
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs


[ Mount Justice October 1st 18:13]

" Rahh!"

Superboy yelled as he and kai rushed each other. Both men wrapped each other up in a bear hug, but kai grabbed superboy's waistline and threw him across the floor.

" Nice try Connor, but I'm still better."

Kai said as he stuck his hand out to help Connor to his feet.

" Ah, one day I'm going to beat you kai."

Connor said as he took Kai's hand. Kai pulled the boy to his feet and laughed.

" I have no doubt my friend. But for now, I'm still the champ."

Kai said as he pointed to himself with pride.

" I still think you're amazing Connor."

Megan said as she gave the boy a towel to wipe the sweat off his body. Her eyes scanning every muscle on his body as he did so.

" Thanks Megan."

Connor said as he wiped his body off.

" So, kai are you excited for tomorrow?"

Artemis asked.

" What? how do you know about that?"

Kai asked in confusion.

" Megan's been telling everyone how you finally asked donna out on a date."

Wally said as he ran into the room, having overheard the conversation.


Kai yelled in embarrassment.

" Sorry, I couldn't help myself."

Megan laughed.

" Ugh! Look it's not a date per say, mor like two friends hanging out."

Kai tried to argue.

' Yeah, right."

Wally and Artemis both said at the same time.

[ Recognized Batman 02]

" Computer National news."

Batman said as the computer pulled up the news channel.

" The initial attack was short lived. But metropolis was only granted a short reprieve. And despite the interventions of superman and the justice league there seems to be no end in sight."

Cat grant explained as superman, both green lanterns and hawkman and hawkwoman all battled a giant plant in Metropolis.

" Should we get out there?"

Robin asked

" No, the league will soon have the situation under control. That's not why I am here. According to your intel sportsmaster supplied Cadmus blockbuster formula to cobra."

Batman explained as he pulled up a picture of sportsmaster.

" Who combined it with bane's venom to create cobra venom."

Wally stated

" Which the brain used to create his animal army."

Robin said

" And upgrade wolf."

Connor said as wolf let out a low growl.

" The brain also used inhibitor collars like the ones used at belle reve penitentiary."

Megan stated

" Batman, is it possible that plant thingy is on cobra venom too?"

Artemis asked.

" I had Green Lantern run an analysis. Divine cellulose does have trace amounts of a cobra venom variant."

Batman said as he pulled a panel up.

" These cannot be coincidences. Unrelated criminals are operating with one another worldwide."

Kaldur stated

" Exactly, it's now clear our enemies have formed some kind of Secret society of supervillains. The attack on metropolis is only the beginning."

Batman explained

" Got that right. Plant creatures have sprouted in Gotham city, paris, star city, Tai pei."

Robin said as he pulled up images of the plants all over the globe only for them to soon change into static.

" Dude!"

Wally yelled

" It isn't me! Someone's cutting the satellite signal. All satelitte signals."

Robin said as the image of static changed into that of the joker.

" That is not good."

Kai said as the joker appeared on the screen.

" Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt your regularly scheduled mayhem to bring you this important announcement. From the Injustice League."

Joker said as he turned the camera to his colleagues. Count vertigo, Black Adam, Atomic Skull, Poison Ivy, and Wotan.

" We are responsible for the attacks on your cities. If you wish to save them a ransom of ten billion American Dollars is required. Delivery instructions have been sent to the United Nations. There is no time limit. But the longer your governments wait."

Count Vertigo said before Joker took the camera again

" The longer we get to have our Jolly's Hahahaha!"

Joker laughed before the screen cut out.

" Roger that Aquaman the Un will prepare the ransom as a Fallback. But it won't come to that"

Batman said as he talked to Aquaman over the radio.

" Count vertigo, the joker, Poison Ivy, Ultra Humanite, Black Adam, Atomic Skull, Wotan seven heavy hitters Probably behind nearly everything and everyone we've faced."

Robin explains as he pulled up an image of the group.

" There's your secret society."

Wally stated

" Not so secret anymore."

Artemis replied.

" Don't be too sure. why would someone like count vertigo need money? This smells like a cover-up plot. A distraction. Something else is going on, but what?"

Kai explained his suspicions to the group.

" Agreed!"

Batman stated

" For now, we have to deal with them."

Batman explained.

" Alright, let's go kick some plant creature butts."

Wally exclaimed as he clapped his hands.

"The justice league will handle the plants. I have a different job for this team."

