After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
Harry could see these three individuals coming into greater prominence from the shadows. A tall brunette dressed in red and gold, brandishing a rod of some sort. A shorter brunette dressed in a skin tight purple and black bodysuit turned up. And then a redhead woman dressed in white, with her arms folded when looking at Harry.
Beautiful women, and dangerous by the looks of them. They did not look of this planet. Kara stirred slightly to defend Harry, but Harry placed a hand on her shoulder to warn her not to engage, at least not yet. The time would come when they would fight.
"I didn't steal Sphere," Harry told them firmly. "I rescued her from the people who did. And she came with me."
Sphere's light blinked as if confirming this story. The tall dark haired woman took another step forward.
"You expect us to believe that," she said. "How are you not working for him?"
Suddenly, the other dark haired woman shook her head.
"They're not," she remarked.
"How do you know?" the taller woman asked.
"Because, I can feel their emotions and they are not tainted by him," the shorter dark-haired woman said.
Harry would have liked to know, who he was. Kara just frowned in response.
"If Dreamer is sure, than I trust them as well," The Redhead commented.
"Yes, I'm sure," the woman replied. "He's perfectly fine...more than fine in fact."
For a second, the woman who had been referred to as Dreamer, looked Harry a long look over. Obviously introductions were in order.
"I'm Dreamer," she commented. "This is Bekka."
The redhead answered with a swift nod and smiled. Now that Harry had not been assessed as a threat, she had given him the same going over Dreamer did.
"And this is Barda."
The tallest of the entire group just took Harry all in. Harry wondered what this was all about. He decided now was the time to ask that question and find out the truth to what was going on.
"Just who ladies?" he asked. "I'm Harry, and this is Kara."
"We are the Forever People of New Genesis," Bekka said. "Or whatever is left of them."
There was a very long pause coming from both sides. Obviously, they had been through something, although Harry did not know what.
"We have tracked minions of the dark one, our enemy, the one who has caused so much strife throughout the universe," Beautiful Dreamer said. "They have been providing humans with weapons."
"Intergang," Kara said.
"And it may be testing out Earth for his insidious goals," Barda said. "Anyone who is in the league with him should be stopped at all costs."
"What is he after?" Kara asked.
"Something which he could use to change the very fabric of reality and twist it to his whims," Barda explained.
This particular explanation left Harry and Kara with so many questions. They really did not know what to say other than this. A certain sense of dread visited Harry, and he had a feeling this little partnership between this dark one's minion and Intergang, it was just the tip of some iceberg which was about ready to collapse.
"He has been stealing technology, maybe not directly, but through his various spies on New Genesis," Bekka said. "New Geni-Sphere...she's proof of that."
"And if he holds any sort of interest to your planet, then it will not end well," Dreamer told him. "He has subjected many worlds to his harsh rule."
"At one time, there was a peace treaty between New Genesis and his world," Bekka supplied. "But, it was...tense at best."
That explanation could not bode well. Kara and Harry understood what they had to do now.
"We need to stop this before this starts," Kara said. "The five of us…."
Sphere hummed to life and Kara decided to correct herself with a very soft smile.
"Excuse me, the six of us," Kara said. "We have to work stop this."
"They've joined forces with a criminal organization called Intergang," Harry told the rest of the group.
If this evil force had been working with Intergang, then they were on the same side. The three visitors nodded, and it had been agreed they would pick up the trail from where they left off.
Desaad waited as calm as possible. Although eagerness spread through his mind.
"Soon, it be under my control," Dessad commented. "My master's control that is."
Mannheim raised an eyebrow and just smiled knowingly. He could see all of the signs, Desaad did not have to sugar coat the entire situation.
"You work for a slave driver who does not appreciate your contributions as well, don't you?" Mannheim asked.
Desaad's eyes narrowed for the briefest of seconds. Thoughts like this should be discouraged, because those who had spoken of the great one in such a way would end up paying dearly.
"Only a fool will speak of his master in such terms," Desaad commented. "Perhaps though, your master is more lenient.
