
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs


" Hahaha! Kai stop it."

Donna laughed as kai playfully chased her at the dinner table.

" Aw, what's wrong?"

Kai asked

" I just got out of the shower stop!"

Donna laughed as kai stopped to stare at her.

" Oh, is that right. Well, I guess you're just going to have to take another one."

Kai said as he resumed chasing her.

" Okay, okay! That's enough you two time to eat. Come sit down."

Diana gestured as she laid dinner out on the table.

" Okay, I give I'll just have to get you another time then Donna."

Kai said as he took his seat at the table.

" You wish, lightning boy."

Donna joked

" Hey, my name isn't lightning boy. Though I have been thinking of a name change. While I think Rudra is a good name for my powers. It doesn't exactly describe me as a person."

Kai explained.

" Oh, yeah? What were you thinking then?"

Donna asked

" I was thinking Sentry!"

Kai said

" Sentry? I like it."

Donna spoke.

" Sentry it is then."

Kai cheered as he jumped from his seat in excitement. When he went to sit back down he missed his chair completely and fell on his ass making Donna laugh.

" Oh, you think that's funny?"

Kai groaned as he picked himself up off the ground.

" Yes, it is. Behold the mighty Sentry. Bested by a chair."

Donna made fun of the boy as she laughed, her joke causing kai to join her in laughter. Diana couldn't help but smile at seeing her sister and her student happily enjoying each other's company.

' I'm glad these two get along so well now both in and out of training. They've grown so much. Especially young kai his fighting has improved tremendously since he started. I'd say in a few years he'd be more than ready to join the league.'

Diana thought as she watched the two happy teens laughing. However, that laughter was soon cut short as a notification had reached kai.

" Batman to rudra. You're needed back at the cave."

Batman said through Kai's communicator ending the boy's happy moment.

" I see. I'll be there shortly."

Kai responded.

" Do you have to go?"

Donna asked sadly.

" I am sorry Donna, but batman wouldn't have called if this wasn't important. I promise I'll make it up to you."

Kai tried to explain to the now saddened girl. Donna nodded her head and walked away from the table.

" Donna wait."

Kai called out.

" It is alright Kai. i will talk to Donna. For now, here."

Diana said as she handed Kai his food.

" You need to eat before going into the field. Be safe in your travels young kai."

Diana said as she ushered the young man to leave.

" Thank you, Diana, and please tell Donna I'm sorry."

Kai said as he left for the cave.

" I'm sure she knows."

Diana said.

[ Recognized Rudra B08]

" Cave Sentry B08 Update!"

Kai said as he walked into the cave.

" Yo kai. Changing your name already?"

Superboy asked as he picked Kaldur up off the floor.

" Donna said she liked it. So, I thought I'd go ahead with the change."

Kai explained.

" Oh, another date with Donna. Do tell more."

Artemis said as she taunted the boy.

" It wasn't a date I just had dinner with her and Wonder woman, or at least I was until batman called me here. Where is he anyway? He said it was important."

Kai explained

" Batman and robin are busy in gotham currently."

Red tornado said as he arrived in the cave.

" Yeah, but he said I should be here. Perhaps he meant for you to give us a mission."

Kai said.

" If we can be of help of course."

kaldur interjected.

Red tornado thought for a minute before pulling up a file on Kent nelson.

" This is Kent nelson. A friend he is 106 years old."

Red tornado explained.

" Guy doesn't look a day over 90."

Wally whispered to Artemis.

" He has been missing for twenty-three days. Nelson was a charter member if the justice society. The precursor to your mentor's justice league."

Tornado explained.

" Of course, Nelson was earth's sorcerer supreme. He was doctor fate."

Kaldur explained,

" More like Doctor Fake. Guy knows a bit of advanced science and dumbledors it up to scare the bad guys and impress the babes."

Wally responded.

" Wally, I get my powers from a magic lightning bolt. Wonder woman and Donna are both born from immortal warriors. What do you think our powers are based in? We're magic Wally."

Kai explained to the stubborn boy.

" Kent may simply be on one of his walkabouts. But he is caretaker to the helmet of fate, the source of the Doctors mystic might. And it is unwise to leave such power unguarded."

