
Chapter 39

The citizens of Metropolis noticed up in the sky, two figures following a truck at the speed of light. Superman and Supergirl trailed said truck. This truck turned around a sharp corner, like this would deter the duo when they circled around the corner.

While the Kryptonian duo kept a quick pace, Harry could also talk to Kara.

"Things are much better now," Harry told her.

"Yeah, no kidding," Kara said. "Clara being sucked into that bottle was one of the best things that could have happened. Mom did something to her, don't know what, but she's much better."

A second passed as Kara sighed, and turned to Harry, regret swimming in her vibrant blue eyes.

"Still, I'm sorry how cold I treated you when we met," Kara said. "At least she had the excuse of coming back from the dead and being emotionally wrecked. I didn't really have that same excuse."

Harry gave her the side eye as if to tell Kara not to worry about it. Yet, Kara did in fact worry about it. Good thing Harry understood, but Kara's past behavior did not stop her from feeling like a little bit of a jerk sometimes.

"Clara's been teaching me to use my powers," Kara commented with a smile. "Still, there's no experience like practical experience."

"Agreed," Harry said.

Which is why they made their way to the truck. The top of the truck opened up and fired upon Supergirl and Superman. The duo performed a death defying move to avoid the fire from the truck. Harry dove down hard onto the top of the truck and shook it.

The truck skidded to a stop and almost hit the wall of a nearby building. Or at least the truck would have hit had Supergirl not put a stop to it's crash. The Girl of Steel peeled open the back of the truck, sparks fyling during her attempts to rip it open.

Inside of the truck, a trio of goons made a rush for it. One the goons hurled a grenade in the air right at Superman. The grenade exploded and barely even smoked the front of his outfit.

Harry levitated the goon up into the air and hung up upside down on a nearby flagpole. Harry sent him flying down to the ground.

A corkscrew like motion allowed Kara to avoid the firing of the weapon from a second one of these punks.

"Oh, these Intergang people never learn, do they?" Kara asked.

"No, obviously not," Harry replied.

Said goon aimed the weapon at Harry. The goon fired until Harry blocked it and smashed the weapon into a fine crumbled bit of metal. A second passed, with said goon falling down onto the ground and Harry tying him up.

The third of the three goons, one would think the man would give up by now. The goon rushed towards the crate to pull out another weapon. A super heated crate caused the man to burn his hands and almost stagger back onto the ground.

Harry lifted the goon up by the throat and then dropped him down onto the pile with the other three. The ropes tied around the goon and left them all ready and willing to go for the police.

"They look like they have enough weapons to overthrow an army of Supermen," Kara said. "Or Superwomen...or Power Girls….or Supergirls…..Kryptonians in general."

Harry placed an arm round Kara. Thankfully, the people running this weapon shipment were not at the higher end of the intelligence scale, fortunately for Harry and Kara that was. They did a very quick inventory of all of the weapons, ensuring they were all in place.

"Lois, you're hunch was right," Harry said.

"I know," Lois told him. "But, we're no closer to nailing the big boss."

Harry and Kara decided to have a look around. There may have been more than one Intergang truck shipment. Therefore, them looking right now seems to be the easiest thing in the world.

"So, have you thought about the Team?" Harry asked.

"I've thought about it, and I still don't know," Kara said with a shrug. "But, what I want to know is...what is it going to take for the two of us to go out on a date?"

This statement was framed in a bit of a teasing way. Harry grasped Kara's hand and pulled her in closely so the pair could go face to face.

"I don't know," Harry told her with mock insight dancing in his eyes. "Maybe you could ask me."

"Oh, you really...you….I," Kara said. "I….""

"Yes?" Harry asked her.

A sound of something derailing made Kara perk back up. While it was likely that Karen or Claire could get to that, since she heard it, Kara might as well have investigated it.

"Got to go...check that one out….don't think there are any more trucks….love you, bye."

Kara planted a kiss on Harry prior to going off in the other direction. Harry dropped down, until the Major Crimes Unit arrived to nab Intergang. Hopefully these will be the canaries who would sing and get the big boss in trouble, although Harry's not crossing his fingers.

The chuckling of Lois over the communication device made Harry raise an eyebrow.

"Oh, it runs in the family," Lois said.

That explained a whole lot to be honest.

Time for a lesson with Mera, right before Harry's date with Dinah at the Queen Industries's charity event. Right now, Harry carefully started to craft different runes together, to create a defensive barrier using his elemental abilities. At least to crate a defense, offense, Harry still worked on that.

