
6. Why are you doing this?


★ Initiative: This story participates in the Drabble Weekend CoviDE - 19 event curated by We are out for prompt

★ Prompt / Track: "Why are you doing that?" "Doing what?" «Treating me like a person» by by LUCILLA INCARBONE

By now she had made her decision about her, to save everyone was what she had to do, even if her heart was screaming silence.

She was used to being hated, but this time it was different.

Nobody could see him, but it was the only way to save her people.

"I'm with you," Bellamy exclaimed, placing a hand on his shoulder which she shook off.

"How can you not hate me?" she asked, disgusted with herself, it was people she had to kill.

"Because I too found myself in your place," she replied.

Bellamy walked over, took her face and pulled it close to his.

"Why are you doing this? "

"Doing what?" he asked amused.

"By treating me like a person"

And he silenced her by kissing her.

Author space:

And here I am, more charged than ever,

this time I leave you with the latest Bellarke story, at least for the moment. I would have liked to make it more full-bodied, but I didn't want to change it because it is with this story that I participated in the event.

I updated this collection today with several stories, I don't know if I managed to stay in the characters we are used to but I'm glad I had the opportunity to write about them.

Until next time,

TheDreamer92creators' thoughts