
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

Alpha Male!

[ Mount Justice September 23. 06:34 EDT]

" Thanks, but no thanks."

Wally said as green arrow put a bowl of food on the table for him to eat.

" Yeah, what we want are answers about red tornado and his siblings."

Robin spoke up.

" Exactly."

Wally agreed. Green arrow went to take the bowl away, but Wally stopped him.

" Leave the bowl."

Wally said as he grabbed the bowl and began eating the food inside of it.

" What are you thinking about?"

Black canary asked as she looked at Kai sitting by himself.

" I'm trying to put everything together. Why would red turn on us like that? One second, he was fine and the next he attacks us. Something just doesn't seem right about this whole situation."

Kai said as he stared into space. Trying his best to find some sort of answer to this mess.

" I understand that you're feeling unease. Everyone is, but maybe you should let us handle this."

Canary stated as she rubbed the boy's shoulder with her hand.

While thinking Kai and superboy both using their super hearing picked up on the conversation that Aqualad was having with batman.

" During the Taipei mission with red arrow, Sportsmaster revealed the possibility there was a mole within the team. In light of last night's attack Tornado would appear to be the traitor."

Aqua lad was explaining. Upon hearing his words Kai and superboy exploded.

" But whether he betrayed us willingly or was preprogrammed to still."

Aqualad was saying before being cut off.


Superboy yelled as he rushed Aqualad and grabbed him.

" That android and his maniac family nearly killed Megan."

Superboy yelled.

" Connor what are you doing?"

Megan asked as she flew over to the two boys.

" Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!"

Superboy yelled in response.

" You knew?!"

Robin asked in disbelief.

" And didn't tell us?!"

Wally asked angrily.

" I sought to protect the team from."

Kaldur tried to explain but was cut off.

" Protect us from what?! Knowledge that might have saved our lives?"

Artemis asked.

" You almost died."

Connor yelled to Megan.

" Enough!"

Batman spoke.

" No batman. MY team has every right to be angry right now. Connor release kaldur. We have much to discuss. For now, however we focus on the task at hand. Finding red tornado."

Kai said. The group all nodded and walked over to batman.

" With red tornado missing the team will now be overseen by rotating supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift."

Batman explained as captain marvel stepped forward.

" I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys."

Captain marvel said with a smile on his face.

" After I dismantle red tornado you and I are gonna."

Connor was saying to Kaldur before batman cut him off.

" Red tornado is a member of the justice league. That makes him a league responsibility. You will leave him to us. I have another assignment to this team."

Batman said as an Image of a newspaper pulled up. Its headline reading Gorilla Trades Bananas for bullets.

" Gotham mayor attacked by Gorilla Gorilla."

Wally read the newspaper.

' Is this the only thing he could find to distract us?'

Connor asked through the team's psychic link.

" Batman please. Tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase."

Robin asked.

" i never joke about the mission. I've checked the sources. I've studied the patterns. Mayor hill's encounter is only the latest in a series of incidences. Aqualad you will be team leader for this mission."

Batman said shocking everyone in the room.

" WHAT?!"

Connor yelled.

" You and your team will depart for India and check this out."

Batman finished.

" Kai, aren't you going to say something?"

Wally asked.

" There's no point in arguing right now. For this mission Batman has deemed it necessary for aqualad to lead us, so he will. Head to the bio-ship."

Kai stated with no room for the others to argue. They all began to leave the hangar in less than a happy mood.

" Huh, you're team."

Wally said sarcastically as he walked past kaldur.

" Why are you still here?"

Batman asked kai.

" Kai if this is about the team leader thing. Batman didn't."

Black canary was saying before being cut off.

" Three things I need to get out batman. One, I don't like you and whether or not you like me doesn't make a difference. You are in charge and therefore I will respect your decisions. To an extent. Two, You WILL update us on anything related to red tornado, you will not keep us in the dark on this. You owe us at least that much. If I find out, you are withholding information from us. There will be consequences. Three, I've been digging around like I said I would. And I approve. She's a better person than her father. That's all I'm saying."

Kai explained as he left for the bio-ship.

" Sometimes I find it hard to believe he's still a kid."

Green arrow stated as he watched the boy leave.

" Bruce, what were you thinking making Kaldur the leader for this mission?"

Black canary asked.

" They need to overcome this and move forward. I put them in the position to do so. Now it is up to them."

Batman explained.

" And what about what Kai said?"

