After the death of Harry Potter, he is resurrected as Project Kr, or Superboy. Young Justice Crossover, with other Marvel and DC elements. Creator: megamatt09
Paula Crock highly anticipated this day, and hoped it would go as planned. Her younger daughter, Artemis, joined her, and along them, Artemis's friends, Harry Kent, Raquel Erwin, Whitney West, and Jesse Chambers Wells appeared next to her. Paula had been wheeled into surgery with Artemis leaning near to her mother.
"Be strong, Mom," Artemis said. "You've been through a lot,'s time for you to be able to live your life again."
Paula nodded. The surgery was just a step of correcting the problems which confined her to the wheelchair. She knew there had been a long, long, road to rehab ahead of her. But, at the end of the tunnel, should everything be successful and Paula had plenty of confidence there would be a success, she would finally have the second chance she craved for a long time.
Hopefully, Paula made better decisions with the second chance than she did with her first chance. Some of those decisions lead her in the wheel chair.
"Lena's rather proud of how fine-tuned this procedure is," Harry said. "And she's grateful you're the first…"
"Yes, I am."
Lena showed up, and had been joined by Sam and also a blonde haired young woman around Harry's age, who Harry did not know, but had a feeling he would be introduced to before too long.
"You remember Samantha Arias, right?" Lena asked.
"We met a couple of weeks ago, when we went over the procedure," Samantha said. "And we've made a few...improvements along the way…."
"Yes, anything to make the process run a bit more smoothly," Paula said.
"And this is Gwen Stacy," Lena said. "She's come to me, highly recommended by Doctor Martha Connors, under a scholarship from Metropolis University."
"ESU wanted me," Gwen responded with a grin. "A lot of people did. But, Ms. Luthor...sorry, Lena, she made me an offer I couldn't refuse, and well, working my dream job here at L-Corp, underneath a woman like Ms. Luthor, well it is a one of a kind thing, you know."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Harry said. "I'm Harry, and this is Artemis Crock, Raquel Erwin, Whitney West, and Jesse Chambers Wells."
"I read one of your papers last year!" Jesse cheered. "The one about genetic alterations in insects and arachnids, and how they could be used to cure diseases, although the work has a long way to go."
Gwen chuckled at the woman's statement.
"Oh, you're his daughter, aren't you?" Gwen asked with a smile. "I've followed your work at Star Labs, you've really picked things up, become your own person, and I've read a lot of your work, Jesse. Far too much to know where to start about gushing about it here, because it's amazing."
A clearing of Lena's throat put their conversation back to where they were.
"Yes, well I'm sure the two of you could admire each other at a later date," Lena said. "And for the record, I would love to work with Star Labs more often. The relationship between our fathers was kind of frosty towards the end."
Jesse just grimaced, with Whitney putting a hand on her shoulder. Giving her father, was not really her father, but rather a sadistic speedster wearing her father's face towards the end.
"Sam and I will prep Paula for surgery," Lena said. "Gwen, I'm pretty sure between you and Harry, you can give the others a tour."
"Oh, that would be something," Whitney said.
"Figured, you'd be excited about it," Artemis said with a smile. "Um, do you mind, if I go with Mom...for a few minutes."
"Of course," Lena said. "I wouldn't dare stop you from doing that."
Artemis leaned in and kissed Harry goodbye before she separated from the rest of the group. Gwen put her hand on his shoulder and smiled.
"Lena gushes about you," Gwen said. "Can't be more proud...and yes I know about your connection to her….it's weird, I can only imagine what it would be like, but hey life's strange like that. And also, Mary Jane, she's told me a lot about you."
Oh, Harry could only imagine what Mary Jane shared, given the nature of their encounters.
"Oh, you know MJ?" Harry asked.
"Yeah, we went to the same high school, was in a band together before ...well we both went our separate ways," Gwen said. "We just reacquainted in the past couple of weeks."
"So, how about this tour?" Whitney asked.
"For a speedster, you really do have a one track mind," Raquel said.
"The fast track, baby!" Whitney said. "Sorry, too much?"
"Yeah, just a little," Raquel said.
"Oh, aren't you excited?" Jesse asked.
"Yeah, it's cool, just some of the stuff L-Corp has done to try and redeem the Luthor name," Raquel said.
Gwen motioned for Harry, Raquel, Jesse, and Whitney to follow her and so the quartet did. Harry would be able to fill in the gaps, and he might know a bit more than Gwen did. And also knew some places where Raquel, Jesse, and Whitney could not go because they were extremely top secret.
"Lena Luthor's new miracle cure for paralysis."
Maxwell Lord slapped down the latest Daily Planet with disgust in his voice. On the front, had a picture of Lena Luthor, who had announced it at the press conference. The first surgery regarding the repair of damaged nerve endings, through nano-technology had been today.
"It goes without saying that this technology could be used for more than just helping people,' Lord said. "It can enhance a normal human to go toe to toe with Kryptonians, Amazons, and Meta-Humans. I want the technology, and you've come to be highly accredited and highly recommended."
The man in the shadows nodded. No words, just answers.
