After dying in an accident and having the famous Isekai, Adam finds himself in the body of the Crown Prince of the Grand Duchy of Dacia in the world of Youjo Senki. Now he's on a mission to strengthen the country, ensuring it can survive against The Empire and win the World well as dealing with a certain extremely powerful and dangerous Loli. I Don't Own Anything.
Ferdinand Pov
I was facing Being X, looking directly into ''his'' eyes, which were actually Mister Puffy's eyes, waiting for him to give his proposal, even though I shouldn't trust him, I need to at least know what he has to offer. offer or not would be professional.
''I want your help in dealing with a poor little silly sheep, in return, I'll be helping you make sure that-'' When Being X would continue the proposal that I already found to be less than attractive, another voice I heard, one that I didn't hear years ago.
''I guess the notice the Department gave that day didn't help, did you?'' Asked the voice that belonged to the person who reincarnated me into this world, John, I saw his hand on my shoulder and when I look up, I see looking at Being X with an angry look.
''Shut up, worm! The Department made it very clear what would happen if you did this shit, no manipulation, etc. Yet you come and do it! Now, you're going to pay for this'' Said John as he snapped his fingers and I saw Mister Puffy revert to being a normal teddy bear.
''I'm sorry you see me in such behavior, it's Ferdinand now, correct?'' John asked as he now focused on me.
''You can call me what you want, friend, you helped me with a serious problem'' I answer calmly, the guy really helped me, I already expected Being X to do something, but don't care what the Department said? It was already clear to me in the first conversation I had with John that this ''Department'' was not something to be messed with.
''Well, now let's get down to business,'' John said to me as he placed Mister Puffy in another chair and sat down opposite me, with a table appearing in front of us, leaving me with extreme confusion.
''Like this? I thought you would just deal with Beig X and be gone.'' I said as I saw him taking several papers out of nowhere and placing them on the table.
''Normally it would be like this, but the Department has a proposal for you'' Okay...I didn't expect this, I'm not prepared at all.
3rd Pov
'' You see, the Department considered that just a 'normal' Reincarnation for you was still not fair, after all, you spent 800 Years in the Void, and not even the most serious cases remained, from what I learned later, more than 200 years.'' John said as he put more papers on the table beside a pen.
''So...what's the deal the Department offers?'' asked Ferdinand with a raised eyebrow, he was liking this Department more and more.
''The Department offers you help with your problems involving Dacia, so you can develop and strengthen the country and its Political Power more quickly, in exchange we want what's in the documents, we can negotiate about it.'' Said John while Ferdinand took it the documents, her eyebrows rising higher and higher before looking at John with a shocked look.
''You guys from the Department, are you Demons by any chance?'' Asked Ferdinand while becoming extremely serious, what the Documents asked for were souls, but not his or the Dacian people, but the enemies killed by Dacia in the Wars.
''Eh no, but how do you think we are powerful enough to even put Gods like Being X in their place? We need to get stronger and the souls were just a quicker way to that, nothing personal really.'' Said John as he slumped his shoulders and had a smile on his face, he was surprised Ferdinand didn't jump up and make a fuss over what the Department asked in help exchange.
''Hmm'' Nods Ferdinand seriously, he understood some of John's point, if he too had the chance to get power through the souls of enemies he would have pulled a Tanya and committed War Crimes to the left and right.
''I can accept such a deal...but I have a small condition.'' Ferdinand said as John listened attentively.
''Anything that is not visible or is hidden in these documents is totally nullified.'' Said Ferdinand seriously, John was taken aback by this and was quiet for several minutes before he started laughing nonstop.
''Hah! Smart move, Adam, that must be why the Department wanted to offer such a deal to you'' Said John as he slung his fingers and the papers changed to their true forms, only one was actually the deal, the rest were documents involving Contract to work for the Department.
''I'm sorry about that, Adam, but the Department is like a company, we have to make as much profit as possible and the Board didn't want to miss the opportunity to have someone smart working for the Department.'' John said with a tone of sincerity as he looked at Ferdinand apologetically.
''Don't worry buddy, I wasn't offended, but I ask you to tell the Department Council that if they want to hire me, be direct and without games... and if possible after I enjoy this new life of mine.'' Ferdinand replied calmly as he picked up the document involving only the agreement and began to read it before picking up the pen that was on the table and signing his current name on the Document.
John nods and puts the rest of the documents away before snapping his fingers again and making a copy of the deal he had with Ferdinand, handing the copy to him and taking the original.
''Well, I guess that's it, it was a pleasure doing business with you, Adam, and don't worry, the Board probably already knows what you said and will wait to be able to offer you a hire eventually'' John said as they both shook hands, John was about to leave when he remembered something.
''Ah, before I forget, know that the Department takes agreements and contracts seriously, you can rest assured knowing that we will fulfill our part to the best of our abilities, we may be a Company that seeks to make as much profit as possible, but we have a little honor.'' With that said, John leaves, and time returns to normal, causing Ferdinand to sigh in relief that it is finally over.
He then takes the copy of the Document and looks at it for a while before putting it away in a safe place, no one could know about the contract, burning it would also do no good and it would be bad to do that, as it would be better left as a reminder, reminding him of his part of the deal that needs to be done.
'Damn...I wish I was an adult now and could have a drink' Ferdinand thought as he went to his bed and finally closed his eyes so he could sleep.
He would worry about Being X later, right now he just wanted to get some well-deserved rest after everything that happened.
????? Pov
It's all over, my wife is going to die, the debts are mounting and I don't even have enough to put on the table for my's just over.
I was walking through the streets while trying to ask someone for help, but nobody helped me, I can't blame the majority, as they are also struggling to survive, not even the Church's charitable actions are enough.
Damn those politicians, they stay in their mansions, protected and well-fed, while the rest of us suffer in misery and hunger.
Some blame the Royal Family, but it was mainly these Socialists and Communists, once I almost found myself supporting, but when I learned what these vermin represented, the evil they were, I stopped supporting them, they were against everything important or sacred, and this was seen when they tried to attack the local Church, several men and teenagers who were protecting the place were seriously injured, but at least the Church was protected.
In addition to the fact that the Royal Family had no power in the country, that was a fact, the Priests in the Churches talked about it to anyone who would listen, how Parliament was preventing any project proposed by the Grand Duke, projects that could save and help us.
I lay on the ground with my back to a wall in the alley I stopped, to rest a bit and also think about all my choices in life, as well as trying to say one last prayer, hoping that God hears me.
''My Lord...if you're listening to me, I beg me out of these troubles, I beg you.'' I say as I start to cry, I know the prayer will probably not be answered, but even like this-
''...Huh?'' I say dumbfounded as I see that the people, who passed by me, the birds that flew, everything, were stopped.
''Hello, my son.'' Said a voice that for some reason brought me peace of mind, a calm I never thought I would have, I look to the side and see a man in a suit.
''Y-you are....'' I try to say, but the words get stuck in my throat, was he...did he answer my prayer?!
''Yes, it's me, my son...But you can call me John, to make it easier.'' He said with a smile, which said that everything would be fine, all problems would be solved.
I have no doubt...he is God.