Laughter came from Mannheim, deep and rich. The moment Mannheim calmed down, he decided to lay it all on the table, telling Dessad what's up.
"Morgan Edge is no master. He's just some rich asshole. He pays me pretty well. But, I swear, he can be a real prick sometimes, when things don't go his way. That Lois Lane bitch, man I tell you, I'd hit it, but she can be a noisy little…."
Mannheim stopped. Whisper walked over to interrupt their little conversation.
"Phase Two is almost ready," Whisper said.
"Yes, and we hit a little snag with the Superfriends, but we're back in business," Mannheim said. "We're going to rule this city."
Desaad answered with a nod. They would have to finish this conversation later.
Regardless, their two companions moved in. Mannheim rose an eyebrow when Scandal and Knockout came around the corner to meet him. Knockout did not look as if she preferred working with Mannheim, but business was business.
"We're ready," Knockout said.
"Good," Mannheim said.
Time to strike it big. Soon, it would not be Edge running this stinking city, but rather it would be Bruno Mannheim. The foul mobster rubbed his hands together in very evident anticipation.
"Sit back, and maybe you could learn that you don't have to put up with some asshole who thinks he's all that," Mannheim said.
"Well, it's an acquired skill," Desaad said with a significant look at Mannheim.
The minute they turned around the corner, Mannheim jumped up in surprise.
"No, it can't be, you're dead!" Mannheim yelled.
Superman, Supergirl, Bekka, Barda, and Dreamer faced the members of Intergang, Desaad, Knockout, and Scandal. Knockout took half of a step back when catching a glimpse on Barda.
"It's over," Supergirl said.
Desaad clenched his fists. This little encounter did not go exactly as planned. To put it bluntly, Desaad did not have a very good time in dealing with them.
"Boys," Mannheim said. "Show them what happens when you mess with my town."
The Intergang goons joined Knockout and Scandal. Scandal somehow figured that Superman had not been buried alive. The goons pointed their weapons forward at the sound of a clicking.
A flash of energy caused the entire gang to pause.
A sphere rolled out in front of them. The goons fired at the object only to get their weapon's fire shot back at them. The stunned blasts dropped them down to the ground.
"Good one, Sphere," Superman said.
Scandal jumped into the battle. Barda deflected the knife attack she swung into the battle. She grabbed Scandal and put her down with a legsweep.
Two more Intergang punks moved in. Barda ripped the armor off of them with fury in her eyes and sent them flying to the ground with a huge uppercut punch.
Superman caught a glimpse of the robed figure and flew in front. The man reeked in sleaze.
"Desaad," Harry said, remembering the warning the Forever Children gave him.
"Well, you're of great interest," Desaad said. "But, I'm afraid I can't allow you to interfere with the master's operations."
Desaad held a pair of glowing knuckledusters behind his back. With surprising poise, Desaad spun around and nailed Superman with a huge punch to the chest.
The feedback loop crunched Desaad's arm and dropped him down to the ground. It destroyed the knuckles as well. Only one flick of the finger took him down.
Superman stood over the downed body of Desaad. Suddenly, a huge punch from behind caught Superman off guard. He turned face to face with Knockout, who smiled.
"Sorry, handsome," she told him. "Nothing personal. Just business is all."
Harry just looked at the tall, busty redhead. Keeping his eyes off of her attributes took a minute, but Harry managed. She dodged the attack.
"So, you like what you see?" Knockout asked. "It's too bad that we're fighting each other...guess business really can suck sometimes."
"Well, you can get more out of life if you ditch these losers," Harry said.
"True, they're getting their asses kicked badly," Knockout said. "But, as long as the check clears….we'll talk when I'm off of the clock."
Knockout and Superman engaged in a tussle. Superman took Knockout down. She flipped to a standing position with a surprising amount of speed and agility. Knockout just broke out into a smile.
"If you're lucky, I'll keep you as a trophy after tonight," Knockout said. "Maybe I'll mount you as well."