"A chain is only strong as each of its links," Mera said. "If one part of the defense is lost, then the entire chain breaks and crumbles."

Harry knew all too well. The Team was a pretty good example of this. All of them were extremely skilled individually and worked together. Harry thought, and Mareena agreed, that they can bring in fresh blood to the team at any minute as well.

"They can be used as dangerous weapons though," Harry said.

"Yes," Mera told him with a smile. "Any magic can be dangerous in the right hands."

Mera placed a hand on Harry's arm and mused before adding something else to the conversation.

"Of course, a skilled hand...can turn your own runes back against you."

Harry smiled at his teacher, naturally.

"Which is why we build in protocols and key certain runes to the crafter," Harry said.

"Yes," Mera said. "But, it's a blindspot and certain people overlook it."

The two stepped back from each other. As with all of their lessons, it ended in a mock duel, fire against water. Harry struck first, the whip of fire only colliding against Mera's shield. Harry pulled back and tried to create his dragon.

Mera swept Harry off of his feet. Only for a second and Harry evaported the swinging downpour of water before it hit him and backed up.

Flashes of fire and water flickered through the cave. The shields protected any bystanders. No one watched this lesson today, not that Harry minded the audience. It would just allow him to focus more.

A flaw in Mera's defenses, a small one, opened up, and Harry launched her down into the wall. The heat of the moment sent Mera flying into the wall. The fire ropes pressed up against Mera and pinned her against the wall. All Harry needed to do was tighten them to burn an opponent to a crisp.

However, the sorcerer snapped his fingers and released Mera.

"And exploiting a flaw in an opponent's attack is necessary for any victory," Mera said to him.

Harry put hands on the other side of the wall, and Mera, pinned back with no place to go just smiled.

"Our lessons are getting more advanced," Mera said. "I should take you back to Atlantis when we both have the time for some more intimate lessons. So I can have a chance to show you what magic can truly do."

Stepping back, Harry gave Mera plenty of room to maneuver.

"Looking forward to it," Harry said. "So, how are things going with Black Manta and your husband?"

"Mmmm, Arthur claimed that he would hunt the seven seas for him," Mera said. "And so far, he hasn't come up with anything."

Manta turned out to be frustratingly good at staying one step ahead of his enemies, which was a bad thing, an extremely bad thing for anyone.

Black Canary finished her shift, waiting alongside Harry, who changed into a more formal suit. Dinah smiled when looking over Harry like a prime cut of beef.

"I have to say, you clean up pretty nicely," Dinah told him. "Once the latest League member comes here...we can go...she's going to arrive….right about now…."

The flash announces the arrival of the team member. Whitney, Artemis, and Helena, who were in the cave peered up to notice that the mentor arrived. A bubbly brunette, dressed in red and gold, who had quite the bounce to her step and had a nice body all things considered.

A peer at this woman indicated that there was something different to her, more than met the eye. Harry could see the strong glamor around her at any rate.

"Hi, I'm Captain Marvel, well the new Captain Marvel," the woman said in a bubbly voice. "Not to be confused with the other Captain Marvel...or that other Captain Marvel, you know the blonde woman...she's so awesome, you know!"

So, Harry heard. The girls looked on amusement at this excitable woman.

"Nice to meet you," Helena said.

"How are you doing?" Artemis asked.

"Oh, I'm doing super, super," Captain Marvel said in an excited voice. "Oh, and Superman...it's so nice to meet you…..you're the best."

"Nice to meet you as well," Harry said with a smile. "Hope you enjoy your time with the team."

"Well, you have to have fun when you're out there," Captain Marvel said. "I mean, Batman doesn't agree, but he's Batman, he's so grim and dark, does he ever smile?"

"Rarely," Helena said with a knowing smile.

"But, anyway, this is going to be a blast, and I'm glad that you trust me with the team, and I swear we're not going to get into any trouble," Captain Marvel said. "We're going to have a swell time together?"

"Are you some kind of time traveler from the 1950s?" Whitney asked.

Captain Marvel raised an eyebrow at Whitney and Artemis elbowed Whitney in response.

"Sorry about Kid Flash," Artemis said. "The Fastest Girl Alive means with her mouth just as much as her feet."

"Oh, actually, I was born in the 1950s, but, my family and I were frozen, and we woke up here….I think you knew one of the members of my family...the other Captain Marvel….but not the other Captain Marvel...the man Captain Marvel...and not the woman...wowser, having so many people named Captain Marvel is beginning to get a little confusing."

