

"Yoshi-Kama" follows Tokuda Hajime, a shy high school freshman, who unexpectedly finds himself in a bizarre alternate reality without cities. There, he meets a mysterious stranger who reveals the only way out by finding scattered fragments of a sacred scroll. With newfound friends, Tokuda sets off on a quest to gather the fragments and free everyone trapped in this strange world.

zoneyz · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Unknown Trait

"So… what's this weird machine?" I asked while pointing at a machine on a table.

"It's a machine which checks what traits you got." Mita explained.

I kinda wonder if I have any cool power traits. Wait, I don't even know the basis of the power system here, I should ask Mita.

"Could you give me a rundown of the whole power system here?" I requested from Mita.

"Yeah… I don't know everything about it. But, I'll tell you everything I have gathered from being around here."

"Humans have 'Normal Energy', it's flowing through us all the time. Now, there's also 'Will Energy', it only activates when we have the will to do something. For example, imagine someone is trying to fight you, 'Will Energy' will activate if you were to want to fight back. So, if you combine 'Normal Energy' and 'Will Energy' it would make it into 'Ren Energy' which can be used for traits of magic."

"What about the whole thing with Traits?" I asked while taking notes.

"Oh yeah that, there are only two power traits, Mesu and, Tesu. With the Mesu you have to pour 'Ren Energy' into your attacks. Mesu is like what people think of sorcery attacks in most fantasy games back on Earth. Tesu is attacks that involve blade attacks. Then, with Tesu attacks you pour only 'Will Energy' into the blade. The more will energy you have, the more strength and accurate your attack will be. That also goes for Mesu but with more concentration on 'Ren Energy'."

"Then, what about the powers for those traits?" I questioned.

"You should know them, once you get into this world, you just know them like if it were muscle memory." Mita explained while being exhausted.

"Huh, I haven't got mine at all?" I responded confused.

"I'm pretty sure it will come to you in a few days. You should also try out that machine I was talking about. I'll explain how to use it."

"First, take a sample of your DNA by slicing it with a piece of paper. Next, place the piece of paper in the machine. Finally, start the machine by pressing the button." Mita educated me by grabbing the instruction manual.

"Okay, here goes the piece of paper… and start." I mumbled while following the instructions.


Is that the machine? It really loud, it also looks really old as-well.

"Error! Could not find power trait in the system, please try again later!" the machine shouted at me while having a loud beeping sound.

"What the hell? How?" I blurted.

"That's weird, It should've found something." Mita mutters.

"I wonder if it'll awaken later…"

"How do you know that'll happen?" I asked while being curious.

"I've heard some cases where that would happen, like for some people, it took up to at least two days." Mita explains.

"So, what's the plan now?" I questioned Mita while relaxing my arm on the table next to me.

"Since we got out faction registered, I honestly think it would be appropriate for us to take on a mission." Mita answered with a deep in thought expression on her face.

To think this is the same person from earlier, she's totally in thinking mode. Though, I feel like we need a person better for planning. Someone that can be in the back helping us out.

"Alright then, we're taking our first mission!" Mita shouts.

"Huh… This quick?" I blurted while being in lost of thought.

"Yeah, if we want to get stronger I feel like this would benefit us." Mita clarifies while getting interrupted by a short girl.

"Um, are you 'The Exorcists' faction?"

Who is this little girl? She kinda reminds me of Mita with her long black shiny hair. Maybe a sibling?

"Yeah, what's it to you?" I stated in a serious face expression.

"I'm Sorry!" the girl squeals.

"Huh?" I muttered.

Shit, I should've been more friendly.

"It's alright, Tokuda is just a dumbass who doesn't know how to act with people." Mita responds to the girl while giving me a death stare.

"I'm Ayaka, I think you're the faction that accepted my quest request?"

"Please! Please help me, it's the Ito District, and people from a faction are threatening to destroy it!" Ayaka bewailed while shouting and crying.

