
YOU( An Psychic)

only for people who watched You....Gonna give some modifications to it Hope you enjoy it

Hectar7901_legion · テレビ
21 Chs

Chapter 5

They spend their whole afternoon till evening but Joe just listened nothing else.

He saw a man at the corner in the street is watching them.After the party is over he excuse himself and left the shop he quickly got into his car and drove it he saw a black suv is following him, he opened the database and crack the Firewall.

He started to search for the Car number plate and saw it is Benji he didn't want to kill him like he saw in his last life but if benji want to interfere with him he doesn't mind sending him away.

He first drove the car to a parking lot near a silent alley and get off walked ahead he want to see what Benji wants to do.

He Saw Benji following him behind." Come out Benji say what do you want.?"

Benji was not shocked that he was discovered but he was confused why Joe come to this alley knowing that he had no good intention.

Benji." Look dude I dont care what do you want but why are you interfering between me and Beth I mean Dude I understand that she looks hot but you are fucking rich you can choose anyone in NYC."

Joe looked at him."So...???"

Benji." So stop messing around her and stay away from her otherwise..."

With that Benji took out a gun from his back and aimed at Joe, Joe got nervous he didn't expect Benji to be lunatic he saw the gun pointing towards him but suddenly time got slowed and he felt like the forces around him specially are connected to him.

He tried to took the Gun and the Gun suddenly moved from Benji s Hands to his hand benji got terrified but Joe made a Quick judgment he can't let Benji go afterall this secret cant be exposed otherwise no matter how powerful he become he will end up In a laboratory.

He used magnetic fields to bind Benji on the ground.

Benji." Look man please let me go I will not tell anyone about it I promise you, you want Beth right okay she is yours please let me go....do you want money I can give you that my family has a private jet man."

Benji knows today if he not beg he is going to die.

Joe Walked towards him but he didn't speak he took out his phone and checked if there are any cameras around afterall he found out that there are none then concentrate on the ground where Benji is laying the concrete ground suddenly started to move and a hole appeared, benji got into it and and ground got closed again.

Joe makes sure that Benji s last phone location is set 10km away from this place and luckily Benji followed him during this whole time with a rental car he first deactivate the GPS inside the Car and hacked into the Database of that Rental company and set the car location near their own company.

He drove the car and parked it there after deactivating very cautiously took a taxi to that alley again and drove away from there.

After a month

Benji disappearance doesn't cause any problems for him because he let everyone believe that Benji left NYC and now is in Spain by hacking his Instagram.

His and Beth relationship got furthur from being freinds to relationship. But he noticed Peach unfriendly gazes he know that she is going to do something very soon.

He Hired 15 Special bodyguards with a lot of money 6 will be with him and other 9 will be around protecting him from other locations.

He build a little armory inside his villa there are all kinds of gun and cold weapons, he also used various motion sensors and other equipments to Tight the security.

He is now sleeping beside Beth while she is writing.

Beth POV:

Benji got dissapeared suddenly not that I care and my days are getting better because of Joe I didn't realized but he didn't like to show off and he never thought of himself superior whenever he talks to anyone not like Peach.

Well I know my other freinds and me as well don't like Peach much but we still accept her as a freind.


Beth." Joe are you going to Peach parents divorce anniversary party.?"

He is staring at me before nodding.

Beth." Great..."

Before she finished Joe kissed her.After 2 hours Beth is sleeping in his arms, after he discovers his powers he excercises more than a normal human hence his stamina is increasing he also practiced his powers it's not that he can control force to be precise he is a psychic who can manipulate his surroundings as he like.