So they saw.

"Sorry about what happened to him," Whitney said somberly.

Having lost a mentor in the recent events, Whitney could empathize with her. And she did wonder how much this Captain Marvel was trying to keep on the sunny side of life.

Mareena, Donna, and Megan came back to the cave, to meet their new mentor. And Dinah and Harry, they headed off on their date.

"So, does anyone still play board games?" Captain Marvel asked.

The Queen Consolidated event was a robust affair, with many of the finest in Star City, and other cities. Harry and Dinah walked into the ball in style, dressed up very nicely. After a quick change, Dinah slipped into a nice sequined black dress, which was classy and alluring at the same time.

Peering out into the crowd, Harry noticed a few familiar faces. Iris, Lois, and Cat all were there, covering the benefit. Cat smiled at him and caught his eye. Lois just grinned when seeing Harry with Dinah.

"I wonder where the man of the hour is," Harry said.

"Don't know," Dinah said. "Knowing him, he could have ran into trouble…..Sara?"

Dinah turned around in time to see her sister, Sara, and along with her date, who happened to be Thea Queen. The two looked extremely beautiful together, with Thea decked out in a nice red dress and Sara favoring a nice white dress with lovely material fitting around her luscious body.

"Dinah," Thea said. "And I'm afraid we haven't been introduced…."

"Hadrian Kent," Harry said. "But, my friends call me Harry."

"Right," Thea said with a knowing smile. "I'm glad you could make it, both of you…."


Oliver stepped out, dressed in a tuxedo. He had been mingling with some politicians when he caught sight of his ex, and then Oliver noticed she had been with, her new boyfriend. Walking closer, Oliver gave Harry the long eye.

"What are you doing here?" Oliver asked.

"Well, we were invited," Dinah said.

"And it wouldn't be a bad thing for more people to see some of the good you've done for this city, right?" Harry asked.

Oliver racked his brain, trying to figure out if he did invite Dinah. He did not recall doing so, mostly because Oliver figured that Dinah would not come to the ball. Regardless, Oliver extended a hand to shake, to Harry. Which they did briefly, with the two of them having a firm grip on each other.

Harry did apply a tiny bit of pressure, which Oliver thought was fair game, because he was the one who started the power play.

"Thanks for coming here," Oliver said. "And thanks for what you did the other day….making sure she got to the Pavilion safely."

The moment Oliver found out that Perdita's minders had an accident before she could make the trip, he freaked out. And had been relieved as the young girl had been brought there safely by Harry.

"So, seriously why are you two here?" Oliver asked.

"I invited Dinah," Thea said. "And Harry decided to come with her."

"Oh," Oliver said.

"And also, I brought by the Starrwave donation," Harry told him. "Karen sends her regrets that she can't make it."

Oliver understood the reasons why Power Girl could not make it and graciously accepted the donation. He stepped back to mingle with some people, but he came face to face with an attractively blonde woman, wearing glasses, and dressed in a green dress.

"Dinah, hey," she said.

"Oh, hello, Felicity," Dinah commented with a casual smile. "How are you?"

"Oh doing good, just glad that we got this all together, and...we haven't run into any major problems," Felicity said. "Fingers crossed….knock on wood..and all of that...guess you have your plus one here and you are…."

"Harry Kent," he said.

"Felicity Smoak...well Queen….Smoak-Queen, because I'm all into that progressive hyphen thing," she babbled. "Oliver's wife...four times over."

"Wasn't it five?" Thea interjected.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's four," Felicity said. "Unless you count that one time, which I don't….because it made Britney's first marriage seem like a long term commitment...and I suppose the second time is a bit dodgy, given the priest turned out to be a demon in disguise...which kind of annulled our marriage...and there's the shapeshifter thing...and I guess the time we were brainwashed by HIVE….but this one's real, I think….pretty sure…."

She finally ran out of steam and took a deep breath.

"But, still it was nice to meet you, Harry," Felicity said. "Really nice….sorry….I'm just...this is just been a night, we were worried about our guest not getting here. And well, she almost didn't. Why the League arranged a pickup in Gotham City, I'll never know. But, there you go."

"The League?" Harry asked.

Thea almost snickered at Felicity's slip of the tongue and Dinah responded with a sigh. Sara just looked amused at the entire situation and how it was going.

