After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
If there was one thing Nora Darhk did not want, so soon after being freed from Trigon, it was being the vessel of some demon. Nora spread her arms and sent a blast of magical energy at the armed men which knocked them completely down to the ground.
"These are people, underneath it all," Miss Martian said. "And Chloe...she's…."
Harry disabled one of the larger men who made a dash for him. The man's arms and legs snapped together and he fell backwards, about as stiff as a board. Harry jumped high into the air and moved towards the possessed woman. One of the men darted in front of her and took the bullet.
Helena swung her staff and knocked the man's legs out from underneath him. She moved through the table, hand on the doll. Which caused Witchfire to lash out, wrapping Chloe's hand around Helena's throat and slamming her against the wall, throttling away.
Nora blasted Witchfire away with a bombardment of power. She tried to restrain herself, because there was still a chance, a whisper, deep within "Chloe" she might have been alive. And Nora did her best to respect this fact, although every time she looked into those eyes, she saw red.
"Oh, you've softened a bit," Witchfire said. "Makes you ripe for the picking."
The strings from the dolls came down and wrapped around Nora's throat, arms, and legs. They choked the life out of Nora. Nora channeled the magic and sent a possessed demon doll.
"Get to Batman!" Superman yelled. "He's above….."
"Right making an exit!" Black Canary yelled.
Black Canary's Canary Cry came forward. The doll had been knocked off of the table which Witchfire dove at it. This put her in the perfect position for Nora to jump high into the air and send a vicious curb stomp down onto the chest of the woman to rock her.
The large brute cut at Nora until Helena blocked the shot. The Girl Wonder twisted in mid air and took the man down by the arm. Fortunately more than well adept of taking down a much larger man, Helena sent him crashing down to the ground.
The doll had been reclaimed by the demon-possessed woman. She looked fixated on keeping it on their hand.
"It's the anchor," Nora murmured. "It anchors Chloe's soul to Trigon's prison, and it anchors….Witchfire to this realm."
"She's possessive of the damn thing," Harry said. "I've got a plan."
Nora just set her jaw and nodded. She followed Harry's lead, rushing towards the demonic attacks.
This was not going the way Witchfire intended. She was supposed to be in a new vessel by this time, and she would leave this old one to rot. It was about ready to give out underneath the strain of possessing her powerful soul regardless.
On the table, a priestess stood over Batman. Dollmaker just grinned and leaned over to touch the top of his cowl.
"Soon, Batman, I will keep this doll with your soul as a trophy," Dollmaker said. "And I'm sure Witchfire will do something with your body."
"Mathis, you're not….." Batman said.
A cold grasp rocked from Batman's body as the priest muttered something in her native language. Batman could feel it, sense of self slipping down. The images of that one night, the one night which shaped Batman's life in the alleyway continued. He almost had his arm free, but it would not be enough.
A sonic blast broke the spell of the priestess and sent her all the way crashing back into the table. From the heavens, Batgirl, White Canary, and Black Canary dropped down and were primed for battle. Two of the large guards rushed them. White Canary made short work of the one the right and Black Canary smacked down the particularly large guard on the right.
Batgirl finished helping Batman out of his bindings. The Dark Knight rose on on shaky legs, but at least he was free.
"I know, I was supposed to wait another two days," Batgirl said.
"Thank you."
Batman popped another guard in the face. Despite being strapped down and nearly having his soul sucked out, Batman did not miss a beat. Batman cracked the man's arm down to the ground.
Dollmaker threw his hands up. He was no fighter. Black Canary grabbed him across the back of the man's neck.
"You're going to pay for your crimes."
"What I do is not a crime!" Dollmaker protested. "I make art, preserving the beauty of those young women for all eternity, and now it's to the point where…..argh!"
Black Canary's uppercut punch nailed the man in the gut. She hurled the man across the table where he landed. Batman picked up Dollmaker and hurled him down.
"This ends now, Barton," Batman said.
"It's B…."
Batman headbutted the man into coma-town, no longer wanting to tell him. The Dark Knight took a step forward and collapsed from the drugs which Dollmaker injected to him. Batgirl and Black Canary helped him up to his feet.
As Batman fumbled through his pockets for the antidote, he had one question on his mind.
"Where's....Helena," Batman said.
"She's with Harry, Megan, and Nora….Nora Darhk," Black Canary said.
Batman shook his head. He needed to get down there, and join the fight. Despite being completely rattled and held captive for the better part of two days, prepared for some ceremony where he would have his soul sucked out and trapped in a doll. And likely one of demon's companions would use Batman's body as a vessel.
Harry and Nora crouched down between a pile of wreckage. Both of them had lost the crazy doll girl, at least for now.
"Okay, what's your obviously insane plan?" Nora asked.
"And what makes you think….."
"Just tell me, okay?" Nora asked.
"We need to get Chloe's body and the doll close to the Lazarus Pit," Harry said. "Providing you're right."
Oh, Nora thought in theory this would work. But, theory and magic, they had a very shaky relationship. So much could go wrong that no one in their right mind could even theorize. Putting her hand on her had, Nora tilted back and sighed long and hard.
