
Yggdrasil’s Developer

The story follows a man that was reincarnated into the future, or so he thought. Instead, he was reincarnated into the world of Earth 2138, where he found a job as a developer for a game. "Hmm, I must have seen this game idea somewhere, it seems familiar," "Wait, isn't this Overlord?!?!" Note: Not a plot following fanfic. Rewriting some mistakes made in the early chapters.

Gabriantheus · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

E2138-15: Informant

Nishikienrai and Yuki walked along a deserted path through the unknown area.

Nishikienrai was struck by the eerie deserted nature of the area and wondered why they had yet to encounter any monsters or players on their journey. However, he soon realized that Yuki was a developer and was simply enjoying the leisurely journey.

As they walked, Yuki pointed out several prime spots for gaining experience, which lifted Nishikienrai's spirits. Although he was curious as to why Yuki was doing such mundane tasks, he reminded himself that Yuki was a developer after all.

Yuki was a developer and he wanted to do his thing, and Nishikienrai didn't complain because he had just gained 3 levels from the spots and tasks Yuki told him to do.

Nishikienrai was a happy half-golem.

Nishikienrai and Yuki traveled on, their feet carrying them across the icy tundra and into the murky swamps of Helheim. Yuki's knowledge of the land proved invaluable as they followed paths that kept them far from danger.

Finally, they crested a hill, and below them lay a valley shrouded in mist. The thick fog hid all but the nearest trees, giving the valley an ethereal quality.

Nishikienrai and Yuki stood on the hill and looked down into the misty valley below. Yuki pointed to the center of the fog. "Look at the center of the fog," he said.

Nishikienrai furrowed his brow. "Wait, aren't those undead?" he asked.

"Yes," Yuki replied. "Not just any undead. They guard a special grave."

"Oh, so it's a dungeon?" Nishikienrai asked, his excitement palpable.

"Not just any dungeon," Yuki said, his voice filled with mystery.

"Tell me, tell me," Nishikienrai implored. "What is so special about it?"

"A world item," Yuki said simply.

Nishikienrai's eyes widened in awe. "Wow, really? I have to have a look!" he exclaimed.

"If you want to die," Yuki warned, a note of caution in his voice. "It's a group dungeon with six levels, each with its own boss. And on the last level, there's a throne, and that throne is the World Item."

Nishikienrai's mind raced with excitement and intrigue when he heard the words "Group Dungeon. Although he was known for his fearlessness, he was not one to rush into danger without a plan.

As he considered the information Yuki had shared, he suddenly had an epiphany: the Group Dungeon could be the perfect base for his guild. Despite its growing size, the guild had yet to find a permanent home.

Nishikienrai eagerly grilled Yuki for more information about the dungeon, inquiring about everything from the layout of the floors and the types of monsters that lurked within, to the final boss and the reward for defeating it.

As he listened, he eagerly jotted down notes, eager to share the information with his guild mates and begin planning their conquest of the dungeon.

Eventually, the conversation came to an end, and Nishikienrai and Yuki parted ways. Nishikienrai was filled with excitement and eagerness as he set out to share the news with his guild, confident that together they could conquer the dangers of the Group Dungeon and claim the World Item as their own.

Yuki strode towards the starter town in Helheim, with his mind set on reaching the nearby hunting area within the safety zone. He had a specific goal in mind, and that was to hunt and gain.

As he arrived at the hunting grounds, he was met with the surprise of the Heteromorphic Players. They were shocked to see a human hunting in the area, and even more so when they saw Yuki devour the raw meat with relish.

Tension filled the air as the players began to mutter amongst themselves, their voices low and filled with disdain. The human players and the heteromorphic race players had a long-standing animosity, and the sight of a human in the hunting grounds only served to exacerbate the rift between them.

Despite the hostile atmosphere, Yuki remained unfazed. He continued to hunt and feast on raw monster meat, ignoring the insults and jeers of the other players. Being in the safety zone, they could not harm him, for doing so would incur penalties for violating the safe zones.

So, all they could do was hurl insults at him, to which Yuki remained indifferent, his focus solely on

[You have been poisoned by the Enviroment]

[You have eaten a monster meat]

[You have been poisoned]

[You have Leveled Up! to level 3]

[You had gained a new job class: Hunter]

[You had gained a new job class: Odd Eater]

[You have Leveled Up! to level 4]