"Oh, you know the League of Distinguished Businessmen, yeah that's it," Felicity said.

Harry just smiled and leaned towards Felicity.

"I know what you're talking about," Harry said.

Felicity just nodded, and wondered. Harry slipped off of his glasses and Felicity blinked. Duh, she barely recognized him with the glasses and all. But, Harry was Superman. Of course, Harry just happened to clasp a hand over Felicity's mouth to prevent her from blurting it out in public.

"Oh, yeah, you, of course," Felicity said. "Thank you for looking out for her...she's a good kid...well teenager now...guess she's still a kid...and the heiress to the throne of her country, with a murderous asshole for an uncle."

"Felicity, have you been drinking?" Dinah asked.

"A couple," Felicity said with a hiccup. "Oliver's been a bit upset about the fact that you've moved on, figured he would move on, given that we're married, for the fourth time...fifth time...maybe it was more, I don't remember even more...anymore..damn words...Superwoman has Luthor, Batman has Joker, Flash has Thawne...I have the English language as my arch-enemy."

Felicity gripped onto the wall with practiced ease.

"The fact is...he threw you under the bus...should have backed you up. You did what you had to do….you have such pretty eyes, Harry?"

"Come on, Felicity, let's go out for some fresh air," Dinah said.

"Right, fresh air is nice," Felicity babbled. "Fresh air is good…."

"Felicity, are you okay?" Oliver asked.

"Mingling with the guests," Felicity said. "You know, I do that a lot...when you're not up to performing...which is often."

"I'm taking your wife for a walk," Dinah said. "She really could use some fresh air."

"I can see that," Oliver said.

It was a sad day when Oliver had to be the responsible one in the relationship. To be fair, he put a lot on Felicity's shoulders, and she was the only one who did not abandon him. Then again, that dark cynical voice in the back of Oliver's head told him why that was.

When Dinah and Felicity went on their little walk, Thea turned to Sara.

"I'm going to keep your sister's date company for a minute," Thea said. "Think you can stay out of trouble."

"Oh, yes, I can stay out of trouble," Sara said. "When you're not around. Because, you're the one who gets into trouble."

Thea and Harry moved off under the pretext of having a dance.

"That relationship will never work," Thea said. "Felicity and Oliver….they end up bringing the worst out of each other. Good thing Dinah was there to save the day before Felicity started to spill League secrets to people."

"Maybe she's the mole?" Harry asked.

"Nah, I don't think she is," Thea said. "Although I can sweet talk her into telling me what's going on, and Ollie's a bit too honest with her, compensating for his past screw ups. And she's my sister-in-law this week….everyone on your team clean?"

The change of conversation went so abrupt, that Harry almost experienced whiplash. He responded with a nod.

"No, and Cheshire told me that there was no mole on my team, at least no she's heard," Harry said.

"Well, Cheshire could be playing you, to get in your pants," Thea slyly said.

Harry cheerfully let that comment go without any further statement.

"Also my mind was swiped, and I underwent several physical scans as well, and nothing," Harry said.

After that little escapade with Felicity, Oliver found himself walking down the steps to meet with Queen Perdita and Kate Kane, who went in a secret side entrance.

"Security is tight," Oliver said. "And there's a few trusted people here who...will be able to sniff out trouble."

Overall, Oliver was glad that Thea invited Dinah, and Harry showed up with her. Because, if nothing else, they would be able to help out should there be trouble. And you could never be security.

"Your highness," Oliver said to her. "How was you trip?"

"Exhausing," Perdita said to him. "But, given the current climate in my country, the change of scenery was needed. No matter how stressful the trip was."

She took a deep breath and tried to catch her breath. Oliver put a hand on Perdita's shoulder in concern.

"I'm fine," she said. "The sooner I get the surgery...the better….because the medication...is only just a measure."

"Hold out hope," Oliver told her. "We're doing everything to find a perfect doner."

Kate's eyes fell on several of the entry points. Oliver tried to do everything that he could to assure the woman, and her charge that it was secure, but he figured that they can never be too careful at a point like this.

"Should I go and greet the kind people who have helped me?" Perdita asked.

"Yes," Oliver said. "If you feel up for it."

"My apologies for the other day," Perdita said. "I had been wanting to see a bit of the city...but I had to run...when my minders...well...I believe they were assassinated."

Officially, the death of Perdita's minders was an accident. However, Oliver agreed with Perdita that there was no accident in a situation like this.