Black canary asked.

" Hm"

Batman was all said in response.

The atmosphere on the bioship was tense as no one had said a word since boarding. Kai himself was lost in thought as he stared out the window.

' I don't like this, but it is what it is. At least captain Marvel is here in case something bad happens. I bet I know why batman put kaldur in charge here. Though I do wish Kaldur would have said something to us.'

Kai thought to himself

' Are you all right Kai?'

Megan asked as she looked over at the boy.

' Yeah, Megan still a little tired, I guess. Wonder Woman's couch isn't as soft as my bed.'

Kai tried joking.

' Are you alright with this? You've been our leader this whole time and you've done an amazing job. Are you okay with taking orders from Kaldur?'

Megan asked.

' It is what it is for now. it's only one mission. I'm sure he can do it. But what I'm concerned about is what we do moving forward.'

Kai explained.

' Speaking of moving forwards, how are things with you and donna?'

Megan asked.

' We've gotten much closer than I ever thought we would. I mean a few months ago she was beating the crap out of me during training and now I can actually match her.'

Kai explained.

' That's good and all. But I meant how were things going romantically?'

Megan stated.

' What?! There's nothing between us. Why did she say something?'

Kai asked stupidly.

' Ah, so you do like her.'

Megan replied.

' What?! What are you talking about? I don't like donna.'

Kai responded.

' So, you don't mind I tell Wally that?'

Megan asked

' Wally? Why Wally?'

Kai asked in confusion.

' He asked me if you two were dating. If you're not, then I guess it's okay for him to give it a shot. I guess I can give him the go ahead if you don't like her and all.'

Megan replied rather auspiciously.

' What?! No!'

Kai yelled defensively.

' Hahaha! I'm just messing with you. You should have seen your face.'

Megan laughed at kai.

' Not funny.'

Kai scowled as he crossed his arms.

' There's nothing wrong with that Kai. I'm almost certain she likes you too.'

Megan stated.

' Really? How do you know?'

Kai asked.

' The way she looks at you when your backs turned is exactly how you look at her when she's not paying attention.'

Megan explained.

' Really? You think I have a chance?'

Kai asked.

' Give it a shot. We'll all be rooting for you.'

Megan explained triumphantly.

' I guess it couldn't hurt to try.'

Kai responded with a smile on his face.

" We're here team get ready for drop."

Kaldur said as the ship hovered in the air over the forest below.

' Here we go.'

Kai thought.

Robin and Artemis dropped from the ship and provided cover for the others as they scouted the area. With no enemies in sight the rest of the team followed behind them.

" All clear!"

Robin said as he and Artemis returned to the group.

'" Switch to stealth and we'll review mission parameters."

Kaldur explained as the team switched to their stealth gear.

" Parameters? We don't need no stinking parameters."

Wally stated.

" It's recon, we know what to do."

Robin said as he and Kid flash turned to leave.

" Kid! Robin!"

Kaldur called out.

" The three of us started this team because the justice league was keeping secrets from us!"

Robin exclaimed angrily to aqualad.

" Or did you forget that, like you forgot to tell us about the mole?"

Wally asked sarcastically as he and robin left the group.

" Como on! I'll keep you safe."

Connor said as he grabbed Megans arm. She jerked her arm away from the boy and glared at him angrily.

' Guess they're having a conversation and not a good one for superboy at that.'

Kai thought as he observed the group.

" I just wanna protect you."

Connor said trying to defend himself.

" Like Aqualad protected us? I'm not sure your protection or your patronizing is good for our health."

Artemis stated before dragging Megan away.

" Why didn't you stop them? You're supposed to be in charge."

Superboy asked angrily.

" I am."

Kaldur tried to apologize, but superboy turned his back to the boy and jumped away.

" Uhm did I miss the part where you actually said what the plan was?"

Captain Marvel asked as he walked up to kaldur.

Kaldur huffed his breath and motioned for Kai and captain Marvel to follow him as he walked through the jungle. As they walked the team found themselves each being stalked by different creatures.

" I guess this is where Mayor hill's monkey business went down. So, at least we confirmed his story right?"

Captain Marvel explained as he examined the scene of bullets, blood, and monkey fur around them.

" Aqualad?"

Captain Marvel called out.

" My apologies Captain I am plagued by doubts. Perhaps I was wrong to withhold."

Kaldur was saying until Kai cut him off.

" Quiet do you hear that?"

