After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
Saturday morning, bright and early, at about nine in the morning, and Mareena was down at the Conservatory of Magic like she was each and every week like clockwork. She did not take this trip alone, however, as two of her teammates joined her on the trip. Donna and Harry tagged along, as ever since she mentioned the Conservatory to Harry, he had been interested in taking a look. Donna already had been down here a couple of times, but no matter the circumstances, Mareena appreciated the company.
"Welcome to the Conservatory of Magic," Mareena said.
Harry whistled when he looked around. The hallways were extravagant, with bright colors all around. They were of smooth finished, hand-crafted, and sturdy as well. He could sense something coming in from these hallways, power radiating off of the walls which brought a smile to his face. He leaned against the wall and allowed himself a good look around.
"Impressive," Harry said. "And I did not know you had your own statue here."
Mareena tried to look modest in the face of this revelation, even though he was smiling.
"Well, I did help lead the school against Black Manta's attack last year," Mareena said. "But, I didn't think...I didn't think I would ever have a tribute for it."
"Really?" Donna asked. "From what I heard, you did an amazing job."
"She'll say that it was a collective effort from all of the students of the school if you asked her."
An attractive redhead of around Mareena's age stepped down. She dressed in a small yellow top and yellow shorts, with a wrap around her, and no shoes. Her long legs and tight midriff were on full display. Harry could sense that she was a very skilled sorceress.
"Donna, it's nice to see you again," she said before turning her full and undivided attention to Harry, her eyes locked onto him when giving him an assessment. "And I'm afraid we haven't had the pleasure of meeting um…."
"Hadrian Kent," he supplied. "But most of my friends call me Harry."
The young woman paused for a second, before realization dawned upon her.
"Oh, you're him!" she said. "Mareena won't shut up with you, she speaks very highly of you. And let's face it, she has a point, you're...well you seem worth it."
Whatever the girl was going to stay, she stopped short of saying it. Harry had a pretty good idea what her mind was going, however, and just broke out into a smile.
"I'm Tula by the way," she said. "Second in the year...thanks to this overachiever."
"It's close enough," Mareena said with a smile. "Harry dabbles in a bit of magic himself, you know?"
"Oh, really, do you?" Tula asked whose eyes brightened up.
They had been distracted by a stunning gorgeous redhead woman walking down the hallway, with vibrant eyes. She dressed in a thin green top and green bottoms which hugged her hips, and showed off enough flesh to stir Harry's interest.
"Mareena, it's good to see you," she said a moment later. "And Donna, it's good to see you again...and you must be Hadrian."
"And you are naturally Queen Mera," Harry said. "I have to say, it's easy to see where Mareena gets her beauty. The pleasure is all mine, Your Highness."
He leaned in to kiss Mera on the hand and she broke out into a smile.
"Evidentally, second-hand accounts don't do you justice," Mera said. "But, I'm sure I'll be able to see your prowess up close and personal soon enough."
Mareena cleared her throat to bring her mother back to Earth. And more importantly, the reason why Mera was here.
"I'm going to perform your assessment in an hour," Mera told her daughter. "But, why don't you take your friends on a tour of the school? I'm sure they will find it most interesting."
"Oh, I've always wanted to see this school," Harry said.
After his encounter with Jade and Lois last night, or rather despite it, Harry was wide awake and alert and ready to take in anything. This new culture of magic proved to be interesting. None of them had classes today, being a Saturday. Still, as Harry walked down the hallway, numerous girls were giving him the eye down the hallway.
"Is he the Princess's new consort?" he heard one of them whispered.
"Did you see how the Queen was looking at him?"
"Keep your voice down!" another hissed.
Of course, being blessed with super-enhanced senses, Harry heard every single word.
Last night had been about as successful as could be. Artemis normally went on an early morning run, to clear her head. Thankfully this time, her run was in Star City and not in Gotham City, so there was a smaller chance. Green Arrow was on League business now, and she had offered to keep an eye on Star City for him. Artemis dropped down and heard someone behind her.
In fact, Artemis had a pretty good idea that somehow had been following her, maybe stalking her, from so many miles back. She whipped out her bow and pointed the arrow towards the person in the shadows.
"Come out and face me," Artemis said.
Out walked Red Arrow. Artemis lowered her bow, only slightly. She smiled, although it unsettled Artemis.
