
You Are My Youth Heart

She waited for him after his disappearance. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Years ago, a love bloom between two friends, Qin Mei Ying and Chen Gui Feng. It all started from being neighbors to falling in love with each other but no one is willing to confess their feelings. Holding onto those feelings for not long, one of them suddenly disappeared. Years later, they meet again but everything have changed very differently. She waited for him. He moved on. She’s emotional. He’s emotionless. She tried. He give up. She slowly put the pieces together. He slowly destroyed it. “I hate you, I love you.” The feelings that they once have are tangled deep inside their heart. Will they ever be able to confess their true feelings to each other or replace someone else in their heart?

_BMoon · 若者
26 Chs

Listen To The Truth

After a long rest, Mei Ying awakened herself up. But now there's a heavy blanket covering her. Did Qing Wei put this on me, she wonders. Mei Ying glance at the bed and Qing Wei is not laying there. Mei Ying freak out and quickly get up to go find him.

Mei Ying flung the door open and rushed to the living room. Qing Wei is not there but is spotted in the kitchen eating the rice porridge she made for him.

Mei Ying sigh. "I thought you went out." She said. Mei Ying walk over and sit beside him.

"Thank you." Qing Wei blushes as he thanked Mei Ying. He continues to eat and suddenly felt Mei Ying softly rub his hair. That makes him blushed even more, losing his mind.

"I told you to not come so close or you'll get my cold." Qing Wei shyly remove her hand away from him. He then lowered his head because he doesn't want Mei Ying to see his bright red face.

"Are you feeling better now?" Mei Ying asked softly. Qing Wei nodded.

"You're rice porridge is good. I like it." Qing Wei said as he made eyes contact with Mei Ying. A smile appears on her face.

Qing Wei slightly chuckled and said, "I think you're ready to be my wife now." Mei Ying's eyes went wide and her face immediately turn red the moment she heard the word "wife."

"What are you talking about!?" Mei Ying quickly covers her face with her hands. Qing Wei laugh harder as she try to hide her shy face.

"I'm joking." Qing Wei said as he tries to calm down his laughing. Mei Ying peek through a space between her fingers and glad to see that Qing Wei is doing well.

Mei Ying replied, "Okay, enough. Hurry up and go back to rest. You need to get better so you can go to school." Qing Wei quickly eat up and did the dishes.

"Oh...by the way do you live by yourself? Mei Ying asked.

Qing Wei answered, "No, I live with my uncle. He's at work. And my parents work aboard so I barely get to see them."

"I'm glad you live with someone or else you'll be lonely." Mei Ying said.

Qing Wei turn to look at her; "What up does that suppose to mean?"

Mei Ying replied, "Nothing." Qing Wei finish up washing the dishes and Mei Ying go to get ready to leave his place.

"Are you okay leaving by yourself? It's dangerous for a young girl to walk alone at night. At least let me walk with you to the bus stop." Qing Wei tried to convince Mei Ying to let him walk with her.

Mei Ying denied; "No, you're still sick. You can't go out in this cold weather or your cold will get worse. I'll call you right away if there's anything happened. Agree?" Qing Wei didn't say anything but pout.

They said their goodbyes and Mei Ying left.

Next day at school, Qing Wei still not at school. Mei Ying called to check up and he told her he's doing better but he want to stay in one more day to fully heal before going back school.

Later after school, Mei Ying went back to Qing Wei's place to hangout with him so he won't be bored all day. Mei Ying also brought some beer with her to drink. Of course, Mei Ying is not letting Qing Wei drink but her only.

Next day, Mei Ying walked in school and everyone is giving Mei Ying weird looks and whispering as she passed them. Li Hua also notice that too.

"Did you do something? Why is everyone staring at you?" Li Hua ask and look concerned for what might happened.

Mei Ying replied, "I didn't do anything." As they enter class, everyone goes silent. They froze at their reactions then proceed to their desk. The bell rings and class started.

The beginning of the day is already bothersome. Mei Ying don't understand what's going on. Mei Ying in the cafeteria sitting at the table alone waiting for Li Hua to come back from the bathroom. Mei Ying analyze students that walk pass her and all of them still look at her weirdly.

Then Li Hua came running fast to Mei Ying and tell her the reason why it's been a weird day.

"I heard there's a rumor that you and Qing Wei are sleeping together." Li Hua said breathless.

Mei Ying eyebrows knitted then slammed her hands on the the table and said loudly, "WHAT!? Who came up with that rumor?! We never did it." Everyone immediately focus their gaze on Mei Ying.

"Shh! You're being too loud." Li Hua said as she tried to calm Mei Ying down.

Then a voice from behind Mei Ying speak up, "Truth or not, we all know already." Jia Hui smirk evilly. Mei Ying and Li Hua turn around and meet eyes with Jia Hui's.

Mei Ying replied, "Know what? What did I do?" Jia Hui chuckled and rolled her eyes. Then she gestured a girl student to come.

"I got evidence. Now tell her what you saw. Tell every details." Jia Hui said arrogantly. At this point everyone is paying full attention to what's happening. The girl feeling afraid, slowly came up next to Jia Hui and do what she were told.

She then speaks up, "Umm...I— I saw you got out of Qing Wei's house last night. And your shirt is slightly unbutton and you were fixing your skirt." The girl then step behind Jia Hui and lowered her head.

Jia Hui smirk. "Get caught and expose. What are you going to do now, huh?!"