Kai asked. His words making the two others with him look around the forest. Soon large footsteps could be heard coming from the trees ahead. The group watched as a giant elephant came charging at them. Captain Marvel and Kai both flew at the creature punching it in its head and knocking it off balance for a bit. The elephant grabbed Captain marvel by his foot and threw him through a series of trees.

" Whoa! That is one strong elephant."

Kai said as he watched the captain get manhandled.

Kai resumed attacking the elephant while dodging its powerful trunk attacks. Meanwhile the other members of the team began being attacked as well. Kid flash and robin by giant vultures. Superboy by a giant pack of wolves. And Miss martian and Artemis by a giant crocodile.

" These things must be on Cobra Venom!"

Kai said he threw one of the giant elephants into the other.

' Wait a minute what's that?'

Kai wondered as he looked at the creature's collars.

Kai flew over to the two downed elephants and ripped their collars off. The elephants got up and walked away.

" I see. Remove the Collars!"

Kai yelled

" Got it!"

Captain marvel yelled as he tore the collar off of another elephant, Aqualad doing the same to the gorilla he was fighting.

" Pretty sweet you figured out the problem was the collars."

Captain Marvel said to Kai.

" But the collars indicate an intelligence behind this attack. The rest of the team may also be at risk. Team report status."

Aqualad explained as he radioed for the team.

" Ugh! Com is jammed and Miss martian failed to establish a telepathic link before we split up."

Kaldur explained.

" Actually! You let everyone split up before communications were set."

Kai explained.

" They would not listen!"

Kaldur Argued.

" i guess, but back at the cave batman stopped everyone from arguing with one word."

Captain marvel interjected.

" Because batman is batman."

Kaldur retorted

" Hey, you don't have to tell me. When I first joined the league all he did was boss me around and it is hard not to take it personally. But I never disobeyed an order and that's probably what kept me alive."

Captain marvel explained.

" Batman takes command he has to. For the good of the league."

Kaldur explained.

" Exactly Aqualad."

Kai interjected.

" Is that why you aren't upset with me being leader?"

Kaldur asked.

" No. you are a good leader Aqualad. If anyone can take my place, I'm glad it's you. What I'm upset about is that you did not tell us something so important. Or more specifically why you would trust Sportsmaster's words more than your own team. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Sportsmaster said what he said to disrupt and destroy our team?"

Kai asked

" No, I did not think about it."

Kaldur responded.

" Look around Kaldur. That is exactly what he has done. And now it's up to you to fix it."

Kai explained.

" I will my friend."

Kaldur replied

" Thank you both for helping me understand."

Kaldur said to the two champions.

" Hey Wisdom of Solomon!"

" Hey Wisdom of Athena!"

Kai and Captain Marvel both said simultaneously.

" Oh, cool you got Athena! Did you get any other gods different from mine?"

Captain Marvel asked excitedly.

" Probably not the time captain, but yes."

Kai responded with a smile.

" You're right later!"

Captain Marvel said as the two high fived each other.

' Aqualad! Kai! Can you hear me?'

Megan called out telepathically.

' Yes, Miss Martian Report.'

Kaldur responded.

' Artemis and I were attacked by animals wearing inhibitor collars. Like those used on convicts at belle reve prison.'

Megan explained to the two.

" Cool the tiger! I'll be right back."

Captain Marvel yelled.

" Captain Wait!"

Aqualad said as he tried to stop the man, but his words fell on deaf ears and Captain Marvel vanished.

" Hey, Speed of Mercury."

Kaldur said.

" Let's go get him."

Kai said as he ran off with Aqualad towards captain Marvel. The two ran thorugh the woods looking for the man but found no sign of him.

" This can't be good."

Kai said as they failed to find the captain.

" I need to set up a link with the others."

Kaldur stated as he began to call out for Miss Martian.

' Miss Martian, I need you to link up with the entire team Now!'

Aqualad ordered.

' Link established.'

Megan said as she linked the others in.

' Should he really be giving us orders? And should you be following them?'

Artemis asked.

' Listen please!'

Kaldur pleaded.

' Oh, good aqualad's voice in my head I so miss that.'

Wally said sarcastically.

' Hey Kaldur Kf and I were attacked by giant vultures. Of course, since we're moles you probably think we attacked ourselves.'

Robin also jabbed

' If he did, he wouldn't tell you.'

Artemis replied.

' Superboy are you online? Or are you just pouting?'

