
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Auld Acquaintance!

[ Mount Justice December 31. 07:16 EST]

" We have reason to be proud of yesterday's victories, but one thing has not changed."

Kai said as he and the rest of the team walked through the halls of the cave.

" Somehow the bad guy's are still getting inside intel about us."

Robin stated

" Yeah, well at least we know none of us are the mole."

Wally replied

" That is correct! The mole was Red Arrow!"

Batman said to the team as they walked into the main hall of the cave.

" What?! ROY! No way!"

Wally yelled in protest.

" Batman that can not be. He was Green Arrow's protégé, we have all known him for years!"

Kaldur Argued.

" Unfortunately the Roy harper we've known for the past three years was another Cadmus clone."

Red tornado explained.

" We've learned the real speedy was abducted and replaced immediately after becoming Green Arrow's sidekick. The clone was preprogrammed with a drive to join the justice league, which is why he was angry with any delays to his admission and why he refused to join the team. This Roy Harper had no idea he was a clone or a traitor and his subconscious drove him to become league worthy, so he struck out on his own as Red Arrow. When he was finally admitted his secondary programming kicked in and he attempted to betray the league to vandal savage. Fortunately, I had already deduced red Arrow was a clone. We were prepared."

Batman explained to the team

" Savage was subdued, but Red Arrow escaped. He is now a fugitive and is armed and dangerous."

Red Tornado stated

" If you guys hadn't rescued me from Cadmus."

Connor spoke sadly.

" What happened to the real Roy?"

Dick asked

" We don't know he wasn't at Cadmus. We have to face the possibility that the real Roy Harper is dead."

Batman replied to robin. His response making the boy wonder sad.

Zatanna placed her hands on his shoulder in an attempt to console him.

" I'm sorry Wally! Kaldur! Robin!"

Kai said to the three boys.

" The clone Roy the team will find him."

Kaldur stated

" Negative. Red Arrow is a member of the justice league now leave him to us. I'm needed on the watchtower Tornado stay with the kids."

Batman said before leaving to the tower.

' Kids? Since when does batman call us kids?'

Kai wondered as he watched the man leave.

' Clone or no clone. Red Arrow is one of us. We will go after him.'

Kaldur stated.

' Be careful Kaldur, this whole situation just feels wrong.'

Kai responded.

While the team was conversing, Red Tornado approached Kaldur and suddenly shorted out, shutting down completely.

' Tornado!'

Megan yelled out

' What happened to him?'

Connor asked

' He's totally powered down.'

Wally stated

' All functions offline.'

Robin stated

' Do you feel that too Zatanna?'

Kai asked

' Yes, there appears be a low-level mystic force at play. I don't know if it caused his shut down. But now that I think about it, I was getting the same buzz on batman.'

Zatanna explained

' Same. And something else was weird. Batman called us kids.'

Kai replied

' He never calls us kids.'

Robin said

' Look! One of those biotech chips we confiscated off Cheshire.'

Wally explained as he pulled the chip from red tornado's hand.

' Okay, I was suspicious before now we got a problem. We need to find Red Arrow and fast.'

Kai stated

' Okay, Kid Flash, Zatanna, Rocket, Robin, and I are going to see if we can get Red Tornado back online. Kaldur you take the rest of the team to find Red Arrow, you know him better than I do. So, you have a better chance at finding him got it?'

Kai explained

' We're on it!'

Kaldur replied before leading the rest of the team out of the cave.

' The problems Hardware not software. But where do we start?'

Robin asked as he looked over Red Tornados Schematics.

' I think I have an idea. How about we try transferring Red into that other body of his?'

Kai asked as he looked at Red Tornado's room.

' That could work.'

Wally replied

' It's the best lead we got.'

Robin interjected

' Okay Zee get that thing open. I got tornado.'

Kai said as he picked Red Tornado's body up and placed it over his shoulder.

' Nepo eht hctah!'

Zatanna ordered making the hatch to red tornado's room open for the team to enter.

The team all flew into the room and got to work. Kai placed red tornado on one of the tables and grabbed Red's other body john smith and placed it next to him.

' Okay, Kid your turn.'

Kai stated after placing John down on the table.