Batman stated

" Oh, man."

Wally groaned. Artemis hit the boy in his arms for his whining.

" With the plants attacking some many places simultaneously, there must be a neutral control system. Your mission is to destroy it."

Batman stated making everyone's eyes grow wide, except for Wally.

" You realize what you're really asking them to do."

Zatara asked

" They're ready!"

Batman stated in response.

" Ready? Ready for what?"

Wally asked. Artemis hit the boy again.

" Ow, will you cut that."

Wally was saying before Artemis cut him off.

" Hello Wally, if the big guns are fighting plants who do you think we'll be fighting?"

Artemis asked.

" I don't know I guess we'll."

Wally was saying before Artemis helped the boy out by pointing to the Injustice league.

" Ohhh!"

Wally said as he finally understood the mission.

" Well, batman I trust you're correct."

Zatara said

" I trust you can locate the enemy."

Batman said

" Indeed, Wotan's involvements suggest sorcery is a part of how the plants are controlled. Robin! If you would provide a holomap. I'll search for signs of concentrated sorcerers' activity."

Zatara said as he began searching for Wotan's magic signature.

" There! That is where you will find the Injustice Leagues central control system."

Zatara stated

" Coordinates locked in Louisiana Bayou."

Robin stated

" We are on our way."

Kai exclaimed.

The team turned to leave for the bayou and was followed by Captain Marvel.

" Captain Marvel, for this plan to succeed the entire justice League must be seen fighting the plant creatures. You zatara and I are needed elsewhere."

Batman said as he stopped captain Marvel from following.

" Alright! Finally, a shot at the big leagues."

Wally exclaimed happily.

" This isn't something to joke about Wally, stay focused. Black Adam and I share the same powers, I can fight him, but I think you should do that superboy. And I should handle Wotan."

Kai explained.

" Why?"

Connor asked

" Because Kryptonians don't like Magic."

Kai joked.

" I can handle Wotan."

Kaldur spoke.

" Okay, Black Adam it is then."

Kai responded.

[ Bayou Bartholomew October 1st 18:52 EDT]

" What's in the duffle?"

Wally asked as he ate his banana.

" Plan B!"

Kaldur said.

" Never hurts."

Kai interjected.

" Ugh!"

Megan groaned

" You alright?"

Connor asked

" Dizzy."

Megan responded.

" Martians get air sick?"

Robin asked as he looked at Miss Martian.

" She does look a bit greener than usual."

Wally responded.

" Not me, her."

Megan said

" I feel fine."

Artemis said thinking Megan was talking about her.

" Not her, the Bioship, she's trying to shield us."

Megan explained as it turned out count vertigo was attacking the ship with his vertigo powers. His assault caused the ship to lose its camouflage.

" There it is Adam, Go!"

Count vertigo said as the ship became visible. Black Adam charged and knocked the ship down into the swamps below.

" Ugh!"

The team goraned in pain.

" Prepare for battle."

Kai said as he got out of his chair.

The vines in the swamp began trying to pull the ship apart. Black Adam landed on the ship and tore a hole in the ceiling.

" RAH!"

Kai yelled as he jumped into the air and punched Black Adam Away causing water to pour into the ship.

" No! No way am I nearly drowning three missions in a row."

Artemis said as water flowed into the ship. She reachd into her belt and pulled out a rebreather for her and Wally.

" Uh Thanks."

Wally said as he took the rebreather from the girl.

" Megan, we need to get out! Open a hatch."

Connor said as water continued to pour into the ship.

" Hello Megan, of course."

Megan said as she opened a hole in the bottom of the ship.

' Out! Everyone out!'

Kai ordered through the team's telepathic link. The team began pouring out of the ship and into the swamp waters. They soon breached a few meters from the ship.

" She's in shock! She'll need time to recover."

Megan said as the team watched the ship being pulled into the swamps. Suddenly the team was hit by a wave of Vertigo.

" Vertigo!"

Wally said.

" Count Vertigo to you peasant."

Vertigo said to Kid flash. Connor tried to attack Vertigo, but was instantly put down by black adam.

" Rah!"

Kai yelled as he tackled Black Adam into the swamp waters.

" Ugh! The wizard has another champion?"

Black Adam asked as he wrestled with Kai

" Yeah, so what?"

Kai asked as he punched Black Adam away. Kai then turned to go back and help his team but was attacked by black Adam again.

" You should know never to turn your back on an enemy boy."