"I've managed to get enough information on L-Corp to find a small hole in the security system," Lord said. "It won't be there forever and we only have one shot to break it. I need Lena Luthor's technology. And also, your secondary objective is to locate the scarab."
Another nod. The man in the shadows had been of few words, but he had been a high paid mercenary, and Lord would pay him well.
"Half of your payment has been wired into your account," Lord said. "You will acquire the other half, when I get the goos."
The man turned off, coming out of the open window, and moving his way through the sky, and off to L-Corp. Maxwell Lord just grinned wildly from ear to ear.
Raquel broke off from the rest of the group to get a snack, and Gwen finished the tour. Whitney, Jesse, and Harry had been talking to each other.
"Why do I have a feeling that this is just a taster of what L-Corp has to offer?" Whitney asked.
"Because, it is," Harry said.
"She wanted to work with me, and with Star Labs," Jesse said.
"She and Karen have been doing some great things, and we would be happy to have you on board," Harry said. "And I hope that…."
Harry had been cut off by someone, a dark-haired girl with blue streaks died into her hair and light green eyes, coming out of the elevator. She had been holding a binder of something in her hand and almost bumped into Harry hard when coming down the hallway. Harry reached out and caught her by the elbow.
"Oh, my God, I'm so sorry!" she said. "I've just just got back from school, and I wanted my Mom's help from something….."
The girl finally caught her breath and finally registered the fact Harry had been standing there.
"You're Ruby, Sam's daughter?" Harry asked.
"Yeah," Ruby said. "And you're Harry...aren't you….Mom and Lena told me so much about you….and Mom, I think she has the hots for you, and...well I can…."
Ruby just stopped short, of babbling. Whitney just broke out into a smile, and Jesse tried to look like she was struggling not to break out into laughter. Finally, the two speedsters managed to stop out an exasperated look on Harry's part.
"Just, don't tell her I said that, okay, because she's...she's kind of trying hard to deny her feelings, after my Dad...well he just disappeared one day without a trace," Ruby said. "But, she''s been great, great, although she isn't around as much as I would like."
Ruby almost slapped her hand to the side of her face.
"Fuck, this is the day she's overseeing Ms. Crock's surgery, isn't it?" Ruby asked. "Oh, I'm such a...well….I guess I'm going to have to wait about asking for her help on this project…."
Harry held up a hand. Ruby's ability to talk a mile a moment put Jesse and Whitney to shame and they were speedsters. The two girls in question looked very amused.
"We can help you, if you need it," Harry said.
"Yeah, we can," Whitney said. "I mean Jesse and I are...well we're pretty smart."
"I have five doctorates, but it's no big deal, really," Jesse nonchalantly said. "But, still, Harry's right, I'm sure between the three of us, whatever you're working on, we can figure it out...just go over to the conference room and we'll sit down and work it out."
Ruby nodded and walked over. She could not believe she met Harry, the Harry, and his friends. Oh, Harry was so cute. None of the boys in her school ever would come close to matching him, not that there were many boys leftover. A couple of the girls had potential.
"Starting them young, eh, Harry?" Whitney teased him.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," Harry said.
Harry moved out of an ear shot and Jesse leaned over to Whitney.
"I wouldn't talking about that, given how you haven't made your move yet," Jesse said.
"Just waiting for the right time, babe," Whitney said.
"My Mom had a saying," Jesse said. "If you keep waiting for the right time, then all you're chasing is more excuses."
Whitney just pondered that. Right then, Jesse moved off quickly to help Harry help Ruby. And Whitney followed by, stopping for a second.
Something caused the hairs on the back of her neck to stand up. Whitney tilted her head back, to try and determine the source of the disturbance. Nothing, nothing at all, and Whitney just cracked her neck back. Curious, and curiouser, there had been nothing out of the ordinary despite her feelings.
Shrugging, Whitney moved off, not wanting to lag behind Jesse and Harry.
Artemis took a calming breath which sounded like a sigh. She really wished at times like this she knew to say. Her mother, had been in bed, being prepped for surgery.
"If you want to say anything to her, now's the time," Sam gently told Artemis. "She'll be out of it for a while after the surgery's completed."
"Right,' Artemis said.
She stepped into the room and sighed. Her mother, lying in bed, looked up at Artemis, with a very tired, but at the same time, very pleased smile.
"Artemis," Paula said in a tired voice. "I'm glad you could be here."
"Yeah, well, I hope this goes well," Artemis said.
"Harry thinks it will and he has a pretty good head on his shoulders," Paula said. "You've chosen well...better than I could have...the only good thing that has come out of my choices, is my daughters."
Artemis just smiled, although the use of daughters reminded Artemis of something. The fact that while Artemis was here, Jade had not been around that much over the past few months. In fact, Artemis could not remember even seeing Jade after New Year's Eve, and those events.
"You're strong, Artemis, and you've done great things," Paula said.
"I get my strength from you," Artemis said. "And this isn't easy...seeing you cut down...but somehow, you've made the most of it. And I'm glad...I'm glad this could be done and Harry arranged it."
