
Yet Another Ray With A System

Yet another victim of Ray Elliot, Emperor of a multiverse. He return to the time of his transmigration just after his death and killed the ROB but in another parallel multiverse to change his parallel self fate just for fun. His parallel self didn't take it too kindly though after all the abuse he have to face in the name of tutorial. He was thrown into a zombie infested world to be baptized by fire before starting his real multiverse transmigration. ——— I'm bad at making synopsis but that's the gist of it. (Disclaimer, My fic is trash. Don't read if dear reader dislike trash fics - Sincerely, Author.) ——— Upload is not yet confirm since I made this at the spur of moment. ——— Cover isn't mine, I just snag it from google. ——— Also, whenever I ask for a vote. I wouldn't care anymore after the next chapter released because the decision already been made and change according the the votes would be incredibly bothersome and time consuming. (Sorry if this sound rude but some people are voting after the decision are made and they might have expectations that their choice will be followed. I have to clarify this to prevent some of them getting angry I didn't follow the vote anymore.)

Daoist_KittyKat · その他
121 Chs

Chapter 91: A Proper Isekai?

"The time really didn't move at all." Ray mumbled when he returned to the spot before he entered the hub. Literally still on his chair facing stacks of paperworks.

Looking at the time, Ray immediately left his study and went to the dining room where he met everyone including the new addition to his mansion from the IS world. Cecilia, Laura, Houki, Maya and surprisingly Tabane that rarely appear in the mansion since she liked to pester Azazel and Ajuka for their research.

"Morning everyone." Ray greeted before Ophis appeared and claimed his lap much to Myui's irritation which shows on her gritted teeth and tightly gripped fist, ready to literally slug Ophis on the face if not for Ophis being an op being that Myui's punch felt like a soft tap on Ophis's face.

Most replied back with their greetings while few nodded only in reply due to sleepiness like Mittelt that barely woke up.

Then Lancelot and Yao push a cart out of the kitchen bringing the freshly cooked and piping hot breakfast for everyone.

Ray received a Kaya toast with runny soft boiled egg and black coffee. Only after everyone's breakfast is served then everyone starts eating while sharing small talks about their today's activities.

Ray feels this is a good opportunity to share information about the hub. Which he did and received mostly dissatisfaction from his wives because he didn't bring them along.

"It's unfair that you get to hog that opportunity to yourself." Xenovia lightly slammed the table with her palm to show her dissatisfaction.

"Do you know how bored I was doing nothing all day for TWO whole weeks! My blade would rust if this continues." Xenovia said and ended with a pout before stabbing the sausage on her plate and stuffing it in her mouth and looking away while venting her anger on the innocent food.

"As if a holy sword like Durandal would ever rust." Ray retorted but also looked around for anyone else to share their words.

The new members sitting on the other end of the table only silently eating while observing without participating in the conversation.

"Is it dangerous on the other side?" Roseweisse asked out of concern because it's an unknown territory for Ray to venture.

The other wives also perk out their ears to pay attention to Ray's reply. Even the sulking Xenovia couldn't help but pay attention but definitely not because she is concerned about Ray. She was definitely paying attention because she wanted to know if there are worthy opponents in the Hub's world.

"Not sure since I only encountered the human and goblins race so far. Though from the explanation, I roughly estimate the world is 15 times wider than earth which is divided into 15 layers. 7 above the sky and 7 below in the subterranean region." Ray tried to recall the information.

The others on the table however are surprised. 15 times wider than earth? 15 layers? How does that even work?

"So, I would like to inform you that I will return to the hub world again after breakfast. If I found any strong monsters then I'll inform you, Xenovia. So, stop sulking already." Ray sighed because the last time Xenovia sulked, she tried to shatter his hip and the bed. Damned devil's physique, they are insatiable on bed and added that Xenovia is a martial artist unlike Ravel that is easier compared to Xenovia that trained to have higher endurance.

Death by snu snu is one thing he didn't sign up for. That's for sure even if he can revive and especially because he can revive.

After finishing his breakfast, Ray spends two hours with his family before returning to his study, then into the Hub's world even if he can postpone it as long as he wants.