"Just making sure you're on your toes, kid," Red Arrow said to her.
"Okay, do we have a problem?" Artemis asked. "Because, seriously, if we have a problem, then we can deal with it right now. Otherwise, you can go and….."
"Just wondering why the Green Arrow recruited someone of your background to join the team," Red Arrow said a few seconds later. "Because I know who you are."
"So, you've been researching me?" Artemis asked. "I don't even know why you're taking such an interest. After the League snubbed you, you're a free agent. Although you have been keeping a close enough eye on the team, or maybe a certain member of the team."
Red Arrow did not confirm or deny what Artemis was saying.
"You let Cheshire got away because you have a blind spot towards her," Red Arrow said. "You let your emotions get the better of you."
"So, maybe I did," Artemis said. "But...she caught me off guard….if we cross paths again, I'll treat her like she's any other bad guy. I'm not going to let her run away next time."
One might have the impression that Artemis was trying to convince herself just as much of this as she was Red Arrow. Red Arrow just responded with a snort, which caused Artemis to stand up.
"You know, it's a good thing that people don't judge other people by who their family members are. Otherwise, we'd both be in trouble. And I'm not talking about your brother either."
Things got extremely tense between Artemis and Red Arrow. One could almost cut the tension in the air with a butcher knife. Red Arrow leaned closer towards the younger archer.
"And H...Superman knows who I am," Artemis said. "And so does Robin, and I'll tell the rest of the team….they'll understand."
"Are you sure?" Red Arrow asked.
"Yes, I'm sure," Artemis said.
"Hurt him, and you'll be lucky to breathe," Red Arrow said.
"Oh, being the overprotective sister now, aren't we?" Artemis asked.
"I wasn't talking about Green Arrow," Red Arrow said.
The sound of an alarm in the distance diverted their attention elsewhere. Not together, but perhaps as a way for one to show the other who was the Alpha.
Grudgingly, Artemis admitted that Thea was that good, and beyond that good.
Mareena could not be happier about Harry's assessment of the school. Mera joined them towards the end of the tour.
"So, you dabble in magic as well?" Mera asked. "I have to say, considering your circumstances, I'm surprised...but also intrigued."
"Well," Harry responded a few seconds later. "One of my training simulations was me spending time at a school of magic. It had very Victorian sensibilities...they had use wands….but…."
"Mmm," Mera commented.
She was not too big of a fan of wands, given how they needed to be created by slaughtering animals. They were very big in Europe though, from certain groups of Warlocks. Their magic was less in tuned with nature though, unlike the magic done without wands. And thus less potent. Still very powerful, although more prone to corrupt the user if they are not an adjusted person. Channeling their magic through a tainted object tended to do that.
"I've seen the magic here and it's far more advanced," Harry said.
"You have some natural ability," Mera said. "I would like you run a basic assessment test for you if you would consent."
"Mother, Harry's a guest here, I'm sure that he's not…."
"I'm fine," Harry commented a second later. "I actually am curious how powerful I am, by the standards of the Academy….why don't you lead the way?"
"This should not take more than a few minutes, and we'll go on for Mareena's assessment," Mera said.
Mera escorted Harry through by the hand and move him in front of a large stone wall. Several magical runes carved next to the walls, some of them Harry recognized, while others, they were beyond his recognition. He noticed, felt perhaps, the great power coursing out of those runestones the closer he edged to the wall. He wondered exactly what power would be brought there for him.
"Just place your hand on the wall and we can begin," Mera told him.
Donna, Tula, and Mareena watched with interest. Harry placed his hand on the wall and the magic flowed naturally from him. The runes on the wall lit up on the wall, with a blinding light, and caused the entire ground to stand back. Harry experienced unprecedented warmth in the power.
"Impressive, "Mera said. "Raw, but impressive...there is most certainly potential there."
The Queen of Atlantis looked at Harry with one of those long smiles, appraising the young man. The glow caused tingles to spread through her body and the warmth to follow.
"I will stop by the cave on my free nights," Mera said. "And we should arrange lessons to help you refine this ability."
Karen had been training him on his Kryptonian abilities and she had rewarded him for good work. A small part of Harry's mind wondered if Mera would be willing to reinforce his hard work in such a similar way.
