
You Can Do That ?! I Can Do That !

Imagine waking up one day to find out you’ve got powers that let you see your own stats like in a video game, right? That’s what happens to Lin Feng, just a regular guy from a tiny village. After some crazy visions, he realizes he can check out his skills and growth on this cool status screen only he can see. So, Lin Feng thinks, “Why not explore the world?” and takes off to find out what’s up with his new abilities. He faces off against weird creatures and meets people who actually help him get stronger and understand his powers better. They’re all trying to figure out why Lin Feng’s so special. The thing is, it’s not just about fighting and getting stronger. Lin Feng’s adventures are going to take him way beyond his world, like, to different realms and maybe even across the universe! It’s all about grabbing what life throws at you and rolling with it. So yeah, it’s about this guy who’s learning to deal with what he is, making some friends, and maybe shaping the future of not just his world, but like, the entire cosmos! Sounds epic, right? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been cooking up this story for quite some time, expect as many releases as I can every single day, I've got a stockpile of them in my writing vault and I'm simply making as many as I can. Lin Feng is going places, you can be sure of that.

Saint_Of_Love · ファンタジー
21 Chs

A Legacy Unveiled

After the unsettling plunge into the cave's waterlogged depths, Lin Feng carefully proceeded along the luminous moss-lit path, his clothes dripping and cold against his skin. The shimmering moss cast an eerie, dim light that guided him deeper into the earth, to a chamber that perhaps promised to uncover more about his mysterious awakening.

As he entered the larger cavern, Lin Feng was struck by the sight of its walls, lined with pulsating crystals that filled the chamber with a kaleidoscope of soft, ethereal light. The atmosphere was thick with a tangible energy that seemed to buzz against his skin, a constant reminder of the cave's ancient power.

In the center of this crystalline chamber stood a solitary pedestal, cradling an orb that radiated a steady, blue glow. Lin Feng was drawn to it, compelled by an unknown force. Touching the orb, he was overwhelmed by visions of distant places and monumental events, but these abruptly ended, leaving him dizzy and full of questions.

Seeking answers, Lin Feng explored the chamber's further reaches, where he discovered walls adorned with intricate carvings. These were not merely decorative but depicted various martial stances and techniques, each accompanied by flowing script detailing their purposes and origins.

Curious, Lin Feng attempted to mimic the figures in the carvings. As he moved through the martial forms, he felt a warm surge of energy that seemed to refine his understanding of each movement. This practice was unlike anything he had experienced; it was as if the movements themselves were teaching him, guiding him through the flows of Qi within his body.

After several hours of practice, Lin Feng felt a peculiar sensation build up as he approached the final set of carvings. This last depiction was different; it showed a figure transforming a vast landscape into a swamp using a mere gesture, a demonstration of control over the natural elements that bordered on the divine.

The script beneath this carving caught his eye—it read:

"Only those who truly believe in the boundless possibilities of their will can alter the fabric of reality itself."

As Lin Feng read these words, he felt a strange activation within him, a stirring of his recently awakened skill, the Heart of True Belief. Despite the rush of potential power, he hesitated. His rational mind couldn't accept that he might transform a landscape as the figure had. Doubt crept in, and the sensation faded as quickly as it had appeared. Disappointed yet intrigued, Lin Feng pondered the profound implication of the carvings and their ancient wisdom.

Sitting back against a cool, crystal column, Lin Feng let the silence of the chamber wash over him. He thought about the Heart of True Belief and its apparent readiness to activate. "Could it really be possible?" he wondered aloud, his voice a mere whisper in the vast chamber.

The chamber remained silent, the only response the soft flicker of light from the crystals. Lin Feng's gaze fell once more on the carvings. He realized that these teachings were more than just physical instructions—they were mental and spiritual lessons meant to challenge the practitioner's perceptions of possibility and power.

Determined to test the limits of his belief, Lin Feng stood once again and faced the depiction of the landscape transformation. He mimicked the stance, focusing all his energy and will on the idea of believing, truly believing, that he could do it. His body aligned with the carved figure, his mind awash with concentration.

