly believe it.

"It's Kryptonian," Claire said.

"Do you know who it belongs to?"

Regretfully, Claire shook her head. The cyphers had been familiar and some of them had been foreign. Almost like some kind of double secret code, like in the military. Claire did not know anything about that, but she had a pretty good hunch of someone who might have a good idea.

"It's time for me to take you on a trip to the Fortress."

"The Fortress of Solitude?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Claire said. "You and Kara both...it is your history as well as mine. And I think that we'll be able to piece together the information which is necessary from the archives deep in the Fortress."

Harry responded with a smile. He did think it would be a good thing if they had taken a trip to the Fortress of Solitude to determine the origin of this journal. Harry wanted to see it, but he respected Claire for having her reasons not to show him.

"When are we going to go?"

Claire responded with a smile. Despite Harry trying to act detached from the situation, she could see a glint of eagerness deep within those emerald eyes. It reminded Claire of a friend of hers in demeanor, but Claire pushed that bitter thought into the back of her mind.

"No time like the present."

Finally, finally, Kara could not believe it was actually happening. She was going to see the Fortress of Solitude. And she looked over her shoulder, where Harry and Claire flew side by side with her. They moved through the cold winds of the Arctic, not that the cold really bothered them anyway.

"Brace yourselves," Claire warned Kara and Harry.

"Excited, aren't you?" Harry asked.

"Aren't you?" Kara asked.

"What do you think?"

The three of them went through the secret entrance to the Fortress. They had been surrounded by a little piece of Krypton, although Harry did get a closer look in the bottled city of Kandor. Something else they would have to go back to eventually, but right now Harry had been curious about the journal and it's mysterious contents.

An image of an attractive woman with blonde hair and dark blue eyes appeared in a three dimensional hologram. The woman broke out into a warm smile.

"Kara, I'm glad you made it," Lara said.

"Aunt Lara, it's nice to see you again," Kara said.

"Yes, I only wish you had been with Claire since the beginning," Lara said. "And it did take her long enough to bring you by to the Fortress for a visit."

Lara turned towards the young man next to Kara, and noticed how handsome he was. Given the closeness of the two, Lara wondered if Kara had finally found her mate on Earth. She had been very difficult to match, given that she had been conceived naturally on Krypton.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" Lara asked.

"This is my son, Har-el," Claire said. "He's...well it's a long story."

"That it is," Harry answered with a chuckle. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Truly, beauty runs in my mother's family on all sides."

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you as well, Har," Lara commented.

"I have something to show you, and my mother said I could find answers here," Harry said.

The book in Harry's hand caught Lara's interest. She could not believe her eyes. Did that book of all things make it to Earth? Oh Lara was giddy with anticipation.

"Jor-El!" Lara yelled. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Jor-El popped up. After he completed Claire's training he settled into the role of an artificial intelligence which governed the Fortress of Solitude.

"The lost journal of Lyta Zod?" Jor-El asked.

"Who is Lyta Zod?" Harry asked.

Here, Kara got excited, even though Claire was about as puzzled as Harry is. Although the name Zod sent shivers down Claire's spine. Given she had bad experiences with Kryptonians of that name.

"Only one of the most decorated military commanders in the entire history of Krypton," Kara said. "I had no idea that she visited Earth...her family had been part of the Kryptonian military for generations, although she was the first female to do so...she opened doors for everyone...including my aunt to join the military."

"So, what did she do to be so decorated?" Harry asked.

"She stopped a race of aliens known as the Reach from invading Krypton," Jor-El explained. "The Reach are a race which infiltrate planets, using their advanced agents, a champion chosen by a scarab to integrate themselves into society. Over a number of generations, they become complacent, and dependent on the Reach as they slowly steal the resources of the planet."

"And Lyta stopped them," Kara said with thinly disguised awe.

