

WARNING: MATURE CONTENT Hehehehe... Power! What exactly is power? Is it the feeling you get when you're in control of almost everything and anything? Or the ability to foresee the future and you know– change it! Yes! I am an advocate of change. Quote me anywhere. And as we all know, change can never take place without POWER!!! I, Ren Dick, am the strongest. I alone with bring about change in this world with my power! But every great man has a past he wants nothing to do with. That doesn't matter now! Why? Because I am the strongest. In this world, the weak are to left to suffer and the strong to oppress. I feel like the Robinson Crusoe of our time. I shall be the saving grace of the world! And yes, I, shall defeat the demon queen. Yes, you heard me right. Not king but queen and make her submit to my power! Doing that would give me extreme power so I can stand strong beside the weak. To end their suffering and pain. During my journey, I recruited a lot of minions so the story– my story doesn't lose its taste and exquisiteness. Hehehehe, get ready to be amazed. Join me and my minions in this wonderful quest to change the world with my power! Yes, my POWER! |Additional tags: SMUT|

Smutty_Hoshi · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Reminiscing the past

We had fried rice and onion sauce served to us for lunch. Of course, it was delish. I think it has an African origin or something like that. Do you know where fried rice originated from?

Mistaike ate her meal in a hurry. It was so obvious that she couldn't wait to go on a walk with me. Aww, that was so sweet.

Finally, after about thirty minutes I was done with my meal. Mitaike was done ages ago. Welp, that's that and this is this.

"Will we get into the village?" She asked me as I put on my shoes. Her eyes glistened with excitement.

I shook my head, "How about we go the other way," I suggested.

She screamed in affirmation, "Just what I was thinking," she said and smiled.

Even though she acted slutty at times Mistaike was a darling. She was the kind of person that I feel I can rely on. The same goes for Birdynn and Cunta but Mistaike just acted differently.

We began to walk the other way with no destination in mind. We just walked… in unbroken silence till Mistaike broke it.

"What was your childhood like?" She asked me. What a tough question.

The different memories began flooding my mind. I swear, I tried my best to keep the tears from flowing down my eyes.

My mom got beaten by my dad and the old man was a total loser. I was an only child and the pride of my mother… My father hated me and I didn't know why. He just saw me as a nuisance.

Since he couldn't have my mother to himself alone anymore he decided to turn her into a punching bag. That hurt me because whenever he was done he would leave her helpless on the ground. I would go to her side and cry with her. It is such a painful past that I don't even want to talk about it to anyone.

The worst part of it all is that my father was once an imperial soldier. So, when I got older seeing imperial soldiers infuriated me.

They didn't take good care of their families. They just sat at pubs, intoxicated their bodies with whiskey, and laughed at uncanny jokes. When they weren't drinking they would go around bullying the poor and the weak.

They would extort money from people who were barely surviving. It was depressing. I still remember the day my mother passed on to Buddha's side.

That fateful day my mother had returned from her 'work' exhausted. She was skin on bones. She worked endlessly to ensure I was at least able to eat.

And that worthless bag of corn I called my father. She fed him too even though he was always paid handsomely as an imperial soldier. It hurt me.

My mother was sick and he didn't even care. Not one tiny bit. "Dick, can you help me get some medicine from the old woman down the lake," she had told me in a weak voice. Little did I know that that would be the last time I would have a conversation with my mother. It wasn't even a conversation. 

I ran out hoping to get the medicine from the old woman and bring it just in time for my mother. Could you believe some imperial soldiers stopped me in my tracks and began to mock me, "Isn't he the son of that whore," one had said?

I had kicked hard to free myself, "Let me go, I have to save my mother," I had cried in tears. But nobody had given me a listening ear.

When they finally let me go and I had gotten the medicine I ran at my top speed back home. My father was nowhere to be found and my mother lay on a mat, her face covered with a dirty rag.

I quickly snatched the rag in my hands. There my mom lay motionless with a smile across her face, "MOTHER DON'T LEAVE ME," I screamed in terror.

No matter what I did my mother didn't wake up anymore. Her hands were cold and her skin white.

I cried nonstop for three days.

With no one to care for me, I took odd jobs and eventually started drinking to ease the pain in my heart. It wasn't easy I swear. Losing my mother was the worst thing that had happened to me.

Mistaike nudged my side with her elbow, "How was your childhood like?" She asked again. I placed my hand on her head and ruffled it a little bit," we shouldn't talk about it," I told her.

She smiled, "Then Mistaike will tell you hers," she said and took my right hand in her left hand.

We soon arrived at an apple orchard. It was such a beautiful sight. "It all started thirteen years ago…" she began.