"It would be an honor," Harry told her.
"Oh, you're much too kind," Mera said with a smile. "Still, you can benefit from some hands-on tutoring."
Mera's hands locked onto Harry's shoulders for a minute as she stared him down. She seemed to realize her daughter and two friends were standing there so she backed off from Harry with a smile, lightly flicking a strand of hair away from his eyes.
"I'm free Tuesday and Friday," Mera said. "So unless Batman has you doing anything with your Team, we'll have your lessons then."
"That would be great," Harry said. "But, us spending this time together is not going to cause any problems, is it?"
Mera just smiled at him. She was happy that he was so considerate.
"Arthur, or Aquaman as you know him above water, and I, have an arrangement. One which is to our benefit, to keep political harmony. And thus we are allowed to pursue outside interests at our leisure."
For a brief instant, Mera's eyes traced down Harry's body, taking it all in. She returned to looking straight into his eyes, something that would allow many women to linger in a pool of their own wetness, to begin with. She decided to not share the fact that after Mareena had been conceived, she and the King had slept in separate beds.
Their marriage was for political reasons, to prevent a war. And it was narrowly prevented at that.
"Mareena, it's time for us to have your assessment," Mera told her daughter. "And Tula….see me in my office afterward."
Tula responded with a nod. Donna just eyed the situation for a couple of seconds. Mareena did not seem too bothered that she and her mother shared the same lover. Then again, they both stated their interest clear.
"I want to look at that Starfish," Donna said. "It looks fascinating….do you want to come with, Har?"
"Yes," Harry said. "That would be nice."
Donna locked her arm to her. He had been curious about that starfish they had, especially since he sensed something deep within it, even though the students of the school kept it on ice. Potentially for good reason, although Mareena mentioned that was the way they found it.
Dinah threw her hands at the bag at the basement of the apartment. The stunning vigilante dressed in a sports bra and a pair of extremely tight yoga pants. She kept punching and kicking at the bag until it strained against the swinging chain. To be honest, she was a bit nervous. She was going on her first date in a long time.
"You're working up a sweat before tonight?"
"You know I work out when I'm excited."
"I'm sure you'll be fine….it's about time you get back on the horse...after it threw you off….of course, if the rumors were true, the old horse was worn out anyway."
Dinah just shook her head. There were far too many complications to her breakout with Oliver then simply, he cheated on her. Or tried to sleep with her mother, which was another common theory among the Star City elite. The events of Shanghai and the aftermath, that really was what put the bad taste in Dinah's mouth. She did what she had to do and while she wished it was possible to handle it differently, Dinah figured that it was the only way to save those lives.
Of course, Oliver claiming that he would back her up, and then turning around to be the only one to suggest suspending her from the League, pending an investigation to vote her out, that was the straw that broke the camel's back regarding. Dinah smiled, recalling how Claire, Karen, and Diana all fiercely backed up what she did.
They understood Dinah had no choice. Of course, Oliver, did not see that.
"So, have you given thought to joining the Team?" Dinah asked.
There was a long pause following that question.
"I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to even follow in your footsteps….or I guess your fishnets."
Dinah chuckled in response.
"Or our mother's….she really does cast a larger shadow over everything we do."
"Tell me about it," Dinah murmured.
Dinah slowed down her workout now and moved over to get a drink from the water bottle from the fridge downsteps.
"I've done a few patrols with you, but that seems like it's our version of a girl's night, nothing too spectacular, right?"
Dinah just broke out into a smile.
"You did well out there….I'll be happy to take to the cave any time you want, see how you get along with the rest of the team."
"Maybe. It would be a nice change of pace between schoolwork, judo, dancing, and yoga...and don't you have a date to get ready for in a couple of hours?"
"Yeah," Dinah responded with a smile on her face. "He's not one that you would keep waiting."
"And it's been a while since I've visited Dad," she said. "The view on the hill is nice…..not sure about the Team thing, but I'll give it a thought."
"Just, think about it, Sara."
Artemis, Donna, Mareena, Helena, Whitney, and Megan hung around the cave. Harry walked out, wearing a nice three-piece suit. Whitney suggested he try it because it suited him, well Linda suggested it to Whitney.
Still, it was the thought that counted.
"So, how do I look?"