"T-There's really people like that in this world?" I asked while being terrified.

"Sadly, yes there is. It's no different than Earth." Mita replied with a down look.

"How can we even help, I can't even use powers." I asked Mita.

"There's this sword, it can kill many people at once. It's also of the 'Holy Swords'" Ayaka explained.

"There's such thing?" I said surprised.

"Yes. But, no one knows where it is. So please, help me find it so I can help my people out. I'm dedicated to using blades so I shall be the one to erase those disgusting humans. I will kill them with the 'Holy Kaguya Sword'"

"Alright, you up to it Mita?"

"Yeah, let's find this sword." Mita responds.

"Ayaka, I can ensure you that I'll assist you the whole way to finding this sword. We will save your homeland from getting demolished."

"Thank you, Tokuda."

Part 2

"It seems like you're fitting well into this world," Ryoko observed while I was sitting on the ground.

"What's it to you, Ryoko? Why do you even meet with me?" I smirked.

"I don't have a choice, I'm in your body. I also can see everything you do as-well." Ryoko stated.

"Hey, I want to give you a glimpse of my power. Something to look forward to if the chance arrives for me to be forceful with you."


"And why would you want to in the first place?" I responded while chuckling.

"To show you I mean business. Not for someone to joke around with," Ryoko threatened while laughing.

"Vault-1, Foresight." Ryoko shouted while raising his arms.

"UNLOCK." Ryoko muttered while widening his eyes and activating a technique.

W-What's happening… It feels like I'm getting warped into a black void.

T-These pictures in my head. They're flowing into my mind. It hurts! It feel like my brain is getting turned into different shapes!

"Ryoko, what does this mean! Fire? This Village looks unfamiliar!"

"Humph, that's enough." Ryoko mumbles.

"I want to give you a little sneak peek of what's going to happen if you don't pick choices wisely."

"Also, never think you're above me. I'll always be more superior than you now and forever."

"D-Damn you Ryoko, you'll pay for this. This is my body. I won't let you boss me around!" I shouted while gagging from earlier.

Part 3

"W-Where am I?"

"Tokuda, we gotta go do our mission remember?" Mita reminds me.

"Oh, yeah I remember." I responded while yawning.

What happened to me? I remember talking to Ayaka then all the sudden my mind went blank. I'm in a bed now and it's also morning. It's like if I wasn't in my body or it had just skip a moment of time.

N-No… this can't be… R-Ryoko controlling my body?

"Tokuda? You okay?" Mita concernedly asked.

"Huh?", "No, why?"

"Your face says something different?", "It looks like you been scared of something really badly." Mita observed.


"You guys ready?" Ayaka asked while running up to us.

"Tokuda, you should get ready. We're about to leave to Ayaka's home."

"Yeah… just give me a few minutes."

I need to devise a plan to counter this ability of his to take over my body. I have a feeling things could get ugly if he does it more.

"Dumbass, I can hear you."

W-Who was that? There's no one in the room and I wasn't even talking, rather I was talking to myself in my head.

"You're so naive, Tokuda.", "It makes me laugh." Ryoko insults me while chuckling.

"Once I gain more and more time of controlling your body I'll kill your sorry friends and kill the people that created this place."

"IWon't… Let… Kill… My… Friends!" I shouted furiously.

"Eh, I'll like to see you try."

I can clearly tell he's going to be a hassle on my journey of destroying this world.

"Hey, I'm ready to go!" I shouted trying to get Mita and Ayaka's attention while running out the door of our rental place.

"Alright, I got a map telling us where to head from Ayaka, we should get there in a day." Mita told me while pulling the map out.

"You ready Ayaka? We'll help you the best we can to save your land." I asked Ayaka.

"Yes, I'm ready." Ayaka responds in confidence while tensing up her hand into a fist.

"Let's get this trip started!" I shouted with joy.

Thanks for Reading this far!

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