" Okay, linked up. Download in progress."

Wally stated as he hooked Red Tornado up.

" So let me get this straight. Red Tornado built this android to party?"

Rocket asked amusing Kai and Zatanna.

" Hmmm, not how he'd put it but yeah more or less."

Zatanna replied

[ Recognized Black Canary 13]

" Hey guys wanted to check in. See how handling the. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO RED?!"

Black Canary asked.

" It's not how it looks!"

Wally yelled back in response.

" It looks like you're downloading his consciousness into a new body."

Black Canary responded as she watched the transfer

" Okay, so it's exactly how it looks."

Wally replied

After a few more seconds Tornado's mind finally switched to his other body.


Tornado yelled as he jumped to his feet, his words shocking and confusing the entire team. Black Canary took a breath and yelled at the team attacking them with her canary cry. The attack pushed everyone but Kai away.

" Canary I don't know what's going on, but if you can hear me in there. Sorry!"

Kai said to the woman as he got closer to her.

" Robin NOW!"

Kai yelled

Robin jumped over Kai using him as a springboard and landed on Canary's head. He tried to throw the woman but was countered and ended up getting slammed on the floor. Before canary could continue her attack the gas pellets robin placed on her before getting thrown exploded in her face.

" Rocket!"

Kai yelled out

" On it!"

Rocket replied. She created a bubble trapping Canary inside with the knockout gas. Canary struggled for a few moments before finally passing out.

" Black Canary attacked us?"

Zatanna asked in shock.

" Black Canary is the least of our problems. We must abandon the cave."

Red Tornado stated

[ Recognized Donna Troy B08]

" KAI!"

Donna yelled as she ran into the cave in a panic.

" Donna what is it?!"

Kai asked

" Somethings wrong with Diana, she and a few other leaguers attacked me."

Donna yelled in a panic.

" The league's come under some kind of attack. We need to leave the cave let's go. Everyone get on sphere!"

Kai ordered.

[ Recognized Icon 02. Zatara 17. Captain Marvel 15]

Three of the justice leagues strongest members suddenly appeared in the cave. Thankfully Kai and the rest of the team had already left before they arrived.

" Stay off your radios. Let the super cycle track superboy. Instruct her to mask all signals. We cannot allow the league to track us."

Tornado ordered

" Right of course. Just one question. Why is the justice league after us?"

Wally asked in a panic.

" Donna?"

Kai whispered into the girl's ear.

" Yeah kai?"

Donna asked

" I want you to tell me what we did when I came back to see you that night. You slapped me then what?"

Kai asked

" We had; well, I mean you know we pleasured."

Donna replied nervously before Kai placed his hand over the girl's mouth.

" Just checking something."

Kai responded shutting the girl up.

" Okay?"

Donna replied.

" Tornado time for some answers!"

Kai ordered

" The entire league is under complete Mental domination of Vandal Savage. Red Arrow seems to have been his means. His method was something savage referred to as Starro tech. An alien bio-organism fused with Magic and technology. It seems to shut down the mind autonomy, allowing savage to reprogram the individual to suit his needs Even my inorganic brain was not immune. But the process requires 0.16 Nanoseconds to fully intergrade with its host nervous system. That delay allowed me to create an internal subprogram that would disconnect my power cells should I try to infect another person. Fortunately, the Starro tech is body specific. As John Smith I am now free of outside control."

Red Tornado explained to the team everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours.

" This Starro tech worked on superpowered humans, Four Flavors of Alien and an android defeating all of you without a fight?"

Robin asked in disbelief

" Indeed! A remarkable Achievement. One not easily countered."

Red tornado stated

" Great, which means we're the only thing standing against Savage and World domination."

Kai replied dryly.

' Miss Martian are you in range?'

Robin called out

' Here Robin! Linking both squads and de-camouflaging!'

Megan replied

' Great! Because we really need to compare notes.'

Robin replied back as the super cycle boarded the Bioship.

' Things are about to get complicated. It's us against the justice league now!'

Kai stated.

[ Watchtower. December 31st. 23:16]

[ Recognized Black Canary 13. Red Tornado 16. Red Arrow 21.]

" Any Problems?"

