
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs


[ Watchtower July 27th. 19:57 EDT. Two years later.]

" Good work alpha squad. Textbook op. Truly. Gamma, you could learn something from."

[ Recognized Steel 36. Black lightning 23.]

Megan was interrupted by the arrival of two members of the league.

" Where are they?"

Black lightning asked as he walked on to the watch tower

" Already in the conference room. Most of them anyway."

Megan replied.

" Why isn't lightning in costume?"

Cassie asked vergil as he was Black Lightnings student.

Vergil didn't answer and instead look down as he didn't know either.

" Well, that's everyone but the two lightning bolts and the league's fearless leader."

Bart joked.

[ Recognized Shazam 15. Captain Marvel 37.]

From the teleporter Billy now known as Shazam stepped out rocking his rebirth suit. And behind him came the new Captain marvel, Kai green, switching his red suit out for the rebirth version of Black Adam's.

" Hey, Captain. Shazam. The others are waiting for you in the conference room."

Megan told the two men.

" Thanks, Megan. Is Kaldur here yet?"

Kai asked the woman.

" He should be any second now."

Megan replied.

[ Recognized Aquaman 27]

" And speak of the devil."

Bart joked as Kaldur walked out of the teleporter and onto the watch tower.

" They're all waiting for you."

Connor said to the man.

" I am not looking forward to this. Megan you are leader of the team as such you are invited to observe."

Kaldur explained to the woman.

" Do I want to observe?"

Megan asked.

" Probably not. But please come. I believe I could use the moral support."

Kaldur replied.

" You have that, Kaldur. Always."

Megan said to the man as she agreed to join him in the meeting.

" Well, come on then. We shouldn't keep the others waiting."

Kai said to the two as he and Shazam walked into the conference room. Kai and Billy sat side by side with one another and readied themselves for the meeting to come.

Kaldur and Megan were soon to follow.

" I hereby call this emergency meeting of the justice league into order. I see that all of the leaguers stationed on earth are here. Either in person or via hologram. So, let us get right to it. My co-chair has urgent news from the heroes she is leading on various missions through space."

Kaldur explained to the league before passing the mic to wonder woman.

" All right, we have confirmation. Meta-human trafficking has spilled out into the galaxy. On multiple worlds earths meta-humans are being deployed by the enemy as weapons of mass destruction. Among other things, their presence in space undermines the leagues attempt to build both earths and the league's attempts to build our reputation after our trial on the planet Brimbor."

Diana explained to the group.

" Sch, yeah right like that's the problem."

Black lightning scoffed at the woman's report.

" I'm sorry, Jeff. I didn't mean to diminish the life of that girl."

Diana apologized for her lack of care in addressing the situation.

" I know Diana. Forget I said anything. It's just... it's just we need to know how this happened. And how it got by us."

Black lightning replied.

" Here on earth our struggle against meta-human trafficking."

" Struggle? Try disaster."

Green arrow stated as he cut Kaldur off.

" Teens and even kids are being abducted on an unprecedented scale. They are tested for the meta-gene and if they test positive, they are used as guniea pigs to create new meta-human."

Black canary explained.

" And even if they test negative, they are rarely seen from again."

Kai explained.

" Meta-humans are being treated as the next exploitable resource. By first world countries, Third world countries, Rogue nations, corporations it's a global pandemic."

Batman explained.

" And globally we are faced with obstacles at every turn. United Nations general secretary Lex Luthor is using our Un Charter to place more and more restrictions on the league."

Kaldur explained.

" We have to assume he's working behind the scenes to turn other nations against us."

Batman stated.

" He's hamstrung us!"

Green arrow declared as he slammed his fists onto the table in frustration.

" I mean come on! When that tsunami hit relaisa we couldn't even go in on a humanitarian mission."

Green arrow exclaimed.

" We've become removed. Distance from the people the league was created to serve."

Kai stated.

" Not by choice."

Canary replied.

" I think it's time to acknowledge the league has outlived its usefulness on earth."

Batman declared.

This declaration shocked most of the league except for the ones who were used to working with Batman.

" Batman?"

Canary spoke.