"This journal indicates that after she sent the Reach off in disgrace, she traveled to Earth," Jor-el said. "Although what happened to her after the event you called World War Two remains a mystery. Given the longevity of Kryptonians underneath a yellow sun, she may very well still be out there."

"But, surely she must be curious that several other Kryptonians have arrived on this planet, including her own descendent?" Claire asked.

"I would not know,' Jor-el said.

"But, this journal is a piece of our history, as it describes what became of one of our greatest champions," Lara said.

"It says here Lyta befriended a woman named Peggy Carter," Harry said, reading the translation."Peggy Carter...she worked with the Captain America program during World War 2, and was way before her time...I think Diana worked with Agent Carter as well….I wonder of Diana and Lyta knew each other."

"Maybe it would be a good idea to ask Diana the next time you see her," Claire said. "Or, I will...when a chance comes up...and I'll let you know what she says."

Claire had been as curious as Harry and Kara had been about the fate of Lyta Zod. And if she could still live secretly among humanity to this very day.

A sound of screams echoed in the distance. The trio sensed of a plane being hijacked so this little trip down human and Kryptonian history would have to wait.

Several armed and masked men made their way onto the plane. The yells of the passengers and the screams of panic made everyone be on tense. The leader of the group pointed a gun out at one passenger in the front of the plan.

"Make sure to take it up in the air!" he barked. "Or I'll blow that lady's brains out."

Lois just closed her eyes and groaned. You get frisked by the TSA for a pair of tweezers, and yet, these assholes got on the plane. Then again, the security coming from here, was a little more lax than the security back in the United States. The masked men moved down the plane and began to threaten the women.

"We're going to make sure that people hear our message," he said.

"That's Lois Lane!"


"That American Reporter!"

Lois reached for something underneath her table. One of the goons grabbed her around the side of the wrist and pulled her up. The man spun around and pressed a gun to the side of Lois's head. Lois, being Lois, remain cool under the face of fire and just waited for her moment.

"Stay still and don't try anything funny. We might let you live long enough to report our message. And that message is you Imperialistic American Dogs will not silence us. We will rise. The true face of Kasnia will rise again."

"I don't think you're going to even make it back home," Lois said.

"Oh, you think you're so clever, you pretty little American," one of the men said with a leer. "You are better off on your knees before your betters."

"Yeah, not going to happen."

Suddenly, the plane stopped in mid air and two of the masked men almost stood, with their jaws completely opened. Lois got a good look at the scene playing out on the outside and noticed that Supergirl and Superwoman hovered outside and they had stopped the plane could.

The distraction allowed Superman to slip behind the terrorists and take them out with one fluid motion. They toppled like dominos. Lois got in a good elbow to the side of the head of the asshole that held her and flipped her down to the ground. Lois kicked him in the face for good measure.

"So, fancy meeting you up here," Superman said. "Do you go looking for trouble?"

"Trouble keeps stalking me, as you know," Lois said. "Obviously, the restraining order didn't take."

A smile just flashed over Harry's face. One of the goons received a backhand to the face. The man crumpled down to the ground at Harry's feet.

"Supergirl, Power Girl, and Superwoman are outside," Harry told everyone. "They'll make sure you get safely back home...and these guys will get safely into a cell."

They went back to the Daily Planet, with Kara, Harry, and Claire switching back into their civilian attires. Lois just broke into a smile when walking up the steps to her the main office. She had that post near death adrenaline which always seemed to visit Lois at some of the most inconvenient times possible.

"So, that was about the ninth time this year that I was on a plane where terrorists hijacked it," Lois said.

"Really, that's what happened?"

Mary Jane came around the corner. She missed the trip and obviously, Lois would have gotten into this situation whether or not she would have been there.

"Yes," Lois said. "It's really no big deal, Cover Girl. I had to give ARGUS my statement, and then they were taken in. The Jackals...that's the so called Kasnia freedom fighters, they really are stepping up their game. They didn't get what they wanted last time and now…."