Yet, nothing happened. The cave remained steadfastly unaltered, the walls and floor solid and unyielding. Lin Feng's shoulders slumped slightly in frustration, but a spark of determination still glowed within him. "It's about belief," he mused. "And belief is something that must be built, nurtured like a flame."

With a renewed sense of purpose, Lin Feng decided it was time to leave the chamber. He retraced his steps through the winding passage, led by the soft glow of the moss. As he walked, he mulled over the teachings of the carvings, each step firming his resolve to understand and cultivate his newfound abilities and beliefs.

The fox, that enigmatic guide, was waiting for him at the entrance of the chamber. With a swish of its tail, it turned and led him back through the cave's corridors. Lin Feng followed, his thoughts swirling with plans and possibilities.

After the intense learning and mystical experiences in the crystal chamber, Lin Feng felt the familiar cold touch of dawn's early air as he emerged from the cave. The fox that had been his unexpected guide gave him one last piercing look before it darted into the forest, disappearing as mysteriously as it had appeared.

As he watched the fox vanish, a sudden realization struck Lin Feng like a cold splash of river water—he had left all his belongings back in the cave! Panic surged through him as he patted down his clothes; thankfully, the old book of legends that his mother had cherished was still safely tucked inside his clothes, against his chest.

Rushing back to the cave entrance, Lin Feng's heart sank when he found the once-open passage firmly closed. He pushed, he pulled, he even kicked at the smooth rock face in frustration, but it might as well have been part of the mountain itself for all the budge he got out of it.

"Of all the... How could I forget everything?!" Lin Feng groaned aloud, his voice echoing off the silent, mocking trees. He spent a frantic hour searching for the hole he had initially fallen through, hoping to find another way in. But the landscape around him seemed to have shifted subtly, inexplicably, making the hole impossible to locate.

Finally, exhausted and resigned, Lin Feng slumped against a tree. He allowed himself a few moments of self-pity as he mourned his lost provisions and the comfortable cloak he'd left behind. "Great, Lin Feng, just great. Now what?" he muttered to himself sarcastically, laughing bitterly at his own foresight—or the lack thereof.

Picking himself up, Lin Feng dusted off his damp, dirty clothes and took a deep, steadying breath. It was time to move forward, literally and figuratively. With a wry smile, he looked around at the dense forest that stretched in every direction. "So, where to now?" he asked aloud, his voice tinged with humor over his own unpreparedness.

He didn't have a clear destination in mind, but Lin Feng knew staying near the cave wasn't an option. He needed to find a safe place to regroup and plan his next steps. The Jingxuan Realm was vast, filled with myriad sects, ancient ruins, and bustling markets in cities that dotted the landscape like stars in the sky.

As he walked, Lin Feng considered his options. Going back to Qinghe was out of the question—he had left it behind for a reason. The nearest city, Zhuyan, was known for its lively market and the grand library, which could perhaps offer him more insights into his abilities and the mysterious Heart of True Belief.

"Zhuyan it is, then," Lin Feng decided with a nod, feeling a bit more purposeful. "At least they'll have food…and maybe a new cloak." His stomach rumbled in agreement, reminding him of the practicalities of travel.

The path to Zhuyan would take him through the Wildgrove Forest, known for its mystical creatures and the occasional bandit. Lin Feng couldn't suppress a grin; apparently, his adventure was going to continue whether he was ready or not.

As he set off towards the unseen city, Lin Feng's steps grew more confident. Each stride carried him not just away from his old life in Qinghe and the mystical cave, but towards new horizons. He was a novice cultivator with little more than a book and the clothes on his back, walking into unknown dangers with a head full of barely understood magic and a heart stubbornly full of hope.

"It's just another day in the Jingxuan Realm," he chuckled to himself, shaking his head at his own audacity. The forest ahead whispered and rustled as if calling him deeper into its mysteries, and Lin Feng, with a last look back at the mountain that hid the cave, stepped forward into the green unknown, his spirit undeterred by the twists his life had just taken. 