Tornado stated

" He's like the great sorcerer priests and priestesses of Mars. I'd be honored to help find him."

Megan stated.

" Batman pulled me away from an important evening for this so I'm going to."

Kai said

" Me too! I'd also be honored to go."

Wally said as he volunteered.

" Take this. It is the key to the tower of fate."

Tornado said as he handed Wally the key to the tower.

" Alright! We got what we need let's go team."

Kai said as he walked to the hangar.

" Guess they were having a good time. He seems kind of aggravated."

Artemis said to Megan.

" Yeah, but hey at least they're making progress."

Megan replied.

[ Salem August 19. 20:22 EDT]

" Take us down."

Kai said as Megan lowered the bioship to the tower of fate.

" Where is the tower? Kid search the area and tell me what you find."

Kai ordered.

" On it."

Wally said as he ran around the area. returning back after a few minutes.

" Nothing. This more than advanced camouflage."

Kid said

" So, what do you think? Adaptive microelectronics combined with phase shifting."

Artemis asked

" Absolutely. Not! Clearly mystic powers are at work here."

Wally said trying to impress Megan.

" You know it's funny Wally. You're being an idiot right now, but you're right. The tower is here I can feel it. But I can also feel a strong magical presence keeping us away from it."

Kai said as he searched for the tower.

" A test of faith. Wally give me the key."

Kai said. Wally walked over and handed kai the key.

" Stand behind me!"

Kai ordered as he took the key and walked towards the open plane. He stuck the key out and turned it, unlocking some kind of mechanism. The tower of fate soon revealed itself to the group of heroes and the troublesome onlookers nearby. Kai pushed open the door to the tower and walked in, followed by the others.

" Uh where'd the door go?"

Superboy asked

" Greetings you have entered with a key, but the tower does not recognize you. Please state your purpose and intent."

The tower demanded.

" We are believers seeking the great doctor fate."

Wally stepped forward and said.

Suddenly the floor below everyone gave in and the team fell down into a hole that led to a lava pit.

" Ahhhhhh!"

The group all yelled in terror.

' Damn it Kid you just couldn't shut up?!"

Kai asked


* Crack Boom! *

Kai transformed and began grabbing everyone who was falling slowly bringing himself to a stop.

" Tower we were sent by red tornado and the justice league to ensure the safety of Kent Nelson and the Helmet of Fate!"

Kai yelled.

Upon hearing his words, the tower closed the fir pit and gave them a foot hold below to land on

" Thank you, Kai."

Megan said

" Yes, thank you my friend."

Kaldur replied as he caught his breath

" This floor it should be red hot to the touch, but it feels cold."

Kaldur said.

" Magic can be crazy. As I'm sure you know my friend."

Kai said to Aqualad.

" Don't worry megalicious I got ya."

Wally said.

" ENOUGH! You're little impress megan at all costs game nearly got us all barbecued."

Artemis yelled at Wally

" When did this become my fault?"

Wally asked in return.

" When you lied to that whatever it was and called yourself a true believer."

Artemis said.

" Wally, you don't believe?"

Megan asked rather sadly.

" Fine! Fine! I lied about believing in magic, but magic is the real lie. A major load."

Wally argued.

" Wally i studied for a year at the conservatory o sorcery in Atlantis. The mystic arts created the skin icons that give me my water bearers."

Kaldur explained.

" Dude have you heard of bioelectricity. Hey in primitive cultures fire was considered magic."

Wally explained.


* Crack Boom! *

" How do you explain that then? My ability to summon lightning with a word?"

Kai asked.

" I don't know yet."

Wally answered.

" Whatever. SHAZAM!"

* Crack Boom! *

" You're pretty closed minded for a guy who can break the sound barrier in his sneakers."

Artemis stated.

" That's science. I recreated Flash's experiment in his laboratory and here I am. Everything can be explained by science."

Wally stated boldly.

" Let us test that theory."

Kaldur said as he place his hand on the handle to the floor below them.

" Wait the backdraft from the lava will roast us alive."

Wally stated, but kaldur still opened the hatch. However instead of lava coming out it was instead a blizzard

" It's snow!"

Megan exclaimed.