"So, you're okay?" Claire asked.

"Smallville, it's another day at the office for me," Lois said. "I'll be fine. Well, I won't be if I miss this deadline, but other than that, I'll be fine."

"If you say so," Claire responded.

"I do say so," Lois fired back.

"I'll be back later," Harry said. "Kara and I are going to Gotham, we've got some friends we're meeting up with. And who knows what else we'll get up to.

Lois smiled, she knew Harry would be back later. And she would be ready for him. It would be best for Harry to go. Not that she did not enjoy Harry's company, it was just that Lois needed to write this story. Therefore, getting sidetracked was not ideal for Lois right now.

"Talk to you later," Kara told her.

Harry and Kara left the office and Claire had been left hanging by Lois's shoulder like an overgrown mother hen. Lois just smiled.

"Smallville, unless you're here for a spell check, I would like some space," Lois said.

"Actually, I have a story of my own to follow up on," Claire said. "Talk to you later."

Lois waved off Claire's statement and allowed the woman to walk off. Today could have gone very differently. However, Lois never would have taken a job as a reporter if she wanted a safe life. She broke news and the people she exposed threatened to break Lois's face.

Barbara Gordon worked hard in putting the books away in the Gotham City public library. Every now and then, they had some new texts, and also some books got pulled from the shelves due to complaints from people about the contents in said books being problematic. Which Barbara did not agree, because books should be allowed to flourish, even if the content was uncomfortable.

A society where everyone was forced to be dishonest due to political correctness was one that just set people up to hurt. But, no matter what, some people were better at hiding their true nature then others.

Suddenly, all of the books on the shelf set up beside each other, cataloged and put in the proper order. Barbara turned around and came face to face with Harry.

"That late already?" Barbara asked.

"You've been working hard," Harry said.

Oh did Barbara ever know it. She had been working so hard that it was almost to the bone. Harry motioned for Barbara to follow him across the library. Harry snapped his fingers and everything buzzed around them. Barbara raised an eyebrow.

"Don't worry, no one will overhear our conversation," Harry said. "I want to have a word with you, and Kara's waiting outside."

"Oh, what about?" Barbara asked.

"A couple of weeks ago," Harry said. "Batgirl's triumphant return to Gotham City."

Barbara thought it was useless to deny it. She knew Harry would not be the type to blurt out her secret.

"And she was more public than ever before," Harry said. "Because, all of those incidents that were attributed to Batwoman, they were all you, weren't they?"

"Some and more that were attributed to Batman," Barbara said. "I'll be honest, it was...an impulse the other night. Just like it was an impulse all of those years ago, when I first put on the persona of Batgirl. But, I couldn't stand by and do nothing with my father being attacked by those moths."

"And you shouldn't," Harry said. "And you know…."

"The Team?" Barbara asked. "Oh, I know all about that….and I'm flattered that you want me to join...and Becca's going to ask me about the Titans, I'm sure. But at this point, I'm just focused on finishing my education here in Gotham City. Maybe in the future I'll change my mind."

"Maybe you will," Harry said. "The invitations open."

"At the rate you're recruiting people, you're going to have more people than the League," Barbara said.

Harry chuckled at Barbara's honest assessment. He put a hand on her shoulder which the redhead woman did not flinch at, rather she smiled.

"Maybe that's the idea," Harry remarked. "Maybe we can be bigger than the League thought we could be. Be more than the League could be."

"Ambitious," Barbara said. "I like it."

She decided to check out now that the books were in order. The two walked down the steps side by side with each other, where Kara waited at the foot of the steps.

"This is Kara," Harry said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Barbara said.

"Oh, I've heard a bit about you from Harry," Kara said. "And it's nice to finally meet you as well….and to be in Gotham City….a change of pace from Smallville."

"Oh, you live on a farm, don't you?" Barbara asked. "How is that like?"

"It's fine," Kara said.

