
it all begins with just a kiss

life is beautiful when you have people you love love you and the things you need always there for you

Sophia tried to cover her eyes from the sun ray flashing through the window to have some more sleep when her little sister bounced into the room to wake her up.

sister sister wake up it morning and we have to go to school and you have work too

go away let me sleep a little more am dead tired just a little more and I will make breakfast for you guys

no way sis get up we were late yesterday and we aren't going late today again get up please

and bella jumped on her sister to shake off the sleep

you are such a block head let's go to the kitchen and where is Jack

don't tell me he is still sleeping and you have the heart to come wake me up don't you love your sister anymore sob sob sob

I love you the most sis and he is around somewhere in the house

OK let's make breakfast.

And so begins Sophia Leo's day she never knew she was going to meet her knight in shining armor that same day

after breakfast she sent her siblings to school and went off to work

good bye guys it a new day and you can be the best you want to be even when things don't go your way never give up because the power to be the best you can is always in you have a great day in school kids Jack your lunch box

thanks sis bye

bye Jack. Bella jumped on her sister gave her a kiss and run off to class

At work Sophia was trying to organize things and get ready for today sales when her friend Eve came in to say hi before they start there work for the day the work in the same plaza

Sophia work at the bridal shop at the plaza why Eve worked at the hotel lodge there

good morning sofy I really have something to take care of at home it urgent and I have a guest upstairs he is an important guest and no one is to no he is here but I still need to go home right now can you help me sort him out get anything he wants when he wake up I might be back before he wakes up but I need you on standby here you will get a ring with this when he needs something please pretty

and good morning to you to and no am not going up to help you

thank you I love you too

and eve ran out before Sophia could say any other thing.