After a bit of time, a more sobered up Felicity returned, along with Dinah. Sara currently stole Harry away for a dance. Harry spun Sara around and dipped her down. He leaned down towards Sara and pulled her back. They exchanged a smile.

"So, you and Dinah have been out on a couple of patrols?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, a couple," Sara said. "And she asked me about whether or not I wanted to join the team."

"Well, do you?"

Sara considered his inquiry for a minute. She leaned closer to Harry, pressing her fit body against his. The two lingered in each other's embrace for the next long minute.

"Well, if you're on it, then I might be game for it," Sara said. "Depends on what you're willing to do to convince me."

The knowing smile crossing over Sara's face was not missed by Harry.

"Of course, with a guy of your skills...it won't be long before the League came calling."

"There are others on the Team that are more experienced and more qualified," Harry said.

"More experienced, maybe," Sara said. "More qualified...well, I don't think so."

Sara breathed in tightly, and smiled when looking over at Dinah, who just looked amused.

"Dinah and I are very close," Sara said. "And as sisters, we share a lot."

Sara decided to rejoin her date, after the dance concluded. Harry almost bumped into Cat, who smiled.

"Well, you're as popular as ever," Cat said. "I'll say this much about Oliver Queen….he really is making an honest attempt to do a good thing….guess I was a bit too hard on him."

To be honest though, after her gossip column days, and how much Cat wrote about Oliver's various misfortunes, he was the last person the reporter wanted to write about again. Harry just smiled and allowed Cat to go into the scene.

Oliver walked up to the podium and made a speech.

"Some of us forget that there are those who are less fortunate than us. There are those who do not have many of the opportunities we have been gifted, handed in life. But, truly, we should step back and think about the little people, the ones that are trying to struggle. The ones who do not have the same opportunities, and many of you have been brought here….because of our friend from a foreign land."

Kate brought out Perdita, who put on a brave face, despite being very tired.

"We take the fact we have working beating hearts for granted," Oliver said. "But, this brave young girl, appreciates every heart beat...despite the fact that someday, her young, ravaged heart might give up on her. Queen Perdita of Vlatava."

Everyone applauded as the young girl stood up with a shaky stance. She peered at everyone and smiled.

"Thank you, thank you," Perdita said in a weak voice. "Your kindness means everything to me."

A clicking noise cut through the air. Harry realized what it was instantly.


Seconds later, the Chandelier above them exploded, causing many screams. Harry prepared to stop the flying bits from ripping into the innocent people.

Iris, taking advantage of the confusion, sped many of the people out of harm's way as humanly possible.

The stairs blew up and several armed mercenaries came up the steps. Kate rushed into battle, taking one of them down, and sending the gunfire away from the ground with a twist of the arm.

Out of the corner of Harry's eye, Dinah and Thea slipped off into the distance.

Oliver jumped onto the table to get a better look at the situation. He could not leave to suit up, because the Perdita was the only one beside him.

An arrow caught Oliver in the side and pierced his shoulder. Immense pain and agony shot through the billionaire playboy's body.

Oliver's eyes shifted, vision blurred, when he came into the picture.

"Back off, playboy," the mercenary said. "We're here for the Princess."

The mercenary drew back his bow, preparing to take a shot straight at Perdita's heart.

The Mercenary missed, due to the fact that Perdita had not been there, for someone sped her out of the way, faster than a speeding bullet.

Down at the bottom of the steps, Superman tightened his grip around the waist of Queen Perdita. They were safely away from now.

"Okay?" he asked.

"Yeah….I can't take that much exertion though," The Queen said.

"Stay still, be calm, and I won't let anything happen to you," Superman said.

"Thank you," Perdita said.

The moment that Perdita caught eyes of her savior, her eyes widened a fraction of an inch.

"Oh, that's much better, without those glasses. And thank you again."

Perdita grew stern ,and calm at the sounds of the footsteps. The mercenaries trampled down the steps.

"Okay, you might want to know what you're dealing with," the voice in Harry's ear said.

"Overwatch?" Harry asked. "How did…."

"Not important right now," she said. "Okay, this is Komodo, he's a skilled mercenary, a skilled archer, and he's extremely dangerous...and likely has arrows which can take down Kryptonians as well."

The shield added to Harry's uniform recently would be functional against Kryptonite, unless Overwatch thought that there was something else in the bag.

Komodo walked down the steps, smiling when coming face to face with Superwoman.