Savage asked as the three heroes returned to the watch tower.

" Despite an initial setback. I was able to reinfect red tornado and red arrow."

Black Canary stated

" As well, as the rest of the team. They await reprogramming back on earth."

Red tornado said.

" I think not. See Starro tech does not reprogram the mind, it offers us remote control of it."

Savage replied

" We know exactly who's infected and who's not. And none of you are!"

Klarion Stated shocking the three. Klarion then used Green Lanter Hal Jordan to imprison the three heroes.

" But that is easily rectified."

Savage taunted.

" Fifty thousand years of life and nothing ever troubled me as much as the founding of the justice league. Dedicated to maintaining society's calcified status quo. The league would protect mankind from disaster, crime, Tragedy of any kind. Had you never heard of the survival of the fittest? In essence you heroes sought to protect humanity from its own Glorius evolution. As such you forced my more enlightened colleagues and myself to organize a response. We created our cooperative networks. Placed key individuals in key positions. Made certain we were on the edge of all new technologies. Genetic engineering. Bioengineering. Robotics. Nanorobotics. Even techno-sorcery. Not to mention every conceivable mention of mind control. Cold hard science and a little misdirection and now you champions of stagnation have become our champions of change. Forcing the human race to evolve on a more advanced schedule. Allowing earth to take its rightful place in the center of the cosmos."

Savage explained as he infected the three subdued heroes. His gloating and monologue not allowing him to see that his plans had failed as earlier the team had managed to create a cure for the Starro tech mind control. Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Red Arrow were all still perfectly fine and free of Savage's mind control.

In the Basement of the Watchtower the rest of the team plus donna had managed to break into the tower.

' RT did it. Wirelessly Bypassed security as soon as he arrived. Savage shouldn't know we're here.'

Robin explained to the group telepathically.

' Move out!'

Kai ordered. The team began making their ways through the watchtower taking down and freeing the league members of the mind control starting with plastic man.

Artemis fired a gas arrow at the man forcing him to retreat from the smoke, when his neck was clear Kid Flash ran over to him and placed the counter Starro tech into his neck instantly curing him, while rendering him unconscious.

Next up to fall was Hawkman. Superboy attacked the hawk from behind knocking him across the hall robin landed on him and placed the Counter Starro chip on his neck also freeing him of the mind control.

In the science lab atom was the next to be freed from the mind control. While he was working on an alien remains Megan floated a piece of the alien into the air, making the atom grow in size to grab it. Once he was big enough to be seen Megan placed her chip into his body freeing him.

Rocket and Aqualad found the same easy success with captain atom. Rocket trapped the man inside one of her indestructible bubbles and allowed Aqualad to slap the chip onto him while he was distracted.

" The brats are aboard! They've taken away four of my toys."

Klarion complained as the number of his mind-controlled heroes dropped fast.

" Recall all away league missions! It's time to put these children in their place once and for all."

Savage ordered Klarion.


Klarion yelled in joy.

" Merow!"

Teekl said to klarion.

" Huh?! Oh yeah, Hey Vandal shouldn't those three be back online by now?"

Klarion asked

" What!?"

Vandal asked in confusion. he turned to see Black Canary smiling at him. When he did, she screamed at him blasting him and Green Lantern Hal Jordan into a nearby wall. Red Arrow ran over to Hal and quickly placed the counter Starro chip onto his neck knocking him out.

Canary then turned her screams to klarion who was unaffected by them.

" You'll be sorry!"

Klarion said as he summoned back the remaining leaguers. Hawkwoman, Wonder woman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern John Stewart, Batman, and Superman all landed in the hall and attacked the three heroes. Hawkwoman knocked out Black canary. Batman then took down Red Arrow just as quickly. John Stewart held Red Tornado in place while superman and wonder woman tore his arms and legs off of his body.

[ Recognized Captain Marvel 15. Icon 20. Zatara 17]

The three leaguers arrived in the watchtower only to be immediately attacked by the team. Zatanna placed the cure on her father's neck knocking him out. Kai grabbed Billy in a bear hug and fought with him as he struggled to break free.

" Sorry Billy. SHAZAM!"

