
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs


[ New York City. June 20th, 06: 16 EDT]

" Take them down. Kaldur Beetles you're with me!"

Kai yelled as the team boarded the reach ship to take them down.

The group made their way through the ship taking down the reach soldiers until they arrived in the main chamber.

" Enough! The ambassador tied my hands. But the ambassador is gone. Now the meat will die."

Black Beetle declared.

" I would not be so sure of that Beetle!"

Kai yelled as he punched in the doors to Beetles chambers.

Beetle and his assistant turned to see their intruders.

Jaime took the chance and fired a staple at the assistant trapping her.

" No more running. It's you and me Beetle."

Kai said to the man as his teammates began taking down the soldiers in the room.

" I will suffice. RAAAGH!"


Beetle and Kai yelled as they charged each other.

Kai speared Black Beetle to the ground and began punching him in the face over and over again. Feeling the blows Black Beetle used his chest cannon to blast kai off of him. Black Beetle jumped up and formed two massive hammers in hands and brought them down on Kai's back, slamming hard into the floor.

Kai reached up and grabbed the hammers stopping them with ease and blasted Black Beetle in his chest with a bolt of lightning.

Kai grabbed the man and hoisted him up into the air.



kai struck Black Beetle with a bolt of lightning right in his chest, causing his armor to splinter and crack.



Another large bolt of lightning stuck the man.

" Blue hurry! Work your magic."

kai yelled to the boy as he held Black Beetle in his arms.

" Right!"

Jaime yelled.

He ran over to beetle and used his scarab to completely destroy what remained of Black Beetle's scarab without killing him. However, when beetle was defeated, Jaime seemed scared.

" No. What have you done?"

Jaime asked the man.

" What do you mean? We won."

Kai replied.

" No, we didn't. when my scarab tapped into Black's my scarab learned he planned to erase all evidence of the reach's attempt to conqueror us... By destroying the earth."

Jaime told Kai.

As he said that multiple drones across the world began springing up. Their presence began multiple thunderstorms.

" Oh now. This is Sentry to all teams! Everyone get back to the watchtower NOW!"

Kai ordered a full retreat to the team.

[ The WATCHTOWER. June 20th, 07: 16 EDT]

" The natural disasters have escalated. The rest of the league is spread thin saving lives across the globe."

Captain atom explained as images of the league attempting to halt the disasters appeared across the screen. Dr. Fate stopping a tidal wave. green Arrow and Canary saving kids off a school bus.

" It's Black Beetles Mfd's. The magnetic field disruptors the reach seeded in multiple regions across the earth. They're causing a deterioration of the planets magnetic field which in turn are causing these not so natural disasters. I can locate all the Mfd's but each is defended by Beetle tech drones. Designed to run interference until the Mfd's build up enough steam to go chrysalis and end the world."

Jaime explained to the team.

" So, how do we shut them down?"

Kai asked.

" I don't know. Because Black Beetle didn't know. This was a failsafe. An endgame."

Jaime explained.

[Incoming transmission from Un, secretary general tseng.]

The tower alerted the team of the coming call however instead of tseng it was luthor who came up.

" Luthor?"

Captain Atom declared.

" Secretary Tseng was kind enough to let me borrow his frequency as I have a possible solution to our mutual problem."

Luthor explained to the man.

" A problem created by you and the light when you brought the reach to earth."

The atom replied to the man.

" Perhaps, but I'm sure you know the light always planned to betray the reach. Lex Corp has developed anti-reach software. A virus that should disable the magnetic field disruptors. Now, I believe time is of the essence."

Luthor explained to the group.

" All teams listen up. We're going to save our planet."

kai radioed to all available league and team members and other heroes of earth.

[ Metropolis. June 20th 08:16 EDT]

The heroes of earth and Luthor were gathered in the streets of the city in an attempt to stop the earth's destruction.

