
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · アニメ·コミックス
34 Chs

This doesnt deserve to even be called a chapter...

(Im not going to even lie, the second half of this chapter is cringy and just me complaining, you can honestly skip it after I say what happens cuz this chapter is mostly filler. And god is this filler the most boring one I ever wrote. IT TOOK WEEKS TO MAKE IT! So uh enjoy?)

As Soi-Fon comes out she is wearing…the exact same outfit, just with her captain's Haori. This amuses me so I ask her why she is bringing it. "Hey Soi-fon san. Why do you need to bring your Haori?" She huffs out a breath of air before turning away. "It is because you are to always wear your Haori and to respect it. Unlike you who abandons it at any point of time! Your not even wearing it now!" She proclaims now pointing at me. All I can do at that is smile and laugh it off as she continues her nagging.

"What do you even do when you go to the human world!?" She ask as my face immediately turns serious startling Soi-fon. "In the human world I have discover numerous things. One of the best things I have found…" She leans in in anticipation thinking I am talking about some important matters. "...Their cakes! With that we can keep Yachiru at- ACK" I try to say but only to be interrupted by a fist to the face. Could I have dodged it? Yes but that would only bring more trouble.

"Sigh, why did I think you were talking about something serious for a chance…" She says almost disappointed at me. "Well there was something important. And it doesn't have anything with food" I say which piques her interest.

"The amount of hollows has steadily been increasing at a rapid rate. To combat this they sent Rukia to handle them while I wait for my task force to come back from Huecco Mundo. But something even more interesting happened due to this." I say which now Soi-fon is now sitting beside me listening intently.

"For some reason, she was forced to transfer her soul reaper powers to a human and lived in a gigai while she taught him to become a proper soul reaper." I say which shocks her. "Well even though that is interesting, that is against the law of the soul society." Soi-fon says which I nod to.

"Yes it is, in fact she has been captured today and will be sent to the Sōkyoku Hill to be executed in a few days if I am correct. Though there is something else. The human who she transferred her powers to was able to evolve in battle and beat Lieutenant Abarai Renji. Given enough time he will be able to keep up with captains as well. Though I have to add Renji was being restrained in the fight." I say which makes her ponder for a while. I then get up, finally deciding where we should go.

"Come one, Soi-Fon san. I have a place where we can relax in mind." I say which makes her look suspiciously as me. I don't tend to actually relax unless im in the human world as I am usually bombarded with paperwork. "Don't look so skeptic at me. I just wish to go to see Ukitake and Shunsui-san. They are the most relaxed people I know." She then sighs and gets up as we head towards the 1st division.

Ichigo POV

I wake up, feeling warm, which contrast from what I was feeling before which was extreme cold. But my paradise ends quickly as I open my eyes. A pair of glasses staring strait at me…no wait thats a person. I scream out in utter disbelief as he continues to lay on top of me while stating "Oh, good reaction! Thats good." I then start to push him away yelling "Y-You're too close!"

"Boss Kurosaki is awake! Boss!" He yells out trying to get someone's attention. Now I remember this guy! "I've seen you before! You're hat-and clogs friend! Why are you under the covers with me?! Get off!!" I yell out as I kick him off of me with some difficulty. I then flinch and notice my wounds on my body. Now I start to wonder, where am I? And how am I not dead?

And in the next second the door opens revealing a man with blond hair, a large green bowl like hat with white straps and green outfit to finish it off. "Now now, you musn't be up, Kurosaki. Your wounds haven't closed yet. You'll die if you move around too much." He says walking into the room. "Hat-and-clogs? I see, so this is your house." I say, now calm.

"Correct!" He exclaims dramatically. "So you saved me?" I ask to which he replies "Huh? That tone is unexpected. It sounds as if you didn't want me to rescue you." he says as a long pause occurs, leaving me to think back to what happened.

I notice Uryu is gone so I ask Kisuke if he knew where he went which he replied that he would leave it to me.

(A/N: Ngl…this chapter is suuuuuuuuper boooooooorrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiinnnnnnnngggggg! Thats why its coming out so late. So for me to make this bearable and not have to repeat what happens in the anime, ill overview it now.)

--Author POV--

"YAWWWWWN! Agh this shit is booring, anyways this is what happened." I say after stretching and walking to my sketch book. I draw in it for a minute before I show a poorly drawn Ichigo and Kisuke with text bubbles.

"Okay! Ichigo wakes up bla bla bla, he gets detirmed to train bla bla bla and then he archives shikai. He meets up with his friends a day later and the senkaimon is opened. Meanwhile Yoriichi (GAWD I LOVE HIS VOICE) (no, i dont like men) he went around the soul society with soi-fon. To be honest, it would be better if she just stop always being angry at him or somethin, but then again i kinda chopped her personality. She is like a Yoriichi in personality but i just gave her that Hiyori personality cuz why not.

Another thing, yeah sorry for not uploading in awhile. At the moment, I just got home from work. And I swear to god…who ever is doing the schedules has to have something against me! 10AM TO 8PM?!?!?! DAWG IM 15!

AND ONE TIME THEY HAD ME FOR 5PM TO 12AM! See this that bullshit I be talkin about! Now im behind in school! I got to do 3 assignments and 1 of them have an essay. Did I mention im in 10th grade so they are 5 pages minimum!

I dont get paid enough for this shit…

But on a good note, im getting glasses soon, like monday soon. Oh yeah, almost forgot to update my new cancerous schedule. Upload ever month? I got work on Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. That means I have 2 days to breath for a minute. So chapters will be coming out slow.

Ah, forgot this is a good note. Well good note: Im not dead, and I wasn't procastinating this time, I was genuinely busy. I might upload tomorrow If I can write like 1.5k-2k words in 30 minutes on my phone. Yeah thats not happening…" The author says with a downcast. Jeez, get this man a stunt double or something.

Looks like he haven't slept in 3 days! Now Author, when do you plan to continue your fanfic, MHA:Apathetic?

"Hmmm, how about Valentine's day? But if I do that ill pause this fanfic temporarily until Ikari does his thing. Almost spoiled the story hehe, AHEM IKARI DIE-" The author says but starts to yell the last bit before he is interrupted by Rukia.

"Ahem, next episode Ichigo will invade the soul society!" She says after making sure the author wont get up. Another second later Ichigo walks in to frame confused as ever. "The hell is this? And did you just knock that guy out?" He ask. Meanwhile the author is holding back the urge to become a convicted felon…

End of chapter

Ever find me in ur comment section, just know I have 0 ideas what to do at the moment. That or im at school or work.

Also I feel like I got scammed, I bought a prop of Yoriichi sword instead of the real sword, welp sucks to be me, im not going to buy one in a while…

But thank all of you guys, this fanfic is statistically doing better than my MHA fanfic which even though has more views, has less collections than this one. That means more people would want to read this more often than my MHA fanfic which encourages me to to continue to write this. And for that, I will make a discord and do giveaways in there for every achievement to say thank you to you all. (Mostly because im too lazy to pump out chapters like a mad man or I just don't have enough time)

Hope you didnt fall asleep and stay safe, love you all!