Kai yelled out summoning the magical lightning forcing Captain Marvel back into his human for, freeing him of Savage's mind control since Billy is a different body from Captain Marvel.

" Thanks Kai!"

Billy said as he rubbed his neck.

" No, problem Billy. Ugh!"

Kai yelled as Icon slammed his fist into his jaw knocking him across the room. Rocket approached the distracted man and placed the cure on his neck.

" To bad cure tech doesn't work as fast as Starro tech! We could use these guys."

Rocket stated

" It was a miracle that Queen Mera and doctors roquette, spence and Volcko could reengineer a cure and vaccine at all."

Kai stated.

' Hey, if you guys aren't busy.'

Wally called out for help.

' Okay, Kaldur you, Zatanna and Donna go help Wally and Artemis. The rest of us will regroup with Robin and superboy.'

Kai ordered as he ran out of the room.

Kai and his team of Rocket and Miss Martian headed towards the main chamber of the Watchtower where superboy, wolf, and Robin were engaged fighting the remaining league members.

As the three took down Hawkwoman, wonder woman made her way to attack robin was stopped by rockets bubble. Kai flew past rocket and tackled wonder woman to ground holding her down long enough for rocket to trap them both in a bubble.

" Diana if you're in there I'm sorry."

Kai said to the woman.

' Rocket drop the bubble.'

Kai ordered.

Once the bubble was dropped Kai yelled out.


* Crack Boom! *

The magical bolt of lightning struck wonder woman in her back stunning her long enough for Kai to place the Starro cure on her. Freeing her from Savage's control.

" Okay, that's one problem down now."

Kai was saying before a fist appeared in his face. Kai grabbed the hand and threw the man attacking him across the watchtower.

" Now, I get to fight superman great. Ugh!"

Kai grunted as he was blasted in the back by John Stewart.

" I got him!"

Rocket yelled out as she trapped John in one of her bubbles.

" Thanks!"

Kai responded before turning his attention back to superman. The two stared at each other for a second before charging each other.


Kai yelled as his fist met superman's. The collision of the two powerhouses shook the Watchtower violently. Kai brought his other fist up to punch superman, but the man of steel caught it in his own. The two stood there trying to overpower the other for a minute.

' Damn it! I'm getting nowhere like this.'

Kai thought as he felt himself slowly being pushed back.

" Rah!"

Kai yelled as he headbutted superman making the man of steel stumble slightly as he gripped his head in pain. Kai took the opportunity to grab superman from behind. He lifted him into the air and held him.



Kai yelled as he struck superman with the magical bolt of lightning.

" Ahhhhh!"

Superman yelled in pain. However, that didn't stop the fight. Superman kept fighting to break free from the boy's grip.

" Damn I just hit him with lightning, and it feels like he's still as strong as ever."

Kai complained as he struggled to hold the man of steel. Superman managed to get one of his arms lose and elbowed Kai in the face dazing him. He followed it up with a hard punch to the side of Kais head slamming him into ground.

" Ekirts mih Gningthgil!"

Kai yelled as he blasted superman into the air with Lightning. He flew up into the air and uppercutted superman with both of his fists. Kai followed it up with a series of strong blows. Each one that connected created a shockwave inside the tower. Kai ended his assault by knocking superman into the ground.

Superman recovered and flew into the air slamming both of his fists into kai's jaw. He then pummeled Kai before slamming both of his fists down on top of his head sending him crashing into the floor of the watchtower. Superman followed his assault up by divebombing kai sending him lower into the floors of the watch tower. Kai recovered and punched superman in his jaw sending flying across the watch tower again.

" Superboy get down there and help him. If those two continue like this, they'll knock the watchtower out of orbit!"

Robin stated as he placed the Starro cure on Batman's neck.

" On it!"

Superboy yelled as he jumped after the two.

Superman and Kai meanwhile had locked hands with each other in an attempt to overpower the other. The two powerhouses glared at each other angrily as their eyes began to change. Superman's turned red from his heat vision and Kai's turned white from his lightning. The two began battling with their respective powers. Superman's heat vision blasting against Kai's magical lightning as the two butted heads.


Superboy yelled as he slammed his fists into superman's back driving the man into the floor. Kai and Superboy both grabbed the man of steel trapping him in a bear hug that he couldn't break free from.