" Do you ever get tired of being wrong?"

Artemis asked.

" let's go."

Kai said as he and the others all landed in the snowy area.

" Well?"

Artemis asked

" Ever heard of string theory? We're in a pocket dimension."

Wally said causing Kaldur and Kai to both slap their faces and Artemis to grunt in annoyance.

" What's that?"

Megan asked as she pointed to a floating cane.

" Oh maybe it's Nelson's magic wand."

Wally said.

" Good guess Wally. that is exactly what this is."

Kai answered

" Really?"

" I got!"

Wally, Kai, and Artemis said as they grabbed onto the wand. It suddenly began to grow gold.

" Ugh! I can't let go!"

Wally and Artemis both said.

" Stop fighting it's trying to take us to its master."

Kai ordered as the cane began to fly. Suddenly the group all vanished into thin air.

" Just hold on tight you two. And be ready for anything we might encounter."

kai said to the two others.

After a few more seconds the group reappeared in a maze of stairs. When they looked up they could see a group of three people one of them being Kent Nelson.

' Kai watch yourself that is klarion the witch boy! He is a lord of chaos a being as powerful as doctor fate.'

Athena warned.

" I see! ekirts meht htiw erif."

Kai said as a beam of fire shot towards Klarion and his companion.

" Reirrab!"

Klarion said witha snap of his fingers a barrier appeared and blocked Kai's magic.

" Magic of that level isn't even a challenge for me. Tsalb mih."

Klarion said as a beam of magic shot towards Kai and the others. before it could hit, Kent Nelsons cane blocked the attacked. Kent used the opportunity to fly towards the others.

" In here!"

Kent said as a door opened up for the group to move through.

" No, No, No! I want that helmet. I want it, I want it, I want it!"

Klarion yelled as he fired at the group.

The group stood in the elevator as it ascended the floors of the tower in silence until Kent Nelson spoke up.

" I'm Kent Nelson by the way."

Kent said to the group.

' No Duh!"

Wally said getting an elbow in his ribs from Artemis.

" I'm Artemis miss manners here is Wally."

Artemis joked

" And my name is Kai. It is an honor meet you Mr. Nelson."

kai said

" Well Kai! Artemis! We're up against an opponent with tremendous mystic power."

Kent said

" Abra Kadabra?! Flash proved he uses futureistic technology to simulate magic. The guy's all talk and no biz."

Wally said

" Right, you are!"

Kent sais shocking Artemis

" He is?!"

Artemis yelled as Wally gloated.

" Yes, However the one Mr. Nelson refers to his Abra's companion. His Name Is Klarion The Witch boy. He is a lord of chaos and the ultimate enemy of a lord of order like doctor fate."

Kai explained.

" Correct young man. I'm impressed of your knowledge and of your magical abilities. Even the most talented of wizards would have had trouble dealing with that blast of yours. However, Klarion's magic is leagues above even mine."

Nelson spoke.

" I thank you for the praise, sir."

Kai said

" Any who Klarion is after the helmet of fate. If he gets his sticky little Mits on it, he'll turn the planet into his own personal playground of pandemonium."

Kent said as the elevator opened up.

The group walked to the middle of the room when another magic door opened up on the ceiling, dropping in the remaining members of the team.

" Friends of yours?"

Kent asked

" Duck!"

Kai yelled as he and the others dodged a blast from abra kadabra.

" Kadabra! Ekirts mih htiw Gninthgil!"

Kai yelled as he shot a bolt of lightning at kadabra.

" Dnes siht tsalb yawa!"

Klarion said as he sent the blast away.

" Alright doc. Klarion can stop my attacks anyother ideas?"

Kai asked

" Just one."

Kent said as he picked up his cane and hit the golden bell in the middle of the room. The three of them Wally, Kai, and Nelson were all sent to the roof of the tower where the helmet of fate resided. Kent went to grab the helmet but was blasted by Klarion.

" Mr. Nelson!"

Wally and Kai yelled.

" Reirrab!"

Kai yelled as he summoned a barrier, one that klarion easily blasted through. Kai hit the ground behind Nelson and Wally. His actions had given Kent enough time to put up a stronger barrier to protect the three.