As Lin Feng meandered through the dense foliage of the Wildgrove Forest, his thoughts intermittently drifted back to the mystical cave and the enlightening inscriptions it harbored. Despite a strong desire to revisit this enigmatic place, he understood the importance of moving forward and addressing the needs of the present.

Clutching the old book of legends—a relic from his mother that he had kept securely pressed against his body—Lin Feng suddenly remembered his status screen. It hadn't been updated since his transformative experience in the crystal chamber. "There might be something new recorded, something to explain what happened," he hoped, longing for insights into his new abilities.

Finding a small clearing, Lin Feng called forth the floating display of his status. Immediately, his eyes were drawn to a novel entry, an unexpected addition that sparked curiosity:


Name: Lin Feng

Race: Human

Class: Novice Cultivator

Level: 1

Cultivation Stage: Qi Condensation Stage 1


Basic Qi Gathering - Level 2

Enhanced Perception - Level 1

Unique Skill:

Heart of True Belief - Level 1


Health: 100/100

Qi: 20/50

Stamina: 62/100

Strength: 15

Agility: 12

Vitality: 18

Endurance: 14

Wisdom: 11

Intelligence: 13

Dexterity: 17

Charisma: 10

Luck: 8

Spiritual Awareness: 22

Mystical Affinity: 19


Legacy of the Crystal Oracle - Level 1

"Legacy of the Crystal Oracle?" Lin Feng repeated quietly, a mixture of awe and bewilderment in his voice as he ran his fingers over the new words. This designation seemed to formalize and validate his surreal experiences within the cave, labeling it as a foundational episode in what would likely be a long and complex journey. The term "Level 1" suggested that this was just the initial phase of something much larger and that there were deeper layers and lessons yet to be uncovered.

Reflecting on the cave's teachings as a "Legacy" added a profound depth to his adventure, imbuing his path with a sense of destiny and purpose. It was not merely an isolated incident.

Motivated by this revelation, Lin Feng shut down the status screen and resumed his hike. Now, each step felt purposeful and charged with an intrinsic importance.

As dusk began to settle over the Wildgrove Forest, Lin Feng's steps were measured and heavy with thought. He was still processing the new "Legacy" term in his status—Legacy of the Crystal Oracle - Level 1—a designation that hinted at greater depths yet to be explored in his unexpected journey. Despite the wealth of mystique his adventure had garnered thus far, the practical reality of his situation was beginning to press urgently on his mind.

He had lost most of his provisions in the cave, and as night approached, the lack of food and water was a growing concern. Lin Feng's clothes were still damp and muddied from his earlier plunge, adding a chill that crept through his bones. Yet, driven by a newfound resolve and the intrigue of his "Legacy", he pushed these discomforts to the back of his mind and continued through the dense forest.

Eventually, Lin Feng's perseverance was rewarded. The thick trees began to thin, and he stumbled upon a dirt road carved through the forest—a sign of civilization, or at least of human passage. The road stretched out in both directions, its destination a mystery. With no particular logic other than a gut feeling, Lin Feng randomly chose a direction, hoping it might lead him towards Zhuyan, or anywhere with the promise of food and shelter.

He walked steadily under the canopy of twilight, guided only by the fading light and his instincts. As he moved, Lin Feng mulled over the possibilities of what his Legacy might involve. "Does it grant me new abilities? Or is it simply a marker of fate?" he pondered aloud, his voice a soft murmur against the rustling of the leaves.

His contemplation was abruptly interrupted by distant shouts and cries—sounds of distress that cut sharply through the evening calm. Lin Feng's pace quickened as he headed towards the noise, his heart rate increasing with each step.

Rounding a bend in the road, he came upon a scene of chaos. A group of bandits was attacking a lone merchant's wagon. The merchant, a middle-aged man, was desperately trying to fend off his assailants with a stick, but it was clear he was outmatched and in grave danger.

Without hesitation, Lin Feng rushed into the fray. His recent experiences in the cave had not only altered his perception of his own limits but had also imbued him with a newfound sense of responsibility—to use his abilities, however nascent, to help others.

