
Chapter 29

"Okay, I'm on it," Cassie said. "Listen up everyone."

Bumblebee, Robin, and Blue Beetle all stood up straight and turned their attention to Wondergirl.

"It's Aresia," Cassie said.

"You mean the Amazon who tried to wipe out all of the men?" Blue Beetle asked.

'Her taste for mass genocide is unsettling and she should be exterminated with extreme prejudice,' scarab said.

"Yes, that's the one," Cassie said. "Impulse opened up the gates and we're going to have to…..OH SWEET MERCIFUL HERA, EVERYONE DUCK!"

A loud blast echoed from the train and blew it open. The Sky Platform, once belonging to AIM, blasted a hole right through the train. The Terror Twins, Mammoth, and Shimmer stood on the platform and peered down on the team members. Blue Beetle lifted an arm cannon but the energy field blasted Blue Beetle back.

"Alright, listen up," Tommy said. "Let us take the little man murderer, because for some reason, the bossman wants her, and none of you have to get your makeup smeared."

"Fat chance," Cassie said. "On my signal."

It turned out the Counter-Team struck first. Thus forcing Cassie to deliver a counter strike.. The Terror Twins hoisted the containment unit with Aresia in it. Cassie jumped high into the air and flipped over to stick the landing. Mammoth rushed at her. Cassie caught Mammoth in mid-swing and put him onto his back.

"Let's get out of here while the getting is good!" Tuppence yelled.

"Oh, sweet baby Jesus, Tuppence look!"

Cassie performed a series of death dying acrobatics over the laser fire from the sky platform. Tommy got two feet in the face which knocked him off of the platform. Tuppence swung a fist at Cassie. Cassie dodged the move and took the well-built girl down to the ground with a shoulder throw. Cassie ducked and rolled as the containment unit broke over.

At the last second, Cassie free fell and caught Aresia's body in her arms. Aresia was unresponsive and she groaned, obviously in pain for some reason.

"Let's get her….."

Grail jumped up and sent Robin flying with a back end punch. Blue Beetle's attempts to blast Grail had been dodged. Grail cracked Blue Beetle and managed to hit a point at the back of her neck where even the scarab could not protect her. Bumblebee blasted a stinging attack at her, but Grail swatted it off like a fly.

The knife drawn from Grail came close to stabbing Cassie in the ribs. However, a Canary Cry from Sara knocked her out of the way and sent her flying into the opposite direction.

Impulse rushed in.

"Give her to me!" Impulse yelled.


Impulse snagged Aresia and tore out of there like a bat out of hell. The rest of the team recovered, along with Grail who pulled herself up ready for a fight. White Canary stood face to face with her, and the two women circled each other.

A loud clapping sound followed. Taskmaster stepped onto the train, with Ronin and Ma'alefa'ak standing by his side. Junior and Kitten followed and the Terror Twins, Shimmer, and Mammoth joined. They face off against the team lead by White Canary, minus Impulse who had run off.

"Aresia would have been a bonus," Taskmaster said. "But not the main target."

Amanda Spence's limp body had been dragged out of the next car by the Terror Twins. Her mind had been kept at bay by M'comm even though she shot the White Martian a look of deep loathing. The feeling being mutual when M'comm returned the look.

"All goes according to plan. But I'm sure you've heard that one from the Light before."

With the press of the button, Taskmaster activated a miniature bomb which blew the train apart. The Terror Twins, already having gathered up all of Spence's resources, along with the sky platform.

"Almost everyone's off of the train," Sara called for them. "We need to stop them for crashing."

"Right, I'll get ahead of it," Cassie said.

Cassie jumped out of the train and used every bit of her strength to prevent it from skidding out of control before it smashed into everything and killed thousands of unsuspecting villagers.

Lives had been saved, and Aresia had been liberated from the Kasnias. But, with Spence and her research now in the hands of the Light, none of the Team felt like winners.

The rest of the Counter-Team waited for further instructions. The one and only Lex Luthor stepped out.

"Your work is commendable," Lex said. "Several lives were saved today for your work."

"Too bad Aresia got away," Grail said.

"Well, at least we'll find out what Doctor Spence is."

M'comm wanted to find out more about the virus. Asking Luthor did not seem like an ideal suggestion, so he moved closer towards them. Junior seemed like an ideal target to speak to.

"So, what's the deal with the virus?" M'comm asked.

"Oh, this crazy Amazon chick named Aresia, the one that was on the train, she created a virus because she hated all men because of...well I don't know why, but she was crazy," Junior explained. "She killed a lot of men, made a lot of others extremely sick, and there hasn't been a male baby born."

