

"Yoshi-Kama" follows Tokuda Hajime, a shy high school freshman, who unexpectedly finds himself in a bizarre alternate reality without cities. There, he meets a mysterious stranger who reveals the only way out by finding scattered fragments of a sacred scroll. With newfound friends, Tokuda sets off on a quest to gather the fragments and free everyone trapped in this strange world.

zoneyz · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Chapter 1: Different Worlds

Everyday, I try to exclude myself from groups or even socializing with people. I can't trust myself nor anyone anymore. It feels like every time I try to trust people, it backfires on me. It's gotten to the point where I feel like I affect people close to me. Today is my first day as a 1st year, I moved from a private school to a public school due to my family moving from Takasaki to Tokyo. I don't even know If I have to guts to even show up to school. I've locked myself from the outside world for so long. Friends, family, people, I've lost hope, ever since they all left me alone. It made me feel like an empty corpse with nothing that can make anyone proud for.

I feel like life is over, I had failing grades, horrible attendance, and no future. I just wish I could escape this reality and seek to a different entire world than this one. Somewhere that feels like I can be free and that I can do something right for once.

"Tokuda, you heading to school?" Mom asked while being drowsy.

Mom works a lot of hours, but she barely notices that I'm here. It's actually been a while since I've talked to her.

"Yeah I'm heading out." I announced in a less motivated tone.

I attend at Aoyama High school, I think I should take the train to school since it's a little to far to walk, plus I don't think I'll be able to make it on time if I do. I know the ceremony starts in fifty minutes so if I make on the Oimachi Line then the Meguro Line, I should be able to make it there before it starts.

I recognize those uniforms, it's the school I'm going to right now. They're probably taking the same line as me.

Part 2

I finally made it to the damn high school. Took me a long time because of how crowded the train station was but I'm here now. I never noticed how big this school is, it makes my previous school look like shit compared to this one. It looks more modern and square looking instead of old looking and being small. I see a bunch of people going to the side of the school, I'm guessing that's where the entrance ceremony is. I'm probably gonna wait a bit before heading there since it starts in twelve minutes.

Nah I'll just head there now, its better to be early than late I guess. I'll also get a better view of the building inside.

W-What is that pain in my head? It hurts, I can't even move at all. Why is my vision fading away all the sudden?

September 21st 2014

Huh, where am I?

"Why are you leaving me!" Mom shouts while tears roll down her face.

Why am I seeing this? Wait, this is where it all began.

"I'm sorry Tomi but I have to go." a man firmly states.


This very day, could never escape my memory.

"Daddy, where are you going?" I asked while the door gets shut.

"Tokuda, go to your room. It's past your bedtime" Mom mumbled falling to the ground.

This day was the start of my problems I dealt with in the future. Also, this day affected my mom the worst. Mom started drinking everyday, to the point where she started throwing stuff at me every night when she would come back from having sex with men and get furious when one of them would dump her.

Then she switched to selling her body for other men to use, which led her down a path that she never chose if my father never left.

She started doing drugs, and it got to the point where she almost overdosed. Then two weeks later she was rushed to the hospital because it almost happened again. My grandparents were taking care of me at the time, I was too young to tell what was good or bad. On the other hand, my grandparents weren't very likely to the whole situation at all.

March 7th 2022

"You think you're better than us? I'd better teach you a lesson to ever fucking show your face in my presence." a boy shouts furiously.

Another Memory? Oh, this was one of the problems I face later in my life.

"Let go of me you shithead! Nakasu help me out!" I shouted for help.

"Trying to get people to jump in?" the boy laughs while mocking me.

"Damn it! Why are you just standing there!" I badgered out in tears.

"Seems like your friend looks pissed scared! Wonder Why?" the boy laughs more while making fun of me then next punching me in the stomach.

That was also the day that I couldn't trust even my closest friends anymore. I remember that day I took hits after hits while my friend Nakasu just watched while I was getting beat up by my bully in Junior High.

"Why did you watch and not help me like you promised?" I asked with bruises on my face.

"I just couldn't. Tokuda…" Nakasu called out my name while having a regretful expression.

"Yeah, Nakasu?" I said while being concerned.

"Sorry for this but…" Nakasu mumbled while tensing up his fist.

I lost my closest friend to my bully and I lost hope for any friendship at all. From that day on, I vowed to myself that I wouldn't try making friends at all. It's been months since I closed the door on the outside world, barricading myself within my room.

Each day felt like an eternity, the walls closing in on me like a prison cell. I had lost trust in everyone, even in myself. Betrayal had become the only constant in my life, and it seemed easier to shut everyone out than risk being hurt again. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the isolation began to weigh heavily on me.

The thought of my closest friend betraying me and my mom giving up on me destroyed me mentally. I asked myself many times, what was the point of going on with life anymore? Was it because I couldn't face the fact that I'm no longer useful to others or can't be loved? I tried figuring out the unknown answer to this question.