"It must be really great!" Barbara exclaimed.

Kara chuckled at the other girl's excitement. To be fair, some people would chuckle at her due to the fact that she had gotten so worked up on some of the most mundane things on Earth. So fair is fair.

"Just think about it, fresh air, no problems of the city, just quiet and solitude, and getting up early, to do chores," Barbara said. "And not having to worry about walking ten steps out your door and be almost in the middle of the latest plot to gas Gotham or in the middle of a gang war."

Barbara stopped and realized how bitter that sounded.

"Oh, I love Gotham, but sometimes, it can get to be a bit much," Barbara said.

"Maybe you need a vacation?" Kara suggested.

Barbara thought that suggestion had a little bit of merit. She, Harry, and Kara walked down the street in conversation. Soon they would join their friends.

The trio of Barbara, Kara, and Harry met with quite the lovely group of young women. Artemis, Zatanna, Sara, Dinah, and Bette joined them. The minute Bette locked eyes on Harry, she could not help but making a comment.

"So, I wonder what I'm going to have to do to get that second date with you?" Bette asked.

Everyone at the table laughed at Bette's assertive statement.

"You can't deny she's a go-getter," Artemis said.

"Yeah, the type of woman who knows what she wants," Sara said. "You have to appreciate that."

"Whenever you want," Harry said.

"Well, it's going to have to wait, unfortunately," Bette said. "Busy this month, and it's never too early to start thinking about College. Especially since seats at GCU fill up fast."

"I know," Barbara said. "But, surely given that your uncle's on the board, don't you have a leg up?"

"If only," Bette said. "My grades have to be top of the line, because I have to live up that legacy. Aunt Kathy, Kate...everyone else….they were all top in what they did, my family is full of overachievers."

"But, nothing gets achieved without relaxing a little bit," Dinah said.

"Because, you took your lesson really well," Sara said. "Given how you were in college."

She said it in a very good natured way, but Dinah just shook her head. Sara just smiled and patted her sister on the knee. Harry and Kara leaned in and Barbara looked in to her.

"That's the reason why I told Bette to relax a little bit, because...well because no one needs to go through what I went through," Dinah said. "Seriously, I wasn't that bad, was I?"

"A little bit," Barbara said. "But, you accomplished a lot...and you can help out in a lot of ways….I could always go to you for my problems, so this is the next step."

Dinah relaxed at the edge of the table. Harry just smiled, but the conversation had gotten cut short with Dinah's watch bleeping.

"Work calling?" Sara asked.

"Something like that," Dinah said.

"Well, don't stay out too late," Sara said. "And I'm sure I'll hear about it later, if it's something serious."

Dinah bid her goodbyes and walked across the table.

"So, are you ready for mid-terms?" Bette asked.

"Yeah, about as ready as I'll ever be," Artemis said. "They're about a month away though...they aren't that bad though?"

"Only when the teachers slip something that you swear has never been covered in class or has been covered in passing," Barbara said. "I'm glad I have a photographic memory."

"Some of us are not that blessed," Artemis said. "Mom's...she's proud how I'm doing, but I don't want to crash and burn...there's a lot of pressure on me."

"Dad too...although he's still on his trip," Zatanna said.

Zatanna had been nervous, given that this was her first time outside of being homeschooled. Thankfully Helena was there to help her, and Bette and Artemis had been a good support network. After a couple of months, Zatanna finally got into the groove. And she had been happy.

"It's a shame Helena couldn't join us," Zatanna said as she changed the subject. "But, she's off doing something with her father."

"I don't mean to pry," Bette said. "And yet, I'm going to do so anyway."

People laughed around the table and Bette just gave them a sheepish grin.

"There's something going on with Helena and Bruce...they seem to be distant with each other these days," Bette said. "I know Bruce wasn't there for most of her life, but they aren't getting along."

"They had a disagreement," Harry said. "A big one...she feels that Bruce overstepped his boundaries."