"For your sake, I hope you're right," Nora said. "Let's see if your nutcase plan works."
From above, Batman, Black Canary, White Canary, and Batgirl came down. This spread Witchfire's possessed soldiers a little bit thinner which would be perfect for Harry's plan.
"Once they go into the pit, I need you to open a portal to Trigon's realm," Harry said. "But, only for long enough for Chloe's soul to be sucked through."
"You better hope nothing else is pulled through," Nora said.
Megan shifted over and picked up on the plan. She trusted Harry's judgment, despite the fact it seemed insane.
'I'll distract Witchfire long enough for you to snatch the doll,' Megan thought.
Witchfire wiped a drop of blood through her nose and took a deep breath. Batman had gotten loose and now she was no closer to obtaining her vessel.
The Martian was in her head no. Witchfire turned around, causing the doll to slip from her fingers onto the ground. The moment the doll dropped the ground, a concussive blast of magic hit her from behind.
"You know, I don't have any idea why you would want such a ratty looking thing."
Chloe's eyes shined red with fury as Nora rushed through the steps with her dear anchor.
Nora rushed down the steps, with Witchfire tearing down the steps after her. They made their way closer to the Lazarus Pit and the smell of it, it could only be one thing. Her father taught Nora well what a Lazarus Pit smelled like after all.
Witchfire came around the corner, only for Harry to knock her down against the ledge leading into the pit. Harry's hand moved faster than the speed of light and stabbed Chloe right through the stomach which sent her hurling into the pit, with Nora hurling the doll into the air. Harry made it explode into dust.
The portal opened up and a white rush came from the portal, causing the Lazarus Pit to glow.
"Close it!" Harry yelled.
Chloe rose up out of the pit, breathing heavily. Completely insane.
"CLAIRE!" Chloe shrieked at the top of her lungs.
Chloe rushed towards Harry and Harry restrained the woman. She had been breathing heavily, the injuries from getting stabbed healed over from the pit. But the ravages of having such a demonic possession was obvious.
The first few rocks broke free from the Temple above. Nora, without any pause, opened up a gateway to get them outside of the temple.
'Okay, everyone, we need to go,' Harry thought. 'Nora's teleporting you all out right now….I've got Chloe.'
The entire group teleported on the outside of the temple. Including the possessed soldiers, who had reclaimed their souls when Witchfire's control over them had been broken. A shower of rocks fell from the heavens, and the temple collapsed around them.
"Where's Dollmaker?" Black Canary asked.
A shadow of a smile crossed over Nora's lips.
"Oh, sorry, I must have forgotten him on accident," Nora said.
Funnily enough, Nora was not too sorry at all causing the mass-murder, most of his victims young girls, get crushed underneath the weight of a fallen temple.
The deep, pained breaths coming from Chloe, was very concerning. Megan leaned down and placed her hand onto the top of Chloe's head and peaked into her mind.
"Well?" Harry asked.
Megan pulled back to give her assessment.
"Chloe is Chloe," Megan said. "And Chloe is dying."
"She was a mortal woman possessed by a powerful demon for months, over a year," Nora grimly said. "That's not taxing. It would even take an extraordinary amount of magic even a life force…."
No, Harry intended to bring the best friend of his mother home safe and sound. The word "life force" caused Harry to perk up. He put his hands on Chloe's shoulders and channeled as much magic through her as possible, trying to heal the excessive amount of damage going through her body.
"What is he doing?" White Canary asked.
"He's giving Chloe a life force transfusion to heal her body," Nora said.
Megan screamed, mentally and physically. Harry should just pull away because it was killing him. The barrier surrounding them ensured none of the team could interfere with this.
"It feels like it's causing him some kind of physical pain," Black Canary said.
"Such magic normally does," Nora said. "He's, no he's not!"
Nora managed to push through the barrier and put her hands on Harry to siphon her life energy into his, and that energy had been in turn channeled into Chloe.
"They're going to die!" Megan shouted desperately.
"If you break the barrier, you will kill them all," Batman told the group grimly.
Between Zatara and Jason Blood, Batman had a decent enough grounding on magical theory. And he knew the consequences of breaking a magical ritual along these lines. Harry almost killed himself and Nora was taxing herself to the limits.
"It's...done!" Harry gasped.
Nora, Harry, and Chloe all collapsed. Harry's fingers twitched. The barrier finally came down and the group rushed in. Sara picked up Chloe, Dinah did the same thing to Nora, and Megan gently lifted Harry off of the ground.
"Once we get off the island, I should be able to call ahead to Metropolis," Batman said. "Lena should know what to a situation like this."
"She's alive," Sara said. "I feel a pulse."
"They all are, but we got to get them back," Helena said.
Megan sat in silence over Harry. Oh, they had been so lucky here. Megan realized the intrigue of this situation. Nora's quick actions prevented Harry from killing him in the process of saving Chloe. At great physical and mental anguish to herself.