One day, I'd gotten to the point where I couldn't find the answer. I told myself before, If I hadn't been able to find this unknown answer. I would end myself, because what's the point of existing without purpose? But, something struck me deep in the core of me. I needed a goal, something that could keep me going.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, I slowly began to seek the outside society.

Where am I? It's so dark that it's unsettling.

"Seems like your awake." a deep voice mumbled.

Is that a floating creature? I must be dreaming since I was seeing all those memories.

"No Kid, you're not dreaming. This is reality, I can also read your mind just to let you know."

"Then, where am I?" I asked confused.

"You're in the Okami Realm. Also I'm not just a creature, I am a Shadow Holder. I was forced to be your holder since you have the ability of Ren. My name is Ryoko The Foresighted." Ryoko explained.

"Yo-You mean like The Ren, like stuff I learned in History class? How is that possible? Isn't it supposed to be kept away and never meant to come back?" I asked while being frightened. "I'm not even sure myself. But I know someone summoned it to bring it back. Once I find out who did it, I'll make sure they'll die for this."

"Look, I know this all sudden but you have to save everyone. Everyone is in danger and I have the feeling you can save them all."

"Wait, you want me to save everyone?" I questioned.

"Yes. Like I said, I have the feeling only you can do this. I'll guide you and give you my powers. Make a pact with me and I'll give you support. It's called the Nyxian Vow and whoever breaks it has to be punished with the cost of their life."

I'm too scared to take this on, what if I mess up and everyone dies?

No! This could be my only chance to prove I could do something in my sorry life!

"I'll do it, I vow to save everyone and accept your powers and use it for good measures!" I shouted with assurance.

"You and I will forget everything that had happened right at this moment in order for me to pass on my powers, but on the path of your journey you'll gain them. I wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you, Ryoko." I mumbled while my vision starts fading into black.

This is what I had wished for, a second chance of proving that I could do something with my worthless life. I will put it to use and save everyone from this unknown danger.

Part 3

"We-Where am I?"

The atmosphere feels entirely different than earth. Wait, I'm not at school? I thought I was in the entrance ceremony?

What the hell?!

It feels like I'm in a MMO Game. There's mountains in the distance and wild animal beast looking things wandering around in the wild. Could I be in a Fantasy World? Like one of the isekai anime's I watch at home?!

Okay, what should I do first? Look around for civilization?

"Hey Son, you don't look like you're from around here?" the old villager stated while I get observed.

"Huh?" I reply while being confused.

He looks like a villager since hes riding a horse and looks like he's a merchant.

"Sir, do you know where the nearest civilization is?" I asked walking up to him.

"You going crazy? It's behind you down the hill we're on."

"Huh?" I blurted.

I-Is that a village?! There's no way, I gotta check it out!


What the hell! This really feels like a village straight out of a game! There's so many merchant's and has the feel of the old ages in this village.

"DING, DONG!" a bell rings.

"What's happening in the Main Hall this time?"

People are running towards a direction, I should follow them and see what's happening.

I hear screaming and crying from far away...

"W-Who is that man!"

"Where's my family?!"

"How did I end up here?!"

Who is that up there on that castle looking thing? Wait now that I think about it, how did I get here?

"Attention!" a man shouts.

Why is he in a cloak in the middle of summer?

"Where the hell am I? Get me out of this place!"

This doesn't feel right, somethings off about all of this.

"You may be freaking out, asking where you are, how did you get here, and why you're here. I'm here to explain everything to you at this very moment," the cloaked person announced.

"Everyone has been transported here and kept as hostages in this world known as the Trapped World." the cloaked person explained.

"People who have inherited the power of Ren have been transported here. You may be wondering how to escape this world; the answer is to find the missing pieces of the prompt to destroy this world and head back to Earth." the cloaked person stated.

"Did he just say Ren?"

"Didn't it go extinct?"

I-Is he talking about the legendary power trait that was used back in the era of magic?

Shit, this can't be good.

"The pieces are scattered across this new world, and everyone must try to find them and put them together"

"You may think this is a bluff, but I warn you, this is reality. I go by the name of the Summoner. I wish you the best of luck in getting out of this place," the Summoner announced to the entire crowd, which fell into silence.

"N-No. This can be happening!"

"Someone help! Get me out of here!"

"D-Did he disappear?" I mumbled.

Wait, this can't be real. There's no way I'm trapped here. No, I'm stupid! Didn't I want this?

All of the suffering that I've gone through, I've always wanted to be in a different reality.

This is my chance to show that I can prove myself and do something in my life.

I need to put all my suffering into saving everyone from this damn world. Even though I like the thought of being a different reality than my previous one I was in. I vow to make it my goal to save everyone.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

zoneyzcreators' thoughts