Another thing he forgot to mention which he only noticed recently is his level translate differently in the Hub. At present, his level is 1,300+ but at the Hub's interface, his levels are missing one decimal point. Also beside his level is the icon of a copper medal which signifies he reached level 100.

At first he didn't know what benefits it gives since this is part of the Hub's system and not his own. However, now that he entered the Hub again, he asked his question.

The reply he gets is, different rank from unranked, bronze, iron, silver, gold, platinum and so on, will grant the Hub users privileges on all utilities available in the Hub. Marketplace being one of them. The items he needed to buy are locked to level 4 access and it will be unlocked if Ray reaches iron rank or level 2000 or hub level 200.

Easier to say than done. Even reaching his current level takes a few years and the level requirements almost always double for the next level or triple on each ten levels and ten times increase on big breakthroughs like every hundred levels.

It would probably take two to three years of non stop grinding if he is lucky. More if he takes a break in between because…

"Wait a minute… the time in the DxD world wouldn't move as long as I am in the Hub." Ray voices out his thoughts while aimlessly walking around the Hub in a thinking pose.

"Is there any other faster way to increase my level?" Ray asked when he suddenly stopped and raised his head.

A screen appeared with the answer for Ray's question.

[Normally lower level users will complete a quest to level up fast but in the current state of the Hub, profitable quests cannot be generated due to lack of energy. The other way is to simply slay monsters or dungeon diving. The latter one is the fastest because monsters inside the dungeon are supposed to be physically stronger than their wild counterparts.]

Indeed the answer is similar to what Ray had expected.

"How about the new user summoned from the conclusion of the previous quest?" Ray was curious about the person summoned using the energy he gathered.

Speaking of the devil, someone exited the Teleportation Room and into the one way street.

"Oooh! This isn't a dream! A fantasy world! Magic! An isekai! A bonafide isekai experience!" The person shouted and laughed like someone just won a billion from the jackpot.

"Who needs a useless freeloading goddess and useless party members that keep stacking up my already crippling debt! This time for sure! My long awaited true isekai!"

Ray looks at the familiar person and isn't sure if he should be happy or disappointed.


"Let me introduce myself." A person respectfully word his sentence while looking at his new gateway to his path of success.

"I am Satou Kazuma from Japan. You can call me as Kazuma, no need for formalities between us 'friend'." Kazuma introduce himself while trying to hold back his glee and happiness that overflowing out his mind.

Still hefting a disappointed look, Ray introduced himself too, sitting opposite Kazuma in the deserted Pub within the Hub.

"Raymond D'Angelo, but you can call me Ray." Ray replied before releasing a sigh. He started to get tired of the ass kissing attitude from Kazuma.

"Anyway, I'm going off to complete my quest. You get the gist of my explanation on the Hub. If there is anything else, you can just ask the Hub and it will answer your questions." Ray said before finishing his mug of beer and heading off to the Teleportation Room.

Kazuma couldn't react and Ray already left the door. He quickly ran out the door and chased after Ray.

The two later appeared again on the opening in the forest because Ray hasn't unlocked any waypoint for fast travel which is located in most major civilizations or places of importance.

Ray ignored Kazuma and immediately looked shocked that there were two other people in front of him.

"Goblin General and the knight lady?" Ray said while his surprise expression is plastered on his face.

"I knew it. My intuition is not wrong. Lord Ray indeed is one of the heroes of legend that vanished 500 years ago!" The princess exclaimed while holding her fist to sing out her praise.

They didn't come alone as some part of the clearing was expanded and currently had an outpost with few soldiers from both kingdoms. Many human soldiers kneeled down and worshipped Ray and Kazuma that just appeared.

The Holy Kingdom of Heroes worshipped the users like deities as they are the reason the kingdom flourished a long time ago and able to last this long despite being a weak kingdom now. The royalty and noblemen have plenty of marriages with the Hub users and thus have a better bloodline passed from their ancestors which after 500 years, had diluted a lot. However the treasures they inherited are plenty which many are used to sustain the kingdom financially and politically from their enemies for five whole centuries.

The Goblin General however cares none for Ray's status as a legendary race of godlike people. All he cares about is that Ray is strong and he respects his strength. Nothing more nothing less.

Kazuma however is cheering in joy after seen a Princess Knight in flesh that normally only can be seen on tv or anime.