"Handsome as ever," Donna said with a smile.
"Yeah, you look pretty good," Megan said.
"Almost enough to make me jealous of Black Canary," Artemis said.
"Just almost?" Donna asked her.
Artemis broke out in the smile. She decided not to tell the team about her family, at least not until Harry left on his date. She figured that it would be unwise to bog it down with discussions.
The entrance to the cave opened up and Dinah turned up in all of her glory, wearing a lacy black dress which fit to her body. She looked up towards Harry.
"You clean up quite nicely," Dinah said with a smile.
"Thanks," Harry said. "So, are you ready?"
"I've been waiting for this all week," Dinah said.
"Hope it goes well," Donna said with a smile.
"Yeah, don't do anything that I wouldn't do," Whitney said.
"Which leaves your night wide open," Helena said, which caused Whitney to shook a look as if she was mortally insulted..
The moment that they leave, they moved.
"So, she wants him, right?" Donna asked. "I'm pretty sure he's already sleeping together with Power Girl and he and Caitlin are close enough and then…."
"Cat Grant?" Megan offered. "And Lois, you think?"
"Harry's busy," Mareena said. "My mother will be sleeping with him soon if she has anything to say about it."
"Yes, and I'm sure he has a few people who are showing interest in him," Artemis said.
Artemis hoped that no one would look at her cell phone. She was not sure how Jade got ahold of her number and sent her a few pictures with Harry and Jade in them, making it obvious that they slept together. What Harry did and who he slept with, it was his business, but if Jade hurt him, then Artemis swore that she something about it.
"So, do we have a chance with all of these women around?" Megan asked with a frown. "Just asking….hypothetically of course."
"Well, if I ever have an opportunity," Artemis said with a smile.
"Besides, do you think that he's going to sleep with anyone else in the League after Black Canary?" Donna asked.
"You mean like your sister?" Mareena asked.
"Maybe," Donna said.
Donna hoped that she would at least get with Harry first. But maybe she had not been trying hard enough.
"Flash, maybe...she looks like someone who would move fast," Artemis said.
"I can't believe you girls!" Whitney yelled. "Gossiping about our teammate and who he was going to sleep with on the League. Do you think the League is gossiping about who on the Team he's going to sleep with or has slept with?"
"That's nobody, right?" Helena asked.
They all nodded in response, frowning. Artemis sighed in response. She wanted it bad, but Donna and Megan obviously did as well.
"None of us have," Mareena said. "We'll just see what happens."
They all nodded. They did hope that Harry had a nice night, and Black Canary did as well. Although Artemis knew personally if the grin on Jade's face in some of those pictures was any indication, then Black Canary would be in for a very nice night.
A trio of female Justice League members arrived. Power Girl, Wonder Woman, and Hawkwoman took advantage of the downtime to talk about recent events.
"So, Black Canary's finally out on a date," Hawkwoman said. "With Superman?"
"Yes," Karen commented with a smile.
"Oh, it's a pity that I haven't met him yet," Hawkwoman said.
"Relax, Shayera, you'll see him soon enough," Diana told her in a confident voice.
"Dinah's getting to meet him properly tonight," Karen chimed in with a smile.
Shayera just laughed at the thought. To be fair, after dropping the Green Arrow, Dinah deserved to get a good lay and have someone who would back her up, in all respects.
"So, what member of the team do you think is going to bed him first?" Shayera asked. "I've got dibs on the Martian...always the quiet ones."
Diana's eyes widened, looking pretty aghast and Karen chuckled in mirth.
"Oh come on, we know it's going to happen eventually," Shayera said. "Or it just going to descend into a chaotic orgy when he takes everyone at once?"
"That would be something," Karen said. "Although, you can't count out Robin. Given who her father is….or more importantly...who her mother is...she seems like the aggressive type if she wants something or rather someone."
And Karen was not biased in Helena's favor, given she was a younger counterpart of her old lost friend on her former Earth. Not at all, okay maybe just a little bit.
"Really, now?" Diana asked.
Of course, she thought that Donna would be the first one to make a move that Harry could not deflect. But, it would be biased to speak about that and very inappropriate at that as well.
Superwoman stepped into the cafe area and they decided to switch topics.
"So, I'm hunting down an ancient artifact to help save a friend from a curse," Diana said to Shayera.
