
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · アニメ·コミックス
43 Chs

4 years later! And the beginning of a new life together!

" Oh, man I'm a nervous wreck!"

Kai muttered as he stumbled to his feet.

" What are you worried about man. You two have been together for four years. You've got this man."

Wally replied

" I know, but what if she says no?"

Kai asked nervously.

" You two have fought beside each other and have been there for one another. Through thick and thin you have survived it all. I doubt she'll say no to you now my friend."

Kaldur replied.

" Yeah man just relax. Go over the plan again."

Dick said to kai.

" Okay, first I'll pick her up from Diana's, then we'll head to dinner. I've already got the reservations booked thanks to you dick. Then I take her back home and propose. Hopefully she says yes."

Kai explained his plan.

" That's it man. Good luck."

Connor replied as he ushered the man out of the house.

" Okay. here we go!"

Kai yelled as he hyped himself up. He walked out the house and towards his car, getting in and driving off as his friends watched him.

" He's got this."

Connor stated

" Of course! But what if she does say no?"

Wally asked

" Then we as his friends will be there to help him get over it."

Kaldur replied.

" Let's hope for his sake she doesn't no. I don't want to think will happen if she breaks his heart like that."

Dick stated as he watched his friend disappear.

After thirty minutes of driving Kai arrived in front of Diana and Donna's house.

" Okay kai here we go."

Kai said as he walked up to the house. He knocked on the door and after a few seconds Diana opened the door.

" Kai it is good to see you again. You haven't stopped by in a while, how are you?"

Diana asked

" I'm fine Diana. Is Donna ready?"

Kai asked

" Yes, she'll be down in a minute. I'll go get her. Donna Kai is here!"

Diana asked

" So, what do you guys have planned for tonight?"

Diana asked

" I was planning to take her out to dinner tonight and..."

Kai was explaining.

" And what?"

Diana asked the nervous looking boy.

" Well, if everything works out, you'll know by the end of the night."

Kai responded

" Kai!!!"

Donna yelled out as she came down the stairs. She ran and jumped into the man's arms, hugging him tightly.

Donna and Kai had changed much over the past four years. Donna had gotten taller, and few other areas had gotten bigger as well. Kai however had changed more; He grew from 5'11 to a solid 6'5. His all-white hair had changed color now he had a head full of black hair with a small patch of his original white hair remaining, His muscles had gotten slightly bigger.

" Hey, Donna. You look beautiful."

Kai stated

" Well, it is our anniversary tonight."

Donna replied

" Are you ready?"

Kai asked

" Yeah, I'll be back later Diana!"

Donna said to her sister as she dragged Kai out of the house towards his car.

" I still don't know how you managed to afford something like this."

Donna said as kai opened the door for her to get into his Silver 2020 Stingray.

" Well, Bruce Wayne pays his employees handsomely."

Kai responded as he got into the vehicle.

The car started and Kai drove off with donna towards the restaurant he had bought out.

' Dick still won't let me forget that favor.'

Kai thought as he remembered it was Dick who had helped him get the job in the first place.

" So, kai where are we going tonight?"

Donn asked. Her beautiful black hair done up in a beautiful bun a single strand falling down her face.

" You'll see when we get there."

kai responded with a smile making the woman pout.

" Hmph!"

Donna pouted with her arms crossed.

" Don't worry love."

Kai said with a smile on his face.

The two drove for a little while longer and soon arrived at their destination. Eventually they reached their destination. Kai knew Donna was a fan of Greek Food, so he brought her to a new restaurant that Bruce wayne had opened.

" Kai are you sure this place is open? There's nobody else here."

Donna asked as she looked around the parking lot.

Kai didn't answer her question, instead he took her by the arm and led her into the building.

" Ah! Mr. Green and Mrs. Troy your table is reserved."

The waiter said as he led Kai and Donna into the restaurant.

" Here you are sir! I will fetch your food immediately."

The waiter said as he sat Kai and Donna at the table.

" Kai what is this? I know it's our anniversary, but don't you think this is a little much. I mean I know your job pays well, but is this too much money? I don't want you to go broke for me."

Donna explained.

" Don't worry about the cost Donna, this is our night. This is our anniversary! I want this to be special. I love you Donna!"

Kai explained to the woman as he held her hand.

" Here you are Sir!"

The waiter said as he delivered the appetizers. For Donna her favorite, Htapothi Scharas. Classic frilled, Marinated octopus with a balsamic reduction sauce, and capers. And for kai Afrata Keftedakia, Light as air meatballs and pan fried in olive oil.

" Kai this Htapothi. This is one of my favorites! Mmmm and it's so good!"

