
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs


" I'm sure you all already know why we're here. Let's not waste any more time. Let's begin." Batman said to the other members of the justice league.

" We must decide what to do with these two."

Batman said as he brought up two images. One of superboy, and one of Rudra.

" We don't really know much about this Rudra kid. I mean it looks like he's a fan of yours captain marvel. What do you think about him?"

Flash asked.

" He's not a bad person. Trust me on this. I know that might not seem like a lot to go on, but he didn't have to help the team, he could have left them to deal with the monster themselves, instead he threw himself into the deep end. I say that was more than enough to gain my trust."

Captain marvel explained.

" Hm, that isn't much to go on. We could still bring him here and interview him, see if he'd be willing to give us any information we might need. At the very least it wouldn't hurt us to ask him."

Green lantern Hal Jordan said giving the group his suggestion.

" That's fine if he's willing Hal, but I don't want him to think we don't trust him. It's his Identity and if he wants to keep it a secret, he is entitled to that."

Superman explained.

" Okay, then let's get on with the voting. All in agreement for Rudra to join the team, raise your hand."

Batman asked as every member in the room raised their hands in agreement.

" Motion passed. Okay, now we must decide who will his mentor be. Any volunteers/ Captain Marvel?"

Batman asked.

" I don't think I'd be the best suited for his training. I'm still learning myself in someways. I personally think Wonder woman would be the best mentor for him.'

Captain Marvel said turning down the position and instead Volunteering Wonder woman.

" Me?"

Wonder woman asked raising an eyebrow of curiosity to the man sitting across from her.

" Yeah, I mean did you see the footage of their fight? He's not much of a good fighter. Yeah, he's got the strength and his decision making is smart and fast, but he has no skill. If anyone here can turn him into a great fighter, it's you wonder woman. Plus, i don't think he'd match very well with batman, he seems a little too happy to be under bats."

Captain marvel explained to the woman on why she would be the best choice for his mentor.

" Very well, I don't see why not. That is if he decides that is okay. But it would seem like I'll need to find a different spot for training."

Wonder woman spoke. Accepting the role of Kai's mentor.

" Alright. Now, we move on to the superboy. Should he be allowed to join the team. All in favor."

Batman asked as the entire league raised their hands, all but one. Superman.

" Majority vote wins. Superboy and Rudra are official members of the team. Wonder woman head to mount justice and see if you can get anything from the boy. If anyone else has nothing to say, then meeting adjourned."

Batman closed the meeting of the league.

[ Recognized wonder woman 03]

The alert system of mount justice rang out through the facility alerting its occupants of the hero's arrival.

" Whoa, no way you're wonder woman! What are you doing here?"

Kai asked the woman, the excitement apparent on his face.

" Why wouldn't I come to greet my new disciple?"

Wonder woman asked

" Who?"

Kai asked rather stupidly.

' My niece is referring to you young man'

Athen whispered

" Wait, me?"

Kai asked

" Yes, young Rudra. That is if you want to be."

Diana replied

" I'd be honored."

Kai said with a gracious bow.

" Young and well mannered. That is not a common trait these days. Seeing as how I'll be your mentor from now on, I must tell you the league is rather suspicious of your identity. Of course, it is your choice whether or not to share your identity."

Diana explained.

" Sure, I don't mind. Step back."

Kai said gesturing for the woman to get away from him.


*Crack Boom! *

A lightning bolt struck Kai and reverted him back to his civilian outfit.

" What was that?!"

Diana asked, her expression was one of shock and awe.

" Are you a child of zeus?"

Diana asked trying to make heads or tails of the situation.

" No, but I do draw my power from the gods."

Kai explained

" Which gods?"

Diana asked the young man, while the team listened in nearby.

" Hey stop shoving kf."

Dick said

" What, I wanna get a look at wonder woman."

Wally replied

" I wanna know more about his powers."

Connor said

" Well, if everyone would be quiet maybe we could listen."

Aqualad replied watching and listening as kai explained his powers.

" My powers come from six different gods. First up is Shango the Yoruba god of thunder and lightning. Next up is one I'm sure you're aware of Hermes the messenger of the gods grants me his speed."

Kai explained

" Hermes? He is the one that grants you speed. I never thought the greek gods would willingly give a mortal their powers. Who else?"

Diana asked

" Next up is another member of the Greek pantheon, Athena herself grants me her wisdom, not to fall behind her is Atlas the titan, who grants me his insurmountable stamina. Last, but certainly not least is Mahadev or as he is better known Lord SHIVA! He grants me his strength and might."

Kai finally finished explaining. Making sure to put extra emphasis on Lord Shiva's part.

' That was beautifully explained young kai.'

Athena whispered

' Yeah, champ way ta go. You've left young Diana speechless.'

Hermes Joked

' HAHA! Let her know who it is that gives you your might my champion!'

Shiva beamed with pride in the youth.

' Well said young kai.'

Shango stated

' Yes, be proud of those who give you strength.'

Zababa exclaimed.

Kai stood there and watched as Diana stood there speechless, her mouth agape, while her eyes widened.

" Do you realize what that means?"

Diana asked

" What do you mean?"

Kai wondered

" You draw strength from multiple gods of battle and war. You have the potential to be the greatest champion of the gods."

Diana exclaimed.

" Well, the others will be shocked to hear this, but how about we move on to some basic knowledge. Like how old you for instance are."

Diana asked the young man's age. Trying to move on from the shocking revelation of the boy's powers.

" Oh, well I'm sixteen, I was born in metropolis. I lived in an orphanage until a few days ago. and I guess I can tell you. My real name is Kai. Kai green!"

Kai explained to the woman with a smile.

" I see, what about your birthday?"

Diana asked

" Oh, It's April twenty-sixth."

Kai answered, this making the woman glow with excitement

" Is that so?"

She asked

" Yes, why?"

Kai replied

" You were born on the same day as my younger sister."

Diana answered

" You have a younger sister?"

Kai asked

" Yes, I do. Her name is Donna troy. She'll be training with you."

Diana answered

" Whoa!"

Kai exclaimed while sweating bullets.

" Well, now it's my turn. My name is Diana prince, daughter of queen Hippolyta and princess of themyscira. I was born around three thousand years ago. Now that introductions are out of the way are you ready to train?"

Diana asked

" Let's go!"

Kai jumped with glee.

" Aren't you going to transform?"

Diana asked

" Should I? I figured it would be good if I built my foundation like this so I can better learn to defend myself."

Kai answered

" Well said."

Diana replied back with pride

[ Recognized Wonder woman 03, Rudra b08]