
Yggdrasil's Pupil

Yggdrasil’s Pupil. A direct representative of the God Tree. A protector and a bridge with the world. No one truly knows where he came from. The one that would come to lead them all. Guiding the Eternal Forest’s inhabitants. A place of myth and legends. All we know is he left his mark everywhere in the world. I spent my whole life looking for answers. I just found a manuscript apparently shedding light on it all. I just have one thing to say: “What the fuck is this?!” *Sigh* I will just copy it in its entirety. You guys can judge for yourselves. *PS: Volume 1 is mostly Slice of Life ;)* **** Schedule: 2-3 chapters a day (Temp hiatus, write on the last chap if you want more of it !!! ) My Discord: https://discord.gg/TccuJPD

Zombie · ファンタジー
120 Chs

A Beautiful Night

How long can one ride a roc before it needs to rest? A surprisingly short duration. Flying is becoming too hard for him soon afterward. The issue is his nerves that are about to give up. We head back to his nest.

At first, he is still jittery, but then the bear makes a wise suggestion. He tells him that he can ask to become my disciple too. He insists on the most formal ceremony.

Thus starts a makeshift disciple accepting tea ceremony. I use some nature magic to create some quick furniture. Then we use some water he had in store in place of tea. I tell him to bow a few times.

I forgot the exact number that tradition prescribes anyway. He mistakenly understands that the more bows equate more respect. I laughingly stop him from bowing a few hundred times.

Then he pours the water in a small cup diligently. Seeing a gigantic creature trying to handle a small teacup is hilarious. Imagine a dragon having a tea party and you are kinda close.

He sighs in relief and relaxes when it is completed. Funny how nothing really changed. The so-called ceremony isn't binding in any way. Yet it reassures him.

From now on, he is part of the group. Ceremonies are vital for that. It is worth it because we give it value. A big part of building cohesiveness as a group.

Notice how people that are similar tend to hang out together. It is part of human nature. This way it is possible to share with others. Find support in the daily struggles of life. Even the most meaningless things can feel awesome with friends.

For instance, chilling by your lonesome is often considered boring. Now, chilling with friends? That's clearly against Covid regulations! Joke, chilling with friends is clearly awesome.

That's the thing with this world. Most of my thoughts can't be shared. More like it would be meaningless.

Sometimes I wonder if this is how old people felt on earth. Misunderstood as the times change. Where is the fun in making references if no one understands them? Anyway, I digress.

Still, I wonder what that says about me. The fact that I enjoy the company of these creatures. I may be crazy, but they definitely have their charm, an attaching silliness for sure.

How they don't bother conforming to the mold of what an apex predator should be like. Simply pursuing their respective goals.

A tiger that schemes and doesn't like fighting, a bear that enjoys hiding, and now a roc that just wants to fly away whenever...

Oh my god. No fucking wonder I can relate to them! Overthinking, hiding from your problems, and running away from them. Sums out a typical human existence. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

As much as they are beasts, they show human characteristics for sure. I can't believe it took me so long to notice it. Sometimes, the most glaring things are the hardest to see. You get swept up in the pace and never take a moment to truly analyze what is happening.

I guess that is why taking a step back is necessary at times. I truly am similar to them on so many levels. I want to tell them that they are my friends. The only ones I have at the moment.

I want to simply have long conversations with them. As an equal. That is what feels the most natural to me. But right now, I am their teacher.

Funny how I got nothing to teach them at all. I'm simply lost in this place. It is easy to lose one's mind under pressure. Now try losing your entire body! I'm still not sure how I am alive right now.

I'm still not sure if I even am alive actually. Am I some sort of golem? Perhaps whoever inscribes my name would be able to control me. Haha, good luck on that one. I don't remember it myself. How does that even happen?

There are so many more questions that should take precedence. For instance, what my goals should be. I want to protect. I want to figure out if there are others like me. I want to explore the forest, then the world. But how does one even judge the rate of exploration?

I don't have achievements popping up to inform me. Neither do I have a % completion rate on my minimap. The more I live, the more I find life nonsensical. Especially when adding transmigration and multiverses. One should just make it whatever one wants.

Right now, I just feel like enjoying the company of my disciples. We huddle in the roc's nest. Then we look at the stars. Yes, it is night. After all, climbing, flying, and accepting a disciple took a lot of time.

As I watch the night sky, I can't help but reminisces about what I used to have. Melancholy is always stronger at such a time. The day is hectic. The night is peaceful and quiet. The perfect time to think.

Think a lot.

About life.

About the past.

About the future.

About all sorts of things.

Right now, what I lost is becoming irrelevant. What truly matters is what I have. What I need to cherish at this very instant. So what if I am a fake teacher? I will live the experience fully., This is my resolution.

I will do what I can. That will do. None of it matters in the grand scheme of things. I am but a worthless being. But who cares? I will be happy. I will try and make my disciples happy.

Let me add teaching my disciple to the list of goals. I will have lots of stuff to figure out myself first haha. This is but the start of our adventures.

I wonder if some deity is watching from above.

If that is the case such an individual is probably grumbling.

About my lack of struggles.

About a lack of an obviously outlined plot, well at first glance.

About how scattered my life is.

But you know what? I don't care. I will go at my pace. That will do. Yes, that will do.

[Now my disciples. Let me teach you some human knowledge. Such a beautiful night is perfect for drinking.]

I look intently at both of them.

[Such an act is not meant to sustain the body you see, but to nourish the soul directly.]

They are listening earnestly.

[A cheer to the both of you! A cheer to a wonderful life!]

They awkwardly follow suit.

A new world, is it?

Bring it on!

I and my disciples will take it on.