Donna exclaimed as she started eating her food.

" I'm glad you like it love."

Kai responded as he watched the woman happily eat.

" Here you are sir your wine."

The waiter said as he poured two glasses of wine and placed them at Kai and Donna's sides. He then left the bottle in the middle of the table before returning to the kitchen.

" Kai this amazing. Thank you so much."

Donna said as she finished her food.

" I have returned with the main course sir. For you madame Paidakia Galakto Stin Schara Me Imam Kai Mora Patates!, Marinated Grilled Baby lamb chops, served with mini stuffed eggplants and fingerling potatoes. And for you Sir Brizola, 16 ounces aged prime New York cut sirloin steak, served with greek yiayia's fried potatoes and sauteed spinash! Enjoy!"

The waiter explained as two others placed the food in front of the couple. Kai watched in happiness as Donna's eyes sparkled as she looked at the food.

' I'm glad she's having such a good time.'

Kai thought as he and Donna ate their food.

" Kai, what's going on?"

Donna asked as she ate.

" What do you mean love?"

Kai replied back.

" Why put all this together? I mean we've always celebrated our anniversary, but this time. This is something else, I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy. But I just want to know what's going on in your mind."

Donna stated

" Donna you may have left the team. Part of me misses you being there and watching my back. I always knew you'd be there to protect me if I needed, and I'd do the same for you. But there's another part of me that's glad you hung up the boots. I used to dread bringing you out on missions because I feared something would happen and I'd lose you. That's something I'd never be able to live with. Now, I have the chance to show you just how much you mean to me, and I plan on doing just that."

Kai responded.

Donna looked at her boyfriend with tears welling up in her eyes.

" Kai, you never told me that before. I love you."

Donna replied as she wiped her eyes.

" I love you too Donna!"

Kai responded.

" Here sir! Madame! Desert! For tonight we have Christos' towering Galaktobourekakia! Delectable butter phyllo triangles filled with Greek custard and drizzled with cinnamon and Greek mountain honey! Enjoy!"

The waiter said as he placed the two dishes in front of the lovers.

The waiter then made his way over to Kai and whispered in his ear.

" Master Grayson and Master Wayne have asked me to prepare our main attraction for the night. Master Grayson also told me to inform you that for this next part you will want to be sitting next to Miss Donna and not to waste this opportunity."

The waiter whispered.

" Okay?"

Kai responded.

' What did he do this time. How am I going to owe you now dick?'

Kai wondered as he got up from his seat and moved it next to Donna's.

" Hm? Is something wrong Kai?"

Donna asked as Kai sat next to her.

" No, in fact everything's perfect."

kai responded with a smile.

" Ladies and Gentlemen! Tonight, we have a special event for prepared for you. If you would please direct your attention to the ceiling."

The voice of the waiter sounded throughout the restaurant.

The two lovers looked at each other in confusion before seeing the roof of the building open up. Once it was done the two looked on in awe as a meteor shower filled the beautiful starry sky.

" Whoa! A meteor shower kai! That's so beautiful!"

Donna exclaimed.

" Yes, it is! Donna?"

Kai called out drawing the woman's attention.

" Donna you and I have been through a lot together. Good and Bad. You were there for me when Kent died. When I nearly had a mental breakdown after I thought you died. You were there for me through it all, and not once did your faith in me ever waiver. You fought beside me at my best and shielded me when I was at my worst. There is no one in this world I would trust to watch my back the way I trust you. I've had the pleasure of going on many adventures in my life. But all of them have been alone."

Kai said as he got down on one knee in front of Donna. Donna put her hands over her mouth and looked down at Kai with tears in her eyes.

" Kai?!"

Donna cried out.

" But I want to ask if you'll join me on this next big adventure, not as my girlfriend, but as my wife. Donna Hinckley Stacy Troy will you Marry Me?"

Kai asked in tears as he looked up at his crying girlfriend. Opening the box and revealing a beautiful gold and silver ring with a beautiful Diamond in the center of it. If you looked closely, you could see Kai's fire and Lightning dancing around each other inside the diamond.

" YES!"

Donna yelled as she fell to her knees hugging kai. Kai leaned back breaking the hug and planted the ring firmly on her finger.

" Oh my god! I have to tell Diana!"

Donna yelled as she got to her feet.

" Congratulations Sir! Thus concludes our evening together as I am sure you and Mrs. Green would love to converse with your family and friends. It has been our upmost honor to be of service to you tonight."

The waiter spoke as he and everyone else responsible for making the evening go as smooth as it did line up towards the door bowing to the couple as they left the building.