" That's overstating things, don't you think?"

Diana asked.

" No, I don't. And I'm offering an alternative."

Batman replied.

" If your alternative is to disband the league, I think you are forgetting all the good we do."

Kaldur said to the man.

" Did. Past tense."

Batman replied.

" Present tense. The league has its difficulties. I acknowledge that. But we still have a positive impact, and we are an important symbol for peace and justice worldwide."

Kaldur replied.

" Kaldur, symbols are great."

Arrow started.

" But all that matters is the mission. And if the Un becomes a roadblock to that mission. then we remove it by removing the league."

Batman explained.

" Bruce, please."

Diana pleaded with the man.

" You are a founding member of the league."

Kaldur stated

" I'm sorry but I hereby tender my resignation to the justice league."

Batman declared as he quit the league.

The leaguers all looked on in shock as one of the main leaders of the league suddenly quit.

" So, do I."

Green Arrow stated.

" Ollie!"

Canary spoke in shock.

Along with them other members including Batwoman, Plastic Man, Metamorpho, Katana and batwing all resigned from the league.

" This was a plan! You batman and the others. You arranged this in advance."

Canary berated Green Arrow for his actions.

" You should leave with us Dinah, we could do a lot of good this way."

Arrow explained to teh woman.

" Well, you're off to a fine start. You knew I wouldn't be apart of blind-siding Kaldur so you kept me out of the loop."

Canary explained.

" I."

" If you're leaving, leave."

Canary cut arrow off before he could say another word.

" I swear I wasn't apart of this. But i came here today to resign in person. I felt I owed you and the league that much. It's just... I can't do this anymore I'm sorry."

Black lightning said to Kaldur.

" I understand."

Kaldur replied.,

" I hate to bring the mood down further... But I'm resigning too. Donna and I have one kid whose about to turn two and another kid already on the way. I can't afford to be both a member of the league and a dad right now. With Donna traveling more and more everyday as the representative for themyscira in the UN she's putting a lot of stress on herself. I'm sorry, Kaldur."

Kai spoke as he too put an end to his career with the league.

This in turn shocked Diana.

" I understand my friend. But know that should either of you ask both of your positions will be waiting for you to return."

Kaldur explained to the two men.

" Take care, Kai. And give Donna all of my love."

Diana said to the man before he and Lightning walked out of the conference room.

The door to the conference room opened and the leaguers who had just resigned all exited.

" It's time."

Batman said to his sidekicks

Robin, Arrowette, Spoiler, Orphan and Ghost all started leaving with their mentors.

[ Recognized Green Arrow 08. Spoiler B28. Arrowette B27. Robin B20]

" Kai, Jeff you should Join us. I think we want the same things."

Batman said to the two men.

" Same thing? Batman we just quit the justice league. And atleast their leader were elected democratically. I want nothing to do with batman incorporated."

Lightning told the man.

" And you Kai?"

Batman asked.

Kai looked at the man for a second and then punched him in the face shocking every member of the team who was watching.

" You know something Batman? Any and All respect I had for you. You just lost it."

Kai said to the man before walking over to the team.

" What dude you're quiting, but I thought you were training me?"

Bart asked the man.

" And me! Brother, what's going on?"

Cassie asked the man.

" Cass, Bart. Donna's pregnant again. And my son's second birhthday is coming up. I'm not hanging up the boots for good. I just want to spend a little time with my family is all. I'll still be availaber for training. I'll still find time to come see you guys on the watchtower. And I'll still be a co-leader of the team. But I'll just be spending more time at home is all."

Kai explained to the two teenagers.

" Donna's pregnant again!?"

Cassie yelled in excitement.

" Oh, congratulations."

She said to the man as she hugged him.

" Thanks, Cass. Oh, and Bart Tell iris me and Donna are definitely looking forward to the gathering."

Kai said to the boy.

" That is sooooo Crash! I can't wait for it. Until then you and Donna enjoy yourselves."

Bart said to the man.

" We will. I'll talk to you all later. Until then take care of yourselves and stay safe."

kai said to the team before walking away.

[ Recognized Captain Marvel 37]