
Yokai Adventure Begins

There_is_no_Love · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Chapter 3: The Yokai Festival

As Akira continued to explore the Yokai village, he discovered that they had a special festival coming up. The festival was called "Matsuri," and it was a time for the Yokai to celebrate their existence and culture.

Yori explained to Akira that the festival was held every year and that it was the most important event for the Yokai. She invited him to attend the Matsuri with her, and Akira eagerly accepted.

On the day of the festival, the Yokai village was alive with music, dancing, and colorful decorations. The air was filled with the scent of delicious food, and people of all ages were dressed in traditional Yokai clothing.

Akira was amazed by the energy and excitement of the festival. He saw various performances, including a group of Oni, Yokai with horns and sharp teeth, performing a traditional dance. He also witnessed a competition of strength between a Tengu and a Kappa.

As night fell, the festival reached its climax. The Yokai lit lanterns and gathered around a bonfire. Akira was surprised to see the humans who lived in the nearby village also attending the festival, celebrating together with the Yokai.

Yori explained that the Matsuri was not just a celebration for the Yokai but a time for humans and Yokai to come together and bridge the gap between them. Akira felt grateful to be part of this unique experience.

As the festival came to a close, Yori took Akira aside and whispered to him, "I hope you have enjoyed the Matsuri, human. But the adventure does not end here. There is still much more to explore in the world of Yokai."

Akira smiled and nodded in agreement. He knew that this was only the beginning of his journey in the world of Yokai.