"So typical teenager drama?" Bette asked.

"In a sense," Harry replied.

It was far more complicated than that, as most of the girls around the table knew. Helena took what happened with the simulation far harder than Harry did. Harry would not say that Helena put her father on a pedestal, but she did lose a lot of faith in him after the entire issue.

Not as much as Batman appeared to have lost in himself, not that the man would admit it outloud.

Princess Perdita stared at the food on her tray. She knew how important it would be to eat, to maintain her strength, but at the same time, Perdita could not stomach the thought at eating.

"You have a visiter," the guard at the door said.

Only one person, other than a select few ARGUS agents, and Kate Kane, knew that she was here. And sure enough, Harry stepped into the room, which caused Perdita to brighten up for a smile.

"You made it," Perdita said.

"Of course, I did," Harry said. "Before your big day, I would have to check up on you...are you nervous?"

"Yes," Perdita said. "What if….what if something goes wrong?"

"Trust me, the people doing this are very well trained in what they're doing," Harry said. "And after you rehab, you will be able to do the things that you wanted to do."

"Oh, but I want to do so much," Perdita said. "And I couldn't...because I was either sick or in hiding...from some bad people most of my life."

"What do you want to do most in your life?" Harry asked.

"Well, I've always wondered what Disneyland would be like," Perdita admitted. "Is it as magical as people say?"

"Maybe we can find out," Harry said.

"You've never been there either, have you?" Perdita asked.

"I spent most of my life locked up before my friends freed me," Harry said. "I've...done a lot...but there's so much more than I can do….so much more than I can see."

"So, maybe we can see Disneyland together?" Perdita asked. "When I get better."

"When you get better," Harry told her as he smiled at the Princess. "You're strong...you'll be able to fight this."

"Thank you for being here for me," Perdita said. "How long can you stay?"

"A couple hours if you want me to," Harry said. "I know the doctor's didn't want you to be too excited...but I'm sure we can hang out and not stress you out too much."

"Yes, that would be nice," she agreed.

"So, did you enjoy the Disney Movies that I brought you?" Harry asked.

"Yes," Perdita said. "But, this Lion King movie...there's just something about that...well it seems true to life. This Scar, he reminds me of my uncle."

Harry could only imagine what that meant.

"I'm afraid I haven't seen any of them," Harry said.

Whitney told him that he should bring them over, to give Perdita something to keep her mind off of them. And Harry would have to take Whitney's word for it.

"Maybe we can watch a movie together while you hang?" Perdita asked.

Harry just smiled and put his hand on the Princess's shoulder.

"That would be nice," Harry told her. "Very nice."

After a brief tour, Selina Kyle brought Harry back the back room of the club. All while wearing a skintight latex black suit which covered every inch of Selina's perfect, luscious body like a second skin. Selina peaked over her shoulder and guided Harry into the room.

"Sit down, I want to talk to you."

Harry sat down and Selina put a hand on Harry's thigh, very close to his crotch. Those green eyes locked onto Harry. The zipper jingled in front of Harry's face and called for him to pull it down, to take Selina's luscious melons.

"I know you and Helena will be together soon," Selina said. "But, I'm the type of mother who wants the best for her daughter...and I want to see how good the merchandise is...and if you're good enough for me...then you're going to be good enough for her."

Selina squeezed Harry's thigh and stared him in the eye without blinking. She ran her fingers up, nails dancing down at the edge of Harry's pants.

"I am going to wait a little bit...after Helena's next birthday….."

"If you hold up, it's going to be a happy birthday indeed," Selina said. "But...I want an advanced preview."

Another squeeze and the heat emitted from Harry's loins. Selina closed in on him, smiling.

"Perfect," she purred. "This looks promising."

Only Harry could go from watching a Disney movie with a Princess on the eve of a heart transplant to having sex with the mother of one of his teammates in the backroom of a strip club.