Black Adam said as he tackled kai into the ground.

" Ugh!"

Kai groaned in pain.

Black Adam grabbed Kai by his foot and threw him through the swamps, making him crash through a couple trees before he ame to a stop in front of his team.

' Ugh! Robin, Miss Martian disappear. We will distract them. You two finish the mission.'

Kai ordered through their psychic link as he got back to his feet.

Black Adam Had caught up to kai and rushed him again. Kai in return grit his teeth and met the man head on. The two powerhouses wrestled with each other for a minute trying to overpower each other. Kai eventually began getting the upper hand in his battle of strength and began pushing black Adam back. Kai pulled his fist back and slammed it into Adam's jaw sending flying.

" Ekirts Ogitrev htiw gninthgil!"

Kai shouted as he fired a beam of lightning at Vertigo however, before the beam could hit another beam of magic energy cut it off. The two beams battled for domninance before they both canceled out.

" You are strong in the mystic arts young man. Let us see how strong."

Wotan said as he flew down in front of Kai.

" Ekrits Natow htiw Erif!"

Kai yelled as he fired a blast of fire at Wotan. Wotan dodged the attack and returned Fire on Kai. Kai went to move, but found himself wrapped up by Black Adam's Arms in a bear hug.


Kai yelled in pain as the blast hit him directly.

" Sentry!"

Aqualad yelled. He used his water bearers and slammed Black Adam with a massive wave of water, knocking him off of Kai.

" Ugh! Thank you."

Kai said to Aqualad as he got to his feet just in time to dodge another attack from Wotan.

" I will handle Wotan!"

Kaldur said. Kai looked at the boy and nodded before returning his attention to Black Adam.

Kai leapt into the air and rushed Black Adam. Black Adam in return did the same. The two Powerhouses slammed their fists into each other creating a shockwave. The two sat in the air trying to overpower the other. Black Adam, in annoyance, threw his other fist at kai only for kai to grab it. The two then locked hands with each other. Each trying to break the other's hands.

' Shiva Give me strength!'

Kai asked as he battled the man in front of him.

Soon Kai's Muscles began expanding. His slim body, turning more muscular. He began pushing back against Black Adam eventually Overpowering him. Kai spun Black Adam in air and threw him down into the ground.

' Congratulations it seems like you can handle more of my power. Now, kick his ass.'

Shiva stated.

Kai charged Black Adam again.

" Enough Games child."

Black Adam said as he got to his feet and charged kai again. The two met in the air with force shaking the ground below them. The two seemed to be equals in strength however, Kai began to push Adam back again.

" Impossible! How can this be?"

Adam asked as he was being steadily overpowered.

" Your gods just gave you their powers and let you go. Mine train me and force me to get creative with them, Like this!"

Kai said as he ducked under Adam and yelled.


Kai yelled as the magical bolt of lightning struck Adam sending him crashing into the ground. Kai chased to end the fight but was hit by a wave of vertigo throwing him off balance.

" Not today boy."

Wotan said as he appeared above Kai and shot him in the back. Black Adam returned to his feet and flew into the air Slamming his fist into Kai's head knocking him out.

" He is a tough one."

Black Adam stated.

" They all are!"

Wotan replied.

" They are children. Lock them up Wotan."

Vertigo ordered as Wotan began caging the unconscious teenagers.

" They awaken. Are you certain this will hold them?"

Vertigo asked Wotan.

" The cage is impenetrable. Even the superboy and the Sentry will not be able to escape.

" You are not the only one trained in the mystic arts Wotan."

Aqualad said as he began to try and escape the cage. He struggled for a second before collapsing from exhaustion.

" Please Atlantean do not pretend you are in my league."

Wotan said as he mocked Kaldur.

" Then May I give it a try?"

Kai asked as he regained consciousness.

" By all means be my guest."

Wotan stated smugly.

Suddenly Kai noticed something moving towards them fast.

" Well? I am waiting."

Wotan stated.

" I think I'm going to sit this one out. GET THEM GIRL!"

Kai yelled and as he ducked the bioship slammed into the group of villains knocking the cage out of Black Adam and Wotan's hands.

With Wotan down the cage holding the team disappeared and they got lose. Kai acted quickly and began grabbing everyone who couldn't survive the fall and placed them on the ground.

" I hate Monkeys."

Superboy said as he charged at Ultra Humanite.

" Ugh! I feel naked and not in the fun way."