Klarion yelled in frustration.

" Not bad for a former Doctor fake hey kid? The bubble will give you enough time to do what you need to do."

Kent said as he collapsed in Wall'y arms.

" I have no Idea what I need to do."

Wally replied

" Have faith in what you can't explain. Believe in what you can no longer deny."

Kent said as he took his last breaths in this world.

" Mr. Nelson NO!"

Kai yelled

" Rahhh! Klarion! YOU ARE MINE! Ekirts mih Nwod!"

Kai yelled as a blast of lightining fired at Klarion.

" You are powerful kid, but your magic doesn't even come close to mine. Nruter sih tsalb!"

Klarion said causing the blast to return towards Kai hitting him in his chest.

" I told you kid. Nothing compared to mine."

Klarion taunted.

" Oh Yeah?! We'll see about that!"

Kai said as he flew towards Klarion.


* Crack Boom! *

Kai had called the lightning down directly on top of Klarion.

" Impressive kid i actually felt that one, but still it's not enough to beat me."

Klarion taunted.

' Oh no Kai's in trouble. But I can't beat that guy. If Kai couldn't beat him, then I really have no chance. Unless.'

Wally thought as he grabbed the helmet of fate.

" Hey dumb kid. You put that helmet on you may never get it off."

Klarion yelled.

" Nooooo!"

Klarion yelled in anger as Wally donned the helmet of fate. With a flash of bright golden Light Doctor fate appeared on the battlefield.

" Give it up Nabu! Order went out of style in the twentieth century."

Klarion said as he fired on Fate.

" You have failed witch boy. You sought to claim the helmet before it could gain a host. But you are too late."

Doctor fate stated.

" Boy you have done enough. I will handle Klarion."

Fate said to kai.

" Shut it you old fart!"

Klarion said as he trapped fate in between two rock pillars. Fate flexed his magic and busted out of it with no problems.

" BRAT!"

Fate yelled as he blasted Klarion apparently disintegrating him.

" Did he, do it?! No, Fate Behind you!"

Kai yelled as he watched Klarion reappear behind fate.

" Ha!"

Klarion yelled as he blasted Fate in his back shocking him badly.

" I gotta help him!"

Kai said as he rushed to attack Klarion.

" Ekirts mih htiw erif!"

Kai yelled as he blasted Klarion in the back with fire.

" Argh! Stupid Kid!"

Klarion yelled as he hurled two giant fireballs at kai, forcing the kid to retreat once again.

" Don't get distracted Witch Boy!"

Fate said as he attacked Klarion again.

" Damn you Nabu!"

Klarion yelled as he attacked fate with a giant blast of fire shaped much like a dragon. Fate dodged the first wave and managed to block the second but was taken down by the third.

" Argh!"

Fate Yelled as he was flung across the roof.

Klarion continued his assault by blasting Fate with magic bullets rapidly. Once again, his attack pushed the man back. Klarion followed his attack up with a breath of fire. Fate had tried to dodge the attack by flying in the air but was caught off guard when klarion attacked him with pillars of fire. Once again knocking the man down to the ground.

" You're out of practice Nabu and that pathetic host body has zero affinity for the mystic arts."

Klarion taunted as he blasted fate with a powerful blast of magic.

" Oo Rainbow power."

Klarion said as he watched his magic attack colide with Fate's barrier.

" Mreow!"

Teekl meowed trying to get klarion to focus.

" I am paying attention in case you haven't noticed I'm winning!"

Klarion responded to his cat. His words angering Dr Fate.

" You should have listened to the cat."

Kai said as he grabbed kalrion.

" What the?!"

Klarion yelled.


* Crack Boom! *

" Kai yelled as he struck Klarion again.

" Argh! Stupid BRAT!"

Klarion yelled as he blasted Kai away again.

" ARGH!"

Kai yelled as the blast sent him flying

Fate had used this distraction as his chance to destory klarion's spell freeing him of his bad postion.

" It is difficult for a lord of order or chaos to maintain a prensce on the physical plane."

Fate explained as his magical fire circled around him. His words Angering Klarion forcing him to go all out.

" I am bound by the helmet and use a human host, but that is not your way."

