
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs


[ Green Household. January 6th. 10:00 MST]

" Yeah, what's up Connor?"

Kai asked as he finished eating the Breakfast Donna cooked for him.

" We've got a lead on the Chroloteans. Nightwing asked me to give you a call and let you know we're moving on their base tonight!"

Connor said through the speaker phone.

" Is that right? Thanks for giving me the heads up ahead of time."

Kai responded as he walked over to the sink to wash his plate.

" No problem, oh sure no problem. Hey, Wonder woman says she wants to talk to you."

Connor said as he handed the woman the phone.

" Hello Kai."

Diana said over the phone.

" What is it Diana?"

Kai asked bitterly.

" About what happened on the watchtower, I am sorry."

Diana said to the man.

" Look, I overreacted okay. I'm just tired of you guys. One second, you're praising me and my deeds then the next you say I'm not ready. For five years I tried to be worthy of the league, but in your eyes I never was. I'm done with it. So, can we not bring it up anymore Please? You're my sister Diana, and I'd hate for us to have a bad relationship over something like this."

Kai explained to the woman.

" Okay kai. On, the other hand there is something I need to tell you, Donna, and Cassie."

Diana said

" What is it?"

Kai asked

" This is something I cannot say over the phone. I will inform you all later."

Diana said to the man.

" Okay, Me and Cassie will be at the cave later and whatever it is I can tell Donna when I get home."

Kai said to the woman.

" Tell me what Kai?"

Donna asked as she entered the kitchen.

" Oh, he sweetie. Diana says she's got something important to tell us."

Kai replied.

" What is it?"

Donna asked

" She said she'd tell us later in private. Hey Diana... Oh she hung up. Oh well. Guess I'll see her later."

Kai said as he placed his phone down.

" So, what's on the agenda today?"

Donna asked as she kissed the man.

" Well later tonight we're hitting the Chroloteans hideout. Until then I'm as free as a can be."

Kai replied, his hands grabbing her softened Ass.

" Kai?! Again? I was hoping you'd want too."

Donna joked as she rubbed kai's growing erection with her hand.

Kai quickly picked the woman up and placed her on the counter. He pulled his shaft out and moved donna's panties to the side. He kissed his wife lovingly and placed the tip of his penis at the entrance to her sweet honeypot. Donna lifted herself up and slammed down on kai's penis, ramming it inside herself.

" Ugh! Mmmm."

Donna Moaned as kai's began thrusting into her pussy hard.

" Mmm! Harder kai!"

Donna demanded

" Yes, my goddess."

Kai replied as he kicked it into over gear. Kai pulled out nearly all the way and with all of his might Slammed directly into Donna's pussy over and over again. Donna's moans of pleasure turned quickly to grunts. Her hands moved from the counter to Kai's back, holding on for dear life as Kai pounded her pussy.

" I'm Cumming! Kai! Don't stop!"

Donna yelled

Kai continued thrusting but added on a little surprise for the woman. He began using his lightning to make his body vibrate. His Super speed making him go faster and faster

" Guhh! Mmmmmm!

Donna Growled as she bit down on Kai's shoulder. Her nails tearing the flesh from the man's back. Her body began to shake as she felt Kai's hot seed flowing inside her. Kai slowly pulled out of the woman. Disconnecting with a wet Squelch. Semen steadily flowed out of Donna's twitching pussy onto the floor.

" Kai... That was... Amazing."

Donna said struggling to catch her breath.

" Donna... I love you so much."

Kai said as he rested his head against her stomach.

" I love you too."

Donna replied as she hugged the man.

" Now, help me to bed love."

Donna said to the man.

" Yes, dear."

Kai said as he picked the woman up bridal carry style and walked her to their room. The two slept for hours choosing to spend the day lazing around before Kai had to go on his mission.

[ South Pacific. January 6th. 20:32 HAST]

" Why do the bat boys always get to take the lead in recon missions?"

Kai asked as he superboy and the rest of the team waited near the Island.

" Because we tend to stick out like a sore thumb."

Connor replied.

" Superboy's right. We're not exactly known for being discreet, are we? Besides you and I haven't had the chance to really talk yet, have we?"

Superman asked

" Not really."

Kai responded.

" I heard you turned down the league invitation again why?"

Superman asked.

" Uh Superman now's probably not a good time to ask about that."

Connor said nervously knowing his friends explosive temper when it came to his problems with the league.

" Because my life doesn't revolve around the league Superman."

Kai stated bluntly.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you."

Superman apologized instantly.

" Whatever, let's just wait until things start blowing up so we can get this over with."

Kai said as he turned his attention back to the island.

" What's wrong Brother? Why did you turn down a league membership?"

Cassie asked.

" Cass how many times do you think I went up for league membership?"

Kai asked

" I don't know, twice?"

She said in the form of a question.

" Five times Cassie. And five times I was rejected. I didn't get approved for it until after Zatanna and Rocket joined the league. If they didn't, I probably wouldn't have been offered in the first place. Nightwing, Superboy, and Miss Martian were offered membership a year ago and yet I didn't get an offer until last month. It's quite clear to me that despite their attempts they don't really want me in the league at all. Yet, they all seem to be perfectly fine allowing Dr. Fate to remain a league member despite the fact he coerced Zatara into giving up his body or lose his daughter. I don't want anything to do with the League and if it weren't for the fact, I was married to her sister I probably wouldn't have anything to Wonder woman either."