(This is Kazuma from the time when he died in the snowy mountain.)

Speaking of the princess, she is wearing more decorative or ceremonial armor than practical use like the full plate armor Ray seen her wearing before. A dress but reinforced with metal plate on vital portions and various inscription in gold. It could pass as ceremonial outfit usually seen in fantasy settings.

Along with Ray, Kazuma is escorted by the princess and the Goblin General to the Holy Kingdom. With them is few elite guards from both kingdom.

The Holy Kingdom have the typical heavy armoured paladin or Templar knights wearing heavy full plate armor made of silver and decorated with gold on their pauldrons as sort of identification.

The Forest Goblin kingdom has lightly armoured, at most leather armor reinforced with metal. Their weapon is two longswords for their standard and bow with a quiver to hold the arrows. Their mounts are also unique unlike the heavy knights, they ride a wolf twice their size and the leader of the team is riding the alpha wolf that is almost twice bigger than the other wolf.

The princess, Goblin General, Ray and Kazuma both riding a carriage escorted side by side by the cavalry units from both kingdoms.

Although Ray can just open a portal or just fly on his own to arrive faster, he enjoys the ride on the carriage despite being very bumpy. He gets to see the scenery and explanation from the locals about the other territories nearby.

The gist of the explanation is the Holy Kingdom is at the very edge of the land, southwest of the land. At the edge of each layer is a wall of indestructible bedrocks that extend up and down to the very edge of each layer.

Near them is the great forest above inhabited by a variety of monsters. Few of the known ones are the Forest Goblin that is identifiable by their green skin. There was also Kobold which was trading partner of the Goblin, mainly for their tamed mounts like the wolf ride by the cavalry unit of the Goblin.

"So, we are basically heroes summoned to this world but what about the enemies? A demon king or something…" Kazuma asked, confused since normally monsters like goblins would be enemies for humanity or something but the one he met definitely are civilized and clearly doesn't attack humans without reason.

The princess was about to answer Kazuma's question but Ray raised his hand to stop her and took the task instead.

"Well, I understand your confusion considering how your previous world worked." Ray starts and the Goblin General and the princess perk up their ears in curiosity about other worlds.

"In your world, most monsters are unintelligent creatures that are guided by their instinct but here monsters have intelligence and their own civilization."

The Goblin General crossed his arms and nodded.

"But. There are also unintelligent monsters spawned by dungeons. They will leave their dungeons and populate the world outside. Those kind of monsters are hunted by everyone regardless of race because they will overpopulate an area which results in monster stampede or monster tide whichever name you like." Ray explained using the knowledge that the princess explained to him.

"As Lord Ray said, the overpopulation of monsters is a big problem that plague this world currently due to the absence of heroes clearing the dungeons." The princess immediately continued.

"So, that is the reason I am summoned?" Kazuma tried to confirm but the princess shake her head which confused him even further.

"Regarding Sir Kazuma's summoning, it is beyond the capability of anyone in this world. I can assure even the gods are incapable of summoning heroes or else they would have done it a long time ago…" The princess said before her expression became downtrodden.

The previously silent Goblin General finally opened his mouth to say something.

"Ah, the disaster two centuries ago. The central continent where most dungeons concentrated had fallen due to relentless monster stampedes that made it practically a forbidden area for any monsters or human civilizations."

"Indeed and we lost contact with the layers above because the only physical entrance to above is located in the central continent. Unless it's a race with flight ability, none can reach the layers above. Meanwhile the subterranean layers also face similar problems." The princess explained.

Before they can continue their talk, the carriage stops and a knock is heard on the door.

"Ah, we arrived at the capital." The princess changed from gloomy to excited as she clapped her hands and exclaimed.

"Let's go and meet the kings. Both kings of the Holy Kingdom and Forest Goblin kingdom already gathered in the capital two days ago awaiting Lord Ray." The princess invites as the door is opened by the knight and goblin cavalry from both sides.

"Let's go!" Kazuma excitedly jumped down the carriage in anticipation of his brand new proper isekai experience while Ray sighed and followed the excited Kazuma with neutral emotions on the upcoming scene of every classic isekai of meeting the king and being given a grand quest.