" Robin, NOW!"

Kai yelled as the two fought to hold superman still.

Robin landed near the two and pulled out a black box. When he opened it a kryptonite bullet incapacitated both superman and superboy allowing kai to place a Starro tech cure on superman freeing him from the savage's control.

" That hurt!"

Superboy complained as he got to his feet.

" Which is why Batman keeps it in an overwhelmingly impenetrable vault in the Batcave. Well, more like a whelmingly penetrable vault."

Robin joked.

" Is that everyone?"

Kai asked

" Yep, superman was the last of the leaguers."

Robin replied.

" And it seems Vandal Savage escaped during the chaos. That's too bad. For, now at least we can finally rest."

Kai said as he sat down on the ground.

" Congratulations team you have won the day."

Red tornado said as the team gathered around his body.

Suddenly an alert appeared in the watch tower.

[ January 1st. 00:00 EST]


The watchtower called out.

Wally turned to Artemis and picked her up.

" I Should have done this a long time ago."

Wally said as he looked into Artemis's eyes.

" No kidding."

Artemis purred into his ears.

The two smiled at each other and began kissing. Seeing the two the other heroes began following suit. Connor and Megan.

Zatanna grabbed robin and pulled him into a kiss.

" Hey sweetheart."

Kai said as he wrapped his arms around Donna and kissed her.

" Liking this team more every day!"

Rocket said as she kissed Kaldur

" Human customs still elude me."

The dismembered body of red tornado said as he laid on the ground.

Hours later after the battle the justice league finally stirred.

" I love you donna."

Kai said as he and donna looked at the earth from the watchtower.

" I love you too kai. Now, hurry up and let's go home. I never got to give you your Christmas present."

Donna whispered in kai's ear seductively.

Kai smiled at the woman and kissed her again.

" Kai, donna!"

Wonder woman called out to as she landed near them.

" I want to apologize for attacking you both."

Wonder woman stated too the two.

" It wasn't your fault sis."

Donna replied.

" Yeah, it's alright."

Kai replied though a little less cheery than donna did.

" Kai what's wrong?"

Donna asked

" Nothing, I just have to Diana something. Could you give us a moment?"

Kai asked.

Donna looked between her sister and her boyfriend before nodding. She kissed him one last time and left to give the two space.

" What is you need to ask me kai?"

Diana asked in confusion.

" Captain Marvel told me about the vote. And it's been eating at me since."

Kai stated. His words clearing any confusion Diana might have had.

" I see."

Diana replied.

" I just gotta know. Why out of everyone on the league, why is it you didn't vote for me? I mean I could have understood if no one did. But seven other leaguers trusted me and had enough confidence in my skills to vote yes. So, why is it they have more faith in me than you?"

Kai asked sincerely.

" Kai it isn't that I do not have faith in your skills. And I most certainly do have the upmost confidence in you. I just wanted you to have more time to grow and adjust to the new life you are living. It is not an easy one. And I believe you staying on the team gives you the chance to gain experience. You are amazing at leading a team and just as good as being led. You are a good fighter and a quick learner. You are strong and brave. Never think that I don't believe in your skill. I firmly believe you'll make an excellent addition to the league someday."

Diana explained to the boy.

" Yeah."

Kai responded before walking off towards donna and the rest of his team.

" Are you okay?"

Donna asked

" Yeah, I am actually."

Kai responded as he smiled at the girl. Though satisfied by the answer

Batman and rest of the league soon gathered around the team.

" You all stood tall in the face of a great adversity. Your actions saved not only our lives but the lives of those earth. Well done team."

Batman stated as the league looked on the team with pride.

" Of course, Vandal savage got away and is without a doubt planning something else. This is only the beginning."

Batman said.

" We'll be ready. All of us! Right Sentry?"

Aqualad turned to his friend and asked.

" Yes, we will."

Kai responded before turning to donna.

" Come on donna let's go."

Kai said as he and donna left the watchtower. Ready for whatever it is the light had to throw at them next.

Damn, That's the end of season 1. Stay for some filler chapters, taking place between the five year gap of season one and two.

Thomas_Hodgecreators' thoughts