Miss Martian asked.

" Ugh!" ' Busy call back later.'

Superboy grunted as he fought with a large white wolf.

' What gets me is how nonchalant he is about not telling us.'

Wally said

' He should be chalant way chalant extremely chalant.'

Robin said as well.

' How can we be a team if he doesn't trust us with his secrets?'

Artemis asked.

' Or Connor doesn't trust us to take care of ourselves.'

Miss Martian stated.

' Do you really think you or I could have been the mole?'

Wally asked.

' We've known each other for years.'

Robin replied

' Trust is a two-way street and you know they would hate it if we kept secrets from them. Not that we'd do that'

Artemis stated. The team's words angering both Kaldur and Kai

' Artemis you are the last person who should say something like that. Green Arrows Niece.'

Kai said letting the woman know he knew her secret.

' Enough.'

Kaldur said as he tore a transponder out of the ground.

' Captain Marvel has been captured and we must act as a team to save him.'

Kaldur explained, as he got a nod from Kai.

'Tch under your leadership? I don't think'

Wally was saying before being cut off.

' This is not up for debate! Batman chose him to lead this mission so until it is over.'

Kai stated


Kaldur finished.

After some time the group minus superboy linked back up.

" where's superboy?"

Megan asked

" We all were attacked. Maybe he's still fighting whatever it is that attacked him."

Kai said.

' Superboy where are you?'

Kai called out.

' Sorry, still fighting I'll be there soon.'

Superboy answered before going back to his fight.

" There you have it."

kai said as the group continued onwards. Eventually they came to a stop right outside of an old, abandoned compound.

" I'll fly over."

Miss Martian said.

" Negative the field is like a dome over the whole compound."

Wally said as he used his goggles to see an energy field around the building.

" Pylons are insulated, but one good shock could cause a momentary gap."

Robin explained.

" Got it just point and I'll shoot."

Kai stated as he raised his hand

" I see the target. You ready Artemis?"

Kai asked as he prepared.

" I'm ready!"

Artemis said as she fired an arrow.

"Ekirts eht worra htiw gninthgil."

Kai said as a small beam of lightning hit Artemis arrow as it traveled through the air. The arrow eventually hit its target and shorted out the energy field protecting the building.

" Nice shot you two."

Kaldur stated.

The team took the chance and ran down towards the front entrance of the building. However, their stealthy approach was cut short by a group of screaming apes and alarms.

" Damn."

Kai said as the group began to fight off the collared animals.

" Stupid little monkeys!"

Kai yelled as he grappled with the monkeys swarming him. Doing his best to tear off the collars instead of hurting them. Kai turned his head to see a large ape grab Megan and slam her into the ground.

" Get your paws off her you Damn dirty ape!"

Kai yelled as he punched the ape into the building.

" Thank you."

Miss Martian said as kai picked her up.

" Don't worry about it."

Kai replied

" Rahhh!"

Monsieur Mallah roared as he opened fire on kai.

" Not gonna work."

Kai said as he tackled the monkey into the building.

" It's the brain!"

Wally yelled as he and the others joined Kai in the building.

" Ugh! I can see the brain."

Artemis replied.

" Not a brain, the Brain!"

Wally corrected the girl.

" Mallah!"

The brain said to the monkey. Mallah nodded and pushed a button. Seeing the same things, he saw in the jungle Kai moved from the group and watched as the pylons lit up and the team dropped.

' Miss Martian, Superboy Now!'

Aqualad said telepathically as superboy crashed through the building.

" Hey, when did you get here?"

Kai asked.

" Just now, meet wolf."

Superboy said as he gestured towards the wolf beside him. The wolf quickly attacked Mallah and knocked him off guard. This allowed the team to free themselves and join the battle. Kai on the other hand rushed to pull Captain Marvel from his restraints.

" Thanks for that sentry."

Captain Marvel said as he got up off the table.

" Now, one good turn deserves another."

Captain Marvel said as he pulled the collar off of the giant tiger.

Mallah and the brain stopped their attacks as they realized they were now surrounded by the young heroes.

" Raaaaaaah!"

Mallah roared in anger.

" Try it I hate monkeys."

Superboy said as he and wolf prepared to fight.

" No Mallah. This will not be our waterloo. Au revoir."

The brain said as he transformed into what looked like a giant weapon.

" Get down!"

Wally yelled.

