
You're My Gift This Christmas

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart But the very next day, you gave it away This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special" The last happy Christmas, the happy one was long gone. The protagonist Anna will bring the happy Christmas back to everyone, but what will she pay in exchange for such a massive prize? Her love for her crush? The one who loves her? Or herself? "This isn't the real world, we live in a lie!!! We need to bring the real world, and Christmas back!!!" For her and everyone to enjoy and celebrate Christmas, she must do what her parents left for her before they passed away. Go beyond the border of South Korea and search for the truth but she could only escape on Christmas.

Soun_Phavin · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Chapter 2: Broken Heart?

The aroma of the food coming from downstairs was teasing my stomach as I was in a deep and satisfying sleep before my alarm rang.

It is always that five minutes before that alarm clock that I sleep peacefully.

Can we not wake up???

"Earth is flat!!!! Earth is Flat!!! The government and media are fooling you." I opened the curtain to look at all those people shouting and yelling right in the Sunday morning.

So annoying...

I couldn't get back to sleep with all of the noise.

I didn't even bother to take a look at my phone since it will be full of Lucia's messages since I ignored her for a whole night.

"I'm taking the bathroom."

"No, I am."

"I'm your sister."

"You will regret this."


Looking at myself in the mirror, the eyebag was so ugly, but who cares??

"Hurry up, I need to pee."

"Oh my god, wait a damn minute!!!" I didn't even get to brush my teeth properly, because of that guy didn't just pee.

"So any news???"

"What??" my little brother was acting really suspicious.

"Nothing. Nothing. You should look at your phone."

"Did you play that candy game on my phone again??"

"No, why did I??!!"

"Whatever...I smelled something good, did you cook something??"

"Of course, I'm not a bad cook like you, Noona."



They changed into new clothes for the day in black and white clothes and then went downstairs to take the breakfast for the day, the day of the anniversary of the parent's death.

"Isn't this mom's favorite??"

"It's yours too. Eat it a lot since we need to travel on the bus."

"You should stay here, I can visit their grave by myself."

"It's a holiday, I don't want to coop up at home." Anna's little brother took a bite of the omelet kept glancing at the phone on the table.

"Earth is flat!!! Say no to earth is sphere!!!"

Anna reached for her phone and opened it as she drank her black coffee.

Arnold, her little brother was staring at her with anticipation expecting to see a smile on her face.

But it turned out different when Anna became teary.

"What??? What's wrong???"

"My phone crashed again!!!"

"Oh my god, fix it!!!! Here's the money."

"Let's just buy a new phone, I don't have many pictures anyway..."

"Wha--what???!! How can you change a phone like that??? A phone is too expensive."

"I have been using this model ever since I was ten. It's time for a change...yeah...yeah..." the words change hit her as she kept remembering the fact her crush already had someone in his heart.

"Oh come on, Noona. I'll go and fix it for you."

"Why are you so strange today?? Let me borrow your phone for a moment."

Anna took the phone from her short brother's hand and made a call to Lucia, "Hello."

"Anna, is that you?"

"Yeah, my phone is broken again. It broke...last night."

"Ah okay."

"Is that all??" Anna thought Lucia was going to say something she wanted to say from last night, but it seemed different from what she expected

"Oh, by the way, I'll tell Rick you won't be able to come to school this morning. You'll visit your parent's grave, right??"

"Ah...yeah...are you at school right now??"

"That's right, we need to clean. I'm gonna go now, get your phone fixed. Rick said he wanted to talk to you privately."


"Why don't you hand your phone to him???"

"Well...bye!" Lucia hung up immediately, Anna sighed and gave back her brother's phone.

"Let's go, we might be late." Anna stuffed the bag with her brother's favorite snack since it will be needed when they traveled a long way on the bus.

"Noona, did you buy this?"

"Yeah, who else?"

"You shouldn't waste your money on such things as snacks."

"It's a holiday. Here's your chocolate."

"Ahh...you're always like this." Arnold sat at the window's side eating his chocolate as his sister put the earphone on listening to the music closing her eyes sleeping.

A man ran behind the bus shouting her name but the curtain was already closed and no one noticed that guy's voice.

After many hours, they finally arrived at the graveyard.

The siblings put their parent's favorite flower on their grave and then stood there in silence telling their late parents all the things they've been through that year.

"Noona, are you sad?"

"Not really." they sat under the green leaves tree putting their bags on the soft grass staring at the grave.

"I don't know about you...but I'm glad you didn't come with them that year..."

"Arnold..." seeing her little brother crying, she reached out her hand putting it on his small shoulder.

"But still...I want mom and dad to be still here...with us...I miss them so much, Noona...I hate Christmas...if that day they didn't take that airplane...they...they won't..."

"Arnold...I'm here...just cry it all out."

"I...I love you...Noona...thank you for being with me all these years."

"I love you too...little brother..." the sibling hugged each other, Anna put her chin on her little's brother thick black hair as she recalled the memories of that day she lost both of her parents.

8 years ago,

"Anna, we'll go to Cambodia this time. Do you want to go with us??"

"Are you traveling again...?? Why can't we stay here and celebrate Christmas??" ten years old Anna mumbled to her parents, her parent bent down and patted her hair since it was their works to travel across countries.

"We're sorry, dear...it is..."

"I know...it's your work...I'll be staying here. Arnold won't be much happy staying with the neighbor."

"We'll come back as soon as we finish our work."

"Goodbye...mom...dad...Have a safe trip." the last words she could say to her parents, and the last Christmas they ever shared together.

The airplane crashed into the sea appearing on the news on the TV. All her parents left behind was only a journal and that was all.


"Arnold, come on. We need to go back."

"Alright..." Arnold wiped his eyes after sleeping for many hours putting his head on his sister's shoulder.

"Arnold, I couldn't find mom and dad's journal anywhere in the house. Did you see it by any chance?"

"Hmm...I don't see it either. It's gotta be somewhere in the house. I'll help you find it when we return. Why did you suddenly ask about it?"

"I just want to read it."

"You should use your time to find yourself a boyfriend instead. How is thing going with that black-haired brother?"

"You mean Rick??"

"His name is Rick?? I thought it was Rickie."

"Ah, that's his twin brother's name."



"Twin brother??????!!!"

To be continued...!