
Later That Day

They walked home together after school let out, a long, silent, awkward, walk home... Cheri welcomed Aron inside.

"I don't mind you being here for a while, but you'll have to leave when my parents come home."

He nodded.

"So, Why did you move here anyway?"

Aron sat down on the couch. "I don't know, dad never told me..."

"what about your mom?"

"Left when I started- well..."

"What? Puberty?"

"Sure, we'll go with that..."


"Whatever, I don't really care..."

Cheri looked at the ground, she couldn't imagine life without a mother figure... the room felt tense, she stood up.

"I'm gonna get something to drink, want anything?"


"I'll be right back."

Cheri walked around the corner into the kitchen. She looked back at him, what wasn't he telling her?


Aron watched Cheri go around the corner, he had this feeling about her, but he didn't know what it was... When Cheri came back she looked different, she set a glass of water in front of Aron. So close... He put his hand on her waist, and the other on her cheek.

"Kiss me, Aron..."

Her hands were on his chest, Aron pulled her even closer, he could see the desire in her eyes. She smells nice... He did as he was told, pressing his lips against hers. So warm... Aron had never felt this way... He moved one hand from her waist to her thigh, and the other from her cheek to her chest.

"Do it, Aron."

Once again, he did as he was told. He began to undress himself, then Cheri, when he realized something...

"Um... Quick question, how old are you..? Have you even hit puberty yet?"

Aron looked up, but the girl he was looking at wasn't the same from a moment ago... The girl he was seeing a moment ago was sexy and confident, but now she was small and timid... Then he realized what had happened... Cheri looked at him, there was a look of terror in her eyes...

"I-I'm only n-nine...."

Aron's eyes widened, but he was in too deep now, he had to finish what he started... Unfortunately....

I would really appreciate if people would comment on the chapters, or maby rate them... pls?

yaboigsanscreators' thoughts