
You me and our baby!

Mhkaadeez · 都市
1 Chs

How is there married life?

There was complete silence in the room. Nothing could be herd expect the sound of slow rhythmic breathings of two people. There were clothings scattered on the crisp white floor. The closed door ensured a cut from the outside world. Soon a bright ray of sun fell on Sam's face making him shift in his sleep. His eyes fluttered and in the next moment he was looking at the girl in his arms sleeping soundly. He was looking deeply at Avery's face. He observed how a scowl was there on her face due to a ray of sunlight. He lifted himself on his left arm in such a way that he blocked that ray of light. An instant change in her expressions amused him. He doged and saw the scowl slowly reappearing with that ray. Smiling he again blocked that ray and observed her. He pushed a strand of hair past her ear and thought how beautiful she look while sleeping. Than he remembered last night's events. How they made love and fell asleep in the arms of one another. On moments like these he usually thought how he become so lucky to marry a girl lile her. She was not just beautiful but also a good wife. She was a good daughter-in-law too who knew how to keep his family happy and together. Their place felt like home just because of her. Whenever his grandparents praised her for being so well cultured and taking so much care of them, he always felt a sense of pride. Its been 5 years since they married. They had a lovely past of dating and courting even. He felt complete after marrying her. Now he desired for nothing more.

Soon he saw her moving beside him and before he knew she was wide awake. She smiled as soon as she saw him and asked " What are you looking at hn? "

To that he just shook his head innocently. She sat, stretched her arms and looked at the wall clock before her. As soon as she laid eyes on the time her eyes got wide.

"Its already 9a.m.!! Why didn't you woke me up?"

Sam- Because you were sleeping so peacefully

Avery- I am late now!! You know na that I always prepare morning tea for all. Your grandfather like a morning tea prepared by me only. Its almost breakfast time now!!

Sam just smilied innocently

Avery- Now hurry up and get ready if you want to join others for breakfast on time.

And with this they both headed for the bathroom.

They lived in a joint family with Sam's parents, his grandfather and his little brother Shovik who was 5 years years younger than Sam and was still in his last year of college. Their's was a ideal family where they tried to have all 3 meals together at their dining table. Although they had many servants but still Avery loved to prepare their tea and sometimes cook for them.




Avery and Sam joined other 4 for breakfast. All were already waiting for them. They were 10 minutes late but no one said anything.

Avery served food to all and sat beside S with her plate. Soon Sam's mother Seema said to his father

"oh darling how many times we have to tell you to not to read newspaper during breakfast. Its family time!!"

To this her husband Ashok replied

"okay okay I was just cheking Today's business column as we were waiting for them"

Sam- Mom don't we have a rule of "No business talks" at dining table?

Seema- Have you listened Honey? Now give this newspaper to me .

With this said she grabbed the paper from his hands. They all started eating. His grandfather started another topic of an old acquaintance who he met recently as he was shifting to a house near their's. They talked about him and the conversations proceeded.

After finishing his breakfast, Sam picked his office bag, his homemade lunch and his car keys. He headed to door followed by Avery

Avery- "Listen, Don't forget to come early today. Remember we have to go to Mr and Mrs. Gupta's son's 1st birthday celebration tonight."

Sam- " Don't worry Ave I won't forget."

Avery- "Have you taken your handkerchief?"

Sam- "Yes but you are forgetting something"

Avery- "umm..What?"

Sam- "My peck"

Avery gave him a smooch on his left cheek and waved him Goodbye.

Sam left for his office smiling while Avery got back to her household chores.