The Innuendo was about as subtle as a runaway freight train. Knockout's kick had been avoided, and Harry wrapped his arms around the tall redhead to take her high into the sky. Knockout broke free and flipped over, landing on her feet with surprised, catlike grace.
Knockout decided that discretion had been the better part of valor, and to get out while the getting was good, but unfortunately, she ran into a brick wall.
Barda stood in front of Knockout, arms folded. Knockout stepped back and Barda kept coming back at her.
"You left that life," Barda said.
"Girl needs money to live," Knockout said. "I doubt that someone like you, would understand."
"Maybe not," Barda said. "But, you broke away like I did. You could have joined us."
"Just because I left that gargoyle did not mean I was going to cross over to the other side," Knockout said. "But, maybe you chose wrong. You've gone a bit soft, haven't you?"
Knockout and Barda circled each other, ready to throw down and hard. Their punches came close to hitting each other. Barda pushed Knockout back into the side of the building where she landed with a huge smash.
Soft, hardly, as Barda hurled Knockout about. One of the Intergang punks made an attempt to nail her with a canon.
In comes Harry to rock the punk with a tiny flick of his finger. The weapon breaks apart and the man goes flying, knocked out of breath when he struck into the wall.
Scandal out of the corner of his eye. Harry spun around, the shield impacted with the knives. Energy coursed through the knives, with Scandal breaking on through the best she could.
Supergirl disarmed two more of the punks before they could fire. One more fired an electrified net at her. Supergirl dodged it, came up, and slammed the guy into the roof, and took his weapon before breaking it in half.
"You play dirty, someone is going to break your toys."
Desaad calculated the risk of remaining here. The schemer did not get where he was without having certain survival instincts. And being too close to people who would rip him apart would not keep him alive for long.
Opening a portal allowed Dessad to depart, without any care to how this battle panned out. Desaad had the data his master requested anyway.
Supergirl and Superman took down another tank which Intergang had been brought into the battle. They ripped the tank open, hurled the men driving it out, and threw them halfway across the city.
Bruno Mannheim grumbled. The entire group had been losing badly, really badly. Mannheim had in his hand an equalizer which he intended to level the playing field just a little bit.
"Right, they said this little baby is going to take down Superwoman," Mannheim said. "Say goodnight, Superbrat."
The cannon energy struck Harry. It did not even register an attack.
Mannheim cocked the weapon and pointed it directly at Supergirl. She dodged the attack, with Superman coming in and ripping the weapon out of his hand. Supergirl and Superman circled Ugly, who had lost the weapon.
Supergirl smashed Ugly with a huge uppercut punch which knocked him down. Mannheim dropped down, sinking into the ground.
"I really hope you get your deposit on that thing," Supergirl said.
Out of the corner of his eye, Superman spied Whisper coming right for him, brandishing a knife. Superman tilted back and dodged the knife before it could impact his shoulder. The Man of Steel avoided numerous swipes from the knife, having it come close to nicking him in the shoulder.
Whisper's knife attack did not go as planned with Superman tripping her up and putting her down on the ground. Dreamer rushed in and bound Whisper's arms and legs, causing her to not be able to enter the fight again.
Another tank rolled in, with Barda smashing down onto it. The explosion of the ground stops two more Intergang squads from coming in. Barda just smiled.
"We almost got this one," Barda said.
"More on the roof!" Bekka called.
"I'll take care of it."
Obviously, problems still existed. Namely in the form of Knockout and Scandal, who still looked primsed and ready for a fight.
Knockout swung a punch at Supergirl. Supergirl dodged, dipping to the right, to the left, and avoiding each punch. She flipped over and took Knockout down with a huge flying kick to the head.
Off to the otherside, Superman and Scandal circled each other. Scandal's attempt to nail Superman only resulted in her being taken down. She was a skilled fighter though, and she dug in deep, but Superman managed to tangle her up.
"Well, you said we should do more things together," Knockout said as she grabbed Supergirl on the backswing. "And doing these two, it wouldn't be too bad."