Paula just smiled and could sense what her daughter was thinking about. Artemis left her hand on the bed and Paula put a hand over her daughter's hand.
"Jade will be home when she needs to be," Paula said.
"She should be here right now," Artemis said.
She thought, maybe, everything turned around for the better. With the Sportsmaster in Blackgate and not looking to get out anytime soon for his many crimes.
"She'll be home when she needs to be," Paula said. "Thank you for your concern."
"I love you, Mom," Artemis murmured while giving her mother a hug.
"I love you, my little archer."
Artemis slipped out. Gwen rejoined Lena and Sam. Lena walked over towards Paula. Two doctors, sworn to secrecy by a number of legally binding agreements appeared at the edge of the hallway. Lena crouched down to her.
"Are you ready?" Lena asked.
Paula nodded. The first doctor moved over to put Paula under. Sam and Lena would be standing by, along with Gwen, to make sure the procedure would go on as planned. However, they all had made every preparation. Paula made it clear she had nothing to lose, and the possibility of a second chance. She would take any opportunity imagined to get the second chance which most people would scratch and claw for.
Best not to waste it.
Raquel finished getting her soda. She would go up, rejoin the others, check on Artemis perhaps. The surgery must have been starting by now, or at least Paula had been getting prepped for it.
A flash of light from above caused Raquel to turn her head in the other direction. The superheroine known as Rocket paused and set down the half drunk soda on the ground. Someone was there, who was not supposed to be there.
A blast of energy lifted Raquel off of the ground and slammed her down onto the ground. Raquel had been caught off guard from the first shot, but the second shot had been caught, absorbed, and fired back at her attacker. A glowing energy field erupted around the man, to protect him from Raquel sending the kinetic charged blast back at him.
"What in the hell?" Raquel asked.
The man, who resembled an overgrown beetle, aimed blasters at Rocket and fired. Rocket absorbed them through her abilities and fired back, to no effect. The Beetle, correcting course, directed his attacks to the wall behind her and blasted it. The snack machines exploded and also the cinder block walls. Raquel tucked and rolled.
The Beetle walked his way the basement steps. Rocket rose up and thankfully, after she fiddled with it a little bit, she got the communication earpiece to work.
"Guys, we've got a big problem," Raquel said. "Someone's broken in."
The lights flickered in the conference room where Whitney, Jesse, Ruby, and Harry hung out. Harry heard Raquel's voice through the slightly garbled headset.
"Guys, we've got a big problem," Raquel said. "Someone's broken in."
"What's the matter?" Ruby asked.
"Someone's breaking in," Harry aid.
"No, that's...that' one can break into L-Corp?" Ruby asked.
"Someone did," Jesse said.
A loud explosion from downstairs rocked them. The explosion made a believer out of even the most hardened of skeptics. Because someone did in fact breach L-Corp and were making their way up the steps.
"Let's get you to a safe place, kid," Whitney said.
Whitney fumbled around for the entrance. Ruby sighed and pointed towards the wall.
"Emergency switch, on the third panel to the right," Ruby said. "There's a secret elevator...which leads to safe room...just in case."
"Mom told me in case something happened while I was here," Ruby said. "Guess, she wasn't being overprotective after all."
Whitney activated the switch and Jesse helped Ruby, guarding her when she was in the elevator. Whitney, now in Kid Flash mode, whipped down, followed by Harry who made a quick movement into Superman.
Rocket laid on the ground, breathing heavily. Kid Flash rushed up only to get tripped up by an explosive mine which caused her to slide at full speed into an already damaged wall. Whitney pulled herself up, staggering a little bit, and almost collapsed.
"He's up above!" Rocket yelled after Superman helped her up.
Her ankle, a bit twisted, made it hard to stand. Yet, determination flooded through her eyes as Rocket formed herself up.
The Beetle appeared and for a second, Harry thought he might be one of the Reach Soldiers coming back for the scarab. However, a closer inspection of the armor proved that whoever made his armor, had made it of Earth origins.
The Beetle released a sonic device which caused Superman to back off slightly. He released several miniature rockets, which released tear gas into the air. Thankfully Kid Flash's arms twirling around caused the gas to be caught in a vacuum like motion and sucked down the hallway.
"Not really the chatty type, is he?" Kid Flash asked.
"No, he's not," Superman said.
Beetle melted through the wall and he was making his way closer upstairs. To where the surgery was happening. Whoever sent him, Harry deduced he must be after the Nano-Bots.
"Go to the right and try and cut him off!" Superman yelled. "I'll keep behind him occupied! Rocket, you might want to sit this one out."
"It's just a sprain, I'll be fine," Rocket persisted.
Harry wrapped her ankle the best she could. Rudimentary healing spells would allow Rocket to stand without any pain. Fighting might aggravate it still, but she had been determined to do so.
Time to stop the Beetle. Harry had been very interested in where he got his tech and more importantly, who hired him. Although, perhaps it might be the same individual who had been behind the attempted heist by AIM. Still, they had to find him, so Paula would not be put at risk.