
You are the MC

Reincarnator, Returner, Regressor, and Transmigrator— Who among them will be chosen by the gods as the main character to save humanity?

IwantMeat · ファンタジー
10 Chs


Rama was speechless, staring in disbelief at the glowing hologram that had suddenly appeared before him. His first thought was that he had completely lost his mind, and called for the nurses, insisting on a brain scan and an appointment with a psychologist.

Took several minutes before the initial shock began to fade, and Rama's racing heart started to calm down.

As he lay back against the hospital bed, his mind whirled with the impossibility of it all. Could this really be happening? The idea of a supernatural world, the shadow realm, and an impending apocalypse was too overwhelming to grasp. The lines between reality and fantasy blurred dangerously, making him question everything he knew. If this was real, then all the stories he had read, all the fantasies he had indulged in, were no longer just fiction—they were his new reality.

"Seriously… ha ha," Rama laughed, the sound starting as a nervous chuckle before spiraling into something hysterical. He could feel himself teetering on the edge of sanity, the weight of this new reality threatening to push him over. Just as he felt he might break, a new notification flashed in his mind, cutting through his laughter like a cold blade.

[New Objectives - Get Stronger (unread)]

[Get Stronger: The god deems you to be too weak, get stronger, fast]

Press Up, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Sit Up, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)

Squat, 100 times: Incomplete (0/100)


Rama took a deep sigh, trying to steady his racing thoughts. Part of him was thrilled that the game system seemed to work in the real world, but another part of him couldn't believe how cliché it all felt. He muttered under his breath, "Are you sure this isn't going to get sued by the author of Solo Leveling?"

Despite his skepticism, curiosity got the better of him. He figured he might as well complete the objectives and see what would happen. "Alright… here we go," he said, rolling his shoulders as he prepared for the first set of exercises.

"One… two… three…"

Despite his newly enhanced stats, the tasks were far from easy. Each movement tested different muscle groups, pushing his body in ways it hadn't been challenged for years. The push-ups strained his arms and chest, the sit-ups burned his core, and the squats made his legs tremble with effort. Sweat poured down his face, dripping onto the sterile hospital floor, as he watched the numbers on the hologram slowly tick upward.

"...97… 98…99… 100"

He finished the final squat, gasping for air, his muscles screaming in protest. But as he straightened up, expecting some sort of reward or acknowledgment from the system, nothing happened. There was no notification, no flash of light, no sudden surge of power—just silence and the relentless ache in his body.

"Just… what the hell am I doing?" Rama muttered to himself, utterly exhausted and slightly bewildered. His body was drenched in sweat, and the physical pain was all too real, making him question whether this bizarre situation was a blessing or a curse. 

Rama smirked helplessly, straightening up as a new notification popped up before him.

[Congratulations on finishing the objectives - Get Stronger]

[You received 1 Strength]

[Strength: 12 (13)]

The moment the notification appeared, Rama felt a subtle shift in his body, a faint increase in strength that left him slightly puzzled. He couldn't be sure if the system's effect was real or just a figment of his imagination. 

As he contemplated this, another message arrived.

[New Objectives - Get Stronger 2 (unread)]

[Get Stronger 2: The god deems you to be too weak, get stronger, fast]

Running, 10 kilometers: Incomplete (0/10)

Rama's heart sank slightly, realizing the next task was even more demanding.

"I knew it!! I knew it…" he muttered, a mixture of frustration and resignation in his voice.

Determined to tackle the new objective, he decided to make use of the hospital's backyard. The open area was his escape from the sterile confines of his room. He had been bedridden for five years, hence the thought of jogging was exhilarating. 

Despite the excitement, the physical effort quickly took its toll. His body, though improved, was still adjusting to the strain of prolonged activity. His breathing grew labored, and his legs began to protest after only a short while. But he pressed on, motivated by the hope of completing his objective.

After an hour of running, Rama had only managed to cover half of the required distance. Exhausted and drenched in sweat, he was about to push himself further when a nurse approached, forcing him to stop.

"Alright... Alright..." Reluctantly, Rama complied, feeling a mix of disappointment and relief.

Drenched in sweat, Rama was given fresh clothes by the hospital staff. The nurses, visibly blushing, stole glances at his now-improved physique before he settled back onto the bed. He checked his status and reviewed his list of objectives.


Exit path (incomplete)

Running, 10 kilometers: Incomplete (5/10)

Seeing the list of unfinished tasks and noting that the sun was beginning to set, Rama grew anxious. He wondered if he would soon be thrust back into the shadow realm. "Well, I'm in a hospital... so I should be safe, right?" he mused aloud.

When the 10-minute twilight period came and went without triggering any notification, Rama began to theorize. If he had indeed spawned in a similar estate within the shadow realm, perhaps he needed to be at home for the event to occur. The realization made him chuckle softly.

"I'm really buying into this craziness, aren't I? Maybe I just need some rest… yes, a good sleep will help… haha…"

His laughter abruptly ceased as a strange, eerie sound broke the silence outside the window. Rama's gaze snapped to the source of the noise, and his eyes widened in shock. The monkey-like creature he had glimpsed earlier was back, perched on a tree just outside the hospital. Its presence was even more unsettling this time.

The creature's yellow eyes locked onto Rama's with an intense, almost malevolent gaze. For a moment, the world seemed to freeze. 

ke... ke... ke... ke...

The eerie voices echoed in his mind, a haunting reminder of the supernatural world he had been drawn into. In an instant, the creature vanished into a swirl of dark smoke, disappearing as suddenly as it had appeared.

Rama trembled uncontrollably, his fear mounting. The realization hit him with chilling clarity: if this was all real, then he had indeed been spotted by a supernatural being and his life was in danger.