
You shouldn't have trusted me

[UPDATED DAILY] Never say, 'That won't happen to me'. Life has a funny way of proving you wrong. He changed my life and now my only aim is to change his life. Memories are a slow poison. You'll never know that until you are dead. The memories of my past killed me and I am something different from what I was five years ago. Now all I seek is revenge and a woman's desire for revenge outlasts all her other emotions.

ice_tinker · 若者
10 Chs

Chapter 2

      I open my eyes not remembering when I slept. I guess I drank too much last evening. I sober up myself and get ready for the office I mean new office because from today onwards I'll be sitting in the office which now belongs to both Mr. styles and me.

     Last day didn't go well for me but today I am ready to deal with Mr styles. But first I should visit my old office to make sure everyone is working fine. I visit my office and find everyone looking at me in a different way than usual as if they're hiding something.

I ask, "What's going on? Why are all of you looking at me like that?".

"Nothing madam" they reply with same look on their faces.

I ignore them and get inside my cabin. As soon as i enter someone locks the door from outside. I try to call out for help but all in vain.

"Great! you are stuck in your own office" i say to myself very much pissed off. I call my employees but no-one recieves the call. After sometime one of the employee opens the door and says everyone else left the office early.

"How dare they do this" i shout in anger. How can they do this, it never happened before. I'll fire all of them tomorrow, I think.

     I get into my car and move to my new office. The attendant walks me to my cabin. As soon as I enter there, I see all my employees standing there with flowers. Mr. Styles comes and says, "Sorry for locking you but it was all pre-planned".

I thank them all and ask Mr.Styles to stay back.

"Thanks for putting efforts to welcome me Mr. Styles" I walk close to him and whisper in his ear in a very flirty way.

"Harry. You can call me Harry Miss Parker" he says.

"Ok, and you call me Alexis" I reply.

I think he'll leave me. But why's he coming closer now. It's Ok. Anyway, this is what i want.

"You look even more beautiful today Alexis" He says looking deep into my eyes.

"Thanks Harry" I reply with an innocent smile.

I go closer to him and start pushing him looking deep into his eyes. He seems turned on.

I then open the door gently and say, "now go and focus on your work".

He chuckles and replies "Ahan! Beauty with brains....You know a sweet way to say harsh things".

"Yes, I do know it" I reply with a smile and wink while closing the door.


   I've met so many girls but she's different. I feel something different about her. No, I can't let myself fall for someone so easily. Maybe I am overthinking. I need to get laid today.

"Hey beautiful! meet me in my cabin" I say to the attendant. She comes fully turned on. I know what effect i have on women.

I kiss her but still Alexis is on my mind. I don't feel like hooking up with anyone.

" You may go" I tell her. She moves out with disappointed but who cares.

     What's happening to me. This isn't me. I can't let a girl control my mind. I never seriously date. I can never have feelings for anyone.

But still, I gotta accept she's different from other girls I've met. Every girl drools over me but Alexis! she's unaffected by my charm. In fact she's getting control over me. I can't let this happen.

    "May I come in Mr styles" I hear Alexis saying this.

"Yeah sure, You don't have to ask" I reply. 'No, you can't be so polite with her' I remind myself but i don't have control over myself. As she's discussing about the new project I am busy looking at her. Her eyes, they're so deep and the hazel colour makes them look even more intimidating. Her full lips, they are so well shaped and look so perfect. Her face is well defined and her body has the perfect curves. How can she be so perfect. She's flawless.

" Harry! Are you even listening?" she asks.

" Umm, yeah...very nice ideas" i reply not knowing what she was talking about because I was busy looking at the most perfect girl I've ever seen.

" But i didn't give any ideas" Alexis says.

Oh! What am I gonna say now. Why am I so weak around her.

" Anyway, I guess you are busy thinking about something more important...so I'll leave".

" No, I'm sorry. Please stay, we'll discuss this" i reply. What! Did i really apologize to someone. Damn... what's has this girl done to me.


   We discuss the project after she gets up to leave. I go and hold her hand. Touching her feels like heaven. I try to kiss her but realise what i am doing and move back saying sorry. She blushes and goes out. Wait! What! Did she just blush!?

Wow.. this means I have my affect on her.


He holds my hand and tries to kiss me not realising what he was doing and suddenly backs up. This is great. He has me on his mind. I am getting what I want  but i never expected this to be so easy.

Anyway, good for me. I come and move towards my cabin thinking about the project as this is very important for me. This can bring me closer to Harry.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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