Artemis complained as she and Kaldur faced poison Ivy, without her bow and arrows.

" We will make our own luck as we have been trained. Maneuver seven."

Kaldur yelled. Artemis ran at the man as he tucked his hands together and launched Artemis into the air and attacked Ivy.

Wally tried his luck with count vertigo only for the count to slow him down. Once he was in front of him Black Adam punched Wally away but didn't see Kai in time to stop him from punching him away.

" Your fight is with me Adam!"

Kai yelled.

" You are an arrogant boy with too much power just like Captain Marvel."

Black Adam said as he punched kai in his face two times, once with his right hand, and once with his left, before throwing a round house kick. Kai caught Adams kick and spun the man in the air before launching him away. Kai following after him didn't see Ivy's tree go up in flames.

" Children? Children. CHILDREN! Ruined our plan. Inexcusable, Unacceptable, Unretributionable! That last one might not be a word Sue me."

Joker yelled as he and atomic skull rushed to join the battle

" Kill them. Kill them all!"

Vertigo commanded.

Kai and bLack adam both fumbled around with each other as they flew through the air eventually, they hit the ground and kai come out on top. Kai picked Adam up by his collar and punched him in the gut sending him flying through the swamp. Kai immediately followed after him. Suddenly kai saw a bright light out of the corner of his eye. He turned around to see the source of the light was none other than doctor fate.

" Kaldur tell me you didn't."

Kai whispered.

' Focus Boy!'

Shiva and Athena both demanded.

Kai turned his attention back to Black Adam. He had already recovered and was rushing back towards him. Kai rushed Black Adam. The two warriors met each other with open arms. Kai trying to overpower Black Adam and Black Adam trying to overpower Kai. Kai shifted his body weight and let Adam fall forward. kai took the man off balance and threw him towards the ground. Adam hit it with force shaking the swamps, kai had tried to follow it up by slamming his fist down on Adams head but Adam had rolled out of the way at the last second.

" Damn he's good!"

Kai said before he found Adam's fist in his jaw. The force of the punch rattled his brain and sent him flying. It was clear Adam was not holding back. Kai landed on his feet in front of the newly arrived justice league.

" Sentry!"

Wally yelled out but it seemed like Kai didn't hear him. He was too focused. Black Adam came through the woods and Kai met him once again. The two slammed their fists into each other and created another shock wave. This time however, Kai grabbed Adams hand and flipped him over his head.


* Crack Boom! *

The massive bolt of lightning hit Adam Square in his back driving him into the ground.

" Ugh!"

Black Adam groaned as he tried to get up. But before he could Kai slammed his fists into the back of Adams head knocking the man out. cold.

" I told you creative."

Kai taunted. Kai looked up and was surprised at what he had saw.

" Oh, hey guys."

Kai said as he waved at his team and the league. Some of them with smiles on their faces.

" Dude! You just beat Black Adam one on one that's Amazing!"

Wally yelled.

" Hm, now it's over."

Batman stated.

" There will be another day."

Count vertigo said defeatedly.

" Another day? ANOTHER DAY! There won't be another day, not for any of us."

Joker said as he began moving his hands. Suddenly vines begna growing from the ground releasing spores of joker venom.


Batman said as he quickly knocked the joker out.


Doctor fate said as he quickly got rid of the joker venom saving everyone in the area. As fate landed Wally exploded in anger.

" WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? LETTING KALDUR PUT ON THE HELEMT? Kaldur will be traped inside doctor fate forever."

Wally said solemnly.

Fste stared off into space silently for a few seconds before taking off the helmet, much to the surprise of wally.

" Fate let you go?"

Wally asked as he ran up to aqualad.

" He almost did not but your friend kent was most helpful. He says hello."

Kaldur explained making Wally smile.

" We're done here. The supervillain secret society has been neturalized. As for you rperformance it was satisfactory."

Batman stated.

" Batman I still do not believe this was the secret society. I believe they were merely proxies for the real society."

Kai stated.

" Maybe, for now however you've all earned your rest. And sentry Have fun tomoorow."

Batman said befor grapplibng up to the batplane and leaving.


Kai yells.

" No, just most of us"

Captain Marvel said with a laugh.

" Oh, great."

Kai said as he prepared to leave.

" Hey Sentry. Good job tonight."

Captain Marvel said to the young man giving him a thumbs up.

" Thanks captain. Now if I can have the same luck tomorrow."

Kai said as he left for the cave.