"Mmm, breaking a curse, I haven't had much luck with that," Shayera said ruefully. "But, I'll help you out in any way that I can."
Diana beamed at her League member. Superwoman moved out, not joining them in their conversation. She had been keen to avoid the League, outside of missions and Karen frowned. It was obvious she needed some therapy sessions or at least some sense knocked into her.
Harry and Dinah sat at the table, feeding each other chili fries with Dinah's foot rubbing up against the length of Harry's leg from underneath the table.
"Oh, this is nice," Dinah said with a smile.
"Yes, it is," Harry said.
The music in the bar started playing. Dinah rested her leg against Harry from underneath the table and leaned closer towards him.
"So, you wanted to ask me something, don't you?" Dinah asked.
"Well, I know it's personal but…."
"Shanghai," Dinah said. "You really have to know this if we're going to be involved with each other."
She had been calm, although Harry hoped that he was not crossing a line by even bringing it up.
"From what Karen told me, it was something that wasn't asked of you or Green Arrow," Harry said.
Dinah just smiled and grabbed Harry by the hand and lead him to a more secluded area of the club. Many people would not bat an eye of a couple going out into this particular area.
"It was against a group of terrorists known as HIVE," Dinah said. "They had a doomsday weapon and their leader, Damien Darhk, threatened to unleash it, which would cause mass chaos in the world."
Harry beckoned for Dinah to continue, so she did.
"And he captured Oliver, his sister, and his assistant, Felicity, who is now his wife," Dinah said in a nonchalant manner. "They were married four times...Felicity's about as broken as he is in some ways...she hides it's obvious, if you really spend time with her."
Felicity joked that she and Oliver kept getting back together because no one else would have them. Sadly, Dinah could see her point.
"It doesn't sound like a very healthy relationship," Harry said.
"Ours wasn't either....Oliver held onto those demons after the island for too long and it drove most of everyone away," Dinah said. "But, never mind that...back to Shanghai...where I had to save them...Darhk had some kind of magical totem that made him almost invincible."
"And when you say almost…."
"I snapped his neck and killed him," Dinah said quietly. "They say killing should be the last resort…"
"And sometimes it's unavoidable," Harry said rubbing her on the back.
"Yeah, and that night it was because as long as Darhk lived, his weapon was going to be online," Dinah commented. "He would have killed Thea if I hadn't jumped in. And likely Oliver and Felicity as well...and he claimed that he would tell the League what happened….only he got fixated on the fact that I killed someone who had a daughter."
"That doesn't….that shouldn't matter," Harry said. "Darhk would have killed people who had children."
"Yeah, and even though Zatara swore that there was no way to break Darhk's link to the totem and the weapon without killing him, Oliver said that I should be suspended from the League," Dinah said. "He seemed to think that...I did it out of revenge...but, I swear I did it because...well I didn't want people to get hurt."
Dinah remained stoic, although one could see the tears glistening out of her eyes.
"He was a monster, "Dinah breathed.
"I know," Harry said. "I know who Darhk is and I agree, he's better off you know what happened to his daughter?"
"I don't know," Dinah said. "She'd be about your age….I guess."
The two of them lingered in each other's arms for the next few minutes. She hated to tell Harry, but if they were involved, he would have to know. Dinah regretted having to take that step.
"It's unavoidable, songbird," Harry said.
Dinah just smiled at the term of endearment and he kissed her lightly on the forehead.
"So, about that ride, you promised me?" Harry asked.
"So, you're not going to ditch a broken bird like me?" Dinah asked.
"No," Harry said. "You were a hero. You are a hero. If people can't see that, then they're an idiot."
Harry lead her out, where they came around back where Dinah's motorcycle was. He handed her a helmet and took one of his. Harry got on the front and started it up.
"You're a pretty good teacher, so I think that I got the hang of this."
"Just watch out for those sharp turns," Dinah advised him.
She hung on tight, pressing against his body. They drove home and Harry handled her baby quite nicely. Hopefully, he would treat Dinah as well.
Dinah hated having bringing up those ghosts again, but Harry had to know. And he accepted her, which boosted Dinah's spirits. She could be less guarded around him and Harry would accept her.
"I'd like to show you my apartment," Dinah said. "Turn off at the next exit."