"Hey!" Lin Feng shouted as he approached, drawing the attention of one of the bandits. The bandit sneered at him, swinging a crude sword in Lin Feng's direction. Dodging the blade, Lin Feng felt a surge of adrenaline. His training in the cave, though brief, had sharpened his reactions, and he found himself moving with an agility he hadn't possessed before.

As he closed in, one of the bandits turned to confront him, brandishing a rough-hewn sword. Lin Feng dodged the clumsy swing with an ease that surprised even himself—his body responding with an agility sharpened by his recent mystical experiences in the cave. Seizing the moment, Lin Feng countered with a swift punch to the bandit's chest.

To Lin Feng's astonishment, and the bandit's evident shock, the punch did not just stagger the man—it sent him flying back several feet before he crumpled to the ground, motionless. Lin Feng stared at his own fist, a mix of bewilderment and awe flickering through his eyes. He had known that he was on the path of cultivation, but he hadn't truly understood what that meant until this moment.

This was no mere fluke of strength; Lin Feng realized he had begun to harness the elemental Qi energy that he'd only recently become aware of. He was a cultivator at the First Stage of Qi Condensation—still fundamentally mortal, yet touched by a nascent power that ordinary humans simply did not possess.

Lin Feng's initial success against the bandits had instilled a newfound confidence in him, and he moved with an agility and strength that surprised even himself. However, the remaining bandits, rallying behind one particularly burly figure who seemed more seasoned in combat, prepared for a more coordinated attack.

This leading bandit stepped forward, a menacing look in his eyes as he began to demonstrate a skillful series of powerful, precise punches. Unlike the wild, erratic swings of his comrades, these strikes were methodical and brutal—aimed with expert precision at Lin Feng.

Caught off-guard by the sudden escalation in technique, Lin Feng struggled to parry the swift blows. One punch broke through his defenses, striking him hard in the chest. The impact sent a sharp pain coursing through his body, and for a moment, Lin Feng felt overwhelmed.

In that instant of searing pain and looming defeat, something within Lin Feng clicked. He didn't just think—he believed, with every fiber of his being, that he could replicate and counter the bandit's moves. This complete and utter belief filled him with a surge of determination and clarity.

Emboldened by this conviction, Lin Feng mimicked the bandit's stance and movements. Drawing deeply on his physical stamina and the mental image of the technique he had just seen, he launched into a series of punches. His actions were a near-perfect echo of the bandit's, each fist propelled by a blend of raw physical power and the sheer force of his belief.

Lin Feng's punches, fueled by his unyielding spirit and newfound skill, caught the bandit off guard. The first punch staggered the larger man, and each subsequent strike seemed to hit with greater accuracy and force. Lin Feng's replication of the martial skill was not just mimicry—it was mastery born of pure conviction.

The skilled bandit was soon overwhelmed, stumbling backwards under the barrage of punches. His surprise was evident; his own technique turned against him so effectively shook his confidence. As he fell back, the other bandits watched in disbelief, their morale crumbling at the sight of their strongest fighter defeated by this young cultivator.

With the tide of the battle decisively turned, the remaining bandits lost their will to fight. One by one, they turned and fled into the encroaching darkness of the forest, leaving behind echoes of their defeat and fear.

The merchant, who had been cowering behind his wagon, emerged cautiously. His eyes were wide with awe as he looked at Lin Feng, who was catching his breath after the intense confrontation.

"Thank you, young master! You saved me from certain ruin," the merchant exclaimed, relief flooding his voice. His gratitude was palpable, and he quickly offered Lin Feng some of his wares as thanks—a small cache of food and a skin of water, both desperately needed.

As they shared a simple meal beside the road, the merchant babbled excitedly about Zhuyan, from which he had just come, confirming that Lin Feng was indeed on the right path to the city. Lin Feng listened, eating slowly, his mind not on the food but on the incredible realization of his own capabilities.

With a new understanding of his potential and the power of belief, Lin Feng set off once more towards Zhuyan, his steps lighter and his resolve stronger. The path ahead seemed less daunting now, filled with the promise of further adventures and the mysteries of cultivation still to unravel.