

I'm Cheri. I have been alone my entire life, I never really had any one. All of humanity rejected me and did nothing but laugh at my misfortune... And God forbid anything change, now I suffer in silence with a fake smile slapped on my face. I'm in middle school so everything is way below my level of intelligence, every year I tell myself that my class will be a new start, a new set of people. Well...That's not the case anymore, now I have class with the same twenty people. Even worse I have M.P.D., so now I not only am I a lonly female who has to deal with the pain and rejection provided by other humans, but I also have to conseal four other people too!

My only wish is that I can quickly find some one who feels the same way, someone I could try and empathize with.


I'm Aron. I... Don't really have much wrong in my life, except i see things from time to time... Even though I tell People my life is fucked up, i geuss that makes me masochistic? I don't know... My dumb ass dad just moved here even though we were perfectly fine where we used to live... There's way too many people here for me, maby there will be someone like the two friends I had in our old town? I doubt it...