" Every single MFD must be disable before they go chrysalis to guarantee earth's safety. Each Mfd is protected by multiple beetle tech drones. Each drone is the equivalent of a beetle warrior. Blue Beetle has located twenty Mfd's around the world. there's about forty or more of us here. So, you'll be in squads of two."

Luthor explained to the heroes.

" Just a few more should do it."

Jaime stated.

" You will all be issued multiple reach tech eggs. Containing my anti-reach virus software. While one hero runs interference with the drones the other simply needs to touch the egg against an mfd to disable it."

Luthor explained.

" You really think we can trust Lex Luthor?"

Wonder girl asked Kai.

" It's his world too. I'm sure he doesn't want it to get blown away with all his money."

Kai replied.

" Alright I have your assignments. We'll distribute these eggs and go."

Captain Atom stated.

" Ladies and Gentlemen, the fate of the world is in your hands."

Luthor explained to the group.

" Come on Cass. Let's go."

Kai said to the girl as he grabbed their eggs.

" Where to?"

Cassie asked.

" To Themyscira."

Kai said to the girl.

Cassie nodded and took off with the man to help destroy the egg on the island of women. Kai grabbed a hold of Cassie and pulled her along with him as he flew as fast as possible.

The duo landed on the isle of woman to see the amazons fighting against the tech drones.

" Amazons move!"

Kai yelled.

Kai summoned his lightning and sent out a massive wave of lightning towards both of the drones destroying them with ease.

" Alright, ours is done!"

Cassie yelled as she deactivated the Mfd.

" Kai? Cassie? What in the name of the gods is going on?"

Hippolyta asked.

" Aliens tried blowing up the earth. Excuse me for a moment. This is Zeta squad, our Mfd is down."

Kai said to Hippolyta before radioing in his team's clearance.

" Gottcha Zeta team."

Ray replied.

" Good work everyone. Twenty squad deployed twenty mfd's disabled we did it!"

Atom exclaimed.

" We missed one. The earth's magnetic field is still be disrupted."

Ray palmer stated as he pulled up an image of the earth's magnetic field.

" Blue Beetle to watchtower. I'm reading a twenty first Mfd. In the arctic. hidden from my previous scans by earth's north magnetic pole sending coordinates."

Blue beetle radioed to the team.

" Guess, I'm needed elsewhere. Stay safe Cassie and take good care of yourself until I get back. I'm proud of you little sister."

kai told the girl as he hugged her tightly.

He then waved to his aunt- in law and ran off towards the North pole.

" There are no zeta tubes anywhere in the arctic. how are?"

" No worries my friends I'm on it!"

flash radioed in cutting ray palmer off.

" So am I."

Kai radioed as he ran next to Barry.

" Feel like saving the day?"

Kai asked as he and Barry ran by each other.

" You know it."

Barry replied.

" Got room for one more?"

Bart asked as he appeared next to the two men.

" Always kid."

Kai replied.

" Let's go crash that Mfd's mode!"

Bart yelled as he ran ahead of the men. and into the cave holding the mfd.

Kai and Barry arrived just behind him and were stunned by what they saw.

" Flash to watch tower. The magnetic field disruptor... it's already gone Chrysalis."

Flash radioed.

" I'm not sure."

" The egg is useless now. You're too late."

Luthor said to Flash as he cut him off.

The earth began glowing as energy from the chrysalis started destabilizing the planet.

" What now?"

Flash asked.

" Now you run."

Luthor replied.

" Hey, I'm no quitter."

Barry shot back.

" I didn't say run away I said run. Together, you, Impulse, and sentry should be able to negate the chrysalis by running counter to its energy flow."

Luthor explained.

" Is it really that simple?"

Barry asked.

" I wouldn't say simple. you'd be attempting to siphon off its power with your own speed trails it'd take a massive amount of kinetic energy."

The atom stated.

" Do you think it'll be enough?"

Artemis asked Wally unaware he had already run off.