"Are we fighting or having a double date?" Scandal asked.
Scandal's grumbling only received a smile from her partner in crime. Which allowed Supergirl to break free and take Knockout down. The explosion rebounded and sent Scandal down to the ground as well.
About time to wrap them up, or rather wrap this fight up. Superman and Supergirl stood tall, with Bekka, Barda, and Dreamer walking over. The Intergang goons, including Whisper and Mannheim, all took a nap.
"And Desaad, that worm, he left us," Scandal said.
"Well, who would have saw that coming?" Knockout blandly asked.
A portal whips open, and a familiar robed figure drops down onto the ground. Without any preamble, her arms spread apart and bathed the rooftop with magical energy.
The Gargoyles came to life, forcing Superman and Supergirl to abort their attack and go after the creatures from the rooftop. These gargoyles threatened to attack all of Metropolis. They blasted the gargoyles with the attacks.
Sphere made an attempt to go after the creature, but an energy field trapped her. The sorceress watched as her chaos will not be for long.
First, she untied Whisper.
"Queen Bee has use of you still," she commented. "You two as well."
While they were dealing with her stone constructs, Nora Darhk dropped her hood and motioned for Scandal, Knockout, and Whisper to join her. Another portal opened.
"Party's over," she said. "Let's go."
Not too much time left until they smashed her guardians. Nora wished to have some face time with her Superman, but more important things were afoot right now. Unfortunately.
"Hey, wait up," Mannheim grumbled.
Mannheim scrambled to the portal until Nora stamped his fingers and kicked him out of the way like yesterday's garbage. The grumbling Intergang member collapsed like someone had just cut his strings like a grotesque puppet. The only man worth her time currently fought gargoyles.
"Sorry, there's only room for four."
Nora, Knockout, Scandal, and Whisper passed through the portal. A hiss echoed as the final gargoyle smashed down to the ground.
Harry, Kara, Barda, Bekka, and Dreamer all walked off. Mannheim and his Intergang goons had been hauled off. Whether or not they would make it out of prison, they had no idea. Beeka put a hand on Harry's shoulder.
"It's time for New Geni-Sphere to be brought home," Bekka told him.
"We know you've taken good care of her, and we appreciate you for doing so," Dreamer added with a smile. "But...we have to take her. Her home on New Genesis."
Harry frowned. Kara could see there was some kind of argument about ready to brew.
"I can't allow you to do that," Harry said.
"You are a noble warrior and I was proud to fight alongside of you, Superman," Barda said. "But, it's not your place to say."
"And why is it your place to say?" Harry asked. "She chose me, we bonded together. She's more than some property that you could take back."
"No one is saying she's property," Bekka said. "It's just that she is better guarded on New Genesis."
"Yes, because she wasn't stolen the first time," Kara spat back.
Barda and Kara eyed each other. Harry put a hand on Kara's shoulder and Bekka did the same to Barda.
"It won't happen again," Dreamer said.
"And how do you know?" Kara asked.
The discussion started to get a bit heated. Both sides sounded determined they were in the right because of this. Despite being allies at the moment, Superman and Supergirl were about ready to go to war with Barda, Bekka, and Dreamer.
Well mostly Barda and Bekka, with Dreamer trying to be the peacemaker.
"This division is...really unnecessary," Dreamer said. "Can't you see that her place is…."
"Why haven't any of you considered my feelings on the matter?" a soft female voice stated.
Sphere glows and shifts turning into something else. Much to the shock of Bekka, Barda, and Dreamer. She stood before them, a very attractive dark haired woman. Devoid of any clothes, but very human looking. She looked upon Harry with a smile.
"After constant study, I figured that it would be the perfect time to take a form which is less inconspicuous than my standard form," Sphere said. "I trust you approve."
One look at Sphere's lovely body indicated Harry approached. She was a perfectly formed and extremely gorgeous female.
Barda, never to be one at a loss of words, finally was able to speak.
"This is...I never expected this, "Barda said.
