

Chairman na ni and yeon soo's mother tried to stop yeon soo. But, yeon soo came out of her room searching for chang moo. She asked for chang moo to everyone in the hospital wearing her patient dress. She was weak and couldn't walk fastly because of the accident.

Hebron came to the hospital. "Is this the address? But, why did he gave me the address of an hospital?" with lots of thoughts in his mind, Hebron went inside the hospital. While thinking of taking an elevator to the third floor, his eyes accidently saw yeon soo. Now, lots of thoughts were filling Hebron's mind. He slowly stepped towards her. Hebron felt pathetic to see her eyes filled with tears. Suddenly, a lady came and took her to the right wing of the hospital. Hebron followed them. The lady took yeon soo to the place where chang moo's body is kept. It was a small veranda. Chang moo's body was kept in a wooden coffin over the carpet. His photo was hung straight up to his coffin. Men and women wearing black blouse and suits were seated there praying for his peace. Bouquets of flowers were kept near his coffin. Yeon soo knelt down right at the entrance. She cried loudly breaking the silence. Everyone turned back and tried to stop her. She crawled towards his coffin and started to hit her head repeatedly over the coffin. Hebron stepped his foot to stop her. Yeon shouted and asked everyone to move away from her. So, Hebron stepped his foot back. She started lamenting. "why did you leave me alone. Now, I don't have anyone by my side. Why did you gave your eyes to me? Do you think I will be happy? Should I always be in pain whenever I see this eyes? Why? Why?" yeon soo showed her grief of anger. Chairman na ni and yeon soo's mother came to that place. Hebron wanted to help her. He moved towards her. Suddenly, he came to his sense." oh no.. I need to search for the woman. " he rushed out and reached the third floor. He searched for room no:301. He finally found it. Near the door the patient name was written as Lee yeon soo. "this name looks familiar" Hebron thought himself. He saw the door opened. While trying to get inside, someone patted on his shoulder. It was a nurse. She asked who is he? While he was thinking what to say, he saw chairman na ni taking yeon soo coming towards them. Hebron hid himself behind the wall. He saw yeon soo entering room no:301. Hebron was shocked. He asked the nurse "the patient just entered, is her name Lee yeon soo"? The nurse nodded her head saying yes. Hebron panicked. "It's better to turn dust instead of doing this mission. How can I find a love for this woman? She won't even respond to anyone kindly. What will I do to make her fall in love?" Hebron's was thinking about what he is going to do next...


Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.. Keep supporting.. Good nyt all.

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