[ Recognized Kid Flash B03]

The teleporter exclaimed as Kid Flash vanished.

[ Recognized Donna troy B12]

" Donna? What are you doing here?"

Artemis asked the girl.

" Artemis, I need to see Kai quickly!"

donna exclaimed happily.

" Why? What's going on?"

Dick asked.


Donna told the group.

" Congratulations, but things are little bad right now?"

Dick told the woman as an Image of the north pole came up.

In the north The Flash, Impulse, and Sentry were currently running around the Chrysalis in an attempt to stop it.

" It's working."

Kai stated.

" It's definitely slowing down, but I don't think even us running at our top speeds can stop it."

Barry replied.

" Then how about the four of us?"

Wally asked as he ran next to the group.

" I may not be as fast as you guys, but I can definitely add my fair share of kinetic energy. Besides I can't let the new kid take all of the credit for saving the world."

Wally explained to the three.

" That is so crash!"

" Good man!"

" My man!"

Bart, Barry, and Kai all said to the man before taking off and lapping him.

" Come on Wallman you can do more than that."

Wally stated as he pushed his body further.

As the group ran large torrents of energy started flowing into Kai's body.

" Argh!"

Kai grunted as the energy blasted him ruthlessly.

As the four men continued running the team arrived along with Donna to bear witness to the current state of the chrysalis.

" Look it's working they're shutting it down!"

Nightwing yelled as he watched the chrysalis starting to slowly shut down.

' Earth's magnetic field is stabilizing.'

Jaime's scarab told him.

" Yes!"

Jaime exclaimed.

' But there is a problem, Jaime Reyes. The Kid flash is too slow and the sentry's body is acting as a lightning rod for all of the released energy. Compensating for the Kid Flashes slowish speed.'

The scarab told Jaime.


Kai yelled in pain once again.

' In sixteen seconds, he will cease.'

The Scarab told the man as Kai's body began turning translucent.

" Cease? Cease what?"

Jaime asked his scarab.

" Wally, you need to leave. Your slowish speed is causing Kai to act as a lightning rod for the energy that's trying to attack you."

Barry explained to Wally.

" We can't stop ARGH! Barry. It's no use. Oh, man Diana's going to kill me for this. And don't even get me started on Donna."

Kai said to the man.

" Kai!"

Barry yelled.

" Just tell them."

Kai said to Barry and the others before suddenly vanishing.

" KAI!!!"

The three speedsters yelled.

They looked at one another in shock as they continued running.

" They did it!"

Megan yelled as the Chrysalis suddenly stopped.

She and the others ran up to the three speedsters and embraced them.

" My friends You did it!"

Kaldur stated.

" Wait a minute. Where's Kai?"

Donna asked as she looked around and didn't see her husband.

" Donna... He wanted us to tell you."

Barry started.

" No. Oh no no no."

Donna felt her heart sink into her stomach as Wally approached her.

" He loved you."

Wally said to the woman who broke down and started crying.

The others stood in silence and shock over the sudden loss of one of their oldest friends.

Dick in particular felt especially bad as he had betrayed his friend's trust.

[ In the realm of gods]

" What happened? Where am I? Am I dead?"

Kai asked as he looked around the blue sky.

" No, you're not."

Zababa told the boy.

Kai turned around to see all of the gods who empowered him standing before him. Each with a look pf pride on their face. Except for shiva who simply glared at the man in anger.

" How am I not dead? What happened?"

Kai asked.

" The energy from the chrysalis overloaded your body and caused your power to increase. Even with the gifts we had granted you your body could not contain all of that energy! What did I tell you about making stupid decisions?!"

Shiva berated the boy in anger.

" Oh, don't be like that Shiva. Hey, don't listen to him kid, he was the one who petitioned for us to get ya the hell outta there in the first place."

Hermes explained to Kai causing Shiva's angered expression to turn into one of embarrassment.

" What no I didn't!"

Shiva yelled.

" I believe you did my friend."