"Mmm, that's...interesting," M'comm said. "She managed to tailor the entire virus to a single gender?"

"Yeah, pretty insane stuff," Junior said. "Everyone thought it was awful. Well, except for idiots like Grace Godfrey, who talked about how all men had it coming to them. And her followers believed them. There might be a problem if no boys are born in a couple of generations. Kind of important for how the world works."

Junior paused and looked at M'comm.

"I mean, man loves woman, or woman loves man, man and woman have a baby," Junior said. "It works that way on Mars, right?"

"Yes," M'comm said. "Do you think it be modified to target certain subspecies?"

"Well, Spence was trying to get the virus so she could turn it around to wipe out anyone who isn't completely human," Junior said. "Not sure how she plans on doing that, but she's not exactly stable after that Supergirl clone almost crushed her a few years ago."

That's all M'comm needed to here. He would have to get close enough to Spence to figure out what she had done so far and what she learned from the Amazon. Perhaps it would be a lot easier if Aresia was not snagged.

"Hush up, here he comes," Tuppence said.

"Alright, not bad," Taskmaster said. "But, you can do better."

The counter-team prepared for the Taskmaster to live up to his name and put them through the paces.

"You see what has happened, don't you?" Harry asked.

"Yes," The Supreme Intelligence said. "I have."

The members of the Krees who assembled looked appalled. Power Girl, Captain Marvel, the Green Lantern, and Superman all waited for them. The damning proof of the Kree traitors letting the League to slaughter their people.

"What do you say?" Carol asked.

"The League has already been judged."

This caused a great deal of discourse among the assembled heroes. Karen was just a second away from protesting. However, Harry held up a hand and waited for the other shoe to drop.

"They have been found not guilty, due to insufficient probable cause, although Earth will be put under probation as a result of these actions. Especially in light of the evidence that you have given me, Superman. While your Justice League were puppets, the ones who pulled the strings could be the most dangerous threat."

"So, they're off?" Karen asked. "They're innocent."

"They're not guilty," the Supreme Intelligence said.

"Then where are they?" Karen asked.

"Impudent Kryptonian," Ronan growled.

Harry's cold and deadly stare fell on the Kree. Perhaps he did not want to repeat what happened earlier, for he did not say a single word further.

"They will be returned to Earth," The Supreme Intelligence said. "But, be warned, the Kree's full eyes are on Earth."

"And my full eyes are on you," Harry said.

Power Girl, Captain Marvel, Superman, and the Green Lantern all stood there. The Kree did as well. Neither side move. A chill erupted through the air as both sides stared each other down.

"I can give my full assurance that all traitors will be rooted out," the Supreme Intelligence said.

"I want to see the League," Harry said. "Now!"

"It's impossible, because they have been sent back," Supreme Intelligence said. "And you should go."

"We should," Carol said.

They would have to trust the Kree at their word the League would be sent back safely to Earth. Harry and Karen looked rather dubious, but if the League had been murdered, there was some doubt that some of the more vocal Kree members would keep their mouths shut.

"So, that's what happened?"

Harry returned to Earth and Sara gave her report on the entire mission. While Harry thought that things could have gone better, things could have come much, much, much worse. He had been a bit preoccupied by the League and the fact none of them had been returned as of yet.

"Aresia's here," Sara concluded. "She's not in good shape."

She led Harry into the next room. Sara pointed to Aresia, who was currently resting in bed, within a holding cell. Despite the fact she was just as much of a victim in this situation, having been tortured by the Kasnians and Spence for information.

"Yes," Harry said. "She's not. Spence is out in the wind. We don't know how much Aresia told her until she recovers. If she recovers."

It would be a slow hard road. And speaking of a hard road, Harry leaned into his ear piece, trying to hear any traffic about the League Six returning. No news, no calls. He suspected there could be a good chance the Kree might be lying, but he saw the rage in Ronan's eyes and he's not good in an actor.

A sickening feeling erupted in the pit of Harry's stomach regarding a possibility. The Kree guard assigned to return the League, which took place just as Harry, Carol, Karen, and Jessica reached the Supreme Intelligence. There was a chance they could be compromised as well.

"So she's here?"

Donna popped inside to check up on everything.

"Cassie told me everything," Donna said. "She did a good job tonight. Maybe she should be rewarded?"

Harry nodded in response and Donna slipped into position to look at Aresia. Despite all of what her former friend and fellow Amazon did, Donna always assumed she perished when the League went after her. Being trapped and held captive for maybe years and tormented and tortured by the Kasnians, so they could get information on the virus and use it for their own purpose never once crossed Donna's mind.

