
Chapter 24 Bond

Four pleasant months passed by peacefully as the two gradually became closer to one another thanks to Aiko's help. With her constant requests, they have been visiting Miles at his work either every lunch hour, at times they wait for him to enjoy a warm dinner at a restaurant or his condo.

The private security guards that are working on the company Miles' family-owned are already familiar with Ashley's and Aiko's typical schedule of official visits. Even Miles' secretary is already eagerly waiting for them a the elevator to escort them to his office. It was thanks to them that Miles's usual sour mood gradually brightens making the private secretary's work much easier.

He was a bit uncomfortable at first having them typically visit him during work hours but, it proves to be useful to help him relax and think more creatively with Aiko's ideas. She has been an enormous help to him despite her not experiencing anything about his work.