Shango stepped in and corrected Shiva.

" Aye he did!"

Atlas said as well as he and Hermes laughed at Shiva's embarrassment.

" You did that for me lord Shiva? Thank you."

Kai said to the man.

" Yeah! Yeah! Don't mention it."

Shiva replied.

" Even though he is brash and stubborn Shiva has great deal of respect and care for you as do we all. Young Kai."

Athena explained to the boy.

" I'm grateful to you. All of you this. But aren't there rules? Are you all not going to be punished for interfering in the mortal realm more than you already have?"

Kai thanked the gods before asking about their fate.

" Eh, Shiva's like one of if not the strongest living god. We'll be fine. Nothing more than a slap on the wrist kid."

Hermes explained to the man.

" But this is not something we can do multiple times."

Zababa stated.

" He's right. We won't be able to do something like this again. So, don't make the same stupid mistake."

Shiva yelled at the boy.

" I won't. Thank you all for the second chance at life you have given me."

Kai said to the gods.

" Thank you, kai. No go home your friends miss you. I pray for your good health and safety in the coming days."

Athen said to the man before returning him back to the world of the living.

" And congratulations on becoming a father, know you have each of our blessings. Take care kid."

Shiva added on after Kai was gone.

[ Mount Justice. June 20th, 23:16 EDT]

" Are we too late?"

Superman asked as he and the rest of the league arrived back on the planet.

Batan stepped forward and placed his hand on the man's chest and signaled for him to look up.

As he did Superman saw the entire team landing down on the beach.

" Aqualad what happened here?"

Batman asked the man.

" Fear not. The crisis has passed. Though at a terrible cost."

Kaldur explained.

" What do you mean? What happened? Where is kai?"

Diana asked as she looked around at the heroes and didn't see the man anywhere.

" Diana..."

Donna approached the woman. Her eyes beat red and still shaking.

" Donna, what happened?"

Diana asked again.

" He's gone. He's gone."

Donna told the woman as she cried in her arms. Her declaration of the death of Sentry shocked every one of the leaguers.

" Sister, I am... I am so sorry."

Diana told the girl.

" He saved us. He saved both of us."

Donna exclaimed as she rubbed her belly.

Diana looked down at her sister and felt the tears she had been fighting back come forward.

" I can't believe it. He's gone."

Superman exclaimed in disbelief.

" Who said I was gone?"

Kai spoke as he magically appeared on the beach with everyone else.

Everyone turned to the source of the voice they heard and were happy to see that the man they thought was dead was still alive.

" KAI!!!"

The team and Donna yelled as they ran up to the man.

" My friend what happened?"

kaldur asked the man.

" Lord Shiva and the other gods pulled me away at the last second. If they hadn't, I'd have been a goner."

Kai explained to the man.

Seeing that he was right in front of her and seemingly alive, Donna ran up to the man and jumped into his arms in tears.

" Hey. Hey, it's okay sweetie. I'm alright."

Kai told the woman as he hugged her.

" You're alive... I thought you were gone. I was so scared! I thought we lost you!"

Donna yelled into the man's chest.

" Wait? We?"

Kai asked the woman.


Donna yelled at the man.

Kai's face slowly turned from one of concern to dread over what he had almost lost and finally to one of absolute joy.


kai yelled in excitement as he hoisted Donna into the air.

Donna wiped her tears and nodded.

Kai continued laughing and pulled the woman back into a tight hug.

" I'm so sorry, I caused you to worry, Donna. I can't apologize to you enough. I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me and how much you support me. I love you, Donna. I love you so much."

Kai said to the woman as he held her in his arms.

" I love you too, you damn reckless idiot."

Donna exclaimed.

Kai smiled down at the woman and kissed her softly on the lips all the while the others simply stood by and smiled at the two as they embraced each other.

The day was saved and so began a new era for the league and a new life for Donna and Kai. What happens to them find out in the volume. Young justice Outsiders.