Fate stated as he dodge gigantic fireballs that klarion had thrown at him.


Klarion yelled.

" AM I?!"

Fate asked as he blasted a beam from his chest. Klarion put up a shield to block it but instead of hitting Klarion the beam hit Teekl the cat.

" TEEKL! I can't believe you would assault a defensless pussy cat."

Klarion yelled

" We both know that creature is no cat Witch boy. And without your familiar you have no anchor on this reality."

Fate replied as he watched Klarion flicker in and out of reality.

" Bully! Killjoy! Geezer!"

Klarion yelled in anger causing fate to attack him once again.

" Holy Karp!"

Klarion cussed as he dodged fate's blast.

" We're out of here."

Klarion said as he grabbed teekl and ran away.

" Is it over?"

Kai asked fate.

" Not yet!"

Fate said as he began to use his magic. Fate had stripped Abra kadabra of his weapons allowing the rest of the team to get up and take him down.

" Now it is over."

Fate declared.

Fate and Kai sat in silence until suddenly Fate removed his helmet freeing Wally of his curse.

" Wally are you okay?"

Kai asked as he grabbed his friend.

" Yeah everything's good now. Let's get back to the cave."

Wally said as he placed Kent's nelsons pocket watch, which held a picture of his decesed wife inza in side of it, Into the man's hands.

" I will carry Kent's Body it is the least I can do for the former dr fate."

kai said as he picked Nelson's body up.

" Team, get your things together. We're done here."

Kai radioed in.

" What about Kent Nelson?"

Megan asked.

" He did not make it."

Kai replied.

" No!"

Megans voice began to shake through their raido.

" We've been through enough for today, summon the bio-ship We're going home."

Kai said.

After a few minutes the bioship arrived and picked up the solemn teens. Kai loaded Kent's body on to the ship and had Megan take them back to the cave. Needless to say, the flight home was a quiet and sad one.

When the team arrived back at the cave Kai had everyone go rest while he explained to batman and red tornado the events of the evening. Doing his best not to shed tears.

" I see. Thank you, Kai you and your team did something, truly amazing. you kept the helmet of fate safe from the hands of evil."

Batman said as he praised the boy.

" Thank you, sir, but Mr. Nelson still did not survive the encounter."

Kai stated.

" Kent nelson gave his life for the cause. he would not have let any harm come to you children. His death was not in vain. Now, I think it's time you rest."

Batman said as he gestured for the boy to leave.

Kai nodded his head and went to his room. Kai closed the door behind him and collapsed on his bed. He pulled out his phone and began searching for Donna's name in his contact list. once he found it, he gave it a call. The phone rang for a few seconds before putting it down. Kai walked to the cave's teleporter and left the cave.

[ Recognized Sentry B08]

Kai left the cave to head towards his destination. When he arrived, he knocked on the window.

* Knock! Knock! Knock! *

His knocking awoke the young woman who had been sleeping.

" Kai? What is it?"

Donna asked as she got out of bed.

" Can I talk to you?"

Kai asked

" What is it kai? Do you know what time it is?"

Donna asked as she opened up her window to let the boy in. The moment his feet touched her floor he pulled the woman into a tight hug.

" Ugh! Kai what is it? You're squeezing me hard."

Donna said

* Sniff! Sniff! Sniff! *

Kai had begun to cry.

" He's dead Donna. We failed. I failed."

Kai cried as he held on to the woman.

" Who died Kai what happened?"

Donna asked as she guided the young man to her bed.

" We were summoned to find Kent Nelson, the original doctor fate. We had him, but it wasn't enough. I wasn't enough. Klarion killed him. I tried to fight him, but I stood no chance. He deflected everything I threw at him like it was nothing."

Kai cried as the woman held him.

" Oh, kai I'm so sorry."

Donna said as she held him. Kai continued to cry for the next hour. Donna hadn't said a word, instead she held him close giving him as much comfort as she could. Eventually Kai's crying had stopped as he had passed out from exhaustion.

" You big idiot. What am I going to do with you?"

Donna asked as she pulled the man into her bed.

" I'm not going anywhere."

Donna said as she snuggled into the man's chest, following him into slumber for the night.