"And one would think someone of your training and your abilities would be able to expect anything," she said.
"So, you were going to take me away from the man that I have chosen," Sphere said. "Because, you claimed ownership of me. When it's obvious that I've chosen."
"She has chosen," Dreamer said. "This is...her most evolved form...incredible."
"Yes, I've chosen to me here with Hadrian," Sphere said. "I trust that none of you will do anything to try and discourage this arrangement. You will find the results to be quite disastrous."
None of them did not know what to say now, but they could not take Geni-Sphere back if she had evolved to this level. They would have to respect her wishes. They all made their way to the portal, but Bekka stopped.
"If you need anything, and you will if he's gotten interest in this planet, then use this to contact us," Bekka said.
She slapped a black box into Harry's hand and smiled. Dreamer and Bekka stole one last look at Harry and even Barda checked him out slightly.
"Take care of her," Barda said.
The three women passed through the portal. Harry locked his eyes onto Sphere and got a pretty good look at her naked body. Pretty accurate and pretty female, and her skin looked so soft, that it begged to be touched. Regardless, Harry thought she would present a problem if out in the city in this particular form.
Harry, no matter how alluring she looked, cleared his throat.
"You might want to cover yourself up," he said.
"Does this form not please you?" Sphere asked with a light bite on her lip.
"It does, very much," Harry said. "But it is human custom to where clothes while in public."
"I will comply with your traditions," Sphere said.
The newly formed woman nodded, and a form fitting tank top and pair of blue jeans appeared on her body. She still looked hot as hell.
"Well, we better get her back home," Kara said. "I had a good time tonight."
And if Kara had her way, they would have an even better time later.
Scandal crossed her arms. Today did not go as planned. Knockout returning and handing her a cup of coffee did not help Scandal's mood any.
"So, we met Superman," Knockout said. "That's something."
"Maybe," Scandal said. "But, we were embarrassed like rank amateurs. And I don't appreciate having the daughter of some HIVE stooge bail us out."
"But, it was worth it to see him," Knockout said. "I could get lost with him."
Yes, because having a big job like that, really was worth meeting some guy. No matter how good he looked. And despite Scandal preferring women a lot more, although not enough to kill all men like some people did, she did admit he was in the eyes.
"And he's coming now," Knockout said.
Well that made Scandal's already hostile mood just that much more worse. Her father approached.
Vandal Savage crossed the room in the flesh. The man gave a hell of a presence, no matter what you thought of him.
Despite the friction Scandal had with her father, she decided to give the report If nothing else, it might give her a little respect, and maybe cause her to move up.
"Well, Mannheim's in prison, his Intergang punks are in prison. Nora Darhk had to rescue us from Superman, Supergirl, and the people from New Genesis. And those weapons that were supposed to hurt Superwoman, they had no effect on Superman."
"No effect?" Savage asked. "Are you certain?"
"If I threw a rubber ball at you, would you do more than flinch as a reflex?" Scandal asked. "Because, that's what happened to Superman. Nothing."
"I see," Vandal said. "I...see."
Wow, the great Vandal Savage rattled and a bit thrown off his game. Scandal never thought she would see the day. Sure, he tried not hide it, but Scandal had been taught to pick up the nuances in a person's personality.
"And Desaad fled," Scandal said.
"As we expected," Savage said. "I will inform the rest."
The moment Vandal leaves, Knockout turns to Scandal. She wondered if it would be even worth it to vocalize to Scandal what she was thinking.
"So, is it possible we're playing for the wrong team?" Knockout asked.
"Are you regretting our relationship?" Scandal asked. "My father...he seems to not get it...although we have to be in secret, as to maintain appearances.".
The half smile from Knockout indicated to Scandal this was not what she meant at all.
"There's just a whole lot that we do, that doesn't even matter in the long run," Knockout said. "What are we really fighting for?"
"A seat at the table when the true master of the world takes it over," Scandal said. "If Nora is to believed. For now, I'm just proving to him that I'm as strong as he is...and someday….I will be stronger."