Kai ran towards Robin and Artemis to cover them as the lights turned out. When they turned back on Mallah, and the brain were gone.

" Wait! That big weapon thing was a light switch?"

Wally asked in confusion.

" It's been a long night guys let's go home."

Kai groaned as he walked out of the building with the others close behind him.

" The mission is over entry you are the leader once more."

Kaldur stated.

" No, Aqualad the mission isn't over until you give batman the debriefing. Good luck!"

Kai said as he laughed.

" What are you grinning at?"

Artemis asked as she walked beside wally.

" Two words Souvenir!"

Wally said happily as he put Mallah's hat on.

" Two words Gorilla Lice."

Artemis replied.

" Hahahaha!"

Kai laughed at Wally.

" Huh! Oh Man!"

Wally yelled as he took the hat off and began wiping his hair free of any lice he might have picked up.

" That's the last of the collars?"

Captain Marvel asked the tiger as Aqualad freed the remaining monkey.

" Rah!"

The tiger roared in response.

" And I can count on you to keep the other animals out of trouble?"

Captain Marvel asked.

" Rah!"

The tiger responded.

" Good!"

Captain Marvel replied as the tiger walked off

" The rest of the pack is gone what are you still doing here?"

Superboy asked as he played with Wolf.

" I think he wants to stay with you."

Megan asked

" Can I keep him?"

Connor asked excitedly.

" haha! First the sphere now this beast. Dude, you sure make a habit out of collecting strays."

Wally joked.

" Maybe because he's such a stray himself."

Megan replied

' Aren't you.'

Megan said telepathically.

' Megan I'm sorry. I was just worried.'

Connor replied.

' And that's sweet Connor, but on a mission I'm your teammate not your girlfriend agreed.'

Megan asked

' Yeah.'

Connor replied.

" Hey, you might have been a stray before, but you got a family now Connor."

Kai said as he extended his hand to his friend.

" Yeah."

Connor replied as he shook Kais hand.

" Well, he's gonna need a name. How's about Krypto?"

Wally asked

" Pass."

Connor replied

" Besides isn't that taken?"

Megan asked

" I think so, but I'm not entirely sure."

Kai responded.

" I gotta ask. why did you keep the mole intel secret?"

Robin asked Aqualad as the entire team gathered around him. Aqualad looked towards kai and kai nodded back at him.

" The source of the tip was sportsmaster."

Aqualad said

" What?! You can't trust him."

Artemis replied.

" I do not. It seemed possible even likely that he was attempting to divide the team with false information."

Aqualad explained.

" And given how this mission went he almost succeeded. But you had to consider it might be true."

Robin said

" Yes, I did. In which case I did not want to alert the traitor."

Kaldur replied.

" I hate to say it, but that makes sense."

Robin replied.

" Why weren't you angry Sentry?"

Artemis asked.

" Because I wanted to know where this tip had come from first before judging Kaldur. When he told me it had come from Sportsmaster the probability of it being true took a dive. It gave me time to cool my head. Though that does not mean I wasn't angry with Aqualad, I was. But I couldn't let that anger jeopardize the team. If we start fighting each other then the bad guys will always be ahead of us. I figured that's why batman made Aqualad the leader for this mission."

Kai explained.

" Now, let's get back to base. Aqualad has a debriefing to give."

Kai said as he boarded the bioship.

" Good mission team. I'll see ya tomorrow."

Captain Marvel said as he prepared to leave.

" You aren't coming back with us?"

Aqualad asked.

"Nah gotta fly."

Captain Marvel said as he flew away.

" So, what are you going to call him?"

Megan asked as she walked onto the ship with Connor and his pet Wolf.

" What's wrong with wolf?"

Connor asked.

" Generic, but acceptable."

Wally answered.

Once the team was on the ship, they began their trip back to mount justice ready to rest. All of them except for kai that is.

' I wonder if she's awake right now?'

Kai wondered as he stared at his phone.

' Go for it kai.'

Megan cheered telepathically.

" Huff! Here it goes."

Kai said as he called Donna's number.

After a few seconds a groggy voice could be heard from the other end of the phone.

" Hmm, what is it kai?"

Donna asked

" I'm sorry were you sleep?"

Kai asked.

" No, I 'm just tired from training today. what's up?"

Donna asked

" there's something I wanted to ask you."

Kai said

" What is it?"

Sonna replied

" Are you free next Saturday?"

Kai asked as the ship flew through the night sky.