Kai explained to the saddened Wonder girl.

" Kai."

Diana called out.

" Diana, I love you I do. but let's be real if not for Donna I would have never forgiven you. You might not see it that way, but to me that was the worst form of betrayal. My own teacher didn't trust me enough to give me a vote of confidence. But you trusted me enough to fight Black Adam and Match didn't you. You trusted me to fight cold-blooded killers, A magical Cheeta woman. I was old enough then, wasn't I?"

Kai asked, Diana couldn't respond, how could she. In a harsh way Kai was right about what he had said.

" Yeah, I didn't think so."

Kai said.

Connor placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, letting him know he was there for him. Kai turned to his friend and smiled in response.

" I'm sorry big brother."

Cassie said as she hugged her brother-in-law.

" It's alright Cassie."

Kai said as he rubbed the young woman's head

" Delta squad the enemy is attempting to retreat. We need immediate back up.

" Alright let's go."

Kai said as he took off towards the Island the others fast behind him. He blasted into the cave, destroying a robot that was primed to attack Aquaman, with a bolt of lightning. Wonder woman used her Lasso to throw another one of the robots making Cassie fangirl. During her fangirling a robot fired at the young woman.

" A little less fan girl and a little wonder girl."

Kai said as he and Diana blocked the attacks heading for the girl.

" Right sorry!"

Cassie said as she leapt into the air. She used her lasso to grab the robot and threw it into another one.

" This is insane."

Kai said as he beat down the attacking soldiers. He turned in time to see Lagaan knock the helmet off of Black Manta revealing him to truly be Kaldur.

" I did not believe Nightwing when he told me."

Aquaman said as he looked on his former protege.

" You did not want to believe!"

Kaldur yelled at the man.

" None of us wanted to believe!"

Superboy yelled back.

" Kaldur You were our friend. How could you betray us?"

Kai asked as he landed in front of Kaldur.

" You dare question me? After you all let Tula die!"

Kaldur yelled.

" Kaldur I tried my best to get Tula out of that temple. I was left unconscious for days after the explosion engulfed us. If I could have saved her you know I would."

Kai said to his old friend.

" But you failed! Had it been Donna there you wouldn't have had a problem. Let me kill your wife and then let me see if you have the ability to speak to me the same.


Kai yelled back at the man, Lightning flowing out of his eyes and mouth as he seethed with rage.

" Neptunes Beard! Don't Coddle this traitor he has joined forces with our king's greatest enemy."

Lagaan boy said angrily.

" You mean the king who hid from the true identity of my father?"

Kaldur asked

" That was my error in judgement Kaldur'ahm. No one else needs suffer for it."

Aquaman stated

" All will suffer if Black Manta demands it. After all, Blood is thicker than sea water."

Kaldur decreed as he fired a rocket at Aquaman. Superman quickly moved in front of the rocket stopping it in its tracks. When the smoke cleared Kaldur was gone.

" Damn where'd he go?"

Kai asked.

" They're getting away!"

Cassie yelled as the soldiers began to retreat from the base.

" We got a bomb that's about to go off in two minutes all ships evacuate to bio-ship now!

" Come on Cass. Let's go"

Kai said as he picked the young woman up. He flew out of the cave landing far away from the island

" Alright everyone take as seat!"

Megan said as everyone landed at the ship.

" Wait! Where's Superman?!"

Connor asked

" Damn it!"

Kai quickly turned around and raced to grab the Kryptonian. Just as Kai reached the island it exploded knocking him and superman into the ocean.

" KAI!"


Cassie and Diana yelled.

Aquaman and Lagaan quickly jumped into the water and retrieved the floating bodies of Kai and Superman.

" Brother!"

Cassie yelled as she ran over to kai. She placed her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat.

" He's alive!"

Cassie exclaimed happily.

" They both are."

Diana responded

[ Mount Justice. January 26th. 00:10 EST]

" Diana no way in hell am I letting you go up there to stand trial for something you had no control over!"

Kai argued.

" We have to do this Kai, if we don't then the Universe will continue to think we are its enemies."

Diana responded

" And what if you're found guilty? What happens then? Earth loses six of its greatest Heroes. What do I tell Donna?"

Kai asked

" Kai, I understand you're upset but this is our only option. And my sister will understand."

Diana responded.

" This is what the light wanted you realize that? Don't you all?"

Kai asked

" Yes, we do. But there isn't room for debate. This is something we must do. To protect the earth and all of you."

Superman said.

" I'm sorry Kai, but we must do this. I know we aren't on the best of terms right now but know I do love you."

Diana said as she hugged her former protege.

" Damn it, Diana."

Kai replied as he hugged the woman back.

Kai watched as the leaving leaguers all gathered together for their journey

" Take care of the earth. Take care of each other. You're their protectors now."

Batman said as he and the rest of the leaguers left the earth.

Kai watched in silence before leaving the cave.

[ Green Household]

" Welcome home honey how... was... your day?"

Donna asked as she looked at the man's sad face.

" Donna sit down. We need to talk."

Kai said as he sat on the couch. Kai told Donna the story of what happened. The two went to sleep that night sad and depressed over the events that had transpired.