The thought sickened her.

"The League aren't back yet either?" Donna asked.

"No," Harry curtly replied.

"I don't like it."

"Me either."

"There was nothing about them returning back," Lena said. "I figure though the first thing Claire would have done is check in with you."

"Yes, she would," Harry said. "I have a pretty good idea what might have happened. The Supreme Intelligence intended to have them sent back."

"You sure about that?" Lena asked.

"Yes," Harry responded. "But, if the Kree who were supposed to be their guard were compromised in anyway….I just hoped they just figured it out, got away, and are currently working on a way to get back to Earth."

And the Supreme Intelligence's warning regarding the Kree still keeping an eye on Earth, thanks to what Savage and Klarion did, made Harry uneasy as well. Just way too much going on tonight and way too many problems overall.

"I'll call you back," Harry said. "I have a visitor."

Ronin appeared on the rooftop right next to Harry. She held between her fingers a drive.

"I copied all of the information from Spence that I could," Ronin told me. "She was modifying the original Aresia virus to use against aliens."

Harry's mole inside of Young Injustice, or the Counter-Team, whatever one wanted to call it, passed Harry the drive. He would have to look onto it.

"I'm still digging on who the Light's new partner is," Ronin said. "It's a good thing Emma helped me with my mentla shields. Because with that sociopath of a white Martian around, we all have reason to be nervous."

"Sociopath of a White Martian?"

"He calls himself Ma'alefa'ak."

From deep in his mind, Harry heard M'gann sigh. And the same thoughts ran through their minds. M'comm survived and obviously met up with the Counter-Team.

"Don't do anything you're not comfortable in doing," Harry said.

"I have to do this," she persisted. "Soon the light will be snuffed out by the Shadow."

"Thank you, Emiko."

Harry looked up into the sky. As if the League would arrive, just falling from the sky, having pulled off some daring escape.

"This isn't Earth," Claire said.

"Nope," Shayera said. "Not at all."

Kasius led the League Six into a hellish looking planet. John Stewart, knew precisely where they were and where they should not be. As did J'onn really quickly, and Shayera and Claire. Bruce and Diana, all realize due to the grim scene around them what is going on.

"Apokolips," John said. "The Guardians have forbidden any Green Lantern from remotely approaching the sector. It is a black spot."

"And for good reason," J'onn said.

"Are you alone Kasius?" a rumbling voice asked.

"Yes," Kasius said. "But, the Supreme Intelligence may figure out my deception."

"Earth's mightiest heroes."

An imposing and quite large figure with grey skin showed with glowing red eyes. An unspeakable terror to many species, including Martians and Thangarians. The figure, imposing and dark, locked eyes down onto them.

"I've watched from afar and seen heroes rise and heroes fall, but life goes on," Darkseid said. "Earth, it has the key to something, and you six, will be worthy of...interest. You will be my guests, and perhaps in time, I can find a use for you."

"You're making a huge mistake," Claire said.

"Hardly, Kryptonian, no one knows you've been brought here," Darkseid said. "Other than Kasius."

Several of Darkseid's guards appeared and split up the League six to hold them off into different directions. Grimness appeared in their eyes, as this was the last thing they wanted, to be seperated.

"And now, you are the only one who knows they are here, you can never return to the Kree," Darkseid said. "You are a liability."

And without another word, Darkseid shot the feared Omega Beam attack from his eyes and obliterated the Kree right where he stood.

"Yeah, just got back, it was a good night," Jennifer said. "Be catching you for Breakfast in the morning. Talk to you later, Anissa, take care."

Jennifer Pierce stepped out of the concert and moved to catch a bus. Something caught her eye, a young girl being accosted by a group of uniformed thugs. She looked terrified and Jennifer felt disgusted these men would go after her in such a way.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Jennifer yelled.

Jennifer punched one of the thugs out. The other thug swung at her. Jennifer dodged the attack and nailed him in the ribs with a kick before she flipped him down onto the ground. The third pulled a gun out, but Jennifer kicked it out of his hand and blocked it.

"Run, kid, run!" Jennifer yelled.

Suddenly, Jennifer found herself face to face with an enemy which she could not take down with basic self defense training. He looked like some hulked out version of the Blue Beetle, only in black.

"This piece of meat has the markers," this dark beetle said.

An electrified jolt hit Jennifer in the spine and put her asleep. More guards walked out and grabbed the other girl and Jennifer before hauling them on the back of the van.