"I have this arrow set up just for Superwoman," Komodo said. "But, I'm sure a Superboy would do just nicely."

Komodo drew back the Kryptonite arrow and fired it. Superman blocked it, instinctively with his hand, and searing pain ripped through his body. The shield blocked him from exposure, but did not work against penetration.

Harry ripped the Kryptonite pieces from his hand, bleeding badly, and breathing more heavily than Perdita was at the moment.

"The next one is through your heart," Komodo said. "Back off, now."

The standoff ended with Red Arrow dropping down, and taking out two of Komodo's fellow mercenaries. Komodo backed off for a second, breaking into a wide grin.

"Green Arrow couldn't touch me….Speedy's not going to have a chance."

Red Arrow flipped over Komodo and threw down with the mercenary, giving Harry a chance to take Perdita to safely.

"It would be a lot easier if you allowed me to carry you," Harry said.

"Fine, but we speak of this to no one," Perdita said in a terse voice.

"Wouldn't dream of it."

Perdita allowed her knight in shining armor to get her out of harm's way.

More mercenaries tumbled down the steps, after the combined force of Black Canary and Kate Kane brought them down. Harry would have liked to watch them kick some serious ass, but he had been preoccupied with getting Perdita out of the hallway.

On the other side, Thea wrapped up Komodo in a net, and then nailed him with a kick to the side of the head.

"You should get the memo," Thea said. "It's not Speedy anymore...it's Red Arrow."

Red Arrow put another arrow into the side of Komodo and took him down completely.

"He might have left a bomb down in the tunnel, or two or three," Overwatch warned them."

"On it."

In a blink of an eye, Flash came into the tunnel, zipping around to search for explosion. She checked every nook and cranny and sure enough, a couple of bombs had been found when she had been disabled.

After Komodo had been hauled in, and Perdita had been taken by Kate and Dinah to another secure location, Harry made his way up, where Oliver was being patched up by Felicity.

"Blocking an arrow with your side wasn't the smartest thing in the world," Felicity said.

"Better than blocking a Kryptonite arrow with your hand," Oliver said. "And speaking of which...how's the hand…."

Felicity moved of to get more medical supplies, which left Oliver and Harry alone.

"Fine," Harry said. "How's the side?"

"Sore, but it didn't puncture anything vital," Oliver said. "Took me out of the battle...we'll find out who…."

"Vertigo, Count Vertigo," Harry said. "Perdita's uncle, and if she has an accident….he is next in line for the throne. He may have had a hand in the mysterious death of the previous Queen and King as well."

Given Oliver's past dealings with the Count, it did not surprise him any bit.

"Well, you're not half bad, Superboy," Oliver said. "Still...stay away from my sister...and my wife."

"Mmm, why don't you tell them that, buddy?" Harry asked Oliver with a light slap on his back which caused Oliver to wince.

Thea slipped into the room, noticing that Harry and Oliver had been left alone when Felicity hunted down more medical supplies. Thankfully, there was no bloodshed. Thea did not intend to scrap her brother's battered and bloodied body off of the pavement outside, not today.

"How's the hand?" Thea asked.

"Sore," Harry said.

"Why did you think that it was a good idea to do that?" Thea asked.

"Because, it seemed like a good idea at the time," Harry said. "But, I'm healing, and there's no Kryptonite in my bloodstream, so things could have gone worse."

"And the Queen's safe?" Thea asked.

"Secure location," Harry said.

"Are you okay?" Thea asked.

"I've had worse," Oliver said. "So…."

Thea lead Harry off by the hand, passing Felicity who returned with iodine, burning stinging iodine. The two walked towards the elevator, hand in hand.

"What's that all about?" Felicity asked.

"Oh, Thea might have overheard me warning Harry to stay away from her," Oliver said.

"And now she's going to bang him right there at the elevator," Felicity nonchalantly said.

"Classy as always," Oliver grumbled. "And I didn't need that image in my head."

"Sorry, try not to trigger you next time and respect your safe space," Felicity said with a roll of her eyes as she treated Oliver's wound.

"And today, thanks to Superman, Black Canary, Red Arrow, and Flash, the assassination attempt of Queen Perdita has been thawed, and she has been moved to a safe location, as the hunt for a donor continues. This is Iris West reporting on the scene, where Oliver Queen had this to say."

Count Vertigo watched the screen and turned to a group of seven shadow figures.

"So, are you willing to go forward with the plan now?" one of them asked.

"So be it," Vertigo curtly replied.