That particular justification only was hollow. Scandal tolerated Vandal just barely, and Knockout tolerated Vandal just for her girlfriend's sake. The minute Scandal could abandon her father completely, the better. Knockout would back her up.
"I know what you're thinking," Scandal said. "And we just have to play the game for a little bit longer."
For now, they had to play the game. Until the Shadow could snuff out the Light. Despite her friction with him, Scandal did learn a few things from her father. One of them was to play the long game.
Needless to say, Sphere's new form made Karen raise her eyebrow. Equally impressed was Caitlin, who looked over the beautiful new and informed Sphere.
"I take it the both of you are impressed," Sphere said. "Given how lovely you two are….I take it as the highest of praise."
"Only you," Karen said.
"Only me?" Harry asked.
Karen pushed a finger into Harry's chest lightly and playfully, with a shadow of a smile going over her face.
"Yes, only you can have a high end piece of technology turn into Summer Glau. I knew introducing you to Firefly would warp your mind."
"Hey, it's a classic," Caitlin replied. "And shut down in its prime."
"Yes, well, don't think she wasn't subconsciously affected by your infatuation," Karen said.
Harry chuckled, leave it to Karen to pretty much lay it all out that easily.
"She's the same Sphere though," Harry said. "Just with a couple more added capabilities."
Karen just gave Harry a knowing smile. She supposed it was inevitable. He would find a way to have his own sexbot, for lack of a better term.
"I hope to be of more of assistance to the team," Sphere said. "And I hope to serve my master."
With a subtle lick of her lip, something that she could have only picked up from watching one of Harry's girls, Harry just smiled.
Well, it would be rude to deny her, but for now, they needed to ensure she was okay. He put a hand on Sphere's shoulder and she leaned closer to Harry.
"We need to make sure there are no side effects from your transformation," Harry said. "Karen and Caitlin will take good care of you."
"Well, if it couldn't be you, then I would be honored to be taken care of them by them," Sphere said. "And you do have Kara to tend to...she's not a girl to be kept waiting."
"No, she isn't," Harry said.
Sphere let Harry go with a long kiss. A sweet, but yet fiery kiss which signified the promise for more.
"Oh, and Sphere is not appropriate for this form," she said.
"And what would you like to be called?"
"Well, Genesis would be a perfect name," Caitlin said.
"I like it," the newly dubbed Genesis said. "I'll see you later, Master Har-El."
Genesis may have to share him, but she would certainly stand out. A tall order given the lovely women he joined up with.
Right now, tonight was his night to mate with Kara.
The moment Harry returned to his room, he had been greeted by a lovely sight. Kara, with a cape wrapped around her, and wearing nothing other than her boots. Every inch of Kara had been on full display and she crossed her legs, with a knowing smile.
"So, what are your thoughts on today?" Kara asked.
Oh, Harry did not have too many thoughts, other than on the lovely woman in front of him. Harry leaned in and put a hand on Kara's bare thigh, smiling at how firm it was.
"Oh, I prefer action," Harry said.
Kara just smirked. She leaned in and kissed Harry. A kiss which he returned. The cape parted, to allow Harry access to every last one of Kara's lovely curves.
"Well, if you came up here, it would be a shame for us not to take it to to the next level," Kara said.
A real shame indeed. Harry leaned in and kissed Kara's lips one more time. He covered every inch of Kara's beautiful face with kisses. The blonde Kryptonian thought a part of her had been waiting for her entire life for this, and when you count the thirty years spent in stasis, that was a long time indeed.
"You're overdressed," Kara told him.
"Fix it then," Harry said.
Kara helped Harry out of his clothes. More and more of his muscular body had been revealed, with Kara gently removing his clothes, kissing Harry, and feeling him up.
As if tonight would have ended in any other way with these two. Harry knew when they got going, it would be a long ride. Kara's cape wrapped alluring around both of their nude bodies, said bodies pressing against each other.
"I want you," Kara breathed hotly in Harry's ear.