Outside, Lena, joined by Caitlin and Karen, waited outside. The Bioship appeared outside. Inside, Harry had been hauled out, alongside of Nora Darhk and the third party, Chloe Sullivan, shocked Lena instantly. The fact Harry had been to that awful place, well Lena was not too happy about it. Batgirl, White Canary, Robin, Miss Martian, and Black Canary, along with Batman came off of the ship.
Claire appeared instantly, alarmed to see Harry in this state.
"I swear that I didn't tell him about this," Lena said.
"I know, Felicity mentioned he grilled her about it, he found out on his own," Claire said. "Maybe if we told him, he wouldn't have gone off. I bet he thought he could patch things up between us by bringing Chloe back."
An anxious moment flashed between the two of them.
"Will it?" Lena asked before waving off. "It doesn't matter, we have more important things to worry about now, don't we?"
Harry, Nora, and Chloe had been loaded up onto stretchers, and brought into L-Corp. Lena had told Sam and Gwen to stand by with instructions, and also Caitlin rushed ahead to help them pep the solar radiation chamber.
"I'm not certain what Harry did," Batman said.
"He stabbed Chloe, destroyed the doll, and put her soul back into her body, and sent Witchfire's back into hell...Witchfire...she's the demon who possessed Chloe," Megan tensely explained. "And then, Harry saved her from dying and Nora saved Harry from dying. Just so much happened."
"You should get some rest as well," Lena said. "We'll take good care of Harry."
"Right, thanks, Lena," Megan said.
"Why did she go after the island?" Claire asked.
"For you," Batman said. "She thought it would have evidence to finally put Lex away for good but in the end, I think Lex's connection for the island was minimal at best. He fed both Lena and Chloe misleading information...he wanted to get back at you for everything, through Chloe."
Batman could sense self-loathing coming on from Claire a mile away. He put a firm hand on his long time associates shoulder.
"It's not your fault," Batman said.
"I know," Claire said. "Lex has a lot to answer for."
"Someday, he will," Batman said. "But, you have more important things to worry about."
Batman moved over to check on his own daughter, while Claire moved off. She took in a deep breath.
"Lois, call me when you get back," Claire said. "Harry brought Chloe home."
Harry's eyes flickered open. He had been back in a tube, not unlike the one had been first discovered by the Team in Cadmus. Solar radiation poured into the tube and for a brief second, Harry had the very grim realization the entire last year and everything he lived had been another elaborate simulation part of Cadmus. Upon his death saving Superwoman's friend, Chloe.
"Sorry about the circumstances, but it was the one way to save you."
Lena appeared at the door, and Harry let out a breath. Now his mind cleared up, Harry could peace together after it.
"You came inches away from dying," Lena said. "And you did so by saving Chloe….you don't know how much that means to myself and to Claire, but please, for the sake of my blood pressure, never do anything like that again."
"I'll try not to," Harry said. "But, I make no promises I can't keep."
Lena just nodded and opened up the pod. Harry walked out, gingerly into the step. It had been a surprise to see himself back into the old Cadmus suit, but Lena and Caitlin made some modifications which would allow it to retain solar radiation more efficiently which helped with the healing process.
"So, how about Chloe? Nora? Are they…."
"They're both fine."
Claire popped in with a smile. She moved in and wrapped her arms around Harry and giving him a kiss on the lips, which Lena just smiled at.
"Always one to show off, aren't you? "Lena asked.
"So, the two of you are talking again?" Harry asked.
"Yes," Claire said. "We've come to the realization, over coffee that Lex was manipulating both of us, using Chloe, and obviously whatever he's up to, it's best if we bond together, instead of drifting further apart."
"I could have told you both that, if I had been told what was going on," Harry said.
"Sorry," Lena said.
"Yeah, we should have...well it was not as easy as it looked," Claire said.
"The two of you kissed and made up then," Harry said. "Good to know. How long was I out anyway?"
"Seventy-two hours," Lena said. "With intense solar therapy….along with some genetic donations on our part, you are stronger than ever."
Harry wrapped his arm around Lena and pulled her in close.
"Good to know," Harry said with a light kiss, brushing his lips against the neck of his beautiful mother. "So, I'm up and I'm…."
"Lab's not a good place," Lena said. "But, fortunately….I have a solution."
Lena walked over to a panel and pressed in a series of numbers.
"Agent Carter's birthday?" Claire asked.
"Yes," Lena said. "Oh, Lyta's journal was fascinating, and will put us on the right track for our project."
She smiled and Harry, remembering the tense discussion Claire and Lena had last time they came into contact at Harry's graduation, looked over at Claire, who just gave him a nod.
"Long as you know what you're doing and you're safe about it," Claire said.
"Always safe," Lena said. "Especially when dealing with technology like could really change the world...or destroy it, depending who which hands it fell into."
The three made their way down a flight of steps, into a rather spacious looking room, with a nice and cozy looking bed.
"Harry, I believe we should exam you to make sure everything is in working order," Lena said. "Why don't you start by taking off your clothes and we'll join you on the bed momentarily?"